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Visions of the future or just something I'm eating??

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posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by christophersupertramp

I don't practice meditation so I quickly got lost. It's almost like you were remote viewing and maybe one step ahead of those who practice it. Perhaps it was a solar event and it sent mankind back to the middle ages so to speak.
There must be wildlife thriving..those dogs have to eat something be it crops or other animals or fish. Perhaps they were in a pack or perhaps fed by humans occasionally. Since it seems you did not focus on seeing into a possible future for us did you unconsciously want to see the future of mankind?

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:29 AM
Mm I was wondering,I'm sure I read where you said you could focus on a distant point and 'jump' there instantly.

How far do you think you could get ??

I don't mean hop up here and see if Inverness is still standing but how about Glasgow,do you think that would even be feasible ??

If you could get to a city you'd surely be able to find some much better evidence of what may have happened.

Maybe it's now a two~tier society with the rural 'have nothings' in ignorance and cast back to the Dark Ages and a rich technical elite living in clover in sealed off city states !!

While you try an piece it together in one localised area it's like trying to figure out what the picture is in a 500 piece jigsaw with only a handful of pieces.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by christophersupertramp
Communication with Sheea

I had my first Conversation with Sheea last night.

It first started by Sheea sitting in a smoke filled room when I first arrived, I think she was trying to communicate with me.

She seemed to be in a meditive state herself.

I recorded myself whilst in my session so this is word for word as I am able to say what I see and hear.

I sat down across from her with the fire between us. She immediately senced my presence.
Me: hello 

Sheea: hi , are you a dream?

Me: no I am very real. I am from another place maybe another time.

Sheea: how can I see you but others can't

Me: I don't know the answer to that, I am meditating in my time like you are now. That is how I can see all this.

Sheea: meditating? What do you mean?

Me: what you are doing now. We call meditating

Sheea: we call it dream seeing. I can see things not many can.

Me: where I come from, I am the same. I see all off yous 

Sheea: my mother has shown me how to dream see. 

Me: what year is this?

Sheea: what is year?

Me: I come from the year two thousand and twelve. What year is this?

Sheea: I don't know of year, I will ask the elder

Me: why did all the people leave here?

Sheea: they went to the new world , life here was in danger

Me: danger of what?

Sheea: my elder says they tricked us. They told the sky was going to fall but It has not. Some say it was the things we did and used that we're to end the earth.
We no longer use the old ways. The earth will live longer.

Me: how long ago did this happen?

Sheea: just before my mother had me.

Me: how old are you?

She looks puzzled

Me: do you have birthdays?

Sheea: yes I have had five and ten.

Me: fifteen, are you fifteen?

Sheea: yes, am i the only person you have spoke too?

Me: yes you are the first. I am shown this and I can freely move around your world but I don't know why. Is this earth? Planet earth?

Sheea: yes earth. 

Me: there are buildings over by the river, do you know them?

Sheea: yes the old ones lived there. We do not go there

Me: why don't you go there?

Sheea: the elder says they have spirits there

Me: have you ever been there?

Sheea: we go in on the gods day.

Me: when is that?

Sheea: I do not know. The elder tells us.

Me: do you count the moons? Or the days? 

Sheea:yes some do.

Me: there is a shop building by the river. Do you know it?

Sheea: a shop?

Me: people used to get food and things from it. There's a big broken tree in the roof.

Sheea: yes, yes I know it.

Me: there is a paper on the wall that says , two two , zero three, twenty twenty?

Sheea: yes I have been told of the things inside.

Me: two two, zero three, twenty twenty is near the time I come from. Thats where I am now.

Sheea: from before now?

Me: yes long before now I think. You need to ask the elder all he knows of time and what has happened in your lands.

Sheea: I will ask. I have told him of you and I must find out all I can of you.

Me: good then we can help each other.

Sheea: yes. Do you come from the rocks in the trees?

Me: we'll yes that is how I come into your world. I placed the rocks there a long time ago, in my time.

Sheea: why did you give me these?

She shows me the box of cutlery and picture I burried.

Me: that man in the picture, that is me.

Sheea: I can see you a little. 

Me: good we will get better at this.

Sheea: yes 

My session ended at that moment 0330 am.

Are you sure your not channelling 'The Chrysalids'

There's some very similar themes;fear of the old ones,repeating their ways,their spirits in their old buildings,telepathy.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 04:26 PM
hi chris, hi all.

freestone again.

I have an idea.
if you hope to explore the countryside for to look for other houses, I might suggest to you to get a topographic map that shows terrain elevations plus where *each* house and barn is. you might have to get two maps. there are maps for smaller areas that show every road, house, town, church, school.
I you have the map memorized for the area of walk, then it would be easier. or take it with you if possible. might not be able to though. maybe only your body and clothes can enter.

but it might be of a help to know where the houses are before going.

another tip; if you see a house on a rural road and wonder which direction a town might be, look to see which direction the driveway to the house turns! the driveway will bend towards one direction or the other, usually.

a treasure-trove might be a school. if you find one, go check a book of world history. if the events are what you know of, the chances are better that this future world is on your timeline.

but if you read that the Romans left Britian in 600 AD and Hitler was assassinated by chamberlain, you will then know that this visited world is not *our* world.

and a Question, chris!
---why would the Scottish accented people talk like of "Latin"?!!
Rome never got that far North, except for visits briefly. unless you live in south Scotland, that is. but even so, they do not talk in latin now, do they?

why would they speak so now?!
if the Event only happened a generation ago, not enough time for the language to Drift into a different language.
such little things maketh up puzzle-pieces.

each such Finding is a red flag upon the playing field. if they talk in Latin, this supposes a previous talking in latin!

it might be well to get a high school level textbook on Latin. study this a bit and softely pronounce the words to yourself. then when you hear this language being spoke, you will know even the better if it is Latin, or not.

but if most of the talk IS in Latin, well......this language has to come from somewheres and it does not spring forth, instantly!
[i cannot imagine the celts talking "Roman"!! the romans invaded, would they want to speak the invader's language?! I imagine Not!!]
if somehow they all *chose* to speak latin, as a kind of, "let us not even speak the language of the old times, lets choose something else", then this takes years and teachers and schooling.
this is what "detective work" is, to find a "something" that does not fit, then ask why and how.
taken by itself this latin infers that they spoke latin before and spoke latin *now*.
and this infers that you might be visiting a parallel time line with an alternate history!!

I can see why these people will not touch the old way houses! each item in the houses is connected to another item and is useless by itself!
...a sink stopper? no sink to use it in.
...a key? for what door?
...a flashlight? no batteries.
...spoons, forks, plates? have to wash these after every meal, better to use fingers!
...blankets? probably now moldy.
...slippers? on a mud floor?!
best to let it all decay.

yes that *would* be a good avenue to explore: why *do* they talk in latin?

also: ask them who and what is their God. is there a book with writings about or from this God?
[i have read of science fiction stories where such survivors have built up a cult around a manual to operate a vacuum cleaner for the rugs!]

that is all for now...happy hunting.


posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:31 AM
another dream of a town, in the future!

here I dreamed of a town with people, a short simple dream.

so i did have a dream last night. not too too much recalled.
i went to my mothers home, the usual jumping off place to places, i guess and there i went into my room to play a computer RPG game. the company that makes this is called "Origin".
[there is such a company, one of the first back in DOS days]
when i began to play it, i went "*there* to the game.

i stood in the dirt street of a town. dirt street all right. just a trail. a straight line trail that intersected with other straight line trails. at the edge of this group of houses, i could see this trail goes straight out away from the buildings and off into the bushes.
[yet another future seeing.]
there were houses. the trails looked like very very hard packed dirt and roots and puddles extended into the trail. not a rut in sight! only traveled footpaths that looked to once be streets and roads. only feet trod these trails!
the houses looked old. i only saw a dozen or so in the little area.
i met with people. they all seemed to not have any fat to them at all, all skin bones and muscles . i went into a house where a morning meal was served to other residents. there was no coffee or tea.
[probably only water or milk, maybe not even alcoholic drinks, here!]
the meal looked simple.

near the end of my wanderings, someone told me of a Dreamer here who saw the future 1000 years ahead! that is what the dreamers says and up there there are fields and a "king"!
that is all that i can recall.

"origins"! like the very beginning. like the beginning of life , again, after a great crash of civilization.
the people wore clothes. i could see furniture. the houses looked to be old rural town houses much like my Interlaken town of 600 people in upstate new york.
for all that i know, that dirt trail leading out of town and up a slight hill could have been "that" road in my previous Interlaken future seeing where the town looked abandoned.

there seemed to be some kind of contact with the "outside" near the edge of town there seemed to be a "station" of some sort for ??stagecoach?? ????.
I did not see it.

since i had no "lucid free action" here, i could not direct my attention *to* anything. thus this is all that i know.

end of dream.


posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by freestonew

Hi Freestonew

Thanks so much for your interesting posts. I would have loved more contributions from others but it seems to have tailed off since christophersupertramp has 'disappeared'.

I read that one of his early threads was about seeing fairies in the woods with some friends ............

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:27 PM
Hey there guys,

Freestone I would say someone is trying to show us something. We just need to figure out why.

Freestone can you pm me?

And as to my previous thread about "fairys" I was part of what I considered a genuine paranormal research group
We were investigating local claims of little people in our area but as we failed to find anything on our first few days, one of our group or at least one of our group decided to create some evidence himself planting small footprints ect .

All "without" my knolage I must add. And as soon as I found out I left the group.

I will no dout receive some critisism for this as some of the members are here on ATS

I have lost all intrest in the paranormal due to this incident and do not trust many people if anyone.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:28 PM
I have not been posting as I have been away to the highlands camping for the holidays so have had no Internet access

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by freestonew
another dream of a town, in the future!

here I dreamed of a town with people, a short simple dream.

so i did have a dream last night. not too too much recalled.
i went to my mothers home, the usual jumping off place to places, i guess and there i went into my room to play a computer RPG game. the company that makes this is called "Origin".
[there is such a company, one of the first back in DOS days]
when i began to play it, i went "*there* to the game.

i stood in the dirt street of a town. dirt street all right. just a trail. a straight line trail that intersected with other straight line trails. at the edge of this group of houses, i could see this trail goes straight out away from the buildings and off into the bushes.
[yet another future seeing.]
there were houses. the trails looked like very very hard packed dirt and roots and puddles extended into the trail. not a rut in sight! only traveled footpaths that looked to once be streets and roads. only feet trod these trails!
the houses looked old. i only saw a dozen or so in the little area.
i met with people. they all seemed to not have any fat to them at all, all skin bones and muscles . i went into a house where a morning meal was served to other residents. there was no coffee or tea.
[probably only water or milk, maybe not even alcoholic drinks, here!]
the meal looked simple.

near the end of my wanderings, someone told me of a Dreamer here who saw the future 1000 years ahead! that is what the dreamers says and up there there are fields and a "king"!
that is all that i can recall.

"origins"! like the very beginning. like the beginning of life , again, after a great crash of civilization.
the people wore clothes. i could see furniture. the houses looked to be old rural town houses much like my Interlaken town of 600 people in upstate new york.
for all that i know, that dirt trail leading out of town and up a slight hill could have been "that" road in my previous Interlaken future seeing where the town looked abandoned.

there seemed to be some kind of contact with the "outside" near the edge of town there seemed to be a "station" of some sort for ??stagecoach?? ????.
I did not see it.

since i had no "lucid free action" here, i could not direct my attention *to* anything. thus this is all that i know.

end of dream.


Fascinating freestone

Do you purposely atemt to see into the future in your dreams?
Do you have any rituals before going to sleep to try and lucid dream?

Great wrk keep it up


posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by littlemo
reply to post by freestonew

Hi Freestonew

Thanks so much for your interesting posts. I would have loved more contributions from others but it seems to have tailed off since christophersupertramp has 'disappeared'.

I read that one of his early threads was about seeing fairies in the woods with some friends ............

And it was not myself who seen any of this "evidence" the hole group ( 5 active members) used the Christopher supertramp account, when I left I took it with me.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 05:55 PM
I will admit outright that I have my doubts about this story as it is my nature to be skeptical - however I must admit that I can't stop reading your posts. If you are truly seeing into the future or an "alternate" future, then that is amazing...but if you are just a naturally skilled storyteller, I don't seem to care because - true or not - this is a fantastic story!

I honestly can't wait for more posts. Oh, and a star and flag too. Even if this turns out to be fiction - bravo!

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by tallcool1
I will admit outright that I have my doubts about this story as it is my nature to be skeptical - however I must admit that I can't stop reading your posts. If you are truly seeing into the future or an "alternate" future, then that is amazing...but if you are just a naturally skilled storyteller, I don't seem to care because - true or not - this is a fantastic story!

I honestly can't wait for more posts. Oh, and a star and flag too. Even if this turns out to be fiction - bravo!

You know what? I have to agree with you! lol
This has been a really good read, and at this point I wouldn't care if it was fiction, I just want to know what happens next. (I'm sure I will be labelled as an idiot by some...for this post...and that's fine).
Good story OP, what's next?

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 06:53 PM
more and more Interesting.

someone asked me recently, on another forum, if this dream of *my* town being abandoned was "Symbolic only"?!
[there are lots of dreams, even posted here, where 'the world comes to an end" and this is only seemingly just a symbolic statement by the unconscious to indicate the personal life having Issues.]

there is Something that I must write here.

during my lifetime I have had a number of a certain type of Precognitive dreams. I see an Image, or a series of images. no motion, like of a slide show. these scenes are scenes, I found, that *will* appear just as they are seen, months to even years later..
at least two times in my life, I had a long dream where there was nothing BUT these images.
one of the dreams, 1982, was the longest. maybe 15 still frames. "clicks" like from a teen agers camera. Beginning that very day, and for *years* afterwards, each of these images Came True! took over 11 years for the last image to come true. over these 11 years, I moved to about 3 to 5 locations that I had never ever planned to move to. these images were "photographic" right down to the very pine needles on one tree seen, a "one on one" with a dream image and its appearance years later, out in the world, out in my life!
and....each of these images were ALSO symbolic of something happening in my life.
or would happen in my life then. the "established in 1898" given date, was referencing, in this long dream, to a shown-to-me past life where I had finished it at that time.
days later I saw that collapsed old country store with a calendar inside. this was from a supply company "established in 1898"! the ruined building indicates that my body has rotted away, died about then, in that past life.

my abandoned Interlaken. does this infer my "abandoned" town after i die and leave it for good?! well so.
*HOWEVER*......and i stress this immensely, that also by my "rules" this image is a real Click image of this real town sometime in the future after I die!! i am 71 now.
and the cabbages are also symbolic. they refer to the ratio of the field, seen in this very spot, 1997/8, where i told myself that there must be 10,000,000 dandelions in this field and if i counted all the surrounding fields there would be a dandelion flower for each person alive on earth!
there were about 100 cabbages in that small garden, there were three or four small gardens surrounding this cabbage garden. same location as the dandelion field.
100 to 10,000,000
1 to 100,000
100,000 to 7 billion.
50,000 to 100,000 people alive on earth *at* the time of this town-seen!!

there is no meditation or techniques. I just dream.

me myself, well....I suspect that whatever causes this all, will happen well after I am dead.
even at 71, now, a 20 year old person might not see it. maybe.
but this Seeing gives to me a proper perspective about the permanence of *Things*!
that i should not get "attached" to a pretty place, a nice town, or even a civilization!
all will pass away some day soon.

most of the True Seers/prophets that i believe in, write about how mankind is about to "move" permanently up in vibration to what science fiction people call a "hyper dimensional level"!
Live in a higher dimension. never to come back, to incarnate back again. "bye bye little hometown" in a very profound sense!

I know that there are questions that infer ...."does this happen to another time line"?!
well for me i can answer with a "NO"! it is the One that i am on currently. cannot invoke or bring about another such dream by merely wishing or trying to set up a background for it. my own dream was probably "invoked", actually, by my reading your very first post, Chris!

but the thread is young, there is still lots of time, some threads have near 100 pages!


posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by freestonew
more and more Interesting.

someone asked me recently, on another forum, if this dream of *my* town being abandoned was "Symbolic only"?!
[there are lots of dreams, even posted here, where 'the world comes to an end" and this is only seemingly just a symbolic statement by the unconscious to indicate the personal life having Issues.]

there is Something that I must write here.

during my lifetime I have had a number of a certain type of Precognitive dreams. I see an Image, or a series of images. no motion, like of a slide show. these scenes are scenes, I found, that *will* appear just as they are seen, months to even years later..
at least two times in my life, I had a long dream where there was nothing BUT these images.
one of the dreams, 1982, was the longest. maybe 15 still frames. "clicks" like from a teen agers camera. Beginning that very day, and for *years* afterwards, each of these images Came True! took over 11 years for the last image to come true. over these 11 years, I moved to about 3 to 5 locations that I had never ever planned to move to. these images were "photographic" right down to the very pine needles on one tree seen, a "one on one" with a dream image and its appearance years later, out in the world, out in my life!
and....each of these images were ALSO symbolic of something happening in my life.
or would happen in my life then. the "established in 1898" given date, was referencing, in this long dream, to a shown-to-me past life where I had finished it at that time.
days later I saw that collapsed old country store with a calendar inside. this was from a supply company "established in 1898"! the ruined building indicates that my body has rotted away, died about then, in that past life.

my abandoned Interlaken. does this infer my "abandoned" town after i die and leave it for good?! well so.
*HOWEVER*......and i stress this immensely, that also by my "rules" this image is a real Click image of this real town sometime in the future after I die!! i am 71 now.
and the cabbages are also symbolic. they refer to the ratio of the field, seen in this very spot, 1997/8, where i told myself that there must be 10,000,000 dandelions in this field and if i counted all the surrounding fields there would be a dandelion flower for each person alive on earth!
there were about 100 cabbages in that small garden, there were three or four small gardens surrounding this cabbage garden. same location as the dandelion field.
100 to 10,000,000
1 to 100,000
100,000 to 7 billion.
50,000 to 100,000 people alive on earth *at* the time of this town-seen!!

there is no meditation or techniques. I just dream.

me myself, well....I suspect that whatever causes this all, will happen well after I am dead.
even at 71, now, a 20 year old person might not see it. maybe.
but this Seeing gives to me a proper perspective about the permanence of *Things*!
that i should not get "attached" to a pretty place, a nice town, or even a civilization!
all will pass away some day soon.

most of the True Seers/prophets that i believe in, write about how mankind is about to "move" permanently up in vibration to what science fiction people call a "hyper dimensional level"!
Live in a higher dimension. never to come back, to incarnate back again. "bye bye little hometown" in a very profound sense!

I know that there are questions that infer ...."does this happen to another time line"?!
well for me i can answer with a "NO"! it is the One that i am on currently. cannot invoke or bring about another such dream by merely wishing or trying to set up a background for it. my own dream was probably "invoked", actually, by my reading your very first post, Chris!

but the thread is young, there is still lots of time, some threads have near 100 pages!


Excellent freestone
it would seem to me that these "snaps" are indeed off the future and our future if I'm not mistaken.
It's fascinating for me to learn that so many people are expierancing somewhat connected happenings.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 02:01 PM
After two more sessions of connected meditation with Sheea, we can now communicate easily and without her having to go into a meditation state. 

The Elder has told her much about what has happened and more of there culture now.
The Elder is by far the oldest man I have seen in the other world. A small man with no teeth and basically blind.

Sheea And the people here have no concept of time. Years, months even days meen very little to them.

They believe that the way people used to live "before the change" caused the worlds demise. Pointing to the old cars she said " all this killed the earth and mother earth had no other way but to take it back, she sent furious storms and heat that would burn the skin. Endless sun so that no one could sleep. Then rain to drown the people. To show us a lesson"

She was tearfully and clearly frightened even thinking of these events.

She continued " the elders then moved the people but some wouldn't leave."

Me : where did they take them?

Sheea: we never seen them again. Some of the ships were to big and crashed to the ground. The people were buried. Once they were gone mother started to heal us. The storms stopped and we were given another chance.

Sheea has shown me all around her village and surrounding areas but from what I gather fierce rivalries exist between the different tribes. 

Life here seems so different to ours. Much like what I would imagine medieval times to be like. It is different but I think in many ways much better.

They have no gods as such. Only the sky and the moon. They give thanks for the rain and praise there chickens when they lay for them.

The elder is very worried of my presence. I think he fears that I will bring back the bad times of storms ect.

A new friend of mine who is also having similar visions describes a future Germany as very similar to what I'm describing. We are trying to piece the puzzle together to see if this is indeed the same world we are both seeing.   

I thank you all for your support in reading my posts and can assure you that although I am not certain that these visions are "our" future, they are indeed real visions. It is amazing and dangerous how obsessed I have become with this new world. 

And between work and meditation I find little time for my family but as I stress to them. " if" I am being shown these visions for a reason, I don't want to miss the boat as they say. I believe that through time and hard work I will find out why I am visiting this other world and will hopefully find something positive from the hole thing.

I am posting as often as I can but between writing my visions down after seeing them and checking the recordings to see they mach and then getting up at 5am to make coffins all day, the time just slips away.


posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by christophersupertramp
I am posting as often as I can but between writing my visions down after seeing them and checking the recordings to see they mach and then getting up at 5am to make coffins all day, the time just slips away.

I am not sure if you mentioned this before, but - you make coffins?

Anyway, regardless of what I feel about whether this is real or well written fiction (which is still up in the air - nothing personal), I sincerely appreciate the time you have taken to post all of this for us. It's like I'm being given bits and pieces of a book and I wish I could have the whole thing now so I can just close out the world and read the whole story nonstop until I'm done...perhaps someday you should gather all of these writings into book form and see about getting it published.

By the way - I really do want to believe this is true.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 05:53 PM
i have read this entire thread and i am a tad skeptical but intrigued nonetheless. I have a few questions perhaps you could answer.

1. Have you attempted to mediate anywhere else and reach this world?

2. Perhaps where you are mediating is on a dragon line. Do you know what they are? If not you should google them.

3. Have you tried to go and watch another tribe? They may have more information then the one you are currently observing.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:20 PM
hi chris, hi all.

another very interesting Report.

there is something that I suspect will happen soon there with them, i wish it were not so, but....


conflicts now are just in talking. but these tribes have now just gotten together and soon one will attack an other and then these "Noble savages" will not be so noble anymore. the Noble savages called "the American Indians" were never noble! most tribes had it where the young man had to prove himself to the other men by killing his first enemy. Torture was as common as rain.

good thing they cannot see you or better yet, hit you! the people associate you with the old days and if any small mis-fortune happens to this tribe they will probably blame it on you!
then try to kill you! even if they cannot, if say ten men come running up to you with sticks and rocks and hit your "etheric" shadow-body, the shock of this might then affect your health after you come back to "now"!!

you walk a thin line here. walk on thin ice, only takes one incident of a storm or something and everyone will Just Know and they will never forget and the word will spread to everyone!

reads so far like some kind of solar event. something to stimulate the atmosphere to go insane.
we here would attribute this happening to natural events, even if the natural event is a rare rare thing.
the Old Mind, though, feels the connection between outer and inner and that "if you yell to a brick long enough it will hear you"! that our treatment of the earth and of ourselves, Will Have Unintended Consequences not directly an obvious link!

reads like some people were evacuated. but they still might not have lived even when living in a refugee camp. maybe they were airlifted to south america! one last jet fuel usage before all the tanks become empty for good!

probably it will be war that unites some tribes against other tribes and the Nation-state will be born. before this will be constant warfare between groups and individuals.
probably only half the people will survive this, over the years.

I still think that exploring the empty houses will show things. papers, documents, letters.
find a larger town where there are schools and a library and a government office.

and yes, is this in our timeline or not?
at least for those who follow this thread, my own two dreams were "Real", not made up, not embellished. i suspect that i had them "in response" to your first post, Chris.

how touching. you make coffins for a living and here you see the death of civilization!.

keep posting on......freestone

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by misse2miss
i have read this entire thread and i am a tad skeptical but intrigued nonetheless. I have a few questions perhaps you could answer.

1. Have you attempted to mediate anywhere else and reach this world?

2. Perhaps where you are mediating is on a dragon line. Do you know what they are? If not you should google them.

3. Have you tried to go and watch another tribe? They may have more information then the one you are currently observing.

Lol yes I make coffins. All sorts of coffins.

Another thing, what is it to flag my thread? Or star? And what dus OP meen?

Sorry if these are silly questions.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by misse2miss
i have read this entire thread and i am a tad skeptical but intrigued nonetheless. I have a few questions perhaps you could answer.

1. Have you attempted to mediate anywhere else and reach this world?

2. Perhaps where you are mediating is on a dragon line. Do you know what they are? If not you should google them.

3. Have you tried to go and watch another tribe? They may have more information then the one you are currently observing.

Hey there, I have meditarted elsewhere but find it difficult to meditate. That said I have managed to do it once while on a ferry going to Orkney . When I entered my sesion I simply appeared in the same place that I always do.

As to the dragon lines, I have never heard of this but after googling them I certainly am intrested to find out more.

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