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Demonic nightmares/visions about being pregnant?

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posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by dorkfish87

Well I'm glad we can be buddies still, though your kind will certainly be gleeful when the faithful in Christ are persecuted in the days of tribulation to come, for the possessions upon souls will be further increased when the Hand of Grace is moreso lifted from this fallen earth state and it's corrupted peoples.

edit on 13-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Rapha

firstly, how do you know it was yhwh that sent the vision (did he announce himself and give you his name?), this sounds like supposition to me. Interesting story, i've had some visions of my own, so they can be many faceted with many meanings, and the more time that passes and the occassional rehash, shows more you missed the first few times.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by endomorphism

Wow that is truly disturbing..I'm sure you had a similar experience. Did anything else happen to you? Thank you SO much for the input.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by PrimeLight
reply to post by dorkfish87

Oh believing in magic makes me a heathen

No, PROMOTING witchcraft whilst at the same time denying the Christ as a "dead carpenter" exposed your spirit of contention. Do you have amnesia to your own postings or do you just enjoy twisting my words?

I see that is a pattern here against me with the heathen. They do it to me all the time like a bad habit they can't seem to shake. But that's ok, I already understand that our Father makes your kind blind as due reward for a dead faith and Rejection.

I believe in god

Which one?? Take your pick, the world offers many. If you knew the Father, he would have led you to His Son via the Holy Spirit. Your 'god' is Lucifer kid (child of the goat) who dismisses and insults the Lamb.

Demons aren't going to shy away because you said the name of Jesus.

Really?? How much experience have you had in spiritual warfare to express that with such conviction? Once again you deny what you don't understand and attempt to diminish the role and Power of the Christ in the True faithful that lean of Him and the Father in all things.
edit on 13-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

Really?? and how much experience have YOU had in spiritual warfare?, please count the ways, since you put yourself forward as such an expert on the subject. Alternatively how many loving spiritual encounters have you had?
The very deepest impression of ignorance coupled with a high and mighty attitude. You are prime all right.
I can't believe you are calling people heathens!?
and by witchcraft you mean what all major religions are practicing themselves right? while forgetting (glossing over) the fundamental truth of their origins with stories to keep them warm at night and not so alone, sorry sir, you don't know what you're talking about.
Your promotion of ignorance would have people staying in the dark in broad daylight.

When you can stop telling people what is and is not, then you may well be able to see a glimmer of truth then yourself, until then you swim in the bog of your own making.

Everything you see is a lesson, you will continue to get the lesson until you understand, with regards to the op, the lesson would be closer to learning control, especially of themselves (mentally, physically and spiritually), and then asking questions. Little by little answers will trickle in, and it is entirely up to the individual to find their own truth in what they see. Speak your personal boundaries out loud in your home and your bedrooms and around your yard/house. You are allowed to set personal boundaries for contact. You must get a grip on your fears to be able to think clearly about this situation. The mother daughter bond of love is strong, show them and be strong together. Read and research, but the only person who will show you the truth is yourself op.

I like how some of you hide behind a big brother who was so brave as to hand himself over for sacrifice, and yet you cower on the coat tails of his majesty constantly.
Have you any idea how many unnamed sacrifices have been made already so that you can draw breath today?
Will you Warrior for those as well?
Be brave, stand firm, be who you are, and be bold. Truth is shown in heart and expressions of love. And it is everywhere. To some though, it is as elusive as the wind, which is sad.

You all conveniently forget the old saying 'God helps those who help themselves', and it is as true now as it was then.

It's dissappointing to see how many of you don't go any deeper than religion, it has become your own door, barred from you, when those doors are opened (or smashed, or walked through, or closed in front of you) it means something bigger than religion on it's own, think about it.

If I told you that nothing in the dark would hurt you, and nothing in the light would hurt you, and that everything in between just wants to love you, what would you say to that? then where exactly, do we sit?

very interested in your response

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by VegHead

Wow what you said was interesting. Yes we have demonic activity in our home-so she has nightmares about them too. Those fallen angels are the cause of it I think. She gave birth to three children, I am first born. She has NEVER had dreams like that even during those pregnancies. And we do connect, we end up in the same nightmare too. And we didn't dream similar ones because of hearing about it either..Do you want to share the nightmares you've had? Thank you for sharing the adice =)

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Amen to your prayers and support. But we are NOT obsessed with this. We'd rather not go through this at all. We have demonic actvity in our home. So this horror is a daily basis. Still we are blessed. Thank you for the advice though.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

Thank you too for the kind words and support. Its needed =) God bless you.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

Really?? and how much experience have YOU had in spiritual warfare?, please count the ways

Enough ways to know there is Power in the Name and Blood of the Lamb. I always provide my knowledge accounts through not just years of dedicated seeking and study, but from the study/seeking conducted that has validated many PERSONAL encounters.

you put yourself forward as such an expert on the subject.

Knowledgeable yes, expert no, though I consider Derek Prince a great teacher in the field of demonology and spiritual warfare.

Alternatively how many loving spiritual encounters have you had?

There are two sides to the coin, so enough to validate my faith in Christ strongly to say the least.

The very deepest impression of ignorance coupled with a high and mighty attitude. You are prime all right.

Please highlight specifically which statements you took issue with that are in ignorance. I am 'high and mighty' in what I stand in with the Lord and without His Gifts I am nothing but dust in the wind.

I can't believe you are calling people heathens!?

You deemed that word an insult, though it is simply a state of being. Here is the definition of heathen and maybe you can see why I applied it where I did.
hea·thens or heathen
1. Offensive
a. One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
b. Such persons considered as a group; the unconverted.
2. Heathen An adherent of a Neopagan religion that seeks to revive the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Germanic peoples.
3. Informal
a. One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened.
b. Such persons considered as a group.

and by witchcraft you mean what all major religions are practicing themselves right? while forgetting (glossing over) the fundamental truth of their origins with stories to keep them warm at night and not so alone, sorry sir, you don't know what you're talking about. Your promotion of ignorance would have people staying in the dark in broad daylight.

Why are you applying the precepts of major religions to myself when I clearly highlighted my stance on organised religion. I subscribe to none as a faithful in Christ, the Father and His Kingdom that has touched my life personally.

I like how some of you hide behind a big brother who was so brave as to hand himself over for sacrifice,

The Lord is my Shepard in Truth.

Have you any idea how many unnamed sacrifices have been made already so that you can draw breath today? Will you Warrior for those as well?

I will shed my blood in persecution for His Name's sake, yes.

Be brave, stand firm, be who you are, and be bold.

Every time I do that, I tend to be labelled all manner of things including 'high and mighty'

Truth is shown in heart and expressions of love.

Love is truth and truth offends greatly. I have love and compassion for heathens too, though you may not believe such.

You all conveniently forget the old saying 'God helps those who help themselves', and it is as true now as it was then.

Who help themselves by what means? Deception, treachery, cunning?? He helps those who lean by all Virtues in faith and love for their Creator with the Good Spirit that bestows the Blessings of those virtues in a corruptible imperfect world in sin.

It's dissappointing to see how many of you don't go any deeper than religion,

Such comments and others were not moreso addressed as they were based on false 'religionist' presumptions on how I have come to my Knowledge in Him.

Everything you see is a lesson, you will continue to get the lesson until you understand

Many fail the grade.

If I told you that nothing in the dark would hurt you, and nothing in the light would hurt you, and that everything in between just wants to love you, what would you say to that? then where exactly, do we sit?

If you told me that nothing in the dark could hurt me then I would call you a liar, for I have faced and dealt with the entities that have attacked me numerously knowing what I Stand in with Christ. The heathen are no threat to them, for their souls are already won over in corrupted allegiance. Those with a Voice they aim to oppress and harass to instill fear in aims to silence. So no, I am not one for 'sitting' much in that regard.

Everything 'in between' I call the 'lukewarm' which is a risky position on a soul level, for they too are useless in matters of spiritual warfare and once again no threat to the powers and principalities who seek to snare via blinding others to the Truth of Salvation and their True means to gain such by Holy faith AND works through Grace alone.

posted on Dec, 13 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Agatha

I appreciate your sentiments, however I do feel that you lend much attention to the 'workings' of the enemy, rather than focusing on the solutions in Truth as a professed Christian. Do you really feel tormented or equally/moreso fascinated too by these workings to make a 'showcase' of them knowing what is responsible as you testify?

A large part of the earth ministry of Yehushua the Messiah Made King of Kings was negative entity (demonic) Deliverance from the human condition. You stated you are a Christian faithful, so I am curious as to why you did not already know how to deal with these entities in Him alone (with fasting, warfare prayer and repentance to break the demonic strongholds influencing your surrounds) and why you turned to this site to seek counsel amongst the majority heathen/atheist/agnostic/pagan mindsets here.

Advice for the faithful concerning warfare:

"What is our license to carry out spiritual warfare?
The Name of the Lord Yehushua Christ. There is only one legal ground upon which we can go into combat with the kingdom of darkness. The earth is now provisionally the Lord Yehushua our Christ’s, however; we must bring this into physical reality. Our license to contend with the kingdom of darkness is THE NAME of the Lord.
(Mark 16:15-18) Proverbs 1810
‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and are saved’
Philippians 29-11
‘Wherefore God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Yehushua every knee shall bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Yehushua our Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father’

Who qualifies to carry out spiritual warfare in the Name of Yehushua?
God has committed to work through the people called by His name, when they, as described in the first paragraph, understand and walk in their position and STAND on the glorified name of Yehushua Christ in warfare. God looks at His Son in glory, and when He sees us seated in Him, then His Son’s name and authority can be entrusted to us on earth and thus we qualify to engage in spiritual warfare. (Ephesians 2:6)"

"Please remember, that spirits cannot come and inhabit the earth unless they have a legal ground. Demons will not start attacking you unless there is a foothold; maybe woundedness, unforgiveness, generational sin, words spoken carelessly and other sin in your life. Remember Job 1? Satan asked God “how can I touch him seeing he is hedged in on every side?” Job was a righteous man so Satan could not touch him and defile him but he used other outside influences to try and cause Job to let his guard down and
curse God or speak words that would give the devil a foothold, he attacked his body but could not touch his soul because Job was a righteous man".

"Corinthian 103-6
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete."

"When you are a prayer altar, you have a presence of God upon your life and that is the protection upon your life, which the devil fights. These demonic agents say that when they go into the spiritual realm they don’t see as we see, it is easy to spot a Christian in the spiritual side. The earth is in total darkness and you find that these Christians have a light around them. Some are like big cities with light all over. This man said they have to be far from those people. Others are like a lantern and others are like a bulb and others like a small lamp and others are like the candles. So depending on the light upon your life, these demons keep far or can come near. Some Christians are like a little wink that is about to blow out. If you have that presence of God you have the fiery passage that goes through this firmament and it means you have open a heaven; and wherever you are you can talk to our Creator/Father in Heaven."

Feel free to U2U if you feel you require specific prayer information and May you be Blessed in Knowledge with obedience for release from all workings of the enemy--- and May we all, in accordance with the Will of our Father be in adherence with His Divine Law to be Counted Worthy of Graces within His Good Spirit.
edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 12:27 AM

edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:48 AM

reply to post by AussieAmandaC

firstly, how do you know it was yhwh that sent the vision (did he announce himself and give you his name?), this sounds like supposition to me.

If the source of the vision originated from the fallen ones, the last thing they would do is show themselves in their true spiritual form. It would look like they shot themselves in the foot. Fallen angels are not stupid.

YHWH wanted me to see what this world will soon feel like without His love. These fallen ones only bring false light to this world. Another vision showed the paradise that the fallen ones are bringing to this world.

If YHWH wasn't there, then i wouldn't be here right now typing away. i would be trapped in that same room or worse.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by dorkfish87

Interesting how truly convoluted humans can be in all their intelligence which serves as foolishness in the end. You are advising another in the ways of witchcraft which adheres to unseen powers of darkness binding the soul in ways you clearly have no idea about. Yet you deny the ONE and Only Force of Creation, Light and Truth. In so doing you willingly point to a direction of destruction to another without understanding the true influence of such powers or what these are attached to.

Do you even know the origins of witchcraft and the forces utilized under the power of such magic and sorcery? Many profess that it can be as simple as the worship of nature and trying to balance those powers. In reality that delusion is in denial of The Creator and only acknowledges the creation itself still being unaware of the true forces that are at work here in this world manipulating everything including our souls.

Perhaps you have never delved into researching this to truly understand the fire of destruction that you are playing with. Should you wish to learn the truth about this there are a few links to give you an idea, ofcourse you are free to dismiss them as well, free world after all.

Such ignorance is what destroys people and their souls in the end.

Bishop Samuel Vagalas Kanco ~ A Former African Witch Doctor

Origins of Witchcraft/Sorcery

edit on 14-12-2012 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by Egyptia

I love how as soon as you denounce Christ everyone makes the presumption that you don't believe in god. And for your information I do believe in the god-force, I just don't believe in Christ, and yes that is possible

I have much more knowledge of the occult and the inner workings of magic and the manipulation of internal and external energy. Not all witchcraft users are new age hippy types

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by dorkfish87

I have much more knowledge of the occult and the inner workings of magic and the manipulation of internal and external energy.

I already detected that in you, which is why the Holy Spirit alerted me that you were in a manner of possession by the forces that you have surrended to in energetic alignment.

Your casual form of blasphemy against Yehushua Ha Maschia could only come from devils attached to you manipulating your consciousness. Know however I have love for you and I will pray for your release from these occult bonds (though your will is what ultimately decides) because this is not a game nor are occultic elements to be toyed or experimented with in a 'learning', for you indeed will be burned furthermore in your sowing lest you sincerely repent and ask our Holy Father for forgiveness.

Release the hurt and the bitterness that you carry, it is a poison and May you be Bathed and Cleansed by His Holy Blood sacrificed for your Redemption from such evil you have turned to in a spite.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Rapha

If the source of the vision originated from the fallen ones, the last thing they would do is show themselves in their true spiritual form.

They are extremely beautiful in appearance and can give off a very strong 'feelgood vibe' on their human 'targets' as if they are exuding a love from their being. However their true aura of pure evil is detected easily by those aligned/Tuned within the frequencies of the Holy Spirit. Those 'in the Fold' are not easily fooled by their manipulating 'tweakings' on the human mind and body in aims to alter one on a physiological level. Many however are seduced.

From a Biblical perspective, the daughters of men would not have been seduced so easily in our past if these once Divinely favoured angels were not Created in beauty with many alluring charms and talents.

edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Embrace the demons, let them in your lives and get closer to the dark lord Lucifer.

At least he's not trying to get you to drink blood and sacrifice anything...he just wants to hangout. Make it happen.

After all, he's not who wrote a book talking # about his relatives.

/end thread.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:21 AM
I'm much happier the way I am thank you. I highly doubt demons gave me the knowledge I have, since I learned it from my parents and my families on each side go way back with this knowledge.

Why do you fear knowledge of the way the universe works? Feel good stories to help you feel better at night may work for you, it's knowledge of the ways of existence that makes me happy

The more you learn the more you grow.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by dorkfish87

It appears I recognised the truth of the matter from the outset, that Lucifer in deed is your 'god' of doctrinal alignment with occult practice/sorceries in unholy measure. Know however the masonry walls are going to crumble to dust at the Dawning of Man and all that remains of their cornerstone will go to the dogs.

We Live by our choices and we die by them also. Your heathenous ilk are draped with ropes in deceptions and even generationally bound 'Illuminati' members are slowly awakening to that during this Apocalypse now.

All that is hidden will eventually be brought to Light. As you are.

edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by PrimeLight

You can think anything you like, but I don't fit into your false view of reality, and you're starting to sound psychotic to be perfectly honest with you.

Put whatever label on what my family has thought me that you'd like, makes no difference to me

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by dorkfish87

Embrace the demons, let them in your lives and get closer to the dark lord Lucifer.

You starred the post that expressed the above sentiment. Are you sure then I'm the one you want to qualify as a 'psycho'?

Put whatever label on what my family has thought me that you'd like

You provided a 'freudian slip' there. I don't doubt in what your family has thought for you and placed upon you in a 'brainwashing' alongside their generational spirit influences passed down that have overcome your mind. And that is why I will continue to pray for you, without needing to engage further here as my Father does the Changing and the real work in others by Pure Grace. I do not.

I'll let you be.

edit on 14-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

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