OK, I don't post a lot anymore here on ATS but I do come here just about everyday to check things out. What I am going to write here will probably be
abused and honestly I do not care what is thought of me....I have nothing to do at the moment so what the heck I will sum up some stuff that should if
nothing else bore you beyond belief but as I see it you might learn something from people like myself...
This deals with Aliens, yes that's what I wrote Alien's and I am going to try and do this as short as possible which will probably be long
I was allowed by them to have recall of many things and this will end up with events that are coming in time.
First off let's start with something you will shake you head at ( hey why not) One moment in time I was on a ship as another Being I was in a room
with others like myself (friends) and there were very tall Beings that looked just like us and I commented to my friends that I never knew that there
were others that looked just like us but were that tall.... they said they are the Elders...the CREATOR'S....we moved toward the Elders and all my
friends turned and left the area and there I was standing in front of this very tall Being. I was asked if I would like to go to Earth to help the
human race when it was time...I asked this Being if it was for the good and the reply was yes it was for the good hence I agreed to come. I went to
another room and I was told that when I became Human I would loose my intelligence and I would become stupid but they would come to me whenever they
could.....hence Human experiences and this is how I would learn the things I would need to know in this Human life for my job here. I do not know how
but that Soul was transferred into this Human body and I grew simply as a Human would.
When I was a child I knew I was different inside but back then no one in my family talked about this stuff and I never mentioned anything...this is
just the way it was.
Most of my life I always felt like the person on the outside looking in (OBSERVING) compairing things here that I was shown or told there.
In short I observe Earth changes, Volcanic eruptons, earthquakes, floods, fires and so on. I'll be honest I don't put much effort into anything I
just observe because this is what I am to do.
Dec. 21st. is not far off I think it is funny that my first born was born on that day six minutes before the Winter Soltice 42 years ago.
At this moment I have been seeing events unfolding but I can't say if it will be completed on the 21st or not I can only observe the things I was
shown and I do not feel they all can be completed in such a short time so maybe it is the beginning of the end and I don't mean the end of the World.
What I mean is there will be bad before good but good will be the way it was meant to be all along.
Now when I agreed to come here I was told that something was going to happen here on Earth that wasn't supposed to happen. I am one (I would think
there are others) that are here to do a job also but I think it will take at least until March 17th 2046 only date I was ever given. So right now I
sit here as you do and wait to see what events will occur on the 21st.
The things I have been watching for are volcanoes erupting at the same time earthquakes that will occur where they usually do not, new fissures
opening in areas they should not be, sinkholes, the animals and this is all occuring as I write.
Our government has made out over the years about UFO's over military bases where Nuclear weapons are located and making it sound like they are here
to take over the Planet but the truth is they have been here for a very long time Earth is not our Planet it is their's we can kill ourselves off but
they will not allow us to destroy their Planet. These Beings have always monitored this Planet and they record everything.. they know where all the
Nuclear Power is just as they know where all the Chemical and Biological chemicals are, when the event happens in time they will be able to neutralize
and prevent total destruction. From what I see one thing is leading to another and the things I am looking for are these and I see it still taking
some time.
I will get nerved when I see two large connecting quakes off the hump of Brazil out toward the Ridge this area is NOT known for this....at this time I
will be getting things together for myself and my family because at some point after that when the event occurs it will be fast. The only precursor
will be an undeniable P-Wave on the Ridge which will happen right before the event it will be the animals that will let you know then the event (the
entire hump of Africa quakes.) If you look at a map it will encase at least 23 Countries imagine a quake this size (I saw the Country of Algeria
outlined in black and the entire Country pulsating) the Tsunami's will be huge but ships will fly in turn on their sides and hold the water at bay
until things settle. (next page)