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The "I Told You So" Thread You May Never Read!

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posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by honested3
So many cultures, ancient cultures that is, have put significance on this date, deep down many of us feel something about that date, something unusual not felt before.

What ancient culture would that be? The Egyptians? The Hindus? The Jews? The Native Americans? Nobody has mentioned this date, much less the child-sacrificing, virgin-slaying Mayans.
edit on 3-12-2012 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 03:40 PM
Somehow i am not reassured that nothing will happen and that the Earth is a stable mass that does not ever change no matter the length of time. How does anyone know what natural events will/have happen to the Earth? Do some of you have a time machine? Just because no world wide events have not happened in your lifetime does not mean they can not happen. As far as the 2012 predictions it is easy to say they are bunk but the reality is that nobody knows for sure and Earth is changing just like it has for over 4 billion years. Just because your on it now and all is well in your life does not mean nothing will happen tomorrow. We have Yellowstone that is overdue to blow, we have the solar flare of 1859 in memory, we have an asteroid hit in Russia in recorded history and we have weakening poles. I am not stocking up for any event but the blanket statement that nothing can happen is not accurate.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 03:52 PM
What a long and pointless argument this thread has been.
People are just hijacking every 2012 thread with their standard reply of the week without even reading the OP.

All I can say is that this 2012 thing, from whatever angle you're coming from, has false flag written all over it

Something probably is going to happen, but I think it will be because something they were trying to do or prevent went wrong. Then they can just blame it on "2012".

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 03:54 PM


posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by DrGod

LMAO i know... silly at it's finest right here because the thread isn't titled I told you so nothing will happen!! but then there are only 10,000 of those in this forum.. if nothing is going to happen .. GREAT why is everyone still POSTING ABOUT IT NONSTOP.. do I need 10,000 threads to tell me the majority of people believe nothing will happen on this day...( not really that was rhetorical)... but this thread is the opinion ( and quite the ironic one at that) that if something DOES happen the op is stating so now because she/he won't be able to do so AFTER the fact.. or at least that is the assumption... it's more of a satirical post in opposition of the 10,000 other claims.... whew.. wow let's post 10,000 more nothing is going to happen threads and maybe everyone will forget when the date is 12/21.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx

Why doesn't anyone ask the question....


Because that's when the snow globe gets shaken and the lucky few lifeforms that survive the next 300 years will be the new rulers of the earth.

Could be the humans this time again or it could be the reptilians, who knows...

Good luck everyone. Buy some extra water and plastic sheeting and you should be good for a start.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by jimmiec

The notion that nothing is going to happen on 2012 is based on reason and not some irrelevant fact that nothing is happening right now. We can notice that Yellowstone is not presenting itself as if an eruption is imminent. Detection of NEOs shows no imminent threat. Looking around tells us whether or not threats are imminent.

On the other hand there are wackos out there making all sorts of unsubstantiated claims about it happened before it will happen again and in 2012.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 04:25 PM
Nicely said Op.. I kind of think the same as you.

I think 21-12-12 (or 12-21-12) is the apocalypse... but this depends on how you define apocalypse, you see, the word also means a revelation/disclosure.

We as a species just entered the information age not that long ago which to me seems like a logical thing you need before a major awakening happens... technically you could say the internet is the apocalypse and no matter how strange that sounds it is kind of accurate, as I said, it depends on your definition of apocalypse and also what you look up on the net.

On 22-12-12 to me the only thing that will happen is that perhaps more than half the world will be aware of the fact that TPTB are directing our species towards definite destruction and something needs to be done... that simple... just a continuation of what's been happening for a while already.

The change itself will happen slowly, winning small battles here and there, putting pressure on politicians, more whistle blowers coming out in every type of corrupt monopoly, more protests, more clicktivism, etc...

While Hollywood concentrated on makin 2012 seem like a huge event with tidal waves, volcanoes, earthquakes... while others say Niburu, etc... I say, something really small like you telling a friend about what a RBE is, or who Tesla was or waking people up to how bad MSM really is...... .... these are the small little things we all do or can do that will have a massive effect in a few decades.

This is a change where all those small little things will, with time, make a huge difference.

Patience my friends.


posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by stereologist

some people take logic and reason to a religious level... did you marry your spouse based on this logic and reason your really fond of? Not that there is anything wrong with logic and reason however it was the OP opinion that not ALL decisions can be based on that.. some people make decisions on feelings.. i know.. imagine the illogical nature of the beast....and that is what this thread about... it's ANTI LOGIC AND REASON lol

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:08 PM
Nothing whatever will happen. Certainly not at a "cosmic" or "universal" level.

It might be amusing if El Presidente decided that 21 Dec was THE day to let you guys in on something. I don't know what, there are so many neat things he could spill that would fix the economy. At one point, I thought Bush II was going to spill the beans on one project during a SOTU, but all we got was "research is underway on that nuclar sort of stuff" and that was it.

So. Maybe 21 Dec you'll find out "the truth", and that'll change your viewpoints. Although maybe on 21 Dec the Israelis and Iranians will start whaling away at each other with nukes and there's your "new truth". But more likely, yeap, I'll be back here and bid the OP a fond farewell as nothing whatever happens. 22 December, business as usual.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:13 PM
/salute OP

You've been heard.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:27 PM
ill be the first one to say i told you in this very thread on the 22nd when nothing has happened. why is it so many people are focused on this one date. There have been so many calendars used by so many different cultures how can anyone be sure that similar cultures are talking about the same dates? to my knowledge the whole affair originates from the Meso American long count calendar, ive never heard anything about this date linked to any other culture, correct me if im mistaken?

i cant wait for this day to come and pass so we can all move along and all the crackpots can find another date to freak out about

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:41 PM
I have an "I Told You So" video uploaded to YouTube and unlisted awaiting Dec 22nd.

I can't wait.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:51 PM
All those New Age assumptions about world end and sh*t- what a lot of crap nonsense. Just because someone thought that the end of the 13th b'ak'tun means also the end of the world (or change in human consciousness.. whatever) doesn't mean it will happen!

How about this recent Xultun discovery that seems to contradict 2012 end of whatever scenario.

I'd seriously consider thoroughly researching a subject (especially a nonsensical one) before starting a thread OP

edit on 2-12-2012 by dimburg because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:58 PM
If someone can't "see" that "it" is already happening...

Instant communication and connectivity planet wide for the first time in our recorded history? World wide meme about a "change/shift" equally applicable to everyone for the first time? Illusions held for thousands of years collapsing at an accelerating pace? I know this song...

The day before the summer solstice and the day after the summer solstice aren't remarkably different.... and yet the entire "direction" of the weather has changed between those two days. Are there really those who reject the concept of seasons on a "galactic" time scale?

What material evidence for summer is there if a week of winter is all civilization has observed?

Peaks and troughs of sine waves abound. Difficult to discern when zoomed in really close, but no less of a fundamental "shift" from one direction to another when a peak or trough is reached.

Try looking at things with a focus on consciousness shifting rather than material shifting and see what you "see".
edit on 2-12-2012 by ErgoTheConclusion because: I had edited before NorEaster's response.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by ErgoTheConclusion
If someone can't "see" that "it" is already happening... sucks for them.

Instant communication and connectivity planet wide for the first time in our recorded history? World wide meme about a "change/shift" equally applicable to everyone for the first time? Illusions held for thousands of years collapsing at an accelerating pace? I know this song...

The day before the summer solstice and the day after the summer solstice aren't remarkably different.... and yet the entire "direction" of the weather has changed between those two days. Are there really those who reject the concept of seasons on a "galactic" time scale?

What material evidence for summer is there if a week of winter is all civilization has observed?

Peaks and troughs of sine waves abound. Difficult to discern when zoomed in really close, but no less of a fundamental "shift" from one direction to another when a peak or trough is reached.

Try looking at things with a focus on consciousness shifting rather than material shifting and see what you "see".
edit on 2-12-2012 by ErgoTheConclusion because: (no reason given)

So, this will be like the rapture event that "happened" in May 2011, then? Hell, if it'll be one of those things that only the enlightened few experience, then so what. Hell, I'm okay with it "shifting" every 30 minutes forever if it'll make you kids feel special. I think that everyone should get a chance to feel special, and if you folks "feel" as if you're in the epicenter of this whatever-it-is, then good for you. I bet there's nothing that compares to how it feels for you people as this thingy approaches. Like Super-Christmas or something.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
So, this will be like the rapture event that "happened" in May 2011, then? Hell, if it'll be one of those things that only the enlightened few experience, then so what. Hell, I'm okay with it "shifting" every 30 minutes forever if it'll make you kids feel special. I think that everyone should get a chance to feel special, and if you folks "feel" as if you're in the epicenter of this whatever-it-is, then good for you. I bet there's nothing that compares to how it feels for you people as this thingy approaches. Like Super-Christmas or something.

No on all accounts, but I know you like to play this game.


posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by ErgoTheConclusion

Originally posted by NorEaster
So, this will be like the rapture event that "happened" in May 2011, then? Hell, if it'll be one of those things that only the enlightened few experience, then so what. Hell, I'm okay with it "shifting" every 30 minutes forever if it'll make you kids feel special. I think that everyone should get a chance to feel special, and if you folks "feel" as if you're in the epicenter of this whatever-it-is, then good for you. I bet there's nothing that compares to how it feels for you people as this thingy approaches. Like Super-Christmas or something.

No on all accounts, but I know you like to play this game.


Well, the "evolving" narrative sounds very familiar. That much is pretty clear. I'm not surprised that the event criteria has become increasingly amorphous, with subjective metrics, like "shifting consciousness" replacing global catastrophe among the more educated among the Dec 21, 2012 adherents. By the time Dec 22nd hits, the "event" will be described as a slow progression that has an open ended resolution date that only those who have become enlightened will be capable of realizing. That followed by a slew of videos and books designed to teach people how to realize the benefits of this slow-mo transformation.

Rinse-repeat. Yeah, I do know the game you guys play.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 07:08 PM
I will be on my second day of leave on the 21st.

That's not nothing.

You heard it here 1st.

And last buahahhaha

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 07:18 PM
I have had a feeling about the date for a long time and lately have lost that feeling.. I agree something will happen, just not what I thought.

From a logical standpoint, the way the Web Bot makes accurate predictions is simply by analyzing what people are talking about on the web, simple as that. When lots of people think something is going on or will be going on, something usually happens.

Call it the collective unconscious manifesting itself in the physical world as how alot of quantum physics theories explain things to work in exactly that way.. something will happen, whether the Mayans were right about the date or any other civilization.

It is OUR civilizations expectations of the date that will make something occur.

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