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My experiences with Alien shapeshifters.

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posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 11:07 AM
Thanks for sharing this,i found it an interesting experience you had.Well,the black dog side of it was creepy-maybe cause when i was a child i had night terrors about a black dog-get this-with a grotesquely elongated cranium.Like Anubis gone wrong.Make no mistake,i find Anubis majestic,but that head was "off" pardon the pun:-) I believe you saw what you did.I have to say,im not sure if i wish i was there,or glad i was'nt.I could picture it well though,the way you described it.

posted on Feb, 4 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Actually you got it spot on. The black dog has pointed ears much like the anubis warriors. And even tho i never saw it standing on 2 feet. I know that it can, because people in this area have seen it. And you know what else i found out. Theres a local legend about them here in Squamish BC. I'm going to go to an elder and talk to them. Find out what they think. One of my friends has seen the same creature when she was 13 or 14. she was in a tree house on the native reserve with a couple of her cousins and friends. And she saw the black dog. and someone yelled at it and it look at them stood on 2 legs and when they screamed it start leaping through the woods at high speeds, never to be seen again.

These beings have such slender bodies when they are in panther form. They still have those pointed ears. I guyss the pointed ears is a feature they enjoy using. First thing i thought of when i saw that creature was egyptian god. lol. But i mean, im not gunna post all over threads thinking it was an egyptian god. As for the crocodile your daughter saw, does not surprise me these things use odd shapes all the time. Also, iv noticed that they don't exactly try to harm you either. They test you with emotion and see if your able to communicate with them. You would have to have a complete understanding of fear and its purpose, as well as love. If you don't then encountering one will be very stressful, and doubt you would learn much from it. They use emotion to talk, so if you can't handle your own fear x3 x4 x5 x10 then alien contact is not a thing for you. Also, The emotion felt when encountering one is so great it burns the image into your head. Think of life or death situations like your hanging from a branch over 120ft drop. Your going to be shaken up and probably never the same again.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:55 AM
I hope this link will add to your knowledge. It was a very interesting read and you seem to be putting the pieces together on this. Interesting also the historical perspective you allude to with the Egyptian mythology or is that again a reproduction of similar such experiences only symbolized and deified out of our own history. Anyway here is part of the story and the link :-

By now, with the benefit of seeing the animal at closer quarters, the three of them could see this was no normal dog. Ronda estimated that it was “half as large again” as a “big German Shepherd,” and its eyes shimmered and “seemed to glow silver: not like normal eyes.” But that was not all: on three occasions the dog, Ronda explained to me, seemed to “bounce” into the air “like it was on springs.”

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Honestly i think people over exaggerated about the eyes. But as for the blacker than the night sky. Yup. Description found. I have read many many reports and people all say they see glowing eyes. I really think people do see these things and just throw in the glowing eyes part who knows. All i know is i never saw glowing eyes either time. Just black. But you could still feel if it was looking at you.

interesting link, iv researched somewhat on hell hounds but it just ends up being another dead end. Not many people leap to the conclusion they are shape shifting aliens and when they do, its only a guess. These are extra dimensional beings. I'm wondering. Why would something so powerful yet so prominent in history... Not even really be choreographed in the big book of fake aliens plastered all over the web. Plaidens and all that nonsense. Why these. Why does everyone just pass it off as cryptozoology?

Like, Its almost as if people are subconsciously veering away from that idea all together. I guess it makes them uncomfortable. And i mean with good reason. That guy freaking out on the area 51 call. Could he be referring to these guys? Did they create the greys? No one knows jack squat. Not even a suspect constellation. Obviously. This is legit hidden stuff people are not meant to stumble upon.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Hey CS,btw,the longhead dog that worried and scared me,was something weird,in that when i Did see an image of
Anubis,i was drawn to it,actualy Very impressed,like Wow..AWESOME.No fear,or negative associations.This night terror,where i got attacked by a dark werewolf like being,was something else-idk-one morning i woke with longhead's image firmly in my mind,before that is was just a vague furry werewolflike shape.But definitely,not tied in any way to the deity Anubis.I just found that to be the closest in appearance,except of course for the creepy long extended cranium.Btw,in one of my fave threads on this site-"Tell your creepy forest story" by member MissKat,some one wrote of seeing a creature like this,though not with creepy cranium,it sounded more werewolf-Anubislike.That is one cool thread,so you'll have fun searching,i think:-) Let us know,what the elders say,when you've had a chance to talk to them.I for one,am very interested.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 02:30 PM
I was wondering about this myself the other night can aliens change into a human or some other animal

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by SnowyOwl

It's not a perfect impersonation. My friends said they were chased by ufos in the highlands that had spot lights. They ran non stop all the way down the hill. and when they got down there they were huffing and puffing. When they saw a naked bald man run out of the bushed by them and down the street. when they looked he was gone. and they ran away. One of my same friends came to me one day and he looked all horrified and his hands were jittering. Hes like DUDE i just got back from sev and that thing followed me. Im like wut? And hes trying to light a smoke, and hes telling me the story. walking down skyline the road that they ran down last time to get to the bottom of the hill. and he got an intense feeling turned around and saw that a big black saggy dog with pointed ears and he freaked out and the thing got up on 2 legs and lept into the sides of some hidden trees. The road is raised by concrete blocks so, that thing leaped 30 feet to straight ground. who knows. But he ran straight to sev and he said he saw it behind a fence. I donno if he over exadurating that part. but he waited in front of sev for a cab freaking out to bring him home. Iv heard other stories from people around town. pretty creepy. I'm trying to get ahold of an elder so il let you know how that goes. and thats for the info il check the account out.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by SnowyOwl

It's not a perfect impersonation. My friends said they were chased by ufos in the highlands that had spot lights. They ran non stop all the way down the hill. and when they got down there they were huffing and puffing. When they saw a naked bald man run out of the bushed by them and down the street. when they looked he was gone. and they ran away. One of my same friends came to me one day and he looked all horrified and his hands were jittering. Hes like DUDE i just got back from sev and that thing followed me. Im like wut? And hes trying to light a smoke, and hes telling me the story. walking down skyline the road that they ran down last time to get to the bottom of the hill. and he got an intense feeling turned around and saw that a big black saggy dog with pointed ears and he freaked out and the thing got up on 2 legs and lept into the sides of some hidden trees. The road is raised by concrete blocks so, that thing leaped 30 feet to straight ground. who knows. But he ran straight to sev and he said he saw it behind a fence. I donno if he over exadurating that part. but he waited in front of sev for a cab freaking out to bring him home. Iv heard other stories from people around town. pretty creepy. I'm trying to get ahold of an elder so il let you know how that goes. and thats for the info il check the account out.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 04:22 PM
Hi- I live in Cranbrook.

I'm origionally from Ontario. I moved to Cranbrook about 10 yrs ago. I'd had a couple of sightings in my life until then, & I thought it was over. I was wrong: in 2011 alone I had about 10 sightings.In 2012 I had about 5-7. None so far, but what I do have is many, many CLASS A EVPS recorded in my apartment, mostly in the middle of the night & I speak quietly to avoid interference by people in other apartements.

I have direct responses to my questions & statements. I have seen them in the dark as quick movements, glowing orange-yellow eyes. I caught a glimpse of a zeta grey watching me. I made evps during some of these experiences. One in which I saw the quick movements, I perceived behind closed eyes images that they apparently sent to me. One was a type of "barrier" between me & them. I put my hand up to it physically, & mentally (a type of 'mental body' that i sort of fit into like a glove). On the recording I say "is there any way I can pass through this...(lack of words!)..."prison"...?").

Upon saying this I touch a barrier w/ my hand, & on the recording you can hear a pulsing buzz that increases in amplitude,. & was not heard physically.

If you feel you are a contactee, try EVPs- it can get....interesting. I am nervous about posting them now though!

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by PeachesEnRegalia

What is EVPS? do i just get a recorder? or something? and the pulsing buzzing noise i heard before but i was with my friend the second time when we went back the school. He said he was trying to call upon it later using those words the next day and heard it making those sounds and teleporting. Weird.

i moved to BC from Ontario when i was 11 so any memories i have are from a very young age. Which i still have a lot of them

edit on 8-2-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

I believe your account. If people haven't seen freaky 'out there' things themselves, they are quick to dismiss another person's experiences as bunkum. It's like with ghosts, some people are sceptical and don't even believe their own spouses if the spouse tells them they experienced something weird and can't explain it. Until the person themselves experiences it or sees the phenomena, only after that do they believe, when they know there is no way they can rationally explain what they've experienced then they are forced to open their minds and accept that there are things which occur in this world (energy-grid) that we can NOT explain.

Anyone who feels the need to criticize you or ridicule you is just being closed-minded and only operating from their 5 senses perception of the world, as in, they have been raised in 'The System' and basically only will believe what they see on the NEWS, because if it's on FOX or CNN, oh my gosh it MUST be for real. Another word for this type of closed-mindedness is SHEEPLE!! about 98% of the world's population.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by kiwitina948

i have a lot of theories. But that story is my experience so its not a theory lol. Everything i explained in there is just me trying to recount a strange event me and my friend experienced thats pretty significant. Its not everyday you see an alien, and with so much skepticism about it yeah i can understand. But my encounter was like winning the lottery. Of course people arnt going to believe. Its like yeah you won 22 M dollars? prove it? lol Anyways i could care less. Im really trying to find others who may know more about this than me, not so much trying to tell every single person so they believe me lol. I could care less. I don't think everyone is genetically viable for such topics. Its like trying to explain the concepts of quantum physics to a kinder gardener. Theres ever only going to be 1 or 2 kids that will know what you are talking about. The rest basically look like monkeys. You can even visualize them as monkeys, playing with each other.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
And all the reference to folklore and the black dogs. There is kind of a subliminal messaging from people to stay away from them. It could be the confusion to emotion. But think any being would respect a race that can begin to tap into the powers of emotion. I think they do all of their abilities with emotion, they could very well be an emotionally based race. What is an emotion exactly. My understanding of it is that its a frequency generated by some means, passes through dna touching the sites and electrofying it. The stronger the current the more the dna will activate amino acid receptors and flowing the energy turning each cell into living energy.. if that makes sense? So i think the reason why humans are not "enlightened" is because their mastery of emotion is small. And the studies into emotion has only scrapped the surface. Not only that, All the information is either one sided created by moral unbias. Or under developed enough to be conclusive.

This IS the most intelligent observation I've read in a long time regarding any type of paranormal beings we are running into. It's something that deserves a serious contemplation and discussion.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Caver78

thank you
If i can answer some question and gain some answers i'm okay with that. I have been thinking about why it showed itself to my friend and i for a couple years. And it took me a while to piece everything together. Its no chance that it showed me its craft, some of its abilities. There are people here in this town who they are seeking i think, and i'm kind of like a seeder. When i talk to certain people. Sometimes those things will show up around them. And il get a random call or a fb message saying they saw it. I don't know why, But everytime i saw it i was with people. And it would change their lives.

I was really odd back then, im much more balanced now but i still get scaled by emotion which sucks but im young and training. Im sort of arrogant i guess but i'm not trying to be. I have a lot i can teach people, And i have taught countless people. I'm one of those random fact people that can just talk about information forever. Well if i want to lol. The emotional descriptions i give you are based on my interpretation upon speculation.

I did know it was communicating with me once i felt the emotion of intense dread, hopelessness and fear melded into a calming reassuring feeling. I kind of clued in at that point it wasn't going to hurt me. The second time around, i wasn't paralyzed by the aura effect it generates. I could walk freely. but my friends were in shock. Then when the being let go of them they bolted and i was like GUYS ITS NOT A COUGAR!!!!!

it wasin't till after i talked some sense into them and they both knew what they saw wasn't an animal. I told them, i was staring directly in front of me and the thing materialized out of no where. Like how a cartoon character appears around a pole, i just see this black ridgidy shimmering mass crawl out with no real uhh, shape? it just looked low and hung to the ground. it looked wayyyy different than the first time i saw it.
edit on 10-2-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

I did find out some more information tho about the beings i saw. Or rather more speculation, my friend found a link on the web

They are almost always associated with the coming of a larger more powerful presence. Many believe that they will gather near a place when a more powerful entity is about to manifest. Maybe they are its minions, or messengers, and are checking out the area before their master arrives. They could be bottom feeders looking to siphon some energy from a larger source that will likely not notice. The site will usually have a bad or foreboding feel to it, and a sort of empty, hopeless feeling They are (almost)always in groups or they are randomly spaced around the immediate area but still fairly close to each other. And yeah, we might have failed but i don't know dude. This past week has been bleeped for me. I've been hearing bleeped up sounds around my yard when I'm out smoking and seeing shadows in the corner of my eyes

Its a quote from my friend, hes was the friend i was with the second time around. Each incident was with different people so 3 people.
edit on 10-2-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 05:24 PM

The squamish and Lil'wat cultures in my area have some stories about "transformers" who appear to you when a serious change is needed in your life. They are also responsible for changing humans into other things as punishment and example to others. Also occasionally they transform humans into animals to honour them. I don't know any personal stories about it, but you may be able to find out more on he internet. One friend told me about the three transformers, one of which is a serpent. He told me that he had heard from people who had seen the serpent transformer. Apparently he is like 20 ft. long, and has gold horns. The transformers live in caves along the Lillooet river in BC. Convo me, I can send you some photos of some rock paintings replicating some cave paintings found of these transformers. ( I also mention them in this listing in my shop: ) On another note, I think that I may have been visited by one of these entities in a dream shortly before learning of them from my friend. I can tell you about that if you like. Posted at 5:38 pm 31 Jan, 2009 EST

The First One In a story told by Dominic Charlie in 1965, he related about the first origins of his people.[2] Their very first ancestor was a man named X̱i7lánexw , translated as The First One. He was born in a village near Squamish, British Columbia. X̱i7lánexw did not know that his wife was with child, but he knew that someone or something was coming. He knew of something coming because of a bird that goes ahead of three supernatural men. These three men, called the Transformers, told the Rave, "You go tell everybody we are coming." The first man understand the bird and he responded by getting ready with his canoe. Near the mouth of the Cheakamus River, is a small mountain, and a little bay that fit his canoe. He tied his canoe here and took out his pole, a long shaft used to pull along the river. He put moss around the pole, then placed the pole down. So when the fish touch the pole, their slime was wiped on the moss. He knew that the Transformers were coming further down river. He grabbed the pole and waited for a fish to touch it, then would pull out the pole and see where the salmon touched. He took the slime and put it in a wooden plate and put his pole down again. Then he heard the three brothers coming. The Transformer brothers also knew where he was, but he didn't look and just held his pole steady. The brothers came and landed on the side of the canoe. They asked the man, "What are you doing?" He responded, "Oh, you are my grandchildren. Oh this here, this is my food that I am going to feed you with." He tells the three men, "I have a house right here, right there in that little bay. You bring your canoe over and come up ashore." He pulled up his pole and had a lot of the moss ready. In the house, he had a big fire ready and a mountain of rock underneath, already hot. He took some sticks and grabbed the hot rocks and put them in a bowl that was filled with water. When the rocks were dropped in, the water began to boil. He took the boiling water and placed the moss inside and then made soup. The tells the men to have a seat on his bench with his big hyu7kem plate. This was the first hyu7kem plate made because he knew these men were coming. It made this plate really fancy, and fed them with three Mountain Goat horn spoons. The three men ate the moss. His wife was always rolling around in pain, and X̱i7lánexw says to the men, whom he called his grandchildren, "I don't know what is wrong with my wife grandchildren. The lead man knew what was wrong, for he was the great Transformer. He knows she is going to have a baby. He tells his two other brothers, "You fellows go across and get that tree bark, those green trees over there." He scraped off the bark and then asked X̱i7lánexw if he had a bowl plate and told him to put three rocks in to boil the water. They took the bark of the willow tree, then gave it to the woman to drink. The lead brother told his younger brothers, "You better take your grandfather outside", which they did while the oldest brother stayed with X̱i7lánexw 's wife. Not long after, they heard a baby's cry. He fixed the baby up and taught the woman how to take care of it, and told him about the medicine. He told the man that when he came him, that he had a baby boy. The first baby was a boy, and the next a girl. These two grew up together and married each other. The next baby was a girl, then a boy, and these did the same. This is where all the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh came from.

Transformers A central part of Sḵwx̱wú7mesh history in their oral culture is the stories of supernatural deities often called The Transformers. These Transformers, were three brothers, sent by the Creator or keke7nex siyam. These three beings had supernatural powers, often using them to "transform" individuals into creatures, stone figures, or other supernatural event.

Im slowly peicing this puzzle together. But the natives have legends about the Transformers here. Not not robots. They live in caves.
edit on 11-2-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Wow that is an intense story, my house creaked when I was reading in it and now I don't have any skin

Did you ever hear about the UFO battle in Kelowna? That is where I am located.
edit on 16-2-2013 by beautyofperil because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by beautyofperil
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Wow that is an intense story, my house creaked when I was reading in it and now I don't have any skin

Did you ever hear about the UFO battle in Kelowna? That is where I am located.
edit on 16-2-2013 by beautyofperil because: (no reason given)

whats the battle of Kelowna? lol im gunna google it.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Bizzare huh? I never looked into it much. I hope it was never discredited because it would be a shame, but I fear it must be because it never did take on the prestige like that of Betty and Barney Hill or the Kelly Hopskinville encounter.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 06:53 PM

notice how the lines on this artifact look like the lines i saw on the saucer. And its the same being i saw.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 08:46 PM
Interesting story. It seems chock full of mystical symbolism.

I would hazard a guess that you are right: people have been witnessing these things forever. I think you should continue pouring over ancient images trying to find clues of prior contact. It is bound to be wrapped up in the dogma of culture.

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