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Customers Called 'Fat Girls' on Restaurant Bill

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posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:20 PM
here's some food for thought (pun unintended)

What if the receipt-issue never happened but this group of ladies left this guy a $.01 tip, even though the service and experience was flawless.

Is it within his right now to sue for being insulted or to make national news because by not honoring his efforts, they've insulted his character?

Not taking sides here - simply playing devil's advocate.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by DAZ21

The way he views the world is correct. It's their freedom to eat until they're fat, nobody is forcing then. Why should anyone else worry about it? Have you ever seen the people that are proud of over-eating and having so much weight?? If not, time for an Internet search.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by ArtOfTrance
reply to post by captaintyinknots

there is a fine line between telling it like it is,and making a mistake.

pointing out misspellings are also probably the lowest form of examples,as you said everybody makes mistakes.
some people use sentence fragments.

sometimes I don't start a sentence with capitals letters,is that an indicator to my IQ?

Im not writing an English Final Essay or anything,Im just trying to get my point across without wasting too much time writing it so I can keep browsing this fine site of ATS.

also,I found the study,seems kinda bogus :/ I know people who are borderline omniscient who hurl insults all day long ._.

Ironic how quickly you jump to defend yourself, to claim that my descriptor is untrue.

I'm guessing the point is going well over your head.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by wishful1gnorance

Originally posted by wishful1gnorance
reply to post by xavi1000

Outrage! Preposterous! Loud NOisES! Seriously?

I'm glad he did it. The first step to recovery is acknowledging your problem. If they didn't know they were fat, now they do, they can start fixing it. All kidding aside though... how is this news worthy? Server's are the one's who have it tough you know, those fat girls could have been the rudest fatties on the western hemisphere, the certainly look like the laziests with their droll faces and arm fat, and he's the one who gets punished.. there is your outrage.

fatty boom boom needs to find something better to do with her time.

edit on 10-12-2012 by wishful1gnorance because: editing

No. While it is true that they are fat, it is completely rude and disrespectful to do this.
I don't understand why some of you are defending the guy that did this. Seriously, dont you understand if this is accepted as 'OK' than you end up with all servers defining people by look/race/ opinions?

What if your server put you down as an "idiot" on table 2? "Long nose pimple face" on table 5?
"Ugly perverted guy" on table 6? Jewish turd on table 7? etc... How is this acceptable at all?
Do you guys ever think of the consequences from this?

Wow just wow. people these days.. all selfish, no dignity and respect for anyone at all.
Just more reasons for me to lose faith in the future of the human race.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by wishful1gnorance

Seriously, don't we all have something better to do than to feel sorry for people with poor personal health habits?

Yes we can feel sorry for people like you who seemingly lack any understanding of emotions or how what other people say can affect them

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff

Originally posted by DAZ21
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

If they were related or friends of mine, of course I would feel for them. But I would help them and do all I could to help them shed the weight, if that is what they truely wanted.

Just as I thought

If you knew them and it affected you in some way it would be different. coz you dont know them you cant see any issue or feel any sympathy.

You are a very sad little person in my opinion.

Not gonna waste any more time responding to you on this topic

Well I'm sorry I'm a nice person, and I hope these girls now have someone who can help them, the same as I would.

Obviously you wouldn't be interested in helping your friend lose weight, but pat them on the back and hand them a tissue.

People like you who just like to brush the problems of the world under the carpet will start to trip over soon.
edit on 10-12-2012 by DAZ21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff

Originally posted by jiggerj

Now THAT is not fair. If these girls get upset it should be that THEY don't like the idea of being overweight and not because someone stated the obvious about them.

An insult is only an insult when the tone is insulting. The waiter used the description of fat only to easily remember which table the food went to. If he stood at the table and said, "Gawd, you people are fat!", THAT would've been an insult.

Cmon dude, Ive seen your posts and know your an intelligent guy.
Yes they were fat, no this isnt news worthy but regardless of these facts what was done was insensitive and wrong.

Instead of leaving it to waiters to label customers why dont they just have table numbers

I agree 100%. And there's no denying that if the tables do have numbers then labeling the girls as fat was a total insult. Let's face it, the same words can be said in different tones to mean total love or be totally offensive. Here is a love song that, if a stranger called me 'Funny Face' I'd punch his lights out. But, if my wife called me Funny Face I'd plant a huge kiss on her.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by ArtOfTrance
well nothing wrong with telling the Truth lol

See,perfect example of people not handling the Truth.

You know many people may suffer already with a genetic flaw. Why would anyone want to make their life's worse. No way to know the why...only that causing people pain never is helpful!

British scientists claim to have identified the ‘master regulator’ gene which controls the behavior of other genes found within fat in the body. In laymen’s terms, scientists say they have found the fat gene. What is a master regulator switch? “Genes basically work like switches, and the presence of a certain gene lead a person down the red hair track instead of the black hair track,”

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by DAZ21
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

If they were related or friends of mine, of course I would feel for them. But I would help them and do all I could to help them shed the weight, if that is what they truely wanted.

And if they didn't want would you tease and harass them until they become another you?

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I never once declared it untrue.
I acknowledge that I misspelled a word

oooooooooo kick me out of the spelling bee im done

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:24 PM
If someone put that on my mothers bill, there would be a lawsuit...

Not against the restaurant, but against me for trashing the waiter into the pressure cooker.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by ArtOfTrance
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I never once declared it untrue.
I acknowledge that I misspelled a word

oooooooooo kick me out of the spelling bee im done

Like i said, my point is right over your head.

its okay to insult people, so long as it isnt happening to you, huh

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I heard a joke many years ago with much fact in it. If genetics causes a person to be fat, why arent there any fat people in Ethiopia?

You know many people may suffer already with a genetic flaw

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:24 PM
What if these people had been heroin addicts with track marks all over their arms? Would people be outraged if he called them junkies? Both are detrimental health issues. Ones likely to pass on to future generations through display of bad habits.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by xavi1000
reply to post by KoolerKing

Well, if the restaurant got busy and another server had to jump in to serve them, "Fat Girls" would help accurately describe them quickly to another employee.....Just saying.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by hotel1
If what is said about the American obesity epedemic is true, then surely these women are just average.

“One in ten adults around the world – half a billion people – are obese. The figure has doubled since the 1980s … Almost two-thirds – 62 per cent – of British adults are now overweight or obese.

Yeah strange that so many find it worthy of their notice when it is world wide.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

its offensive to own up to one's on self?

I have to fully disagree, i have my flaw's and i know it, and
i'd be the first one to point them out, same with the ex,
she was overweight, in the end about the size of these gals...
but over time and learning it was who she was and she was ok
with it, she learned to be her self, how and how ever she was and
not let the petty comments from others to effect her.

I see nothing offensive in owning up to reality.

I disagree, if you can own your own faults then not only will others
not effect you, but you have much more confidence and are secure
in who you are.

while i agree in this case it was not called for, its a totally different
setting, but in general i think more people need to learn to accept who
they are for their strengths and weaknesses, if you can refer to them as
that, and get past all the negative, which allows more energy to be used
and focused on doing good things.

Because i forced her to accept her self as she is, and be totally
comfortebul with who and how she was, she has since gone on to
use her training as a massage therapist (from the best school in the U.S.)
and now has 5 locations open in 3 states, and is looking to retire within
a few years, so because she is now secure in who she is, she will never have
to work again, and she is only 36.
edit on 10-12-2012 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by GArnold

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by GArnold

It's perceived as insulting the customer.

Also, Restaurants need customers, without them there is no business. Now that the word is out chances are all their other "Fat Customers" wont bother giving them business.

So, in that respect they'll lose again.

I doubt this will affect their business one iota other than making it busier. This a ton of free advertising for them. If this was a story about how a customer found a dead mouse in their soup then it is a different story but this is a individual server who had nothing to do with food quality or the overall atmosphere of the place. As you can see from this thread and responses most people do not see this as being "wrong". Sure it was a bad mistake by the server but lets be real. This happens in every restaurant around the country on a daily basis 24-7-365.

When we have good servers we have REPEAT customers, when we hire the wrong ones YES we lose business. People pay to eat out not just for the food!

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by innocenttdreams

News in this case had only one view and that was from the girls, we don´t know much about the waiter or do we? We know he was suspended thats all. So lets think this waiter has autism traits and everything he says is how he sees it and he cannot lie. Then he has equal rights to manifest insult and unjustifyed behavior against him from the other part.

So far we know only one side of the matter.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

You know many people may suffer already with a genetic flaw. Why would anyone want to make their life's worse. No way to know the why...only that causing people pain never is helpful!

British scientists claim to have identified the ‘master regulator’ gene which controls the behavior of other genes found within fat in the body. In laymen’s terms, scientists say they have found the fat gene. What is a master regulator switch? “Genes basically work like switches, and the presence of a certain gene lead a person down the red hair track instead of the black hair track,”

these girls never said they had such a mutation to make them fat,that would probably be a solid defense for them,but as it stands now,they are a bunch of fat girls who got called fat.

I wanna see the same restaurant put "black guy" or "hot girl" on the receipt and see people trip out the same as this.
These girls are just insecure that is why its such a big deal.

wooooooo things are heating up in this thread
wheres the "Like" button
edit on 10-12-2012 by ArtOfTrance because: fug up

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