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Americans, Isn't It Time You Relinquished Your Weapons.

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posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by lacrimaererum

you are being melodramatic.

No one wants kids to die like Europe doesn't want their workers to starve. These global reforms to the most sacred things every country holds true is what is unacceptable.

So by your logic, everyone that is protesting government austerity in Europe is trying to make the kids starve when Big business tanks and the economies over there go down the drain.

They are fighting to protect the freedoms their people fought for and achieved, as are we. Our constitutions validity and so its protection of our rights is what is at stake.

where are you from anyways? are you eve from the US?

if you are not and are from the EU, it would be like me criticizing you for not accepting your need to pay for medical insurance and work like Americans do. Not my place like this is not your place. Kind of traitorous to the average person IMO.

edit on 15-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:46 PM
I live in a shotgun household,meaning i depend on hunting game to put food on the table, It is my choice ,its my life. I will not give up my livelihood for a couple of Psycho's who made bad decisions.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

No, no it is not.

And here is why.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

That said, you can talk about getting rid of guns all you want but when you start talking about things that infringe upon our rights, I think you will find that people stop listening to you... And if they were outlawed, all that would happen is the law abiding citizens turn their guns over. Criminals would still be armed.

If a person wants to get a gun, no piece of paper is going to stop that. Putting more limits on our rights will not stop people from having issues.

You can get rid of guns, knives and baseball bats but if a person wants to kill some one, they will just pick up a rock and beat them over the head.

Guns are not a problem. Our lack of decent and affordable mental health care is though...

It's easy to blame the guns in the event of mas shootings. But the problem is not the gun ( Do guns load themselves, cock them selves and fire themselves? No ), it's the people behind the gun, committing these acts of mass murder, that are the problem.

Disarming the law abiding citizens does nothing to solve the issue at hand. The problem is the just how hard it is to get help when it is needed. The problem is people are able to get this disturbed before it's too late. The problem is not gun control.

You can place a limit on gun rights or even ban them...But those people out there, set on killing, will do so with or with out a gun in their hand. So how about we focus on those people in need of help?

Popular or not, that is where I stand.
edit on 15-12-2012 by DirtyLiberalHippie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by liverlad

You are sadly mistaken. Guns are not just for killing people. They are tools for hunting and putting food on the table for millions of Americans. They control deer populations that would otherwise turn our highways into death traps. Maybe in metro areas with large populations and gangs they are for killing people but in the heart of America they are simply tools. We teach our children gun safety, we teach our children how to gut a fish and fry it up. These talents may well be needed some day.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz
reply to post by lacrimaererum

Similarly Europe is lazy and spoiled. You know why they won't give up excessive workers rights and social welfare, because they don't like to work and are all lazy....

they see their economies tanking and children starving and going without basic necessitates but since their leisure is more important to them, they act recklessly rather than adapt and work more for less.

They don't want to change their laws and accept the reforms that austerity measures have attempted by violently resisting law enforcement. Taking their capitals under siege by unlawful trespassers...

see how stupid that sounds. That is you to me.

You don't get it. Your "concern" for our gun rights is about as honest as my concern for your big business closing up shop tomorrow.

You don't actually care. You just don't like Americans and since this is a sacred issue of our constitutions validity, in light of an unprecedented loss of freedoms protected under it, it is a big deal to us, and so you take the opposition. In a similar manner we could all side with your respective governments making you lose all your benefits and social welfare that your people fought long and hard for. Our people fought long and hard to break the monopoly over the use of force that "authority" has. You don't think it is important since you do fine without gun rights. We don't think your problems are important since we do fine without massive social welfare and workers rights.

You don't want to be like us, WHY should we want to be like you?

You don't actually like Americans, so why feign concern over our safety. You just take a tragedy like this to voice your BS opinion about us.

Extremely well written.

Europeans should remove the plank from their own eyes before trying to remove the mote from Americans' eyes.
I don't understand why people from other countries feel the need to lecture Americans on any subject. They should clean up their house before worrying about ours.

Glass houses and all that stuff!

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:50 PM

How many more people must die because you are to proud to give up your pistols?

Unfortunately our country has a huge population of immature, selfish, stupid barbarians.

I think that eventually gun control will pass though, I'm sure this shooting will cause a lotof people to consider it.

Guns are the weapons of cowards, if people just has knives most of them would be too scared to use them.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Donahue
why don't they band the use of guns world wide then? armies kill innocent people everyday including children.

oh yes, the Small Arms Treaty would do very nicely there. Bammy and Hillary have been already working that angle believe me. They still need a precedent to get Congress people to be on board with their beloved UN Treaties.

Children die suddenly Congress can't resist or they will be considered heartless and cruel. Especially politically correct people won't resist because they won't want to be seen to be out of synch with everyone else.
edit on 15-12-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by lacrimaererum
America is a Violent Armed Society.

American people will not give up their guns. They are happy to let a few dozen kids be brutally murdered every so often if it means they can still carry guns. If they were not happy with this they would surrender their weapons.

You know why they need their guns? They are cowards. They live their life in fear. No men left in America. All cowards living behind a gun and excuses. Cowards.

They refuse to move. You can only take their guns from 'their cold dead hands' They GUN INDUSTRY has them all brainwashed. Its time to give up on America.

How can people live in a society and send their kids to school or a cinema and not know if they will be brutally murdered.

They are too scared to try and change. All the rest of the world can do is sit back and watch the country disintegrate.

There may have only been 27 people killed in this attack but america doesn't even realize how much this is screwing up the whole of their society mentally.

All it will take is a few of these tragic incidents to happen close together and it will push them over the edge. The whole society will fall apart and they will all end up running around shooting each other.

They are on the brink.

If a terrorist attack instigated by another country killed 20 American kids America would be bombing the crap out of that very country right now killing thousands of innocent people in retaliation. When this is how they behave in other countries what the hell do they expect from their own citizens.

As I am typing this and listening to the news in the background I am hearing about another unstable person running around a hospital in America trying to kill people.

Troll Much?
Really? America is the sole country that has issues with violence? Get real. I know you only said what you said in order to get stars from your commrades, but please. Violence is a problem because it's part of the human condition. If nothing else, it's the result of abuse, fear, mental illness and ignorance. There's more violence than ever because, obviously, there's MORE PEOPLE.

People kill with cars, gas, knives, poison, bombs, sticks, stones and their bare hands. They've been killing ever since there were any people to kill at all.

Do we have some copy-cat psychopaths running around? Yes.
Can we get rid of all of the guns that already exist? If you think so, you're quite naive, and that's putting it politely.

If you don't like Americans or American culture, and Americans are so violent and bad, perhaps you should find a website without Americans on it so you can be with your "own kind".
Or perhaps you should stick around and get an education.
I personally don't care either way.
edit on 15-12-2012 by moonzoo7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by CB328

I think that eventually gun control will pass though, I'm sure this shooting will cause a lotof people to consider it.

Yes, your dear Eric Holder has already announced that we need to decide as a nation who we are and "talk" about our rights.
Yep right out of Agenda 21 Communitarianism and what's right for the community. They know that as long as people have guns they will resist.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by yeti101

Yes. This is absolutely the core issue in our United States. We have been brainwashed into thinking that being isolated off to the side (like an injured gazelle) is the most noble, heroic, and freedom-loving way to exist. In truth, it's the only way for the powers that be (I hate that tag, but you folks really respond to it) to control and herd us around like they do.

Then, they convince a lot of us that we can be safe from all the other injured and isolated gazelles (that they've also managed to single off for future usage - just like most of us) if we arm ourselves to the teeth against one another with guns and ammo that they sell to us. Only they convince us that we're being ruggedly independent and that we're not actually retreating to our survival bunkers with our backs to our walls in fear and loathing of all the others who - like each of us - are just wishing that life could stop being so goddamn threatening all the time.

This is how they divide and conquer the most powerful and wealthy society on the face of the Earth, without spending a dime on an invading army or oppressive police state. They teach us to isolate ourselves from each other - as our patriotic duty, no less - and then they blast fear and violence at us through their 24 hour news media outlets. Then, they just let human nature do the rest, while they slap down the occasional "socialist" upstart from time to time.

This mess won't survive if it stays like this. Then it'll be the entire world's problem. Imagine this zoo coming apart, with all the military technology, hardware, software, nuclear weaponry and not one single nation on the planet with the capacity to move in and stabilize the mayhem. The whole planet will devolve into madness if the US is allowed to fail.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by CB328

Well if you had a pocket knife, and some criminal who illegally had a gun threatened you and your children, what would you do? Try and stab him from 2 yards away?

People can still make bombs.

Guns ARE a cowards weapons, but so is anything when being used for the wrong purpose. It's more often used for defense.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:59 PM
Some would argue this is a dangerous time in the world and it seems to me the responsible thing to do would be to take one's personal safety and that of their families, very seriously. We've learned we can't always count on others for that, why would we consider it during a time when things seem to be getting worse (both nationally and internationally) and certainly more dark? Now is not the time to entrust your life to "authority" ... probably never will be a time. Those who turn that responsibility over to others will be the first to get stomped on in times of turmoil.

ETA: personally, I'm more concerned with running into cougars in the back-country, then about TPTB.

edit on 15-12-2012 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by moonzoo7
If you don't like Americans or American culture, and Americans are so violent and bad, perhaps you should find a website without Americans on it so you can be with your "own kind".
Or perhaps you should stick around and get an education.
edit on 15-12-2012 by moonzoo7 because: (no reason given)

Yea. Maybe you could come over and invade my country and kill me. Then you could piss on my dead body like your army does.

You would like it if everybody just left and only americans who liked guns stayed here. Then everyone would agree with each other. You wouldn't have to listen to the truth of the situation.

Or maybe just send over a drone and bomb me and my whole family.

America is know perfectly displaying violence breeding violence.

Its gonna turn into one bloody mess in the very near future.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
Some would argue this is a dangerous time in the world and it seems to me the responsible thing to do would be to take one's personal safety and that of their families, very seriously. We've learned we can't always count on others for that, why would we consider it during a time when things seem to be getting worse (both nationally and internationally) and certainly more dark? Now is not the time to entrust your life to "authority" ... probably never will be a time. Those who turn that responsibility over to others will be the first to get stomped on in times of turmoil.

edit on 15-12-2012 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

Well, looks like TPTB have successfully isolated you and your family from the herd. Good luck with that.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by lacrimaererum

Originally posted by moonzoo7
If you don't like Americans or American culture, and Americans are so violent and bad, perhaps you should find a website without Americans on it so you can be with your "own kind".
Or perhaps you should stick around and get an education.
edit on 15-12-2012 by moonzoo7 because: (no reason given)

Yea. Maybe you could come over and invade my country and kill me. Then you could piss on my dead body like your army does.

You would like it if everybody just left and only americans who liked guns stayed here. Then everyone would agree with each other. You wouldn't have to listen to the truth of the situation.

Or maybe just send over a drone and bomb me and my whole family.

America is know perfectly displaying violence breeding violence.

Its gonna turn into one bloody mess in the very near future.

So wait, are you there or are you here? First you suggest our army go over there and as you say pee on your body, then you explain that we only want Americans with guns to stay. Soooo it looks like you are a foreign national staying in the US. Have work visa or what? Student at a Unviersity? Illegal?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by lacrimaererum

Originally posted by moonzoo7
If you don't like Americans or American culture, and Americans are so violent and bad, perhaps you should find a website without Americans on it so you can be with your "own kind".
Or perhaps you should stick around and get an education.
edit on 15-12-2012 by moonzoo7 because: (no reason given)

Yea. Maybe you could come over and invade my country and kill me. Then you could piss on my dead body like your army does.

You would like it if everybody just left and only americans who liked guns stayed here. Then everyone would agree with each other. You wouldn't have to listen to the truth of the situation.

Or maybe just send over a drone and bomb me and my whole family.

America is know perfectly displaying violence breeding violence.

Its gonna turn into one bloody mess in the very near future.

Well, even though theoretically you have at least a couple of goods idea there, I'll have to pass on taking the bait on that. You know damned well that I'm not responsible for what the leaders of this country do any more than you are for your leader's decisions. You don't know anything about me at all, and I think it's quite arrogant of you to presume to know what I do and do not stand for or my fellow citizens either. All I did was set you straight after you came on here an insulted the majority of us, and for that, you want to make it personal.
So what "wonderful" "enlightened" country do you hail from, may I ask?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:07 PM
Guns, make it easier and faster to kill true, but the issue is not so much the weapons but a desensitized society, this has being going on for decades. And machetes make deadly weapons that kill and cause a person to bleed to death too, if a somebody wants to kill, they still will. The body count will be less, true. But then again illegal guns aren't that hard to get either.

The issue is not guns, it is rather mentality, morality, emotional stability and a pervasive desensitization of the masses through ultra realistic violent video games and media.
The problem is way beyond guns and there control.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:07 PM
Connecticut’s Strict Gun Control Laws Did Not Stop the School Shootings in Newtown

this is quote


posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by moonzoo7

the truth hurts.

like i said most don't seem to give a sh1t if a few dozen kids die as long as the adults get to keep their weapons.

a country of cowards that does not care about its children. sad.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
Guns, make it easier and faster to kill true, but the issue is not so much the weapons but a desensitized society, this has being going on for decades. And machetes make deadly weapons that kill and cause a person to bleed to death too, if a somebody wants to kill, they still will. The body count will be less, true. But then again illegal guns aren't that hard to get either.

The issue is not guns, it is rather mentality, morality, emotional stability and a pervasive desensitization of the masses through ultra realistic violent video games and media.
The problem is way beyond guns and there control.

yah maybe if we ban machetes that would take care of the Mara Salvatrucha 13 gang violence.

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