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What happens if nothing happens on Dec 21st, 2012? Possible mass suicides in France?

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posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
There are two kinds of people. Warm and kind-hearted and hard-hearted, and the differentiation between the two has never been more pronounced. Some are alive or are in the process of a resurrection/transformation, and the others are dead already.

That nexus of judgement might effect those courageous enough to be willingly heart broken, but for those lacking in compassion it will be as if nothing whatsoever unusual took place. Oh the irony, for those capable of grasping the humor of true understanding and thus sharing in the cosmic joke at the expense of our human ignorance and stupidity, and at the expense of the hard-hearted who truly are the most ignorant of all.

If you mean those of us who are saying 'Good, go top yourselfs' then I wouldnt throw around assumptions of personality... Im a pacifist, very empathetic (hey i tear up watching movies and im a male), kind (if aloof) and sensitive person who'd love to be in a world where everyone worked towards each others happiness and the greater good.

But there are limits and situations of stupidity even I dont or cant tolerate, and its at these limits I simply throw up my hands and say 'have at it, you reap what you sow'... and im sure some of the other 'hard hearts' are in the same boat.

Be a good person, but at least have some objective realism in life.
edit on 10-12-2012 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Nikola014
If something like this actually happens, then, the only one responsibly for it would be word wide media and so called researchers, who on purpose or not, misunderstood what the Mayans were trying to tell us. And then they spread lies, lies and lies!

Come to think about it, it seems logical, doesn't it? The people from the shadow, try in all ways to reduce the number of human population...Do you think this is somehow connected to them?
edit on 10-12-2012 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

Thats a helluva long con doc. I would have to think that if this motivation existed there would be far easier ways to accomplish.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32

Originally posted by Nikola014
If something like this actually happens, then, the only one responsibly for it would be word wide media and so called researchers, who on purpose or not, misunderstood what the Mayans were trying to tell us. And then they spread lies, lies and lies!

Come to think about it, it seems logical, doesn't it? The people from the shadow, try in all ways to reduce the number of human population...Do you think this is somehow connected to them?
edit on 10-12-2012 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

Thats a helluva long con doc. I would have to think that if this motivation existed there would be far easier ways to accomplish.

The best military commanders knows that the best way to win some war, is without using any weapon. Do you understand where am i going with this?

The only thing they should do is to mess with people's head, and you have a catastrophe.
Also, if we know that most of the people, believe in everything they heard...It's no wonder they are using this tactic.
edit on 10-12-2012 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 04:43 PM
From what I've been able to gather, the Mayan's "Return of the Fifth Sun" and the "Tree of Life" involves not only the intersection of the rising Solstice with the Galactic Rift (which obscures our view of the galactic center) but also a cyclical relationship of "the Ages" between our sun and the star Sirius, the implication of which is that we are on the very threshold and cusp of a new and longggg golden age, as described here

Thus, we ought not be worrying about the end of the world, but about missing the great turning point of the ages, an event that ought to be Celebrated in a huge way by the whole world, but which, given our ignorance and stupidity of the relevant Sacred Science, turned into a bunch of end of the world nonsense born of our deepest fears which were misplaced. What we should fear is every conception and assumption that we have about ourselves, one another and our true place in the universe being dead wrong ie: a paradigm shift of cosmological implications for the human being. Why fear it? - because it's realization and recognition will render a crushing blow to all our ignorance, stupidity and thus to the human ego which is the root and source of all fear, discord, and chaos. We fear what we don't know and know we don't know. We fear the loss of ignorance in the light of truth.

In fact, the very question in the title of the OP betrays the type of ignorance we're dealing with, when in truth the time has come to "move up" and enter onto a path of transformation and spiritual growth for the human being.

And as for those who end up getting left behind, well we'll simply have no choice but to "leave the dead to bury their dead."

edit on 10-12-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Nikola014

Originally posted by bknapple32

Originally posted by Nikola014
If something like this actually happens, then, the only one responsibly for it would be word wide media and so called researchers, who on purpose or not, misunderstood what the Mayans were trying to tell us. And then they spread lies, lies and lies!

Come to think about it, it seems logical, doesn't it? The people from the shadow, try in all ways to reduce the number of human population...Do you think this is somehow connected to them?
edit on 10-12-2012 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

Thats a helluva long con doc. I would have to think that if this motivation existed there would be far easier ways to accomplish.

The best military commanders knows that the best way to win some war, is without using any weapon. Do you understand where am i going with this?

The only thing they should do is to mess with people's head, and you have a catastrophe.
Also, if we know that most of the people, believe in everything they heard...It's no wonder they are using this tactic.
edit on 10-12-2012 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

I understand what you're saying and you have a very interesting theory but I don't think a very large number will commit suicide because of the 21st. If this was the nwo's plan it would be a huge secret, take alot of people to pull off, and probably wont become a very big reward for them. I think it's more plausible that people like David Wilcock, Patrick Geryl, Marshall Masters, and others saw a nice little popular niche that would make them alot of money and just went with it. Doomsday scenarios seem to be very popular and profitable so it's definitely going to attract charlatans, gullible people, and the media.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:12 PM
If someone is dumb enough to kill themselves over the world ending, or if they are dumb enough to kill themselves if the world doesn't end?

Wins, and truly has earned the darwin award.

Some People are dumb, true fact no matter what country one goes to.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Chi-and-Me
I don't think preppers will be killing themselves if nothing happens. The whole mindset of a prepper is to survive against great odds. How do you get from...Survive at any cost to, I thought something different was going to happen so I'll kill myself?

I'm not too worried about Preppers killing themselves or taking the lives of their families...In a way, some have already done that by scaring them into believing that the world is about to end. For months, if not years, the kids have been told that the world is ending, their friends will be dead and that's that. When nothing happens, will the spouses take the kids and try to leave? A Prepper is prepping to protect his/her family, if that family is no longer around what do they have to live for? What if they try to prevent their families from leaving the safety of the bunker? Hmmmm, maybe we should be concerned about Preppers offing themselves and taking their families with them...

I would think the suicides will be from those who thought they would ascend or become gods on the 21st. When they wake up on the 22nd and they're still just human, what will happen then? A huge build up for...nothing. Promises from their New Age guides and gurus are broken and they have to go back to their simple lives.

What about the "Preppers" who really want to use their shiny new ARs or AKs and the thousands of rounds of ammo on moving targets.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by mr10k

attack of the killer tomatoes ............. a must see

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:25 PM
they said nibiru would come in 2011, august or so. people were heading into the ozarkz caves..

if you are so worried why dont you buy yourself a place in a vivos bunker.

they have

edit on 10-12-2012 by 2Unknown because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:35 PM
Nothing happens. God is in control and the Bible says no man shall no the day or the hour of the end of the world.
edit on 10-12-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
From what I've been able to gather, the Mayan's "Return of the Fifth Sun" and the "Tree of Life" involves not only the intersection of the rising Solstice with the Galactic Rift (which obscures our view of the galactic center) but also a cyclical relationship of "the Ages" between our sun and the star Sirius, the implication of which is that we are on the very threshold and cusp of a new and longggg golden age, as described here

the great turning point of the ages

relevant Sacred Science

every conception and assumption

our true place in the universe

a paradigm shift of cosmological implications for the human being

realization and recognition will render a crushing blow to all our ignorance, stupidity and thus to the human ego which is the root and source of all fear, discord, and chaos

We fear what we don't know and know we don't know

We fear the loss of ignorance in the light of truth.

In fact, the very question in the title of the OP betrays
should that be portrays?

the time has come to "move up" and enter onto a path of transformation and spiritual growth for the human being

And as for those who end up getting left behind, well we'll simply have no choice but to "leave the dead to bury their dead."

edit on 10-12-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

Yep, your name sure is correct, you sure are a new age man, full of fluffy phrases which, even when put in context, mean zip, zilch, nada, nothing,

just my opinion. Never have been able to suffer f**ls easily, especially those who use fluffy language that might make people go down a path that could lead them to financial and emotional ruin.

edit on 10/12/12 by steve1709 because: sp

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by 0zzymand0s
reply to post by bknapple32

You know what is actually devastating? Losing a kid to Leukemia or Cancer.

This? This is just mental masturbation.

If you sunk everything you have into preparing for the "end of the world," better luck next incarnation.

Exactly.... and for parents such as myself who experienced such.... I say we think a little differently than most.

I am not knocking the prepper at all. Don't get me wrong. To each his own and I do believe people are different, thus lead different journeys and have a perspective that is unique to them. Rightfully so....

My concern is mass suicides, however for the ones who do.... good luck is all I can say.

I was watching a show (History channel) about the Mayan Apocalypse and this dude is supposed to jump off a huge mountain as he believes a star gate will be awaiting him. He will jump to his death and that show may be there... who knows.

Some coo coo for cocoa puffs- times ahead ....

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by onequestion
Its already been happening for a while bro you just don't understand. Don't worry though most people don't either. Let me break it down for you....

As the earth changes position in the solar system so does that of the weather on earth. As the weather on earth changes so does that the mentality of the people.

As the solar system changes position in the galaxy the so does that the weather of the solar system.

As the galaxy changes position in the universe so does that the weather of the galaxy.

You get my drift? It all works together like a machine in perfect harmonious sequence.

We are constantly changing positions, we are constantly evolving(change). What is happening in 2012 has already been happening for a while and will continue to happen for a while longer.

I agree. But, does that mean something will or won't happen. And if it doesn't, why would that mean people commit suicide, en masse. Is that because there is something so horrible no one dares discuss it, and it should change, but does not, justifying the need to no longer live, or, what exactly???? And if it that precise as I described, why does no one dare discuss it, or name this evil that is so pervasive and well known and agreed upon by absolutely everyone, that lack of change, so to speak, would cause suicide, en masse.

Not trying to be a d*ic##head here, just wondering from a perspective of logic.
I don't really understand why nothing happening would cause a mass suicide. Yes, something happening, and leading us, logically to believe there would be a swift degradation of society to anarchy, and following, hunger, starvation, and horrific suffering....then, I can easily see it. Just wondering why nothing happening, would be the instigator, instead.

And @Destinyone, not trying to be argumentative or anything, but I follow your replies as they are often balanced and intellectually stimulating, and I had thought on another thread in the past, you had said you were in a remote, mountainous location, having prepared for "going off grid," in such a scenario. Just wondered, as I am in the South, and we don't have any mountains, here, nor much remoteness.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Feltrick

Originally posted by Chi-and-Me
I don't think preppers will be killing themselves if nothing happens. The whole mindset of a prepper is to survive against great odds. How do you get from...Survive at any cost to, I thought something different was going to happen so I'll kill myself?

I'm not too worried about Preppers killing themselves or taking the lives of their families...In a way, some have already done that by scaring them into believing that the world is about to end. For months, if not years, the kids have been told that the world is ending, their friends will be dead and that's that. When nothing happens, will the spouses take the kids and try to leave? A Prepper is prepping to protect his/her family, if that family is no longer around what do they have to live for? What if they try to prevent their families from leaving the safety of the bunker? Hmmmm, maybe we should be concerned about Preppers offing themselves and taking their families with them...

I would think the suicides will be from those who thought they would ascend or become gods on the 21st. When they wake up on the 22nd and they're still just human, what will happen then? A huge build up for...nothing. Promises from their New Age guides and gurus are broken and they have to go back to their simple lives.

What about the "Preppers" who really want to use their shiny new ARs or AKs and the thousands of rounds of ammo on moving targets.

It funny your comment and this thread somewhat pertain to a personal experience of mine, when Nancy lieder was really becoming popular my cousin became very caught up in her 2003 end of the world prediction and started ignoring his work, family, and everyday responsibilities to prep. He spent a ridiculous amount of money on some land, 2 bunkers, food, guns, ect and became fixated on this ridicules event heck i'm pretty sure he even donated a good amount of money to Nancy. My family tried to tell him that Nancy was wrong and had no idea what she was talking about but he wouldn't listen and thought we weren't looking out for his best interest. Once the date got closer he became more agitated and hostile to his wife and kids, when the event didn't happen he was devastated and hasn't been the same mentally. My cousin's actions still scare me to this day because he had everything going for him and then one day everything just changed.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I'm sure that even back when the bible was written there were people telling others the world was going to end at a certain time. That's probably why it was put into the bible in the first place. The same kind of deceitful people were around those days too......... Sign over your camel to me and climb that snow covered mountain to the top and wait for god to pick you up and haul you away to heaven. Cons have been around for thousands of years.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Hey NAM,

I like Santos... he is pretty cool to listen to.

As we live in an information age we have with just a click... information.... all kinds of information at that.

Its my opinion to take it all in with a grain of salt. Sometimes information is misleading to a point of everyone talking about the "end of the world", "Apocalypse", "Ascension" and so on.

Could man or men as a collective really know such a thing? I tend to think not. Man is a mere infant in my eyes so why would he be told the end, ascension, and so on is taking place on a certain date?

We may indeed hit some turbulence on our ride in the solar system. We may experience new energies, new life, new elements, and the like. We may experience earthquakes, diseases, mass die offs, ice, heat, storms and so on.... but we always have.

We have seven billion people on the planet and that is not counting other species. We are cramped up... thats for sure. Will mother nature say there is too many... bump us off? Sure.

But... is God (or whatever you want to call him) going to tell us when shtf and the specific date which to expect it? Again, I think not. If one verse in the Bible sticks out to me its the one about no man knows the hour.

Besides... why is it so many want to leave others here to bury the dead? To fight the fight alone without help from "enlightened" ones?

None of the hype makes sense to me.

Spiritually speaking I can see a lot of what if scenarios via what I have learned about space, time, and the Universe. History too tells us a lot. Prophecies come and go and most are never spot on. I can only think of a few where I thought it was dead on. Literally.

I dunno.... I really hope people do not get so depressed their scenario didn't come through that they do harm to them self or others.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by tetra50

N. Ga Mountains...plenty of members here, in and around my location...they'd agree with me, we are all in the Blue Ridge Mountains.....

Also, every year up here...some poor soul gets lost in the dense woods and dies....usually some college kid....

So, remote we do have...plenty...


edit on 10-12-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:54 PM
I had a neighbor that was a Y2K freak he never really lived after that. His wife finally sold everything for pennies on the dollar and I spent a bunch of pennies on fuel oil and kerosene.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Sad story that will be played out over the next few weeks. Sorry to hear about your cousin.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

ok, sorry. my bad. not trying to call you on anything, just pictured you in the smokies or something. definitely my bad. in the deep south of new orleans, here
, so you can see "my particular" picture of south.....and wishing i was somewhere as remote and off the grid possible as the rest of you who are....
edit on 10-12-2012 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

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