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My experiences with Alien shapeshifters.

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posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

If you take things like that then you're imaginations bound to run wild just saying.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:19 AM
CrypticSouthpaw, I'd just like to say sorry for implying you guys might have been on drugs in that post I made. People can "trip out" from other things besides drugs.

I liked your story, it conveyed the mood really well and if you spend more time it would be a great screen play. I could see myself having the experience right along with you.

I can believe that your being honest, but I'm not entirely convinced you weren't going through some hysteria.

It does sound like a really interesting night for sure.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by denver22
And that requires proof?

No, it doesn't require proof. The reason is because we are dealing with a very advanced species from outerspace who does not want us to know about them. If we were dealing with creatures that did want us to know about them it would be a different story.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
. i waited till 4 am till i heard trains outside and cars. the sky was turning blue and i went to sleep.

We both woke up at 11. Im getting tired typing this.

still tired from '09 ? must have been exciting

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 06:23 PM
How can people call this fabricated?

As I read, I could visualize the whole thing as if it were a movie I was watching. Thank you for posting this.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by GreeneLight

and im happy people are enjoying it. I was tired typing it up lol. Took me over an hour to type i think an hour and a half. So i kinda just blasted thru the last bit because my fingers were starting to hurt.

But yeah i did not feel safe trying to film or something. And i may have been in some form of hysteria. But this isin't the first time iv seen something horrifying and mind boggling. So i think im able to remember it pretty well.

This was 3 years ago, i went by the same street and the street light is gone. Im thinking maybe they were removed because of people complaining about light glare. Im still pretty confused about that. My friend moved out of that house, he said hes seen it once since then. He was drunk and with Marco one of my buddies. And i donno he went off about seeing it run under a car and him and marco looked under and couldn't see anything.

I don't know if him being a major alcoholic now has anything to do with what happened 3 years ago. I remember him somewhat enjoying drinking but now he just binges everyday, kinda worried for him :/

So il tell you guys about my second experience, Il possibly type it up today, tho its just rediclious.
I didn't learn nearly as much the second time as i did the first time. Except that the name Yahweh has some signifigance. I watched some summon a ufo video on youtube with this guy named prophet yahweh, Well i said the prayer wrong and it showed up but il get in to that later.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 04:35 PM
I'm not the best judge of such things but the original post seems free of deception. I don't think the OP is lying, in other words.

Regardless, the thread is interesting.

I can't say that I've heard of any entities meeting the description of the ones in question here. That's not surprising when one considers their ability to shapeshift.

What I find most interesting in this thread is the OP's assertion that one of the entities communicated telepathically with him--telling him that he was in no danger but to stay put. Very interesting.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by greyer

Originally posted by denver22
And that requires proof?

No, it doesn't require proof. The reason is because we are dealing with a very advanced species from outerspace who does not want us to know about them. If we were dealing with creatures that did want us to know about them it would be a different story.

Can you prove that these creatures exist? can you thought not ..look of course it requires proof..concrete evidence is required sir/mam..

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:21 PM
Ok, since we don't have any hard evidence or even much of an intellectual framework for dealing with these things, that leaves us just speculation. So, sure, you could be a hoaxer, or you could have been hoaxed, or you could have seen something a little odd and you and your friend talked each other into something a lot weirder, or you could be a mad inconsistent narrator, or your perceptions were altered by some unknown means. But, as I said, we have no evidence for choosing any one hypothesis over another, and most of those are pretty boring hypotheses, so I'll see what I can come up with when I assume that your story is substantially accurate and true and that your witnesses exist and would agree with your accounts.

So, one possibility is that this is a more mystical/magical/paranormal-type event, where symbolic thinking and perception and reality all get tangled. This would be more towards the "UFOs are thoughtforms/tulpas and exist because we collectively need them to" end of things. In that case, there's little point looking for an objective truth behind your encounter -- you're trying to pick up sea water with chopsticks. But somehow, most of those explanations never exactly sat right with me. Sure, there may be some psychoplastic aspects to reality, but I'm betting that's not the major explanation for most of this stuff. Similar thoughts as regards the so-called divine/demonic.

So, granting these things an existential primacy on par with our own, the first thing that strikes me is the way you mentioned that the 'cat' seemed bent in an odd curve towards the garage with the anachronistic music. Those two things together scream hyperdimensional travel. Probably not a wormhole, per se, for technical reasons and the fact that they tend to give off a lot of light. No, I'm thinking something akin to quantum tunneling between past and a possible future (our 2009). Either that, or actual, literal macroscale hyperdimensions which would be weird but not _exactly_ forbidden by physics. It wasn't bent "towards the garage", but rather "away from you in a direction you can't point to or imagine". I'd bet it would look curved that way no matter which direction you'd viewed it from.

I think the "skipping" wasn't necessarily a record skipping, but rather the pastwise terminus of whatever continguity between now and then that they made, stuttering out of sync with local timeflow and resetting to the same moment, repeatedly. Since the 'cat' had just exited, I'd suspect it's something to do with a shutdown of whatever had been engineered (like the way an old-style cathode tv would power down to a bright dot in the center that slowly fades, or how a poorly tuned car can knock after shutdown). Did the music fade away or suddenly stop? Not that that's particularly informative; I'm just curious.

Next I think we should address the emotional exchange you had with the transformed cat-being. To me it sounds like the bad emotions are a common technique used by more knowledgeable/powerful beings. If I had the capability to spray "get nervous and want to leave" rays, I know I would if surrounded by a few billion apes with nukes who would lose their er... stuff if I got spotted. Like an emotional citronella candle to keep the dangerous local fauna at bay. It seems it noticed you noticing it, noticed you noticing that the emotions were of external source and thus ignorable, and then changing tactics. It seems clear it wanted no humans poking their noses in the beings' business that night. But it also means that whatever you were dealing with had the capacity to emit (and likely detect) emotions of a complexity, intensity, and spectrum appropriate to conscious human experience. It could be an engineered phenomenon carried on a non-sentient substrate (robot-equivalent with emotional record and playback, with the right programming, rather than conscious being), but it seems simpler and cheaper to just use something with a mind to get that effect. So it seems your beasties were probably intelligent, rather than manufactured, of incomplete existential integrity (like a ghost or reality-breaching-story), or an epiphenomenon of an unknown natural process.

Next thing to address is the transformative aspect -- going from dog or cat form to pseudohumanoid form.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:22 PM
So, then, the next question is: what's the deal with the transformations? It seems to me that whatever you were seeing was probably not the reality of the situation (or, if so, then the very nature of 'reality' was being altered). I doubt the beings' mass was changing and rearranging to accomplish the feat (were there a lot of squishy-splurty sounds when the change happened?), so how was it done? Well, we have three reported forms: shadow cat, shadow dog, blank humanoid. The one thing they all have in common is their lack of finished details. It sounds almost like having a videogame character spawn without their proper skin (Perhaps LITERALLY the case if you think the Simulation Hypothesis holds water. That'd be a heck of an explanation for you -- they were HackerGod's cursor.) -- or as if they are trying and failing to, or unable to, blend in.
How was it accomplished? Maybe they were changing what you saw, maybe what you saw causes the human brain to short out and make a "best fit" optical illusion, maybe it was literally undefined in an existential sense. Either that or they have multiple bodies, teleportation, and just swap out to a new one when the need arises. Maybe. But my bet is that, given the previous tendencies towards extradimensionality, what we're looking at is something that exists in more than 4 spatial dimensions. (Possibly just more than 3, but I think you need another to account for the geometrical (though not topological, oddly) complexities involved.) When it "changes shape", what it's probably really doing is rotating another hyperface into alignment with our spacetime manifold. If that sentence made no sense to you, imagine you're a two dimensional drawing on a piece of paper. You can't see "out" of the paper and are stuck in 2D. If I poke a sphere through the paper, you see a circle change size from point to great circle to point. If I poke a box through, and rotate it as I do so, you's see a BUNCH of different shapes, from squares to triangles to trapezoids, all kinds of stuff (think diagonals). I think the same think could be going on here and a footprint never looks like a boot.

Then there's the business with the baby and the weird mechanical sounds. Well, the tale of the baby-snatching alien is an old old OLD one found in the folklore and tales of dozens of cultures. If they have any basis in fact, then it sounds like you ran into it. From the cuckoo child to the changeling to a bunch of weird asian stories, it's clear that these things, if real, have not uncommonly been known to take an infant and usually return it. Of course, often the returned child is purported to be a demon or fairy or otherwise altered by the abductor. I have no idea what the heck you heard though. Not enough data to even rationally speculate.

The inorganic designs on the skin of the saucer are interesting, I must say. No idea what they mean, but they certainly unusual. Typically, you find curves and spirals associated with the paranormal and such.

How's that?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:37 PM
Oh, and I meant to mention that the all-black dog and cat (and sow, come to think of it) are COMMON stories in folklore. Usually as omens of ill-aspect. I'm wondering if those stories come from the same kind of encounter, with the negative emotion 'bombing' you described accounting for the bad rep. Which is pretty much what our speculative aliens would desire if they want folks to leave them alone.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

Çant help myself. Your saucer reminded me of this.

I honestly think you want something to have happened, rather than something has happened. The floating severed heads are likely hypnagogic.i thought mine were real until I began to see crazy inanimate items floating just after I woke up.
edit on 17-12-2012 by selfharmonise because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:33 PM
Iv seen the creature twice, and everytime anyone sees it. Everyone sees it as what ever form it chooses. Im pretty sure when it shapeshift i think that it realigns all of the molecules in its body like how a TV changes with the many many pixels. Im assuming they are energy beings, and im very interested and greatful for you comment.

As for the question to the music. it stopped suddenly. After i heard the music that's when we saw the saucer. And the comment towards the floating heads. What i saw was actually what i saw. That was the only time i ever saw something like that. My other experiences are different. Its weird and i really don't understand it. And tulpas do exist but its not something 2 people can conjure and see the same thing. I think i have had them following me for a while.

I remember moving to BC from ontario. It was jan the 3rd we left. a week before or after christmas im not sure, my friend slept over at my house and one of my friends at school had given me this little dancing hampster that sings a good old hockey game, and i was with jacob upstairs in my room. pushing the button well he looked at yu gi oh cards. and i was spamming the button then it started sounding like it was dying. so i pressed it again and it said Jake. and my friend just looks right at me and says (profanity) ? did it just say my name. uhhh. Presses it again. it says it and im like spamming the button again and it keeps repeating jake over and over
and my body just looks horrified lol he screams at me THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW so without hesitation i open my window and huck it out into the snow. Somehow it ended up in my toy box when i moved lllol. maybe my dad picked it up? i donno but i told my brother about what happened and we torched it with an axe can. It might still be around here some where.

And all the reference to folklore and the black dogs. There is kind of a subliminal messaging from people to stay away from them. It could be the confusion to emotion. But think any being would respect a race that can begin to tap into the powers of emotion. I think they do all of their abilities with emotion, they could very well be an emotionally based race. What is an emotion exactly. My understanding of it is that its a frequency generated by some means, passes through dna touching the sites and electrofying it. The stronger the current the more the dna will activate amino acid receptors and flowing the energy turning each cell into living energy.. if that makes sense? So i think the reason why humans are not "enlightened" is because their mastery of emotion is small. And the studies into emotion has only scrapped the surface. Not only that, All the information is either one sided created by moral unbias. Or under developed enough to be conclusive.

So my whole conclusion on this is that fear of fear has developed a psychosis in our records as well as our understanding as a whole within the masses. We may soon find out that we need flexibility of both fear and love, and understanding the flow of emotion without our understanding of right and wrong confusing communication between what feels comfortable and uncomfortable. We have developed our understand of these emotions based on a physical life in the physical world. Dealing with our ancestors information left passed down by the need to survive. We lost touch with feeling and the language thats interprited. Just my 2 cents.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:50 PM
Your saucer looks a lot like this one that was photographed 12/12/12 --

"A passenger on a plane from Hong Kong to southwest China's Kunming city claims to have photographed a 'UFO like flying object' outside the window of the plane. Larry Siu said the picture was taken by a friend of his on the flight last Friday. He said many passengers saw it and took pictures."
Picture: HAP/Quirky China News / Rex Features

Original thread: UFO Picture taken on Hong Kong flight

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 06:48 PM
I believe I am a contactee as I have the scars but no memories (thankfully).

But I have seen a shapeshifting 'son of a devil'. I was about 13/14 yrs in my mum's house. I was coming down the stairs and I looked through the bannisters and saw a black mass on my mum's HIfi unit. At first it tried to look like a spider but it had no shape-not 3D just 2D blackness.
Then when it realised I could see it, it shape changed to a mouse shape-still not 3D. I felt immense anger at it coming into my house, so I commanded it to go in the Name of Jesus and it just went.

I've seen a UFO that also appeared in the local newspaper, when I was 22yrs and that was realised we were not alone. I sort of knew but not for sure until that event.

They are beatable. Jaques Vallee wrote that people who held iron in their hand were able to escape the parallising ray, like an old key. Jesus says He will come with an iron rod, as will the Bride Army. I think this will be like the Jedi lightsabre- a plasma weapon maybe.

I've also heard the global weird sound 4 times in the last 3 yrs.

And I know exactly what you mean about the inability to go to sleep before the 'time they showed up', mine is 3.15am.
I was woken up at 3.15am by 4 loud knocks that didn't wake our dog up (He is a natural guard dog.) and I was wearing earplugsI only opened my eyes after my hubby sat bolt upright whilst still asleep, his unconscious knew there was danger.
I saw a green oval light over my wardrobe and 4 human sized figures beaming in, it was like a shimmering affect, not unlike Star trek (always believed that show was real or soon would be.)
I just 'knew' they had come to kill us four; me and my hubby and two teenagers and it would be made to look like a murder-suicide.
Remember I had just woken up but I had just learnt a technique that can reveal shapeshifters. You think of love-as in someone you love andsay the Name of God=Yehovah and breathe the last letter H and thinkof what you want to happen. I waved my hand and they disappeared
Amazingly I went back to sleep.

So people are having similar experiences, which in my mind suggests that there is something real to all this.
And my 13/14 yr experience was well before we could even afford a computer, let alone the internet. (About 30yrs ago.)

And I do understand the blood thing, I am from a O-neg bloodline myself. This gits love that bloodline.

Soon this will all be over and we will reminisce, like we do about WW2.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 10:56 PM
your comment about jahovah unerves me. I think its is deeper then it seems.

Iv mentioned my second experience but i was reluctant to say so because in involve yahweh. Which is the god jahova right?

i was with 2 frends a guy and a girl and this was a year and a week after my experience. we were at the highlands elementry you can google it. on the feild at night looking at the meteor shower in 2010 in the summer of july.

And i donno. i saw this video about a guy that summons a ufo with the name yahweh. and we heard some weird whistle from the woods clear over a soccer feild. I coppied it because im good at mimicing sounds and it replied. both my friends were astonished and i tried again but it didint do anything.

some time later they were laying on the ground looking up. and i suddenly thought back to that prayer. and i said the prayer wrong tho i said i am yahweh make your presence known to us and 2-3 min later that black mass materializes 10 feet directly in my line of sight but its shimmering a in a low town rainbow black mass. It was it didint have a solid shape just hung low like an animal and walked slowly towards the right. i said to my friends hey guys.. don't freak out.. look.
and they both were on their feet instantly backing away muttering cougar wild animal lets leave dude its a cougar then they ran. i walked it walk into darkness and disappear

I chased my friends and shouted at them they stopped. i said you realize what that was. i was staring directly in front of me and i didint see it creep up to the side at all it appeared there. and my friend kyle went all wide eyed and was like dude ur right and i tried to get them to go back but the girl was like guys i need to go home. so we walked her home.

we came back with supplies. a bag with a blacket and food and a flash light. I did the prayer again and 2-3 we hear an electric zap come from the soccer feild. i said it again and moments later we hear it in some other direction. we tried to see if we could get more but nothing else happened.

But yeah that RH negative thing. I donno. but me and you def arnt the only ones being watched.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 11:00 PM
Also that saucer looks pretty much exactly like what i saw. Nice post canadian alien.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 05:02 AM
Okay so iv seen a couple UFO videos and pictures recently with crafts like this. Has anyone found any information on these creatures? There's gotta be a few people who will skim over this and be able to contribute.

This first experience was 3 years ago and the second one a year and a week or 2 after the first experience. I havin't seen them since 2 years ago but they are still around. Any new updates?

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Stunspot

Your explanations about what the OP told us were utterly amazing to me!!
I had several mental orgasms following your well explained observations related to this thread

About CrypticSouthpaw's experiences...
I also remember the folklore of black cats and dogs. Also of black shadow humanoid forms.
Faceless humanoids and shapes which seemed to be not complete.
Like a model with no proper texture.
I remember my dream of the man in the dark coat.
The man with the hat. He had no face and was talking to me

Shadow people? I don't know... not sure.

This is an interesting thread! No matter what!
Had good times reading your memories Cryptic!
Made up or not... i don't care

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Snaffers
reply to post by Stunspot

Your explanations about what the OP told us were utterly amazing to me!!
I had several mental orgasms following your well explained observations related to this thread

About CrypticSouthpaw's experiences...
I also remember the folklore of black cats and dogs. Also of black shadow humanoid forms.
Faceless humanoids and shapes which seemed to be not complete.
Like a model with no proper texture.
I remember my dream of the man in the dark coat.
The man with the hat. He had no face and was talking to me

Shadow people? I don't know... not sure.

This is an interesting thread! No matter what!
Had good times reading your memories Cryptic!
Made up or not... i don't care

Its all real, Im sort of crazy but iv only really been posting about my experiences and my memories of atlantis here on ATS. But im not fabricating anything i don't believe in or never happened. There legit is near to no info about this, yet i very much experienced it with my friends. So regardless i have more then a couple of witnesses and know what we saw was something extraordinary. But eventually someone will come along here and point out some recent reports or more knowledge. Maybe a name. As far as i know these things respond to the name yahweh. Any thoughts about this.

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