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MI House Passes Right-to-Work Measure While Teachers Skip School to Protest

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posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by The Old American

Originally posted by jimmyx
happens all the time out here in california, which by the way is a right-to-work state.

No, actually California isn't a right-to-work state. There are only 24 states that practice freedom in the workplace, and California isn't one of them.

Nice try, though. Good thing there's a thing called "the internet" for anyone that might accidentally believe you.


my bad...california is a "at-will" state:

you can be fired for anything the boss thinks of, rather it's valid or not.....
edit on 12-12-2012 by jimmyx because: addition

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by chiefsmom

Yep, the Unions are great, aren't they.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by 11235813213455

On the bright side I happily left that job before the strike for one that laid the foundation for my career. No union, plenty of raises because the business practiced meritocracy.

That was another issue with the union. They did everything they could to make sure that busting your ass would not pay off or benefit you in any way.

Consistently beating quotas, perfect attendance, streamlining processes, you were blocked from receiving any raises or perks by your union contract. You could be the absolute best guy on the floor and you were paid the same as the drunks who called out every Monday and Friday.

In fact I was told on more than one occasion to "slow down" and "take some days" because I was making other people feel bad about their performance.
edit on 11-12-2012 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)
Ummm.......When I was in "The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners".......Whew, trying saying that three times, fast. I was told by my "brothers" that my work was too good and I had to dumb it down, cause I was now a part of that particular herd. I told them to have some pride in their work and continued to show them up. Then they tried the tough guy tactic, all gathering around in a group and acting thuggish.....I just laughed in all their faces and said bring it......I was a little younger and really, really, loved to fight back then. Once they saw that they couldn't intimidate me, they backed off. They'd do some stupid crap like steal my tools or hide them, but then some of them actually began to have some pride in their work and we would compete to see who could hang the crown molding or scribe the counter in the fastest and best.


posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:15 AM
Let me begin with my version of WOW.
WOW, that you think that by being let go from a job means the end of the world, and that being hired somewhere else isn't even a possibility.
WOW, that I would want to work for a company that just blindly fires people for getting hurt, or being over 50 (Which is discrimination, and has nothing to do with a push from the almighty Unions), or have bosses that are jerks.
Sounds like you are lazy, in vetting a future employer. But thank God that the Union is there to take up your slack.

Originally posted by jimmyx

wow...all i can say is...just wait to you are screwed over, by a company, or corporation.

Screwed over how?
By being let go???
I have been let go once in my life, and that was from a 3 person business. It was on a Tuesday. I started a new job on Friday. Seems that I, having made good choices and decisions in life, have made myself and my skills valuable.
Unlike the one trick pony that most union workers are, aside from maybe carpenters.
I love the Telecom Union guys. They know how to say, run cable from here to there, and that is it. They have been doing that for 20+ years and know nothing else. Great way to grow, huh?

Originally posted by jimmyx
i guess living on the street is just a alternate lifestyle to you...

Yeah, because the Company that laid off someone PUT them in the streets.
There is no responsibility on the person.

Originally posted by jimmyx
.maybe all of us americans just need to go through a depression once again, to appreciate how wonderful our corporate masters are, for giving us the opportunity to work for them

As opposed to the wonderful Richard Trumpka and his wealth, income and power.
I have no Corporate master, yet I will never belong to a Union.
Because of this, I have learned and been a part of almost every aspect of Telecom and Networks.
Compared to a Union counterpart, which is slave to the Union, to argue for them, push for pay raises as a collective and then force me to go strike when the Union doesn't get what it wants. Or, cause the company to close shop and then the union worker is really screwed.

Originally posted by jimmyx
hey i know:
1. let's do away with that pesky minimum wage, it really is hurting our competitiveness

I love that setting the minimum pay is pushed. What a great way to keep people in that range.
Yeah, minimum wage is so great.

Originally posted by jimmyx
2. and work weeks should be as many hours as the company wants, maybe 16 a day, would boost profits.

Geez, and all Non-union jobs are doing this, huh?

Originally posted by jimmyx
3. and OSHA...c'mon, cutting into profits, because some worker gets hurt due to his own stupidity, not good

OSHA, DOL and Workers Comp has nothing to do with Unions.
Oh, and SO many people that are Non-unions are getting fired just for getting hurt on the job.

Originally posted by jimmyx
4. let's bring in as many chinese nationals as needed to work, to show americans how lazy they are.

Maybe that is what is needed. Seems to be that there is a generation that are to uppity to do the jobs that they are willing to do.
But, let's also throw out the Freedom of the Company and the owner(s) to chose, as to who they hire.
Let's allow the Unions to dictate to a company how to do business. That sounds great.
Sure sure.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:16 AM
I support unions 100% and any worker that does not is a gullible, ignorant fool. We got a taste of the great depression and it sucked. No thanks right wingers. Keep the stupidity to yourselfs. If you think everyone is going to bend over just to please you, then you guys have another thing coming and it will not be pretty.

Right to work= slavery; global free trade=slavery(no tariffs); tax loopholes for the rich=slavery; republicans=slavery; democrats=hypocrites; rothschilds+rockefellers=criminals

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by YouSir

OSHA, at one of their data centers, has a Govt employee, protected by the Govt employee union, that has been on the job for 22 years.
His job, as a GS12, is to maintain 8 printers. He fills the paper trays, replaces the cartridges and resets the printer spools.
When not doing this time consuming job, he sleeps in his cubicle. He sleeps roughly 4-6 a day.

Another worker, who is a GS13, has had numerous complaints about sexual harassment.
Once instance consists of him sitting in the open break room, and reading Playboy magazines, that belong to him.
His out, and the Govt Employee Union backed him, was that the magazine is "Art".
He does this for about 3-4 hours out of the day.

I have caught numerous Union Telecom guys sleeping at their switch consoles for hours on end, in their trucks for hours and have had a IBEW jackass electrician try to run me and my crew off of a job site, because we refused to take the breaks that they did.

Also, let's look at the overhead that say Qwest/Century Link has over say XO or Integra.
Qwest offers a Business T1 for about $900 a month.
Integra offers the same thing for $500.

SO, as Unions continue to cripple the company, in some vane attempt to save the worker, don't bitch when the customer base takes their money elsewhere and the company has to close shop, or cut jobs.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Yep, freedom for Unions, but not for anyone else.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Oh, thank God the Union was able to save these oppressed and targeted workers.

That would have been a shame if they were fired for their actions. You know, building vehicles that carry families and people around at speeds of around 65mph while drunk and stoned.

edit on 12-12-2012 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:38 AM


posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:42 AM
Post Removed by Staff

--Off Topic, One Liners and General Back Scratching Posts--

edit on 12/12/2012 by Sauron because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07


Your response is some meme and some pictures???

Ok then. Ok.....

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:43 AM
I've read a number of scenarios where people are saying they need the unions to protect them from their employers.

This leaves me quite flabbergasted. If any employer tried to treat me in the manner that many people are describing here, I would quit long before I got fired.

If your employer wants to treat you badly, don't work for them in the first place!

Refuse to be a slave! Find somewhere else to work, or start working for yourself.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:44 AM
Because right to work really means the right to screw the common man's balls to the wall...It's basically a right to employers to *snip* all over you and have YOU afraid to do anything about it for fear you'll be let go..."Fired" for those that are too dense to get it, just say one thing that your boss doesn't like or try to have a lunch break for God's sake and you will be tossed on your can. This is NOT good news, only A$$wipes that don't work in a right to work state would approve of this *snip* And try to negotiate wages that's a *snip* Joke since illegal mexicans don't negotiate and will take their crappy A$$ pay!!!

I work in a right to work state I literally had ONE JOB that gave lunch breaks and that was Wal Mart everyone else would tell you eat at your post while working (and all my jobs were retail/customer service).

Mod Note: Vulgarity on ATS
edit on 12/12/12 by davespanners because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Yes, you love Unions, don't understand the first thing about personal freedoms, let alone freedom for all and not just Unions.
And, it seems that it is overwhelming you to the point that your head hurts.

Oh, and that meme is a valid retort to a debate.

Yes, I do get it.
Bravo EarthCitizen, bravo.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Yep, because my balls are really screwed to the walls, without the benevolent Union here to protect me.

I am so oppressed, and live such a terrible life, because there is no Union I can turn to.

OH WOES ME......WOES ME......

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Yes, you love Unions, don't understand the first thing about personal freedoms, let alone freedom for all and not just Unions.
And, it seems that it is overwhelming you to the point that your head hurts.

Oh, and that meme is a valid retort to a debate.

Yes, I do get it.
Bravo EarthCitizen, bravo.

Companies already have PLENTY of freedom. In fact they are the ONLY ONES to have real freedom. Why give them more? It is like giving tax breaks to rich billionares who are swimming with so much money with free trade they fart it out their ass, with the pathetic reasoning the government trusts them to re-invest it back into the economy, which they never do. They invest it in third world countries.

It seems you really DO NOT get it!

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
Because right to work really means the right to screw the common man's balls to the wall...It's basically a right to employers to S*** all over you and have YOU afraid to do anything about it for fear you'll be let go..."Fired" for those that are too dense to get it, just say one thing that your boss doesn't like or try to have a lunch break for God's sake and you will be tossed on your can. This is NOT good news, only A$$wipes that don't work in a right to work state would approve of this S*** And try to negotiate wages that's a F****** Joke since illegal mexicans don't negotiate and will take their crappy A$$ pay!!!

Well anyone that has millions invested in wall street obviously hates unions because they drain their bottom line somewhat. Wall street is greedy like that. Nevermind you can't even find a real job in america anymore and have to settle for at least 3 part time jobs, unless you are one of the lucky few to have a steady job and good pay and benefits....minority rather than majority.

I work in a right to work state I literally had ONE JOB that gave lunch breaks and that was Wal Mart everyone else would tell you eat at your post while working (and all my jobs were retail/customer service).

Walmart is so damm pathetic they force people to clock out for the week just before completing 40 hours per week to avoid overtime compensation. Plus the minimum decor theme, plus all manufacturing made in china and import everything duty free.

Win-win for them. Lose-lose for us. Wages go down, business retains upper hand and increases it constantly, less tax revenue for government, less respect, no insurance coverage being mandatory, etc.
edit on 12/12/12 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Oh, so you just want to take away the other unlisted freedoms.
I get it.
The Company as a whole shouldn't be allowed to hire who they want, run the business how they want or operate in a way that suites them.
It should be up to the Unions.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by BomSquad
I've read a number of scenarios where people are saying they need the unions to protect them from their employers.

This leaves me quite flabbergasted. If any employer tried to treat me in the manner that many people are describing here, I would quit long before I got fired.

If your employer wants to treat you badly, don't work for them in the first place!

Refuse to be a slave! Find somewhere else to work, or start working for yourself.

Yeah, we all work for ourselves....or find jobs in mexico! Nice one amigo.

In case you have been living under a rock, illegals have been flooding this nation into the sewer. They take everything from the system and put nothing back in it. The minimum wage which has not even adjusted itself for proper inflation from the beginning of the century, DOES NOT take into account the illegals. They work even for $3 an hour and say "thank you senor".

Just finding a dead-end job is going to be difficult as hell in a pure service orientated economy. Then if you get the mw you go home with roasted peanuts trying to make ends meet. What the hell is wrong with people unless this site is infested with pentagon, think tank(heritage foundation), and lobby(aipac) shills.

posted on Dec, 12 2012 @ 12:13 PM
I never worked for a Union and if i did not like the way i was treated i moved on. No big deal. Sometimes when the company changed management they would call me up and make me a good offer to come back to work for them. I worked for one company three different times. A well run company interested in making profits will take good care of their employees. Companies that don't understand that a happy employee makes for a profitable business will eventually fail. Kinda like , Happy Wife= Happy Life.

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