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Demonic nightmares/visions about being pregnant?

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:29 PM

reply to post by PrimeLight

They are extremely beautiful in appearance and can give off a very strong 'feelgood vibe' on their human 'targets' as if they are exuding a love from their being. However their true aura of pure evil is detected easily by those aligned/Tuned within the frequencies of the Holy Spirit. Those 'in the Fold' are not easily fooled by their manipulating 'tweakings' on the human mind and body in aims to alter one on a physiological level. Many however are seduced.

So is it possible for a mortal, filled with the Holy Spirit to see both the coming false paradise and a desolate landscape empty of YHWH's love at the same time?

The coming false paradise will be filled with clean fresh air, lush green fields and a blue sky. When in spiritual reality the sky is black, the air is sparse and lifeless and the land is nothing more than brown and gray dust filled by man-made objects.

If this is what the 7 Year Tribulation is going to become, not many people are going to survive.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Rapha

So is it possible for a mortal, filled with the Holy Spirit to see both the coming false paradise and a desolate landscape empty of YHWH's love at the same time?

Yes, however I am sure you are aware that dreams can be symbolic as well as prophetically literal in sight and scope. Your dream/vision matches the Scriptural interpretation that a false peace will be ushered in the earlier midst of tribulation to snare the souls of the world to the beast system (microchips etc.), however I do not see any lush fields created during this period--moreso a world screaming out for a saviour in the midst of destruction/despair---and that is when these devils will 'present' themselves more openly as a 'hope' for the preservation of the flesh. I am sure you are familiar with the 'alien deception' in our midst and how this will all tie in with emerging 'earth change' tribulations. I have received my own dream indicators of what will manifest here in due course, also being telepathically informed in 'dream' by these angelic scoundrels from their craft that "even the strongest spirits will believe (the lie)". Such indicators support what the Bible says in regards to the strong delusion sent that the adversary forces will deceive even the very elect of the Kingdom if possible.

Certainly at the second half of the great tribulation, the living will envy the dead unless they are personally Strengthened by the Hand of God with the miracles that can be Enabled to endure through all manner of this temporal flesh existence.

edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

It was no lie.
and you waffle a lot.
You may not ascribe to a certain religion but your words sound like theirs and not your own, what are we supposed to think about that except that you represent a puppet also of another kind?

There is a very big sphere of influence out there and it is not found in your books that don't speak literally. So was it for protection or for control?
We all interpret differently which actually gives us endless possibilies, when you think about it.

I'm not satisfied when someone says "this is the way it is and that's all there is to it" because I know this is not true personally, based on what I've been shown/and seen/and experienced. But this is not for me to force down someones throat.

Your religions have contaminated themselves, no one else is to blame for warping something fundamentally very simple.
Most symbols are contaminated in a similar way. Over use and lack of understanding is the clear result.

When you battled demons they were probably yours, you created them, and you were battling yourself perhaps, according to some.

Is there the spirit of something that wants to be heard? and tries various ways to have it's own voice heard?
Of course
Ghosts, angels, demons, aliens, relatives, and none of that covers what is also needing attention in nature, the animals, the land, then there's the waters from which all life springs, and indeed the very body of the planet itself, and don't get me started on the Sun and the other planets, who also influence in their own ways.
You can see how belief has brought us to where we are now and it's a bit of a mess in some spots, simply because some aspects of, all that is, has been ignored.

How can I help, in the spirit of love and light, (knowing full well there is love in the dark also), is the question I am not afraid to ask and seek answers for personally.

Just as humans can be bound by their obligations and debts (or so they think) so too must the same be true for those things we can not see with our daylight eyes, now who would want to do that?
Suffering is suffering, it doesn't matter what level you are looking at.

For now though, I will continue to have faith in myself and those I love, it's all I can do, in my tiny sphere of existance, and so far, being grateful to the mother and the father of us all is all I can agree with and with honesty, give thanks for. Does it truly matter what form they take?

Instead of breaking down my words this time to fortify your own version of things, how bout you just write and try to use your own words. That's what they were given to you for.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

When you battled demons they were probably yours, you created them

And you too therefore are a denier of Christ, for you clearly do not acknowledge the large bulk of what His Holy ministry for forcing down your throat?? I compel none to read a word, so just skip over all my posts if you so choose. Your will is your own as are all our spirits of contention.

For now though, I will continue to have faith in myself

Heathenous words, and that explains much of the 'truth' held in your perspective mind that sees not in the eyes of the Spirit that Delivers to it's Adherants. The Light is Truth and you are a stranger to it...for now.

knowing full well there is love in the dark also

Demons have no love for you, and May you not discover that the 'hard' way. Love your neighbour, pray for your enemies, yes, these are the Virtues of Christ of which we all fall short in the flesh...hence the need for Salvation by Divine Mercy and Grace in Love and Compassion.

As for your stance on religion in the world, we do agree on a few things and I have some more waffles to serve on that matter.
..if not maybe someone else may glean something from it.

Religion and Disempowerment

Over the ages many original teachings and texts of sacred spiritual Truth have been suppressed, destroyed, altered and otherwise manipulated as means of disempowerment and control over individuals. There are many half-truths and distorted interpretations of historical events that make up many of today’s teachings. This has resulted in mass confusion via contradictions and false doctrine amongst the various religions, congregations and sects. Many thus have turned away from faith in confusion while others blindly follow oppressive religious law written by men that incorporates divisive and fear based doctrines. Such has led to a form of disconnection from our Creator via the negative teaching and thought forms it shapes in human minds. Such false teachings have been designed to keep the flock subservient and contained to a religious groups’ organisational system of false authority and man created rules for selfish ends. Sadly, retention on such deceitful paths often blocks True awareness of one’s Divine nature in the Image and true Spiritual potential for unconditional love via Redemption and Salvation from our fallen state in the condition of sin.

A contribution to the distortion of Sacred Theology over the ages is also linked to corruptive influences and infiltration at the highest level of religious hierarchies by members and agents of the 'Illuminati' (cult of the serpent)—a secretive Luciferic based group of power factions, whom represent the negative based adversaries against mankind's mission of Spiritual Ascension. The apostasy and sabotaging elements within these organisations have contributed gravely to our current state of apostasy on earth. A corrupted leadership has often misguided the faithful and resulted in a spiritually, morally and ethically challenged race. This is of course what the adversary elements have always desired to disempower as many souls as possible for their ends, and is why it has always been so important for humanity to empower themselves and sincerely in love and obedience seek their own Truth directly aided by the Holy Spirit called upon for discernment.

Today, we live in a world deliberately suppressed, kept busy and full of worldly distractions to deter from such a purpose.

Notably, the negativity/division we experience in today’s society is essentially what the collective consciousness of humanity has willfully allowed through our fears, selfishness, ignorance, apathy, anger and other negative based blocks to Divine Love energies. It is this collective karmic (reap what we sow) state that has returned exponentially via disease, war, conflict, disasters etc.

Choose the path of guided Light (Divine Love and Truth in Christ) and fear not the in cleaving to this world and the desires of the temporal flesh. The old will fall and make way for the New in the Kingdom Come.

edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

Life is tiring................and in that we can diminish the truth because of everything around us. We can diminish the very light of our souls for the mundane and simple pleasures of this world.

The soul knows and recognizes a life without G-d. There is a direct unsettling feeling that borders on anxiety and fear in the darkness and quiet of the evening. You sould know the origin of truth because your soul feels is everything else that fights that.

We are not talking religion....................or man made totems. We are talking about the one truth that even your spirit recognizes inside the very stillness of life when nothing is there to occupy or demand your attention.

No amount of rationalizing can deny the truth. In the most quiet voice it is louder than any sound known to man.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

I have to give it to you for your strong enthusiasm, and use of the word heathens lol.

I was raised catholic and feel I have grown spiritually beyond the scope of the church. I have a connection to god the only god it's the same god you have and everyone else. The creator. I don't worship a book or stories passed down that have probably changed completely through time.

There are some good lessons in the bible and were necessary especially back then when the lines of right or wrong weren't as defined as they are now.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by PrestonSpace

The Catholic church has been transformed into a great whore for the ends of the adversaries in it's modern state especially. The Vatican apparatus will prove a large part of the conditioning of humanity for the beast system. Any serious researcher will be able to find much supportive evidence of such.

That aside, the Bible is full of Inspired teachings and Prophetic Warning of what is to come and what souls should be aware of and Prepared in, Namely the Redemptive Power from evil via our King Yehushua who has already attained the Glory for the Kingdom via His Blood Sacrifice.

We require the Holy Spirit to Lead us through the Bible to see with it's Guiding Sight to discern the Light from the shades of grey by men.

edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

So to have faith in yourself is to be a heathen? This must then be a compliment, so thank you.
You know nothing of me to make such assumptions, but please think what you like, it effects me not at all. In fact it has been most interesting chatting to you.

The rest of your post I agree with.

Egyptia, that was lovely and true. Why do you type god as g-d? I have seen others do this also, why?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

So to have faith in yourself is to be a heathen?

One converted to the Good Spirit would have advised to bear faith in their Creator, who Bestows and Represents all that is Good, not in themselves, for the workings of the flesh are easily corruptible void of Grace. All Glory and Praise is to the Kingdom.

Instead of breaking down my words this time to fortify your own version of things, how bout you just write and try to use your own words. That's what they were given to you for.

A confusing statement, as I write with what is within my consciousness and the promptings given for me to share.

We are not required to agree on anything and I do not condemn even when I use expressions such as heathen as defined earlier. I do bear a love for all here, so much so I will often tell them what confronts them most and what I know they don't want to receive.

In expressing such, I acknowledge my weaknesses, impatience being one at times and too am open to any Righteous counsel and corrections-- and will apologise for any tone directed to anybody here not entirely in the Good Spirit in delivery.

it has been most interesting chatting to you.

And I take that as compliment. Thank you Amanda.

I only desire in faith not blind (it is Rewarded) that people Love our Holy Creator, Seek our Creator, aiming to do the Divine Will in such and ensure their Deliverance by those means of Adherence. All those that do this will eventually be Led to the Son who is Seated at the Right Hand.
edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by PrimeLight

Grace of good spirit would be taking yourself off to a Doctor who insists that you need to expose yourself (and your most sacral parts) to his ministrations with his fingers and whatever gadget (shoe horn) he can lay his hands on to check your cervix, try handling that with grace, and then they insist you bring your daughters in as soon as they are 'active' because they may just get cervical cancer, grace is me not gutting the little Indian man (incidentally a lot of Ghinos are Indian men, why is that?), who mentioned nothing of kundalini and self healing while he had his fingers inside of me. Why is it Western woman have so much disease? Perhaps you could meditate and ask your so called 'friends' why this is so for me. If they don't answer you, then you tell 'em to come and see me, they know how, I promise. If that isn't enough she then has to expose her breasts to all and sundry too, for the same reasons. SHE is conditioned to be receptive and open to all sorts in the name of being the whore. you bandy that word around like a fool. Shall we talk about blood then? Or not....
Incidentally, have you had your prostate checked lately?
you are confused because you are a fanatic about war and retribution in the name of Christ, I think enough has been done in the name of Christ, do you agree?
In fact if I was him (sorry brother) I would be ashamed to show my face knowing what you all have done with my name. It's a bit like the weak using the name of a brute to enforce their own strength. 'Don't touch me or I'll get so and so to beat the crap out of you!' no difference to me that and it = pussy
Actually it's entirely like the Messiah who hides himself in Russia somewhere waiting for them all to kill themselves before he emerges and tries to help them too. I'm sorry, did you think this was the same dude? ppffttt!

"We are not required to agree on anything and I do not condemn even when I use expressions such as heathen as defined earlier. I do bear a love for all here, so much so I will often tell them what confronts them most and what I know they don't want to receive. "

Whew! Lucky for me it's not up to you to condemn.....and you are right, your agreement is not required for me to continue to live how I like, and I'm sorry I'm not sure I love you at all,
You will tell them what confronts them? Goodness! What would your mother say to that I big, looking down on all those little people, gosh we're lucky to have you

I understand you have some issues, but geez man, if you are going to promote violence wether on this plane or another then you have missed a very valuable message somewhere along your travels, but that's just my opinion.
I would hope that you would not be in charge of anything fundamental to this planets existence simply because you are so motivated by redemption. It's very simple really. You are not qualified, you have disqualified yourself by your own opinions, perhaps one day you will get back on track.

I am impatient too, and what I know is, unless we can come to some sort of cooperation it's one in all in (in our system in it's entirety, do you think you are the only one to get tested? The arrogance of man exceeds no other), because quite frankly I'm not going to let you hurt anyone, even those whoring skirt wearing men who now run the catholic churches, or those middle eastern fools who are an embarrassment to their woman, who secretly act the same.
Forgiveness is key my friend, always has been, you have not got there yet, as is evident from your very own words, and I'm a sister who cares enough to give you a heads up with grace

War! war!, there must be War!, says the silly little man in the corner keeping his totty warm.
"I only desire in faith not blind (it is Rewarded) that people Love our Holy Creator, Seek our Creator, aiming to do the Divine Will in such and ensure their Deliverance by those means of Adherence. All those that do this will eventually be Led to the Son who is Seated at the Right Hand."
You are exactly the term 'blind faith' brother.
All fathers love their little girls, and I hope he is kind to the sons who were left in charge of them, enough to save them all from themselves. Amen
The father has clearly not spoken to you since you are still here, duh!

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 05:17 AM
Goodnight brother

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

Without Christ and the Holy Creator in one's heart and life Amanda, a human being is nothing but an open vessel to be used, abused and torn asunder by the enemy. Christ is the True Healer. Go to Him and Allow Him to ease the torments and burden in heart.

It is a Good night in Him sister.

edit on 16-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:15 PM
I'm glad you came back and I didn't offend enough for you to completely ignore my post.
Plenty of others are not that game.
Contrary also to the opinion of one silky verbal knife weilder, and one who thought I was after pity. Yeah right man!

You have my respects for that at the very least.

The local Christian church in this little town preaches, that those who say no to an implant, are the decievers and Satans children.
Another church condoned the beating a of a wife by her husband, and that was okay. When she left her abusive husband, she was kicked out of her church and family.
Another demands they walk the town seeking converts to their version of truth, dragging their children along with them, who should be busy exploring their childhoods.
Another gentleman who was friend (who is also very religious) had no problem with stealing first if he had a need, instead of asking for help, while preaching a wiping of Islam as the solution.
I'm not black enough to speak to the indiginous woman either apparently.
Another promotes Peace and harmony along with Kharma, that would last longer than the dust of your body.
Another faith would have me covered and silent in the company of men, and to cover my hair, and condone violent retribution of non believers.
The government, on the other hand (in this country at least) pays you to have children, charges you to die and thinks they own all that is you, and that you can own nothing that can not be taken from you.
There are plenty more unmentionables....I need not go on.

I don't like those choices so far. None of that explains the obviousness of intellegent design in where we find ourselves.

Do you see what a mess they have all made for my children and their childrens children? It's not about me, it's about them. I don't care what name they have given it, or what justifications they can scrounge up for the their actions. They promote fear as their foundation and exclusion and expulsion and retribution and ugliness imo.

When my children ask me about religion, I tell them it is entirely up to them to decide for themselves what they believe, and to have faith in themselves to know right from wrong. If they are to educate themselves on relgion, then they have a responsibility to themselves, to explore all avenues.

There is only one church so far that I understand, and it is the one you entered when you left your mothers womb.
But of course, this is just my opinion.

I'm sorry OP for derailing your thread in such a manner.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by AussieAmandaC

There is only one church so far that I understand, and it is the one you entered when you left your mothers womb.
But of course, this is just my opinion.

I'm sorry OP for derailing your thread in such a manner.

We are born dead in spirit and therefore we are not a part of the true Church when we come into this world. In fact we are born in this way dead to the truth. We become alive only when we come to the realization of the knowledge of the truth and accept the gift of our salvation through Yehushuah who paid a ransom for us. Until then you are born spiritually dead and only belong to the family of that death.

Mark 10:45
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Ephesians 2

"And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest". (NASB) Ephesians 2:1-3

So when did our spirit die?

Genesis 2:17
". . . but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die." (NASB) Genesis 2:17

G-d repeated the word die (MUT) twice for a purpose. Did this imply both a physical and a spiritual death?

See it is an imposibility to have been born into the family of truth. Only until the day you repented and accepted the greatest gift ever could you be born into the family of truth and at that moment you became truly alive in HIM and your dead spirit became alive in the family and body of Truth.

The reason why I leave out the vowel when I spell G-d is for the purpose of keeping HIS NAME HOLY.

Primelight your words are beautifully said in Truth, thank you.

edit on 16-12-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:55 AM

edit on 17-12-2012 by AussieAmandaC because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

There are plenty more unmentionables....I need not go on. I don't like those choices so far. Do you see what a mess they have all made for my children and their childrens children?

Times will only become more challenging Amanda in more ways than one. This is the reality many wish in their heart's desire to deny, scoff and mock the contents of Prophecy yet to be Fulfilled.

It is these dire times on the cusp, which is why I testify to lead others by their Seeking unto what has Blessed my own life greatly, and those people you mentioned in example I am not, nor am I your enemy in Standing.

Here I seek not love nor respect from another, for my directive in Truth by transformations in Him through Grace is to love my brothers and sisters without expecting anything in turn. In fact, I expect to be scorned and hated by the vast majority for what I Stand in within His Word and Testament that overwhelmingly supports what He has Revealed to me personally.

Let Thy Will be done and May thy Kingdom Come swiftly in Holy Reprieve from the trials and tribulation now and ahead.

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

John 2:15-17
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Matthew 10:22
"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."
edit on 17-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:06 AM
Erm, just to be practical for a moment. I don't know how old your mother is, but if I was having weird ass baby dreams, then the first thing I'd do would be to actually take a pregnancy test.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Suspiria

Well I'm thinking she should take one too. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

Thank you PrimeLight for your support and prayers. However, I didn't go to this site looking for a negative point of view. I know that there are skeptics, paganists and others here. I am not obsessed or excited by the occult. My family and I are experiencing demonic activity in our home. We go to God for help alone. But He did say that knowledge is power. We wanted to know if there are other people with same situation here.

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