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Originally posted by ShotGunRum
reply to post by The Old American
Well after the war he was giving speeches on racial equality so...
Originally posted by Labrynth2012
reply to post by camaro68ss
A little more historical notation here:
There was an ORIGINAL 13th Amendment to the Constitution. That Amendment made it clear that LAWYERS were NOT to hold public office or serve the PUBLIC trust. They act like it never existed, however, it did.
Truth be told .... If Lawyers were never allowed to serve in office, we would not be in the position we are in today.
The Founders knew that lawyers would screw the system up and indeed they have. Look at legislation written today. Not even a 3rd grader could understand the laws the way they are written and they are written by lawyers, law students and paralegals. They are not written by anyone with COMMON SENSE who understands the COMMON LAW.
Finally, the SLAVES were taken out of the hands of the SLAVE OWNERS and given to the GOVERNMENT of the United States. They became CONTROLLED by the Federal Government and their rights given to them by the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment only applies to SLAVES and their descendents, NOT to the free and unbonded whites, native americans and other immigrants. So really, if you want to know this TRUTHFULLY, today's blacks are descendents of SLAVES and are ENSLAVED by the Federal Government. They just don't realize it yet. This SOCIALISM that they are wanting and supporting only further ENSLAVES THEM !
I'm going to make a generalized statement and follow it with examples. Blacks today do not act like human beings. They feel entitled and use racism to justify their behavior. Watch Hard Core Pawn on TruTv some time. The majority of people who give the Gold's a hard time are blacks. Yes, there are some white's that do it too, but watch the attitudes, listen to the language used and the behaviors. These are the people who support OBAMA. These are the people who feel that they are owed something. If anyone owes anyone anything, they owe white america an apology for their lack of morals and un ethical behaviors. Also, statistics show that there is more black on black violence in America than ever in our history. The few blacks who have good moral and ethical standards are out numbered by those who don't.
Obama's mission in his 1st and 2nd term in office is to take from the rich and give to the poor. Taking from Whites and giving to blacks in what is tantamount to Civil War Reparations over Slavery. I believe this attitude is wrong.
I am not racist, but I am an honest hard working American who believes that anyone can get to be at any independent level of wealth if they work hard enough for it. If they treat people like they want to be treated, with kindness and respect. We can all be equal in the eyes of God, but what sets us apart is the way we treat each other.
Originally posted by roguetechie
It's not just the civil war that is the subject of broad stroked revisionist history. The entire history of slavery in the America's is in fact represented as something totally different than what it actually was.
For example in both my junior high school and high school we were forced to watch a mini series called "Roots" that purports to tell the story of the average slave in the americas. In the opening scenes of this mini series it shows the crew of the slave ship tromping the jungle and bashing africans on the head so they can load them on the ship and sell them to southerners. While this may have in fact happened a few times over the history of slavery in North America the vast majority of slaves were acquired in a much different way.
The reality is that the vast majority of slaves were in fact bought by the slave traders in slave markets across africa and the middle east. Yes that's right virginia most slaves were SOLD to the traders by other BLACK PEOPLE!!!
But in junior high and high school history classes they omit this interesting little tidbit instead going with the much more sensational and white guilt inducing Bash them over the head and throw them on the ships narrative.
I wonder why this is....?
Also if you REALLY want to score some bonus points you should do a little comparative research into the treatment of slaves in North America versus the treatment of the slaves that were unfortunate enough to have to stay in Africa. I assure you what you will find is well worth the read if you can stomach it, and very enlightening.
it was an awarding-winning plagiarism of Courlander's The African.
First off, Roots was a fictional story about a particular person's imagined ancestors ...
In 1993, a year after Haley's death, literary detective Philip Nobile did his best to blow the whistle on what he calls "one of the great literary hoaxes of modern times." In February of that year, he published "Uncovering Roots" in the influential alternative publication, the Village Voice. The article brought to a larger public the story of the Courlander suit and the Mills' genealogy. Nobile also revealed that Haley's editor at Playboy magazine, the very white and Jewish Murray Fisher, did much of the book's writing.
In the British Isles, the Nobile expose was a big story. It got serious coverage in all the major newspapers, and the BBC later made a documentary. The American cultural establishment, however, continued to turn its back on the story.
in the South, those "owners" were more often than not, black men who had previously been slaves, themselves.
Moreover, you seem to be trying to shift the blame away from the final owners of the slaves, who used them for economic and political power
so, less than 35yrs later Civil War ensued but you're right, their 200+yr history played no part in it, whatsoever
Slavery in New York, the first of two exhibitions, spans the period from the 1600s to 1827, when slavery was legally abolished in New York State.
Originally posted by Asktheanimals
reply to post by MrInquisitive
A captured Confederate soldier in Tennessee was asked by a Union captain why they were fighting. He answered "because y'all are down here". For the vast majority of Southern troops this is why they were fighting - not to preserve slavery as only 6% of Southerners owned slaves.
You are obviously well educated and have a wealth of knowledge on the subject but fail to mention the devastation wreaked upon the South and the continuing plundering and domination of the reconstruction era. The South paid for their sins, in blood and money. 1 in 6 adult men were killed or wounded, the economy was wrecked, their labor (slaves) were gone and what little industry that existed before the war was laid waste. Yes, they lost the war, big time. Is that not enough suffering or do they deserve all the derision we can heap upon them still?
Modern politics are still a holdover from 150 years ago and are an integral part to understanding where we are and where we might be headed. Unless we can see the war from both sides we can never heal the wounds that still echo today in our 2 party system.
Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by MrInquisitive
yeah, and those Northern Antagonists won't ever quit matter how many times they are proven wrong, again and again and yet again.
not so long as State Sovereignty exists.
that was goal of abolitionists, to abolish sovereignty and the battle is ongoing.
ever hear of the date April 9, 1865 ... the day General Lee surrendered ?
Originally posted by MrInquisitive
Originally posted by ShotGunRum
reply to post by The Old American
Well after the war he was giving speeches on racial equality so...
Uh, no. He, Lincoln, was dead before the war ended. Ever hear of John Wilkes Booth and Ford theater? Perhaps you are thinking of the animatronic Lincoln at Disneyland...
Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by MrInquisitive
New York a free state by 1800 ??
for who ? the traders ?
perhaps you should check with the Historical Society
so, less than 35yrs later Civil War ensued but you're right, their 200+yr history played no part in it, whatsoever
Slavery in New York, the first of two exhibitions, spans the period from the 1600s to 1827, when slavery was legally abolished in New York State.
yadda, yadda, yadda ... just remember, those "schools" that were burned and demolished ... yea those, they were SOUTHERN schools, remember that.
won't dispute that one bit but i will tell you that i am not one of them.
but there is certainly a vocal minority that does.
Originally posted by ShotGunRum
reply to post by MrInquisitive
His last speech was given a few days before the war officially ended, which included points on racial equality. Shouldn't have technically have said after, but it was close enough.
Don't know why you're getting all snarky over a technicality...
Originally posted by Honor93
ever hear of the date April 9, 1865 ... the day General Lee surrendered ?
Originally posted by MrInquisitive
Originally posted by ShotGunRum
reply to post by The Old American
Well after the war he was giving speeches on racial equality so...
Uh, no. He, Lincoln, was dead before the war ended. Ever hear of John Wilkes Booth and Ford theater? Perhaps you are thinking of the animatronic Lincoln at Disneyland...
that was 6 days BEFORE Lincoln was shot ... you really need to brush up on your history
no, i stated some of the largest holders of black slaves were black freemen and that's a fact.
Originally posted by MrInquisitive
reply to post by Honor93
Man, you're claiming the primary owners of slaves in the South were blacks??????? Give us a break. You're the Southern slavery apologist version of a Holocaust denier. I don't dispute there were some black freedmen who in turn owned slaves, but they were by no means the majority of slave owners, nor were they predominantly -- if at all -- in the South.
You clearly live in Bizarro-World Dixie. Were the leaders of the KKK also predominantly black, and were all the lynchings of blacks in the late 19th century and the first third of the 20th century conducted by blacks? Were the Jim Crow laws instigated by blacks? Was segregation instigated by blacks?
I can't believe your B.S., i.e. bad scholarship..