Originally posted by FissionSurplus
reply to post by Toots
Quite a few of them think of themselves as infallible Gods. If they really were, they wouldn't need all that malpractice insurance!
In my lifetime I've only ever run across a few that put themselves on that sort of pedestal. But in spite of their degrees and years of expertise,
even the best miscalculate and make mistakes. They are
just humans ...... (I think)
Two years ago I was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition (due to repeat misdiagnoses) and referred to a specialist. He wasted little time in
scheduling me for surgery, which also involved a pre-op surgical procedure. The surgery itself involved quite a few "what-if" risks, so I was a bit
apprehensive after doing much research on all the possibilities. Thus, my "gut" feelings had me on edge, so my daughter kept telling me to
relax, that "everything will be just fine."
The "unthinkable" happened just after the pre-op procedure. I was exhibiting obvious signs of shock within minutes of leaving recovery. But the
incompetent nursing staff did everything that was
wrong for
2-hours before discovering my vitals had dropped to 70/50. It was
then that they
finally contacted my Dr. as I was en route STAT to the CCU. I was not expected to survive, but spent 4-days wired from
head-to-toe in that ward fighting for my life due to full blown sepsis.
Returning home on the 6th day (praise be to GOD), the phone started ringing off the hook with advise from family, to sue. Looking back now, I almost
wish I had. But recognizing my Dr. as a genuine God-fearing man, my conscience told me to forgive, even though it was
his initial decision that
had ultimately put me in that precarious position.
And no, I'm not a bible-thumping church goer.
Fast forward.....I was rescheduled two more times after that for surgery, but both times blizzard conditions prevented me from getting to the
Fast forward again.....earlier this year I underwent outpatient surgery that should have been a "slam dunk." Well, the surgery itself was, but within
36-hours of returning home things went awry and once again, human error took a serious toll on my health. This time it was due to the effects of
several different antibiotics wreaking havoc on my system and I had to be admitted to the hospital again. And yet again, within a week of being
discharged from that admission. What ensued after that was having to see yet
another specialist due to the complications resulting from being
bedridden for 2-weeks!
Is it over yet? NOPE! Do I have a lot of faith? Yes, but
only in
God and my instincts, this time around!
Ok, I'll get off the soap box now......
edit on 19-12-2012 by Toots because: spacing corrections