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Dangerous Gas may be cause of super-charged weather, mass die-offs, quakes and more

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posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:16 PM
Been reading up on Hydrogen Sulphide. Flamable at ranges of 4.3% - 46%. Concentrations of 1000pm cause instant unconciousness even after only one breath. If these cars are catching fire due to hydrogen sulphide,wouldn't there be loads of dead and dying people in the surrounding area ?

I accept that methane could be a real global game changer, but i'm not conviced we're in immediate danger, next generation and the one after will be the ones to pay the piper.
edit on 17-12-2012 by Hopeforeveryone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Hopeforeveryone
Been reading up on Hydrogen Sulphide. Flamable at ranges of 4.3% - 46%. Concentrations of 1000pm cause instant unconciousness even after only one breath. If these cars are catching fire due to hydrogen sulphide,wouldn't there be loads of dead and dying people in the surrounding area ?

I accept that methane could be a real global game changer, but i'm not conviced we're in immediate danger, next generation and the one after will be the ones to pay the piper.
edit on 17-12-2012 by Hopeforeveryone because: (no reason given)

That's a reasonable question. However, what's the flammability range when it's mixed with gas fumes, or methane fumes, or both? Good luck finding the answer to that question. Also, it's absorbing into absorbent materials, thus the people spontaneously combusting (their clothes). Other similar incidents, like the homeless guy going into the hospital with his clothes that were emanating some 'unknown chemical' that immediately sickened the hospital staff. (Sign of a 'knockdown agent' there, to work that fast on people.) So it's not as simple as you make it out to be. Experiments would need to be done to see what the mix ratios are in terms of flammability, not just with normal air, but when flammable fuel fumes are present, or electrified copper, taking into account material absorbency of materials that are present and how much they've absorbed, and more. The government has probably done those experiments, but seeing as they're hiding this from us, I doubt they'll be sharing that information.

Also, I don't think Congress is working on mass fatality planning for something a generation out, especially considering that the Clathrate Gun IS FIRING NOW:

That's an extinction level event right there. You'd expect to see a rise in fires and explosions. Well, we are. I've documented some of the state-based fire stats: up hugely. And not just here, but across the world. When Sandy came ashore, all KINDS of fires erupted, from cars to entire neighborhoods, wastewater plants burning up, electrical plants exploding. That's the methane hydrates off the East Coast getting blown ashore by the hurricane's 'arms' and finding an ignition source. We'll see what happens with the next hurricane to slam the East Coast.

So, you're quite an optimist to think things will get bad in a generation. They're ALREADY bad, and rapidly getting worse. Watch this summer, unless you're dead by then. The fires are going to be outrageous. You can bank on that.

edit on 17-12-2012 by JonnyMnemonic because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2012 by JonnyMnemonic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:25 PM
Hey Johnny, would like to hear your theory on solutions if there are any. What can be done to stop this or slow it down? Can the gas leak be stopped or not? Or, is more chemtrails the solution?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:28 PM
It hasnt snowed in Toronto this year.. weird.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by JonnyMnemonic

Originally posted by Hopeforeveryone
Been reading up on Hydrogen Sulphide. Flamable at ranges of 4.3% - 46%. Concentrations of 1000pm cause instant unconciousness even after only one breath. If these cars are catching fire due to hydrogen sulphide,wouldn't there be loads of dead and dying people in the surrounding area ?

I accept that methane could be a real global game changer, but i'm not conviced we're in immediate danger, next generation and the one after will be the ones to pay the piper.
edit on 17-12-2012 by Hopeforeveryone because: (no reason given)

That's a reasonable question. However, what's the flammability range when it's mixed with gas fumes, or methane fumes, or both? Good luck finding the answer to that question. Also, it's absorbing into absorbent materials, thus the people spontaneously combusting (their clothes). Other similar incidents, like the homeless guy going into the hospital with his clothes that were emanating some 'unknown chemical' that immediately sickened the hospital staff. (Sign of a 'knockdown agent' there, to work that fast on people.) So it's not as simple as you make it out to be. Experiments would need to be done to see what the mix ratios are in terms of flammability, not just with normal air, but when flammable fuel fumes are present, or electrified copper, taking into account material absorbency of materials that are present and how much they've absorbed, and more. The government has probably done those experiments, but seeing as they're hiding this from us, I doubt they'll be sharing that information.

edit on 17-12-2012 by JonnyMnemonic because: (no reason given)

The point is we know the toxicity levels in normal air and atmsopheric conditions so the hypothesis about cars catching fire seems tenous. The flammable range even in exotic conditions would have to be too low, even at 800ppm, which is a long way from 4.3% people have a 50% chance of death after 5 minutes. Unless the fires are using up all the hydrogen sulphide, the first responders, firemen etc, would all suffer ill effects from the gas. It's an interesting theory but needs refinement. I do think you're doing the world a service though, by drawing our attention to the possibilities and creating debate.

I suspect it will take a massive event to wake people up to the dangers of the methane, i 've talked about it to a few friends and family and they're not even aware of the Siberian or Arctic releases. These are intelligent people too, doctors, physics msc's. Methane level of700 nmol/mol in 1750. By 2008, however, global methane levels, which had stayed mostly flat since 1998, had risen to 1800 nmol/mol, somethings going on for sure. ( thanks wiki

edit on 17-12-2012 by Hopeforeveryone because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-12-2012 by Hopeforeveryone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Rezlooper
Hey Johnny, would like to hear your theory on solutions if there are any. What can be done to stop this or slow it down? Can the gas leak be stopped or not? Or, is more chemtrails the solution?

I think the problem is that a lot of the heat is coming from beneath us. That's also why all the volcanic eruptions. How do you cool the Earth itself? I don't think we can. We can prevent new heat from getting added to 'the system' from above. I think that's what the chemtrails are for. A better idea would be to put some kind of nano-mesh between us and the Sun, in a stable orbit (not in Earth's orbit, but between us and the Sun). It'd have to be huge though. But then, there have been lots of mysterious gigantic Delta IV launches, and maybe they are doing that, using that secret space plane to deploy or assemble the shield. Lots of people have seen a 'black dot' in the middle of the Sun when taking pics. And they didn't USED to see that dot. So the 'sensor overload' excuses don't make much sense. Could that be a solar shield? I think...maybe. I hope so.

Practically speaking though, we have to go underground and/or vacate the Earth. Once the oceans belch up enough hydrogen sulfide, it simply won't be survivable on the surface, at all. The Moon, with a vacuum, would be more survivable, and there's water there, some at least. You can survive vacuum for 30 seconds or a minute. You won't survive hydrogen sulfide that long; the 'Slaughterhouse Sledgehammer Effect' will kill you quicker once the gas concentrations pick up. Remember Andrew Breitbart? Outside, on the coast, dropped dead. Then the coroner who examined him dropped dead. He got hit by hydrogen sulfide, fairly sure. Knocked him dead, got in his clothes. The coroner had no idea that he should expect a lethal gas, so he went to take the clothes off, and he got dosed too. So concentrated plumes (1 part per thousand or more) are ALREADY blowing around, here and there.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by RivingtonRebel

And we're about to get our second 1-foot snow dumping in a week in a half. We went from extremely warm temps for this time of year to a massive dump. We actually got 10 inches in our yard, and then it got warm again and melted down to about an inch on the ground in just a few days, and now we are forecasted for another 1-foot storm Wednesday night into Thursday. Crazy weather!

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by JonnyMnemonic

Originally posted by Rezlooper
Hey Johnny, would like to hear your theory on solutions if there are any. What can be done to stop this or slow it down? Can the gas leak be stopped or not? Or, is more chemtrails the solution?

I think the problem is that a lot of the heat is coming from beneath us. That's also why all the volcanic eruptions. How do you cool the Earth itself? I don't think we can. We can prevent new heat from getting added to 'the system' from above. I think that's what the chemtrails are for. A better idea would be to put some kind of nano-mesh between us and the Sun, in a stable orbit (not in Earth's orbit, but between us and the Sun). It'd have to be huge though. But then, there have been lots of mysterious gigantic Delta IV launches, and maybe they are doing that, using that secret space plane to deploy or assemble the shield. Lots of people have seen a 'black dot' in the middle of the Sun when taking pics. And they didn't USED to see that dot. So the 'sensor overload' excuses don't make much sense. Could that be a solar shield? I think...maybe. I hope so.

Practically speaking though, we have to go underground and/or vacate the Earth. Once the oceans belch up enough hydrogen sulfide, it simply won't be survivable on the surface, at all. The Moon, with a vacuum, would be more survivable, and there's water there, some at least. You can survive vacuum for 30 seconds or a minute. You won't survive hydrogen sulfide that long; the 'Slaughterhouse Sledgehammer Effect' will kill you quicker once the gas concentrations pick up. Remember Andrew Breitbart? Outside, on the coast, dropped dead. Then the coroner who examined him dropped dead. He got hit by hydrogen sulfide, fairly sure. Knocked him dead, got in his clothes. The coroner had no idea that he should expect a lethal gas, so he went to take the clothes off, and he got dosed too. So concentrated plumes (1 part per thousand or more) are ALREADY blowing around, here and there.

Very interesting thoughts here. There's been a lot of threads and comments about the sun and strange anomalies. I also never knew about the coroner dropping dead after Breitbart. I never bought the heart attack thing either after hearing his father say he knew nothing about him having a bad heart.

So why are the elite's building bunkers then?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 11:36 PM
I think the super-rich have a plan to survive. They're building bunkers on the Himalayas. That should keep them above the hydrogen sulfide most of the time. Then inside the mountain, they will have a large container or hollowed out area which stores compressed clean air. When the air blowing by is clean, they breathe that, and they keep their stored air topped off. When the air gets dirty, then they breathe from the stored compressed clean air. If they're high enough up in elevation from the surrounding area then that should be doable, and they might be able to survive that way indefinitely, or at least as long as their natural lives, assuming they solve the other problems (energy, food, water).

That's not how a civilization survives though. That's just how a few people survive, for a while. For our civilization to survive then we'll have to think bigger. Seriously, the Moon is right there. It doesn't EVER have this cyclical methane-H2S extinction event problem. It's tectonically stable, so you can dig and drill all you want and not fear a volcano rising from under you and wiping you out. There's water there, which means O2 if you separate it out, plenty of solar power. In fact, if you eye the Japanese JAXA photos of the 'dark side' of the Moon, there are lots of areas that look like development is going on: right angles, squares, buildings, what looks like roads going from crater to crater (presumably to mine the water). I think that's us, building Plan B, because Plan A (living on the Earth's surface) is about to run out of time.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 12:04 PM
First I'd like to thank dudes like urself who not only BELIEVE in something strongly enough to withstand the 'fight' in order to get beyond the harsh critics and personal attacks- - but who also have the tenacity and drive to consistently stand up for what they know is true- enough so to have the ability to constantly seek more knowledge in addition to laying out facts and compilating all the news, sources, etc to support your belief in order to help others get past their disbelief- well, Sometimes conviction alone is proof enough. Seeing the vast amount of effort, research, and info you have gathered to support your theory is absolutely impressive. I'm not super scientific smart (more thinking, feeling, understanding smart) and while there are so many theories attempting to explain so many 'unexplained' events, behaviors, &information, yours is the first to not only resonate within me as significant beyond measurable, but to literally amaze me in the all-inclusiveness of it. Basically, you have brought together every dimension of mystery/conspiracy/natural disaster (which together then could explain or lead into the vast unknown yet speculated as truth- such as aliens, human origin, galaxy origin, universe origin, etc, etc.) To me this is the package that at the current time and place in civilization, wraps up all the most pressing "unexplained" occurences into a neat box. I can see there will be an intricate, yet beautiful bow somewhere along the line as well...

And I'm quite enjoying your responses, lol, wordsmithing is a term that comes to mind =) It seems to be the most truly effective way of proving anything from my experiences. While u can have all the proof in the world, without the ability to present it in a way every person can grasp and understand, even the hardest fact will get run down by someone. You are giving them all the tools to prove to themself. Beyond that its out your hands. And thats the hardest part.Knowledge and love are the most powerful things any person can gain in life... and it can be a difficult role to know inside that you have something in u that is lacking in so many humans and just having it yourself is not enough. What I quoted below is a perfect example

Originally posted by JonnyMnemonic

And you think I'm trying to scare people? LMAO. No, just presenting the facts. If I was trying to scare people, I could do a much, much, much more impressive job of it. You really underestimate me if you think this is me trying to scare people. I could start whipping out some really horrifying stuff, I assure you, which is what I would do if I WERE trying to scare people. I keep my tone calm so as NOT to scare people. Unfortunately, the truth is, in this case, pretty scary. That's not my doing, just the way it is. If you're rather reject the truth because it's scary, go ahead. That won't save you, no, but maybe you'll die more peacefully or something.

And what am I doing here if there's so little time left? Um, what else would I be doing? You think I can pull out a billion dollars and have a huge underground bunker built in the Himalayas, like the rich folks are doing? Hah, no. The only way the common man survives is to work together. Well, we can't do that if everyone is asleep. So I am seeing if it's possible to wake people up.

While many could just keep the knowledge as to perceive the self as in a better position due to it-or just to avoid the self anguish created by others in attempting to help them by helping yourself. And they could be helping the self while helping you. Yet arguing points or staying skeptical despite evidence is just denying themself in the long run. You seem to inherently recognize the extra in you is no good without the extra in others... and the struggle to deal with whatever comes on the way is something you were given the ability to handle, unlike the ones who got us to todays global condition. its people like yourself, words like above, actions to create tangible claims supporting your hypothesis to the best of your abilities, along with a general sense of compassion, humanity, and purpose that will either help save lives- or in the event that is not possible, the giving your all to an attempt that will at the least makes this 'life' have some meaning. Thanks, keep drudging down the road you're helping lead... With enough time, and by making these invisible connections that strengthen your message, regardless of the end result, the time spent has got heart... if we can't save us then we prob shouldn't be here anyways...

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:13 PM
Thank you very much for that post, crystalLibra! I can't properly convey how much that touched me, so just be sure that it did. Hardly anyone ever tries to see things from my perspective like that. I didn't ask for this to happen to the Earth! I didn't ask to be the guy to tell people. I tried to put the ball down for someone else to pick up; in early 2011 I posted about this. I thought surely someone would look close, see it was true, then make some moolah hyping the doom or whatever. But that year went by and nothing happened, and things just got worse, so with some reluctance I picked the ball back up again and started rumbling down the field of awareness. Maybe this was just my fate; I couldn't even give it away when I tried. And I can't, in good conscience, stand by and see everyone I know - and everyone I DON'T know - sleepwalk into the grave.

I wish the agents of deception would tell me: how do we benefit from ignoring this problem until we're dead? Are we too weak to face the truth? Who says? How does anyone think that the people of the Earth will be poisoned and burned into nonexistence without waking up? What about the children being born each day into a doomed future? Shouldn't the parents be told what's going on so they can make humane reproductive decisions? If we're waiting in line to die in the gas chamber formerly known as Earth, is it wise to continue giving birth to children who will be born into the very same line to die with us?

You helped a lot with that post, crystalLibra. Again, my most sincere thanks.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Hopeforeveryone

I suspect it will take a massive event to wake people up to the dangers of the methane, i 've talked about it to a few friends and family and they're not even aware of the Siberian or Arctic releases. These are intelligent people too, doctors, physics msc's. Methane level of700 nmol/mol in 1750. By 2008, however, global methane levels, which had stayed mostly flat since 1998, had risen to 1800 nmol/mol, somethings going on for sure. ( thanks wiki

Alright, enough of the shenanigans, you're being intellectually dishonest right here.

Methane has steadily increased since 1750 when looking from quarter century to quarter century. You first provide this 700 nmol/mol figure, then say there was a lull, then state there is now a level of 1800 nmol/mol. This chain of facts is meant to induce a state of fear, since it omits pertinent information. Why didn't you tell what the levels were in 1998? Because the information wouldn't be shaped quite as scary as you make it out to be. That's why.

This is the wiki link you were mentioning:

The Earth's methane concentration has increased by about 150% since 1750, and it accounts for 20% of the total radiative forcing from all of the long-lived and globally mixed greenhouse gases. Usually, excess methane from landfills and other natural producers of methane are burned so CO2 is released into the atmosphere instead of methane because methane is such a more effective greenhouse gas. Recently methane emitted from coal mines has been successfully converted to electricity.

You see that bit bolded? That's right, it only accounts currently for 20% of the radiative forcing. So we would need the concentrations to quadruple to even account for half of the radiative forcing. Get real, kid.

You say your site isn't meant to be doom-porn??

I find that hard to believe with a front image like this:

edit on 18-12-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:09 PM
There weren't 4000 square miles of methane hydrates dissociating in 1998 were there? No. Israel hadn't found 700 gas leaks of their coast in 1998, had they? No. And there wasn't hundreds or thousands of seething methane seeps in the Arctic gushing methane 24 hours per day in 1998, were there? No. So, I rest my case.

And as I've always said, watch all the fires. Idaho's fire season was almost 100% worse year over year. If that continues, and it may, then in five years it will be 2X2X2X2X2 times worse than THIS year, or 32 times worse. And in ten years about 1000 times worse. Maybe it won't be that bad. Or maybe it'll be worse than that, a rapidly steepening hyperbolic curve. But the fires will be easier to survive than the poison gas anyway, or at least I think so.

For those coming in late, here's some info to get you going, basically explains what's happening, with the growing oceanic anoxia, heating of the waters, dead zones, etc:

BTW, my hypothesis has been very predictive. That's the sign of a hypothesis with a great amount of truth behind it. I predicted ammo depots exploding/burning. Well check the news on that since February - BOOM, Louisiana. HUGE BOOM, Russia. Village wiped out in the Congo. Massive ammo explosion on the ISLAND of Cyprus. Many more. You think I just 'lucked into' that? No, it was predictable. And chemical plants, I predicted those burning and exploding everywhere too, and they have been. Use google and date ranges, see for yourself. When you see such accurate predictions coming from any hypothesis, then it's highly likely to be entirely or very substantially correct.

In any case, just wait for the first city to be wiped out, if you're that skeptical. I don't mind, and I won't really mind your lack of presence here until that happens.

edit on 18-12-2012 by JonnyMnemonic because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-12-2012 by JonnyMnemonic because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-12-2012 by JonnyMnemonic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Jeez professor, keep ya goggles on ! It's not my website for starters. Did you also read that the methane was at a higher level that in the last 400,000 years. If you'll read back over what i've said so far in this thread I'm highly sceptical over imminent death though i do believe there is an ongoing methane release that could, long term, and the phrase to take notice of here is LONG TERM, prove problematic, I won't condescend and call you a kid though
The lack of details for 1998 we're explained by the effect of el nino. Are you saying that methane levels haven't risen ?

Personally I thought the Op really blew any chance of being taken seriously with the whole moon bases thing.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Hopeforeveryone

My apologies. Long day. I mistook your post for the author of this thread.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:28 PM
Here's some info about the methane in the soil in Pennsylvania, and a large gas plume in the air:

First it was blamed on gas well leak. But that was fixed and the problem didn't go away. Methane, almost pure, coming up from the ground, and a large plume found in the air.

Quote: "Among the findings: Methane concentrations as high as 94 percent just below the soil surface; an airborne methane plume covering about 1.6 square miles; and bubbling in Towanda Creek."

So, like they recently found in Australia, it's methane bubbling up from the ground and the waters. When you take the big hydrate deposit melting off the US East Coast into consideration, what seems to be the case is that the ground BENEATH parts of the East Coast may contain methane hydrate deposits, which are now melting. They were probably frozen in place ages ago, then erosion washed soil over them, then more soil, and so on, and then we came along and built cities on top of that. As those deposits melt there will be methane coming up from the ground itself, as is the case there and in Australia as well.

That large atmospheric plume is easily large enough to create one of those 'mystery explosions' like that which rocked Naragansett Bay recently, on the East Coast. Once plumes like that start hitting the cities themselves, well, that's not going to be pretty.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by JonnyMnemonic
There weren't 4000 square miles of methane hydrates dissociating in 1998 were there? No. Israel hadn't found 700 gas leaks of their coast in 1998, had they? No. And there wasn't hundreds or thousands of seething methane seeps in the Arctic gushing methane 24 hours per day in 1998, were there? No. So, I rest my case.

Why are you mentioning 1998? Do you realize how illogical your "case" is?? Scientists recently discovered a huge methane release in the arctic. They have no clue how long it had been spewing, or how rare the event is. Your "case" is absurd.

And as I've always said, watch all the fires. Idaho's fire season was almost 100% worse year over year. If that continues, and it may, then in five years it will be 2X2X2X2X2 times worse than THIS year, or 32 times worse. And in ten years about 1000 times worse. Maybe it won't be that bad. Or maybe it'll be worse than that, a rapidly steepening hyperbolic curve. But the fires will be easier to survive than the poison gas anyway, or at least I think so.

Do you have any freaking clue how many factors must be considered for the increase in fires? What about DROUGHT. What about the rise in temperature?? What about the humidity levels? You're a fool who is blinded by his focus on a false premise. You keep looking, you're going to find evidence, because you have no real discernment, or skepticism towards your own idea.

2012 Drought:

edit on 18-12-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

No problem ! i go off half cocked fairly often too, Personally i blame caffeine and long hours

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:38 PM
Dude, I get it, you don't accept my hypothesis. Fine. Move along then. Let people judge for themselves, after a review of the information. Got no problem with that, personally. You're starting to seem like you have some kind of agenda here. No other life or interests? Is this your job, to try to distract people? If it's NOT your job, then you're really starting to seem a little, you know, whacked. Maybe you've breathed in some neurotoxic hydrogen sulfide and don't know it? If faces start looking edible, get some help, bro.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by JonnyMnemonic
Dude, I get it, you don't accept my hypothesis. Fine. Move along then. Let people judge for themselves, after a review of the information.

I will continue to offer reasonable alternatives to your poor conclusions.

Got no problem with that, personally. You're starting to seem like you have some kind of agenda here. No other life or interests? Is this your job, to try to distract people? If it's NOT your job, then you're really starting to seem a little, you know, whacked. Maybe you've breathed in some neurotoxic hydrogen sulfide and don't know it? If faces start looking edible, get some help, bro.

Would you like me to flip this on you? I can.

Do YOU have no job? Do YOU have an agenda here? Do YOU have no life or other interests? Is this your job to scare people for no good reason?

To answer:

I run two businesses and work a third job.

Yes, my agenda is to expose your absurd notions which may cause harm to the more unstable minds on this site.

Yes, I live, and have a variety of interests.


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