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Ban the Gun, Repeal the Second Amendment.

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posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Move to Canada. Do you actually think all the gang bangers and criminals will obey, thats the last thing i want is some low life thug breaking in to my home and harming my family and not being able to protect them why they rape or kill my daughter/wife.Besides if you try to take away the 2nd amendment just wait there is alot of crazies out there and you can bet your bottom dollar there will be anarchy. think about it alot of people that have guns have them for hunting or self defense, yes there is always a little bad mixed in with the good. I just loved how you people throw us all in the same class. so shallow minded.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:42 PM
When the second amendment was written there were no violent video games ,violent movies ,blood fest movies ,prozac other mind altering drugs ,the Government is to blame for basically allowing mentally disturbed people access to guns[and not putting into place checks when i firearm is purchased,storage requirements and restricting the use by children, teenagers ,unless under suprvision from an adult] ,Hollywood and the media are to blame also for encouraging gun violence,violence in general, drug use, as cool, and fun blowing human beings away like space invaders .Then when there is a shooting like this, refuse, to take ANY responsiblity saying ''its the availability of guns which is the whole problem ''.But the hypocritical actors and producers stiil accept their Millions they make from such movies .A wholelistic view has to be made to make society safer ,mental health ,the entertainment industry ,Gun licenses ,checks , safe storage etc ,instead of the knee jerk attack on inanimate objects ,im sure Michael Moore the [do anything for money hypocrite ]is going to make a killing out of this Tragedy ,and by that i mean a Huge Financial One all for Himself

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:46 PM
I agree OP. And while we're at it; Britain needs to do away with the royal monarchy! Its the 21st century, not the 1800's! Its high time that Britain dissolve the royal family and join the 21st century!!!

Oh, you don't like that? Because its apart of British tradition/heritage? So too is our constitution. It is the law of the land, and since we are a nation of laws....
edit on 15-12-2012 by rock427 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by MysterX
Ban attacks on the second amendment.

An armed population is a population protected from a tyranical government.

People die and are injured much more in vehicle crashes...why don't you try and ban those and leave the people's protection alone.

As a someone from Britain you may be suprised to hear..........I agree. On paper the 2nd amendment works and is there for a VALID reason. These gun free zones and people not carrying in my opinion is what allows this. I live in the UK, if someone pulls a gun on my im litterally at thier mercy. If we had the 2nd amenment id have protection. The amount of people round my area that have been shot is scary. 2 people just on friday were shot in my sisters local pub. That gives me a different view on this. It could have been my sister. If someone wants to walk into a school and kill people they will find a way using knives or other weapons. I look at it like MAD (mutually assured destruction). you have a deadly weapon, you know you can use it but you don't because you know the other person may have an equally or even more powerfull weapon then you. i don't live in a land where guns are everywhere so i may feel differently if i did, at the minute this is just how i look at it.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by vcams

Implying Canada is gunfree? Canada is very similar to the US, lots of guns in the country, yet no serious crimes. Not many legal civilian guns in cities, yet lots of crime. Etc.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

no. They just started using knives.

so now you want to ban them.

I remember a time when the romans were "visiting" yall. They took your swords. That went well for ya didnt it.

I remember another time when YALL took the swords from the Scotts, that went well for them as well.

Now that your populace is unable to have firearms on a common basis, enter the illegal trade.

THE TIMES 16th January 2000 Killings rise as 3 million illegal guns flood Britain Jon Ungoed-Thomas Up to 3 million illegal guns are in circulation in Britain, leading to a rise in drive-by shootings and gangland-style executions, new figures have revealed. Police are concerned that the amnesty after the massacre of schoolchildren in Dunblane in 1996, which led to 200,000 weapons being handed in, has failed to dent the underworld's supply of pistols and revolvers. Criminals have maintained a steady flow of smuggled guns from eastern Europe, exhibition weapons reactivated in illegal "factories" run by underworld dealers, and guns stolen from private collections. The estimate that 3m guns are illegally held in the UK - made by researchers collecting evidence for a parliamentary inquiry into the gun trade - is far higher than previously thought. The vast stockpiles of weapons have fuelled the recent spate of shootings in cities including London, Birmingham and Manchester, where a 17-year-old was killed last week. Research suggests that in some areas a third of young criminals, classed as those aged 15 to 25 with convictions, own or have access to guns ranging from Beretta sub-machineguns to Luger pistols, which can be bought from underworld dealers for as little as £200. "There is a move from the pistol and the shotgun to automatic weapons," said Detective Superintendent Keith Hudson, of the national crime squad. "We are recovering weapons that are relatively new - and sometimes still in their boxes - from eastern European countries." In London there were more than 20 fatal shootings last year allegedly Linked with the Yardies, gangsters who have their roots in Jamaica, compared with nine killings in 1998. In one, Andy Balfour, 32, was shot with a Mac 10 sub-machinegun, which can fire 20 rounds a second. He was hit eight times. Last July Tim Westwood, a BBC hip-hop disc jockey, was shot by a man who opened fire on the car in which he was travelling in Kennington, south London. Killings in Manchester included the death last week of Gabriel Egharevba, 17, who was shot by a man on a motorbike in Longsight. It was the eighth fatal shooting in the city in seven months. In April 1998 two youths aged 14 and 17 were shot in the same area by a gang with automatic machineguns. Detectives say modern weapons are fast becoming fashion accessories among young drug dealers protecting themselves and their territory. Unarmed officers say they risk confronting teenagers on mountain bikes brandishing automatic weapons.

Yeah. its doing great things for yall to have such laws.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:05 AM
I'm outraged!!

So many people blaming it on something as dumb as a rock, and maybe even as deadly!!

This can be solved by Americans! We the people can do something about this!!


Thats right!! All those law abiding, employed, mentally stable, with morals and values on the line, should be armed and put on speed dial by every single teacher in the school!!

Who to call in case of a school shooter (when seconds matter most)
Bob- 18005551234
Susan- 18005554321
Mary Ann- 18005554678
etc etc

These neighborhood citizens should attend firearms courses, safety measures, and pta/pto meetings!!

Alarms placed on top of all the schools, to sound off in the event of a school shooter. Rendezvous point for those that answer the call of duty.

Also, to add, will someone please take note, especially those that want to take our rights away, that massive shootings ALWAYS happen at gun free zones. Even the criminally insane understand this concept. Try walking into a police station with a gun. I feel like the safest place in my entire county, or even the state, is the pawn shop, where 20 customers usually have a CCW and a firearm on them, ready to go.

I have to go now, I think my guns are up to no good. They must be punished.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by bronto
When the second amendment was written there were no violent video games ,violent movies ,blood fest movies ,prozac other mind altering drugs ,the Government is to blame for basically allowing mentally disturbed people access to guns[and not putting into place checks when i firearm is purchased,storage requirements and restricting the use by children, teenagers ,unless under suprvision from an adult] ,Hollywood and the media are to blame also for encouraging gun violence,violence in general, drug use, as cool, and fun blowing human beings away like space invaders .Then when there is a shooting like this, refuse, to take ANY responsiblity saying ''its the availability of guns which is the whole problem ''.But the hypocritical actors and producers stiil accept their Millions they make from such movies .A wholelistic view has to be made to make society safer ,mental health ,the entertainment industry ,Gun licenses ,checks , safe storage etc ,instead of the knee jerk attack on inanimate objects ,im sure Michael Moore the [do anything for money hypocrite ]is going to make a killing out of this Tragedy ,and by that i mean a Huge Financial One all for Himself

I agree, this was all would be better that they ban all games, music, lawyers, politicians, Bankers, International Bankers, Chase Families, Rockefeller's. Rothschild's., Clintons, Obamans, Republican's, Democrats, Zbignew's, Bush's, any NWO enthusiasts, and anyone who does not believe in our constitution, which worked so well until these t3rrorists came along.

Then our guns could just be used to protect us from a-holes........although in the last list 99% of them would be gone.

Besides, if there are no guns...killing will just be inventive and intuitive from there.

Killing will never stop, and victims who donate their family's protection, will never stop dying.


The terrorist , whether foreign or domestic, attacked us with our guns and the government did not stop them...not only that, but our government withheld the investigations required to find out who did it, held the jets back from
attacking he terrorists, flew the Bin Laden's out of the country so they wouldn't be investigated and cleaned up the tower metal so fast and sold it to another country before it could be investigated. Condeleeza Rice had foreknowledge of this very event happening to the towers weeks before...and Our President ignored it?

This is all a stage show, of course but the message is clear...they couldn't care less about Americans.

This is but a small enumeration as to how our government protects us.

This will solve nothing, but maybe a persons undeserved, self -worth that will give them credit for "a law passed that they wanted to pass, simply because they were ignorant, and agreed with the media and the evil politicians as per being brainwashing by propaganda"....this is your temporary reward,...your ultimate reward will be to suffer with he rest of us, in the quagmire that you helped to create.

A gun can be created anyway without a company pumping one out on an assembly line.....they will take all the guns away and ..more will just be made.
They will take the Internet and YouTube away, and a leader and teacher who knows how to make weapons will become a mentor and a wise one, who will pass their knowledge from one person to another or maybe even groups.They keep their mouths shut they won't get caught..

So really, it is to remove the weapons from those who won't stand a chance against the government. Thinning out the herd, if you will.

Big deal, even if they're born, you live, you die........but you didn't die a slave!

That is all that will matter in the end!

These International Bankers will die one day whether naturally or otherwise and there will be a myriad of Americans waiting on the other side for them.

edit on 16-12-2012 by kcabmi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by bronto

Well lets extend you theory out some...

Lets get rid of the protection for religion... we do not have a state church... it was put in because of the ruler of england being the head of the English church... also not all americans are christian anymore... since god is a fictional creature let just get rid of the separation clause and tax the church lands to help our economy

We all know how to behave well and what polite manners are... we do not throw people in jail for uttering their opinion... the protection for freedom of speech is outdated... I mean we do not know what porn is but we know it when we see it...

Since america does not practice slavery lets get rid of the 13th amendment.. why do we need to ban a practice we do not practice...

Lets get rid the sixth amendment while we are at it... we can use truth serum, backed up with chinese water torture, and lie detectors... I mean we all know the police are trustworthy as are the prosecutors and judges
another outdated part of the constitution.. The constitution did not take into account these measures that are available

Also the press is not free... we all know it is run by advertising... besides how many times does the press actually cause harm... when they first built this country they did not have social media like we do today...

your right there is a lot of outdated thing in there .....

we can enforce a true democracy... no religion, no more millions wasted on trials, Slavery does not exist, no such thing as FREE speech ...

so many others...

why we can put all the criminals directly onto chain gangs because they will have confessed leaving no doubt... just in time for the non denominational holiday celebration, while we all take political correctness classes....

great plan

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:46 AM

if there are no guns...killing will just be inventive and intuitive

No, people will not have the guts to kill people because it won't be easy without guns.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:48 AM
Interesting and long read, Australia where i live has gun control, licensing, no semi automatic weapons etc. Its had these laws for a long time.

When I was younger, maybe 10 years ago, I did some IT work for some nefarious types who didn't seem to have any problem showing me their illegal guns they got from people in the military, and even told me they could part pay me for my work on their computers with something that looked like an AK47 rather than cash If i wanted.

I declined, but I guess the point is that Gun laws have been in place here since around the late 80's and they only prevent honest law abiding citizens from being armed. Here, in the state where I live, you have to basically be a farmer, get a letter from the local cops, get approval from the government, then you can have a shotgun or non semi automatic gun, pay for a license, have a fixed safe for your gun and ammo kept separately costing a whole lot of money. People not interested in obeying the law can probably get hold of guns through their local pot dealers arm themselves with any military grade weapons for alot less money and time.

And whats interesting is, that after they banned guns in this country, they went on to ban knives. Im not kidding, If you want to collect big sharp knives, you need a license. I'm not talking about cooking utensils but basically anything that is not used for eating. Basically a fishing knife or bigger from what i can gather. Friend of mine had to go through getting a license to buy blunt medieval looking ornaments for his wall a couple of years ago. I couldn't believe it.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by rock427
I agree OP. And while we're at it; Britain needs to do away with the royal monarchy! Its the 21st century, not the 1800's! Its high time that Britain dissolve the royal family and join the 21st century!!!

Oh, you don't like that? Because its apart of British tradition/heritage? So too is our constitution. It is the law of the land, and since we are a nation of laws....
edit on 15-12-2012 by rock427 because: (no reason given)

Just... Priceless.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by CB328

if there are no guns...killing will just be inventive and intuitive

No, people will not have the guts to kill people because it won't be easy without guns.

Are you willing to bet your life on that?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by CB328

Right, because killing wasn't invented until after guns were......

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by CB328

Right, because killing wasn't invented until after guns were......


posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Shaxuul

Originally posted by rock427
I agree OP. And while we're at it; Britain needs to do away with the royal monarchy! Its the 21st century, not the 1800's! Its high time that Britain dissolve the royal family and join the 21st century!!!

Oh, you don't like that? Because its apart of British tradition/heritage? So too is our constitution. It is the law of the land, and since we are a nation of laws....
edit on 15-12-2012 by rock427 because: (no reason given)

Just... Priceless.

Ha ha ha....

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by CB328

if there are no guns...killing will just be inventive and intuitive

No, people will not have the guts to kill people because it won't be easy without guns.

You are so naive. Do you really think that people that WOULD kill people with guns, having taken those away, that they wouldn't stab people with knives, or torcher them with blow-torches or exact-o knives instead?

Really????? You think they would just all of the sudden behave?

I really am a serious minded person but,.....


Dammit ATS, is this a conspiracy site or a comedy club?......I mourn what ATS once was...from my 90 years of lurking.
edit on 16-12-2012 by kcabmi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:33 AM
It's a lot like a gambling addict or alcoholic: the United States needs an intervention to its gun lust.

Only those outside the grips of an addiction can see the damage it causing. Rarely, if ever, do you see an gambler or alcoholic seek help on their own volition unless something has pushed them to the brink. It's the situation that forces them to seek help or - as is the case the majority of the time - the people around them.

America is in the grips of a ravenous gun lust fuelled by fear. Fear of other guns, fear of their once indomitable USA being on the brink of economic and maybe even societal collapse and fear of fear itself.

Some dues ex machina is required to jolt the US out of its violent stupor. This incident may be it, but it's probably not. It will more likely take someone or something from the outside to quicken the dull cow eyes of Americans to the idiocy they've stagnated in for so long.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

My dad always said "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Then we're really in trouble."

I don't think banning guns will solve anything. Tighter control of them however might. But there will always be those so hellbent on doing evil that even if guns are banned, they will find one. And what happens to the people who can no longer protect themselves?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by EarthlingSpelunker
It's a lot like a gambling addict or alcoholic: the United States needs an intervention to its gun lust.

Only those outside the grips of an addiction can see the damage it causing. Rarely, if ever, do you see an gambler or alcoholic seek help on their own volition unless something has pushed them to the brink. It's the situation that forces them to seek help or - as is the case the majority of the time - the people around them.

America is in the grips of a ravenous gun lust fuelled by fear. Fear of other guns, fear of their once indomitable USA being on the brink of economic and maybe even societal collapse and fear of fear itself.

Some dues ex machina is required to jolt the US out of its violent stupor. This incident may be it, but it's probably not. It will more likely take someone or something from the outside to quicken the dull cow eyes of Americans to the idiocy they've stagnated in for so long.

Wow, did you seriously just sit there and try and equate law-abiding gun owners (who advocate self-defense) to alcoholism or gambling? Yeah, I don't think it's the law-abiding citizens who need therapy at this point...

Hear that, people? You must remain victims. We must not defend ourselves. We must die at the hands of our perpetrators, BECAUSE DEFENDING YOURSELVES IS FOR "PARANOID COWARDS."
edit on 16-12-2012 by Shaxuul because: (no reason given)

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