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Boy was Enoch Ever Right! The Meaning of the Mayan Calendar Solved on ATS

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posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
It's already happening. So much prophecy is being fulfilled all around us and you seem to miss it all. Here is the most obvious:

1) 2 Peter 3:3

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

For me, this is the most obvious one. People all over the world are scoffing at the Bible. Consider these next two:

2) Isaiah 17 - 19: Egypt and Demascus

3) Global Financial Meltdown

If it is already happening, then why do you say it will happen on December 21st?

I didn't say that. I showed a connection between the calendar of the Mayans and Enoch. Did you read the OP? I also notice that it (Judgment) is gearing up to take place based on the signs mentioned in Matthew 24, the prophecies of Isaiah and the account in Revelation. A person would need to be blind to miss the evidence. Israel becoming a nation was cornerstone for this time in history. It happened. God has made good on his promises. He is faithful. What other promises will he make good on? To save those who request it and to judge those who have no savior.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
It's already happening. So much prophecy is being fulfilled all around us and you seem to miss it all. Here is the most obvious:

1) 2 Peter 3:3

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

For me, this is the most obvious one. People all over the world are scoffing at the Bible. Consider these next two:

2) Isaiah 17 - 19: Egypt and Demascus

3) Global Financial Meltdown

If it is already happening, then why do you say it will happen on December 21st?

I didn't say that. I showed a connection between the calendar of the Mayans and Enoch. Did you read the OP? I also notice that it (Judgment) is gearing up to take place based on the signs mentioned in Matthew 24, the prophecies of Isaiah and the account in Revelation. A person would need to be blind to miss the evidence. Israel becoming a nation was cornerstone for this time in history. It happened. God has made good on his promises. He is faithful. What other promises will he make good on? To save those who request it and to judge those who have no savior.

Look back at my question. I asked what you thought was going to happen on the 21st of December. You said "Long answer is Tribulation."

I responded by saying I will bet you $100.00 it doesn't happen.

You said it was already happening.

I said that if it was already happening, why say it was going to happen on the 21st of December?

Then you said that you didn't say that...? See my confusion?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Hydroman

Haha, it was added for drama.

I hope they do. I hope they don't.

We'll soon know.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
It's already happening. So much prophecy is being fulfilled all around us and you seem to miss it all. Here is the most obvious:

1) 2 Peter 3:3

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

For me, this is the most obvious one. People all over the world are scoffing at the Bible. Consider these next two:

2) Isaiah 17 - 19: Egypt and Demascus

3) Global Financial Meltdown

If it is already happening, then why do you say it will happen on December 21st?

I didn't say that. I showed a connection between the calendar of the Mayans and Enoch. Did you read the OP? I also notice that it (Judgment) is gearing up to take place based on the signs mentioned in Matthew 24, the prophecies of Isaiah and the account in Revelation. A person would need to be blind to miss the evidence. Israel becoming a nation was cornerstone for this time in history. It happened. God has made good on his promises. He is faithful. What other promises will he make good on? To save those who request it and to judge those who have no savior.

Look back at my question. I asked what you thought was going to happen on the 21st of December. You said "Long answer is Tribulation."

I responded by saying I will bet you $100.00 it doesn't happen.

You said it was already happening.

I said that if it was already happening, why say it was going to happen on the 21st of December?

Then you said that you didn't say that...? See my confusion?

Exactly. December 21 is a marker of the Mayans. Enoch shows us why they cared. It started the day God said it would happen. It's already begun and the clock counts it down. Is "IT" going to happen on the 21st? YES. It's already happening and likely already happened and will continue to happen.

This is Time/Space. Time and space are not two things. To an infinite God, infinite is and was and will be. Some things just are and were, but won't be. Your question assumes 'it' will happen, but hasn't yet. It has already been, is and will be.

You might think I am toying with you, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you can research my use of time, you will see that the question is, was and will be answered the same way according to time and reality no matter when 'it' happens.

edit on 18-12-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
You might think I am toying with you, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you can research my use of time, you will see that the question is, was and will be answered the same way according to time and reality no matter when 'it' happens.
Could the Mayans have picked ANY date and your answer still be the same? I could not really understand what you were saying.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
You might think I am toying with you, but nothing could be further from the truth. If you can research my use of time, you will see that the question is, was and will be answered the same way according to time and reality no matter when 'it' happens.
Could the Mayans have picked ANY date and your answer still be the same? I could not really understand what you were saying.

The best answer you could possibly get is from the book of Esdras 2. It's in some Bibles. There are many things revealed in that book that I will likely cover very soon in a thread.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
The best answer you could possibly get is from the book of Esdras 2. It's in some Bibles. There are many things revealed in that book that I will likely cover very soon in a thread.
Ok, but I'm trying to figure out if the date of December 21st, 2012 is actually relevant to you said these things have been going on for some time. What if the Mayans picked November 21st, 2012, would your answer have been the same? If so, why even mention the Mayan calendar end date?

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 12:04 PM
I've read Ezdra 2. It's a pretty interesting read. It pretty much sums up my thoughts of what the Bible says. Most of us will be tortured forever while only a few live in Paradise. That's just how it is. I accept it.

EDIT: Also, I like Ezra. He asks the same questions I would have asked. I still have more though...
edit on 18-12-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman
I've read Ezdra 2. It's a pretty interesting read. It pretty much sums up my thoughts of what the Bible says. Most of us will be tortured forever while only a few live in Paradise. That's just how it is. I accept it.

EDIT: Also, I like Ezra. He asks the same questions I would have asked. I still have more though...
edit on 18-12-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

You might have missed the point of Esdras. It's the same point of the Shepherd of Hermas. It's the same point of the Sermon on the Mount. Basically, ask this question: Who can be saved apart from Christ. None. How many can be saved with Christ. All.

Let's ask it another way.

And We have given you (mankind) power in the earth, and appointed for you therein livelihoods. Little give ye thanks!
And We created you, then fashioned you, then told the angels: Fall ye prostrate before Adam! And they fell prostrate, all save Iblis, who was not of those who make prostration.
He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostrate when I bade thee ? (Iblis) said: I am better than him. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud.
He said: Then go down hence! It is not for thee to show pride here, so go forth! Lo! thou art of those degraded.
– Qur'an 7:10-13

Will you bow before the Son of God, first born over all creation (Adam)?

Why was Satan and 1/3 of heaven cast out of heaven? Why was Adam the one to bow to? Why did Satan refuse? The answer for all of it is pride. Who are we? Who was Enoch speaking of when he indicated that a set of Angles corrupted and ruled mankind? Why are we here with Satan present? Why did mankind bow to Satan?

Will you bow before the Son of God, first born over all creation (Adam)?

The only question for you to ask and then answer is this question. Once you realize why, you then have the knowledge to know why Satan is the Angel of Darkness and Christ the Son of God. God expects us to bow. Only our own pride can follow the wrong Angel.

Eyes Wide Open

Now to show you why Esdras and Hermas were seeing the same message as the sermon on the mount. In other words, why so few are saved. Can you live up to the sermon on the mount? Neither can I. Did Christ? The so can we if we bow to Him. Few is not the point. All is the point.

Revelation 1:7

7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Philippians 2:10-11

10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.

ALL Should

edit on 18-12-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
You might have missed the point of Esdras.
Very possible. I guess I can read it and get one message while you can read it and get another message, and some third party could read it and get yet another totally different message.

posted on Dec, 19 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
You might have missed the point of Esdras.
Very possible. I guess I can read it and get one message while you can read it and get another message, and some third party could read it and get yet another totally different message.

I can relate. Esdras messed me up when I first read it. The end is not what Esdras thought. Many will be saved. Multitudes in fact.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
You might have missed the point of Esdras.
Very possible. I guess I can read it and get one message while you can read it and get another message, and some third party could read it and get yet another totally different message.

I can relate. Esdras messed me up when I first read it. The end is not what Esdras thought. Many will be saved. Multitudes in fact.

How do you get that? That's not what he was told.
I kept waiting for that to be said, but it never was. It was the opposite actually.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
You might have missed the point of Esdras.
Very possible. I guess I can read it and get one message while you can read it and get another message, and some third party could read it and get yet another totally different message.

I can relate. Esdras messed me up when I first read it. The end is not what Esdras thought. Many will be saved. Multitudes in fact.

How do you get that? That's not what he was told.
I kept waiting for that to be said, but it never was. It was the opposite actually.

Esdras 2

41: “For just as the farmer sows many seeds upon the ground and plants a multitude of
seedlings, and yet not all that have been sown will come up in due season, and not all that were
planted will take root; so also those who have been sown in the world will not all be saved.”
42: I answered and said, “If I have found favor before thee, let me speak.
43: For if the farmer’s seed does not come up, because it has not received thy rain in due
season, or if it has been ruined by too much rain, it perishes.
44: But man, who has been formed by thy hands and is called thy own image because he is
made like thee, and for whose sake thou hast formed all things -- hast thou also made him like
the farmer’s seed?

45: No, O Lord who art over us! But spare thy people and have mercy on thy inheritance, for
thou hast mercy on thy own creation.”
46: He answered me and said, “Things that are present are for those who live now, and things
that are future are for those who will live hereafter.
47: For you come far short of being able to love my creation more than I love it. But you have
often compared yourself to the unrighteous. Never do so!
48: But even in this respect you will be praiseworthy before the Most High,
49: because you have humbled yourself, as is becoming for you, and have not deemed
yourself to be among the righteous in order to receive the greatest glory.
50: For many miseries will affect those who inhabit the world in the last times, because they
have walked in great pride.
51: But think of your own case, and inquire concerning the glory of those who are like
52: because it is for you that paradise is opened, the tree of life is planted, the age to come is
prepared, plenty is provided, a city is built, rest is appointed, goodness is established and wisdom
perfected beforehand.

53: The root of evil is sealed up from you, illness is banished from you, and death is hidden;
hell has fled and corruption has been forgotten;
54: sorrows have passed away, and in the end the treasure of immortality is made manifest.
55: Therefore do not ask any more questions about the multitude of those who perish.
56: For they also received freedom , but they despised the Most High, and were contemptuous
of his law, and forsook his ways.
57: Moreover they have even trampled upon his righteous ones,
58: and said in their hearts that there is not God -- though knowing full well that they must
59: For just as the things which I have predicted await you, so the thirst and torment which
are prepared await them. For the Most High did not intend that men should be destroyed;
60: but they themselves who were created have defiled the name of him who made them, and
have been ungrateful to him who prepared life for them.
61: Therefore my judgment is now drawing near;
62: I have not shown this to all men, but only to you and a few like you.” Then I answered
and said,
63: “Behold, O Lord, thou hast now shown me a multitude of the signs which thou wilt do in
the last times, but thou hast not shown me when thou wilt do them.”
1: He answered me and said, “Measure carefully in your mind, and when you see that a
certain part of the predicted signs are past,
2: then you will know that it is the very time when the Most High is about to visit the world
which he has made.
3: So when there shall appear in the world earthquakes, tumult of peoples, intrigues of
nations, wavering of leaders, confusion of princes,
4: then you will know that it was of these that the Most High spoke from the days that were of
old, from the beginning.
5: For just as with everything that has occurred in the world, the beginning is evident, and the
end manifest;
6: so also are the times of the Most High: the beginnings are manifest in wonders and mighty
works, and the end in requital and in signs.
7: And it shall be that every one who will be saved and will be able to escape on account of
his works, or on account of the faith by which he has believed,
8: will survive the dangers that have been predicted, and will see my salvation in my land and
within my borders, which I have sanctified for myself from the beginning.
9: Then those who have now abused my ways shall be amazed, and those who have rejected
them with contempt shall dwell in torments.
10: For as many as did not acknowledge me in their lifetime, although they received my
11: and as many as scorned my law while they still had freedom, and did not understand but
despised it while an opportunity of repentance was still open to them,
12: these must in torment acknowledge it after death.
13: Therefore, do not continue to be curious as to how the ungodly will be punished; but
inquire how the righteous will be saved, those to whom the age belongs and for whose sake the
age was made.”

Punishments yes. Many will come forth in righteousness and be saved through the fire. Water puts out fire.

edit on 20-12-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
You might have missed the point of Esdras.
Very possible. I guess I can read it and get one message while you can read it and get another message, and some third party could read it and get yet another totally different message.

I can relate. Esdras messed me up when I first read it. The end is not what Esdras thought. Many will be saved. Multitudes in fact.

How do you get that? That's not what he was told.
I kept waiting for that to be said, but it never was. It was the opposite actually.

47: For you come far short of being able to love my creation more than I love it. But you have
often compared yourself to the unrighteous. Never do so!

Would you put people in hell for eternity? No. Do you love creation more than God? He was telling us something about times and how they are appointed. God has a plan.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight

I didn't say that. I showed a connection between the calendar of the Mayans and Enoch. Did you read the OP? I also notice that it (Judgment) is gearing up to take place based on the signs mentioned in Matthew 24, the prophecies of Isaiah and the account in Revelation. A person would need to be blind to miss the evidence. Israel becoming a nation was cornerstone for this time in history. It happened. God has made good on his promises. He is faithful. What other promises will he make good on? To save those who request it and to judge those who have no savior.

Sorry but the True Creator had nothing to do with the establishment of the pagan cult nation-state known as are coming from several false assumptions.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by Lone12

Where are these colored armors mentioned?

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by abeverage

Mark 13:32
But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

Pretty sure this falls in line with No one knows...

The day and the one knows the day and the hour. We might figure it out within two days or two hours, or a week, who knows.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by MrBigDave

Originally posted by abeverage

Mark 13:32
But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

Pretty sure this falls in line with No one knows...

The day and the one knows the day and the hour. We might figure it out within two days or two hours, or a week, who knows.

So far as everyone can agree it's been 2,000 who says it wont be another 2,000....

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by fictitious

I don't know, but your local university, local bookstore, local libraries.... Etc.

I have many and have picked them up at these places, they are an awesome read!

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by AK907ICECOLD
reply to post by fictitious

I don't know, but your local university, local bookstore, local libraries.... Etc.

I have many and have picked them up at these places, they are an awesome read!

Yeah I may do that. What I've heard has piqued my interest so far.

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