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Vitamin C and Heart Disease Prevention: Another Conspiracy of Silence?

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posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:52 AM
Vitamin C is an inexpensive, powerful anti-oxidant, and excellent for combatting inflammation. It's entangled in just about every function of the human body.

The human body cannot store it, yet its intake is essential EVERYDAY in some form.

Why isn't this shouted from the roof tops? Some doctors & scientists have tried.

"Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks but People Do," Fourth Revised Edition (2003)

By Dr. Matthias Rath, M.D.

“Dr. Rath’s research identifies the TRUE CAUSE of heart disease as a DEFICIENCY of VITAMIN C and other essential nutrients in the cells composing the heart and coronary arteries – not high cholesterol. Once the artery wall is weakened by vitamin deficiency, the body responds by producing excess cholesterol in the liver and depositing it in the injured artery. If this process continues without nutritional intervention, the buildup of fats in the arteries will eventually lead to atherosclerosis, the cause of heart attacks.”

“Using easy-to-understand language, Dr. Rath explains what the reader can do to prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions naturally. He presents his ten-step program for achieving natural cardiovascular health, as well as his clinically proven Cellular Health nutrient recommendations for preventing and improving heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart failure, arrhythmia, diabetes and other conditions."

"Dr. Rath even provides clinical proof – complete with the Ultrafast CT scans of patient’s arteries – of the natural reversal of atherosclerotic deposits, without angioplasty or bypass surgery.”

“Matthias Rath, M.D. is an internationally respected cardiovascular researcher who worked closely with the late two-time Nobel Laureate LINUS PAULING, Ph.D. Dr. Rath was appointed by Pauling as the first director of cardiovascular research at the Linus Pauling Institute, formerly located in California.”

“The author of four bestselling health books, Dr. Rath developed the scientific concept of Cellular Medicine, which defines the deficiency of nutrients at the cellular level as a root cause of chronic diseases. His research has been published in numerous scientific journals, including the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and the Journal of Applied Nutrition.”

Free download of the book is here:

I also have great respect for Dr. Pauling's research in this area.

Dr. Linus Pauling (1901 – 1994) died at 93 yrs.
Won two Nobel Prizes (Chemistry & Peace)
Used Bronson Vitamin C Crystals

I am convinced that Big Pharma is debilitating us with their drugs and it’s intentional. It's no accident that the statins being pushed so hard now are causing cognitive challenges in those who take them.

Related ATS threads:

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

S + F. In my opinion, its always good to reinforce important information. Life gets busy, sometimes we just "forget". I'm gonna go grab some vitamin C right now.

Also, please remember to take your ESSENTIAL fatty acids, Omega 6 and especially Omega 3. Fish oil is the most popular method but some claim that the processing of the oil has negative side effects.

I use organic hemp oil. Contains a near perfect 3 to 1 ratio.

Theres a reason why they call these ESSENTIAL fatty acids. If you fail to take them, something in your system WILL go wrong.

edit on 4-12-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by AuranVector

Also, please remember to take your ESSENTIAL fatty acids, Omega 6 and especially Omega 3. Fish oil is the most popular method but some claim that the processing of the oil has negative side effects.

I use organic hemp oil. Contains a near perfect 3 to 1 ratio.

Theres a reason why they call these ESSENTIAL. If you fail to take them, something in your system WILL go wrong.

I haven't tried hemp oil yet. Thanks for the tip.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:19 AM
This thread is similar to this...

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
This thread is similar to this...

Yes, it's one of the ATS threads linked in my OP.

However, I did not see the Vitamin C connection mentioned in the first 3 pages of the thread (which is where I left off to post this).

In any case, I did not want this info buried. It's too important.


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

my bad skipped right over those two links.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:27 AM
And how is it that antioxidants taken at sufficient amounts according to some, can act as oxidants, contributing to cancer and heart disease?

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Turq1
And how is it that antioxidants taken at sufficient amounts according to some, can act as oxidants, contributing to cancer and heart disease?

Can you be more specific? Which anti-oxidants contribute to cancer and heart disease?

I know for a fact that huge doses of Vitamin C can be taken without toxicity. Excess levels of Vitamin C are excreted in the urine.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 10:25 AM
This is awesome information, Auran. I did not go into the nutritional aspects in my thread, as it had to do more with the whole conspiracy angle of cholesterol, but Vitamin C is exceptionally important for us. The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) touted by the FDA is considered too low by many experts.

Vitamin C is water soluble, and so tends to disappear from the fruits and veggies that sit too long in the store. Your best bet is to get it right from the source as soon as it is picked....unfortunately, not going to happen in most places on earth.

Therefore, supplements are one's best bet. I like Ester-C, as the cheaper varieties tend to make me sick to my stomach.

One time I had an ER doctor tell me that he takes 12,000 mg of C per day, so as not to get sick with every germ he comes in contact with. Excess C is excreted out in the urine.

I think they try to downplay vitamins for two reasons: Firstly, because they don't like people taking their own health into their hands. Secondly, I'm thinking that Codex Alimentarius will come into play, in which all vitamins will be considered a drug that has to be prescribed by a doctor. We all realize that, when that happens, we'll pay terribly high prices for basic vitamins, and everybody will have to run to the doc to get some. What a racket!

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 11:07 AM
Linus Pauling did a lot of research on curing and preventing heart diseease with vitamin C. Google the linus Pauling institute.

There's no money in curing anything. It's all in disease "management" and getting you dependent on big pharma. Their next big tactic is a vaccine for just about everything. LOTS of $$ in vaccines for the sheeple.

And yeah, they'd LOVE to ban suppliments and vitamins. I'm personally stocking up. Especially vitamin D3 in the 5,000U size. All you will be able to get if they get their way is 400u. Same with C and every other vitamin. Nothing bigger than the RDA.

Oh, and buy "liposomal" vitamin C. Absorbs much better. Also, be careful with large doses. That can cause a relative imbalance of vitamin C and copper.

Vitamins and such... they are very synergistic and work together in ways that we don't yet understand. It's always best to get you vitamins from food. That's why I eat grassfed beef and eggs froma farm and raw milk. All whole, natural foods. Also, and this is important, grow as much as possible yourself. Look into the Mittleider Method of growing vegitables.

In my particular role as an RN, I see dozens of charts a day. It just breaks my heart. These people are SO sick. And on literally 20-30 medications a day. Most with heart disease, and diabetes and all the sequala that goes with them. So sad. I KNOW a better diet can help them. But we have to bow to the alter of low fat low cholesterol. 'Cause those doctors, you know, they are the smartest and know best. NOT.

Before I forget... there's a doctor in East Texas that is helping people with heart failure with Ubiquinol. Google it for the details. You can kiss Ubiquinol (the more absorbable kind of C-Q10) goodby too if big pharma and CODEX gets its way.
edit on 4-12-2012 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 12:16 PM
I'm not anti-Vitamin supplements, however, without a healthy lifestyle and diet I doubt supplementation is a prevention for anything.

I saw a German documentary recently with a different conspiracy on Vitamins, which is that the advertising industry has made needless, worthless and at times dangerous substances into money-spinning "anti-oxidant" cure-alls, while they are really often chemical preservatives touted as a miraculous component of "functional foods".

Functional foodstuffs are all the foods that advertise themselves as quasi-medicinal (with a mixture of food and medicine as the next level of the industry, often consisting of chemical junk-food promoted with "anti-oxidants" and "pro-biotics", for example).

Nowadays the vitamin industry is booming - they can be found in everything from sweets to soft-drinks.
The chances of getting too many is bigger than the chances of getting too few.

As micronutrients they can be beneficial to a few people with real vitamin deficiencies. To many customers they are simply ineffective in minute and "safe" quantities (although certain organs must work harder to produce expensive urine), and to some who take large amounts, they seem to have a long-term negative effect.

Studies have been done lately that have shown negative effects in prostate and lung cancer with some vitamins, although it appears Vitamin C is neither harmful or beneficial.
(See: Vitamin E and increased lung cancer risk, especially in smokers:
Vitamin E supplements and a negative impact on prostate cancer:
Shockingly, folate and some common B-vitamins added to foodstuffs increased pancreatic cancer by a whopping 139 percent when taken as multivitamin supplements, indicating that they may promote tumor growth!
Mineral and Vitamin supplements were linked to higher death rates in elderly women:

Deceptively, vitamins are often sold as a cultural antidote to "big-pharma", when major pharmacy companies sell these chemicals directly or via subsidiaries!

As Nathan Geffen points out:

Micronutrient supplements are a huge multi-billion-dollar industry. Exaggerated claims and aggressive advertising characterize the marketing of these products. Often they are marketed as a natural, non-pharmaceutical solution to healthcare, but they have to be artificially manufactured, just like any other pharmaceutical product. Moreover, despite the anti-drug company approach of advertising for these products, some of the big drug companies, such as GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer, are also sellers of multivitamin pills, with substantial markets in developing countries like India. Micronutrients are cheap and easy to manufacture and very easy to sell at a high price, hence the size of the industry.

(Nathan Geffen: Debunking Delusions: The inside story of the Treatment Action Campaign. Jacana Media: 2010. P.45.)

There are also a range of independent vitamin salesmen, like Dr. Rath, who still sell the same stuff under a more trendy label.

His usual mode of operation is publishing alarmist and mostly false adverts in newspapers, which are meant to appear as bona fide editorials to gullible people.

Fortunately he's left South Africa, and I hope he's gone for good.

I take a micro-nutrient supplement most days of the week, so I'm not against this at all within bounds.

However, telling people in general that Vitamin C "cures" or "prevents" anything is not a message I would push.

Then, I'm also concerned that almost everything is already "vitamin enriched" these days.

So far studies have not shown the benefits of these chemicals as supplements and mega-doses, and the possible long-term risks of mega-doses are a cause of great concern.

At least smoking a cigarette is more honest in getting your daily dose of shellac, and chemicals used in paints and nail polish.

Fruits and vegetables are good (as even Popeye knew, although there's a growing debate whether they are beneficial because of anti-oxidants, or despite them); chemical vitamins and anti-oxidants are worrying.

Not only that, but some seem to be connected to the petrol-chemical industry.
edit on 4-12-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Thank you for your iinput from the Medical Establishment.

Of course, there are hucksters out there who promise too much.

I'm NOT selling anything.

Dr. Rath has made his book available for free.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:40 PM
I've heard good things about Vitamin C. But the reason why it isn't highly endorsed is probably so people will die. Not that they will live longer just because of it but it's part of the entire population control.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
This is awesome information, Auran. I did not go into the nutritional aspects in my thread, as it had to do more with the whole conspiracy angle of cholesterol, but Vitamin C is exceptionally important for us. The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) touted by the FDA is considered too low by many experts.

Vitamin C is water soluble, and so tends to disappear from the fruits and veggies that sit too long in the store. Your best bet is to get it right from the source as soon as it is picked....unfortunately, not going to happen in most places on earth.

Therefore, supplements are one's best bet. I like Ester-C, as the cheaper varieties tend to make me sick to my stomach.

One time I had an ER doctor tell me that he takes 12,000 mg of C per day, so as not to get sick with every germ he comes in contact with. Excess C is excreted out in the urine.

I think they try to downplay vitamins for two reasons: Firstly, because they don't like people taking their own health into their hands. Secondly, I'm thinking that Codex Alimentarius will come into play, in which all vitamins will be considered a drug that has to be prescribed by a doctor. We all realize that, when that happens, we'll pay terribly high prices for basic vitamins, and everybody will have to run to the doc to get some. What a racket!

Thank you, FissionSurplus, for your excellent thread "The Biggest Lie in Medicine: The Cholesterol Conspiracy."

Thank you for bringing up the Codex Alimentarius -- talk about nefarious conspiracies.

I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that in Germany you need a doctor's prescription to buy Vitamin C.

If it's not true yet, I'm sure Big Pharma is working towards that. They would patent every vitamin, mineral, and herb if they could -- so they could control the health of the slave (er.. I mean worker) population more completely.

It's nice to know there's a medical doctor smart enough to take 12,000 mg of Vitamin C a day.


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by davjan4
Oh, and buy "liposomal" vitamin C. Absorbs much better. Also, be careful with large doses. That can cause a relative imbalance of vitamin C and copper...

... Look into the Mittleider Method of growing vegitables...

Before I forget... there's a doctor in East Texas that is helping people with heart failure with Ubiquinol. Google it for the details. You can kiss Ubiquinol (the more absorbable kind of C-Q10) goodby too if big pharma and CODEX gets its way.

Thank you for the invaluable info, davjan. It's good to hear from an RN who sees the damage done by prescription drugs firsthand.

I'm going to look into everything you've suggested.


posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

Good Information. I recently started taking 2000 mg of Vitamin C/day and feel better than I have in years. When the rest of my family gets sick, I might get a runny nose. I would take even more than I already do, but any more than 2000 mg gives me horrible stomach cramps.

Thanks for this though. S&F

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

Actually my input included Naturopaths.

I'm not trying to sell anything either!

Not even large quantities of acetone as Vitamin C!

Of course "Doctor Rath" (no connection or overtures to official medicine there, I guess) has never sold any product now, has he?
Maybe his VitaCell products were just for charity?
Actually not.

He's a con-artist, that's all.
He's killed people indirectly with quackery, and has intimidated even fellow alternative healers with lawsuits.

Good luck to his fans; they'll need it.

None of his products are tested, but I guess that gives him street credibility from the guinea pigs.

People must do as they see fit, and I saw it fit to tell a different truth according to my conscience.

I guess people are so used to the Vitamin story that they don't even realize that they are arguing for big and rich groups in the pharma industry (and also the retail and food and beverage industry).

edit on 4-12-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 06:01 PM
My wife and I have started to take lipsomal Vitamin C; 6 grams each per day. It is Vitamin C micro encapsulated in lecithin. The big advantage is that most of the Vitamin C is not destroyed by the digestive system and enters the blood stream and is available to all of the body in much higher concentration. Vitamin C is extremely effective protection from radiation because it satisfies free radicals, resulting from radiation exposure, and prevents damage to DNA and organs. Vitamin C can be ingested orally as tablets or intravenously or orally as lipsomal. The lipsomal method is by far the best because it gets more into your body and keeps it there.
Many people complain that Vitamin C tablets upset their stomach or give them diarrhea. Lipsomal has no negative impact on the digestive system. My wife has a very delicate stomach and she suffers no ill effects from 6 grams of lipsomal VitaminC daily.
There is a very noticeable side effect from taking lipsomal Vitamin C and that is much increased body strength, increased energy and greater stamina.
We make our own lipsomal Vitamin C and store it in the fridge. There have been cases where people took 50 grams Vitamin C per day intravenously, with no ill effects and positive healing. In other words, toxicity is not an issue.
The video playlist below, explains the ground breaking work done by a Japanese doctor, involved in the Fukushima disaster. The other video explains how to make lipsomal Vitamin C.

posted on Dec, 4 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

The sole cause of heart trouble is not C deficiency. I've had a quick browse through the book and Dr. Rath is actually very favourable towards traditional medicine's account of the cause of cardiac problems. In fact, on pages 82 and 83 in particular he suggests vitamin C along with B3, B5 and E as methods to reduce cholesterol.

The most substantial thing we can take from Dr. Rath's work is that he advocates the reduction of medical intervention (pills) where natural (fruit, vegetables, cereals) remedies are effective. The body is an amazing thing, it regulates itself, almost everything you need can be produced by your body as long as you give it the basic materials to work with. It doesn't stop there either, not only do you produce the molecules you need to build, maintain and repair yourself just by eating a steak, you have blood monitoring facilities throughout your organs which check for different things. When you detect that you need more x, you produce more x and vice versa. If you inhibit or stimulate this production you're overriding your natural control mechanisms. In some extreme cases this is necessary, like diabetes, but unless a regulatory factor has completely shut down there is absolutely no need to take manual control. It's just not as effective.

Taking drugs to regulate your body requires conscious action on your part, and your body can't just decide to increase or decrease the production when it needs to, this is seriously detrimental to your health - imagine that you need 1.5L of water a day, so you carry a 1.5L bottle around with you and drink from it when you get thirsty. That's analogous to homoeostasis, the act of your body regulating itself. If you do a bit of running to catch a bus, you might have a bit of water, if it's hot, you might have a bit of water. Now imagine that you're only allowed to drink that 1.5L of water at midnight every night, none in-between. That's medical intervention.

This isn't some new and innovative discovery - this is just a brightly packaged attention getter to remind people that we don't have immortality machines. People seem to think that they can eat whatever they want and then have the doctor sort it out when they hit 40, but it doesn't work like that. If you consume the components the body needs throughout your life, you'll be less likely to develop chronic problems in the future. If you eat nutrient deficient foods consistently, you may be fine on the day, you may be fine 5 years from then, or even 15 years from then, but somewhere down the line it will come back to haunt you.

In a nutshell, Dr. Rath explains that high cholesterol is bad, but using drugs to lower your cholesterol is also bad. Eat more fruit.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by halfoldman
reply to post by AuranVector

Of course "Doctor Rath" (no connection or overtures to official medicine there, I guess) has never sold any product now, has he?
Maybe his VitaCell products were just for charity?
Actually not.

He's a con-artist, that's all.
He's killed people indirectly with quackery, and has intimidated even fellow alternative healers with lawsuits.

Here is the essence of the smear campaign against Dr. Matthias Rath:

Dr. Rath, fearlessly (and I think foolishly) went directly after Big Pharma in public about AIDS. A really bad idea when you consider that Big Pharma is owned by the same Nazis who own the media and the judges.

Read “Rise of the Fourth Reich” by Jim Marrs.

1.) “…Rath claimed his pills (the nutritional supplement VitaCell) could reverse the course of Aids and distributed them FREE in South Africa….”

2.) Rath ran newspaper ads attacking the pharmaceutical industry and “suggested that heart attacks, strokes and cancers could be cut to a fraction of the present level through ‘natural health approaches.’"

3.) Dr. Rath’s colleague, Anthony Brink, a barrister and former spokesman for Rath's organisation actively campaigns against Big Pharma anti-retroviral drugs.

Brink attempted to have Zackie Achmat, founder of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)* in South Africa, INDICTED for GENOCIDE at the international criminal court in The Hague.

Achmat and his TAC are responsible for the distribution of free anti-retroviral AIDS drugs.

“Had the case proceeded, the court would have been presented with details of Brink's complaint to The Hague, which called for Achmat to be permanently confined ‘in a small white and concrete cage, bright fluorescent light on all the time to keep an eye on him’ and force-fed his AIDS drugs or, ‘if he bites, kicks and screams too much, dripped into his arm after he's been restrained on a gurney with cable tied around his ankles, wrists and neck.’ “

“The complaint was described by the Rath Foundation in January last year as ‘entirely valid and long overdue.’"

4.) “In 2005, Rath began to offer his nutritional supplement VitaCell to people with AIDS in Khayelitsha, a township outside Cape Town. He claims he was running a TRIAL, that participants were suffering from ADVANCED AIDS and that NONE were on or had been on anti-retroviral drugs.”

5.) “Matthias Rath, the vitamin campaigner accused of endangering thousands of lives in South Africa by promoting his pills while denouncing conventional medicines as toxic and dangerous, has dropped a year-long libel action against The Guardian and been ordered to pay costs.”

6.) “Prof Brian Gazzard, one of the UK's leading HIV/Aids experts, who advised The Guardian on its case, said he was delighted at the result (Rath dropping the lawsuit).

’The widespread provision of anti-retrovirals in sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most important public health measures of this century,’ he said. 'The confusion caused by suggestions that giving undernourished people vitamins and minerals was an alternative to taking AIDS drugs was ‘extremely harmful.’”

I think Dr. Rath realized too late he could never win his case in such a corrupt system.

*I want to add that TAC (which is distributing the anti-retrovirals to Africans) is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and WHO (World Health Org).

If you want to see how the corrupt mainstream media spins this case to make Dr. Rath look like the villain, read the full article here:

edit on 5-12-2012 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

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