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What are the world Governments getting ready for. I have the field narrowed down!

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posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:44 PM
I'm looking at what's going on with the poles myself.

North is shrinking fast. South is growing.

Wouldn't that change the center of gravity of the planet?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy

I have a feeling the Markets have been propped up over the years just to delay an "Event"

It's a fact the markets have been artificially propped up the past 4 years.

Stock markets were created as an artificial entity in the first place! They have never been real. When they collapse and that will be soon, they will be replaced with something else. That something else will be carbon credits. As one dies off another artificial entity is in the wings ready to suck Mums and Dads dry.


posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Ben81

one thing that is for sure for 2012 .. it will be the end of an era
and the start of a new one and it will be like a breath of fresh air
all the fearmongering threads are there to confuse the mind of the mass
no end of the world in sight but the birth of a new world .. a new beginning
a new civilization

Nah look at this thread people are already gearing up for when the biggest end of the world date in modern history fails they will have another date. Its never ending here on DOOMNGLOOMATS.COM
edit on 29-11-2012 by hellbjorn012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by new_here

Speaking of animals this is a very alarming site : Mass deaths of birds fish, etc.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by smurfy

Wow really didn't click on the link below the line graph huh? The one that reads: Credit/Data source: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

If you were to hit the Global Climate Change Link you'd have also been directed to the site. The link right above the line graph showing how temperatures have been rising consistently worldwide over the past 150 years, rising alarmingly in the past 30. Well if you didn't
This is where that link will lead you:

Have a nice night, great job... really.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

Great Job OP !
Connecting the dots : Secret Societies, Galatical alignment, milky way dark rift/black hole, Asteroid Da14, Solar Sun burst, CME, EMP, Satellite disruption, loss of resources, migration of animals dying, list of mass animal deaths, red tides, pole shifts.
The government is preparing underground facilities YES that is true but the true essence is it’s NOT US. Our money has just paid to save their BUTTS ONLY.
Sources: Yes the world has become a crazy place and connecting the dots is the key if you want information otherwise take the blue pill or the red pill it’s your choice… best to all ! earthquakes all over the world by the minute the dismissal of evolution Solar influence data up to the date with warnings and alerts Solar mass ejections Earths polar reversal FM3-39.40 the Elite are ready to enslave ppl if needed. nasa has stopped giving data on asteroid da 14 & earth’s scale compared to solar burst and our sun strange noises around the world this is one link but youtube has numerous vids. worlds largest iceber bigger than NY breaks off Mass deaths of birds fish, etc.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by trinityalways

That is a REALLY long list of mysterious animal/insect/bird/fish deaths. That is very troubling.

I had heard about the 'white nose syndrome' of bats a few years ago when it was first discovered in a specific cave somewhere in the NorthEast U.S. Something fungal. Now it is almost an extinction event?

Now we have red tides popping up around Australia and China, etc...

What is happening to my world?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
I'm looking at what's going on with the poles myself.

North is shrinking fast. South is growing.

Wouldn't that change the center of gravity of the planet?

About as much as writing on one side of a tennis ball. When ice melts the water is still there! The volume is different but the mass is the same.


posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

I admit I'm no scientist.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
reply to post by pheonix358

I admit I'm no scientist.

Even death will not stop me from learning. When I die I have heaps to learn in the next life.

No probs.


posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by pheonix358

Originally posted by PrplHrt
I'm looking at what's going on with the poles myself.

North is shrinking fast. South is growing.

Wouldn't that change the center of gravity of the planet?

About as much as writing on one side of a tennis ball. When ice melts the water is still there! The volume is different but the mass is the same.


The problem is when ice on land mass melts into the ocean. If an iceberg melts its mass is already in the ocean, ice on land does not displace water until in seeps into the ocean.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:20 PM
So when will this all happen? This scares me, and i'd like to get an idea just to be a little prepared for what is to come. I know no one can pinpoint the EXACT date, or a date not anywhere near it, but any guesses?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

They started that years ago when aids was let loose among the African people. I recall chatting to some ex RSA Military, back in the early 80s and they told me that they were infecting the black south africans. Before we give them freedom we are infecting as many as we can. Its said that aids came from monkeys in central africa. How ever I have seen others say that it was invented in a lab.
Ice age? Well that sounds about right to me, either that or a pole flip. Or maybe the flip will cause it. They have not been building DUMBs and seed vaults for nothing. We the sheeple will be the last to find out as they retreat into their bunkers which we have paid for. Looking forwards to digging them out

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:30 PM
Underground bunkers are a risk in the event of a pole shift due to tectonic activity. They would work for nuclear war or a bio plague. The US has boxed in the soviet union with military bases and is in the process of taking down Syria which houses Russia's only mediteranean base Tartus. The US is also messing with China's turf with bases in Australia plus they cut off oil supplies for China with the kinetic military action in Lybia and in Northern Africa. This is provocation and Iran will certain upset both the Russians and the Chinese. My money is on the preparation of underground facilities as protection from a thermo nuclear war. As for global cooling that is a possibility but likely it would take 20-50 years to take effect. Climate change is here but much of it is man-made. Secretary of Defence Cohen in 1997 admitted they can control weather. More than that look at the UN climate control treaty in 1977. If weather modification was an impossibility why would a treaty be necessary. Many elite have purchased large tracts of land in the Southern Hemisphere. If a nuclear war happens, it will be in the N. Hemisphere and the N. hemisphere will be radioactive as trade winds circulate the radiation.
A good place to start over would be the S. hemisphere. My money is on nuclear war. Also for those who want to research google Apocolypse Equation or is it Armegeddon Equation.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by pheonix358
reply to post by Golf66

For heavens sake. RESEARCH IS NOT HARD! This link was the first one on the first page! The politicians ain't going! Read the first post of the thread.


That is true, neither is being civil...

Perhaps I was confused since the title of your thread is What are the World's Government's (to me that implies politicians/leaders of some kind) getting ready for...

That said, if you can please show me where in the first post the word “politician” is used (I will accept implied). If you are expecting me to dissect the 300+ pages of the thread you linked to find where you or another made the claim that politicians’ or the world’s leaders (really not one?) will not be in these underground facilities you are expecting a little too much.

Again, your question implies the “governments” are making these preparations therefore one can only assume that the leaders (elected or hereditary are politicians IMO) will be involved in the planning and given seats or spaces for themselves and their families.

Who leads the "governments" other than the leaders (politicians)?

Anyway, I mean leaders as in the elite et. al. not limited to necessarily politicians but their financiers, families, staff and cronies as well.

No need to reply if you can't be civil. Cheers.

edit on 29/11/2012 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:36 PM
Good thread.

All I can say is that I have started to have a strong urge to get food stocked up. It is a very intuitive feeling. Some of it, being triggered by watching people mob over material things on black Friday.

My husband, who was never really sure about anything, and skeptical, has also started to have an urgent feeling that we need to start getting our stuff together.

People ask me what I'm preparing for, but I don't know.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Golf66

What you are looking for is on page 1 of that thread. To save you some trouble I picked this out of page 4. It summarizes some parts of the thread


Are you a Senator, a CEO, Banker or stockbroker?

Do you have tickets or promises of a place in the SHTF Bunkers?

Guys and Gals, this is a newsflash!

You're not going! The tickets are not the real ones! The promises are just smoke.

Think about it. Why would they want your sorry butts in a new world. You have nothing to offer! Your boozy wives and useless brats also have nothing to offer. Your degrees in finance and politics are just useless! You can't actually do anything useful in a new world situation except consume copious amounts of food and booze.

Your Mexican house maids and gardeners have more to offer a new world. Lots more! They will work, and they will work hard with a huge sense of gratitude. Your security personnel would be more useful than you. Not so much for your chauffeurs though.

What a new world needs are builders and carpenters, soldiers, farmers and gardeners. Gardeners are useful all the way through, someone has to manage the hydroponic gardens. People familiar with the care of animals are useful.

Think very carefully, why would they take you! Oh, yes, you are enormously useful right now! Money, big manufactures are all needed in the building phase, but when they close those big doors, you will all be milling around like the sheep that you are trying to get into the excuse for a shelter that Denver is.

What a laugh that will be when you finally figure it all out! ROFL. You will just die like the rest of us.

The 1%, who needs them!

Hope that helps.


posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:38 PM
I haven't read everybody elses replies bit I think you ate overlooking the possibility of the antarctic ice sheet slipping off antarctica and creating a tsunami that could easily kill one third of the planet and the disease and destruction could end up taking another third until we were able to become immune or we find a way get it under control I have other idea but my food is ready

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by DonVoigt

Antarctica is pretty stable. There is a continent under most of that ice.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 09:03 PM
This is a great thread because of all the mostly calm discussion that has occured, not too many yes men robots trying to debunk theories or speculations. It's just about the what if's, which is what always interested me. So thank you for the thread pheonix358, these are my favorite types.

Anyway, Has anyone ever considered that maybe it was a polar shift that knocked off the Dinosaurs? Could this happen again? Maybe the Earth has already flipped a few times, who really knows. I kind of lean more towards the meteorite crater in Arizona as the possible cause of their extinction, but a polar shift or some kind of massive solar flare from the Sun have always intrigued myself as two other possibilities as well.

Whatever ends up happening, and I believe something catastrophic will within the next 20 years, millions upon millions of people are gonna starve to death and suffer. Actually, Most will probably die of thirst before starving, depends on the event.

A lot of folks don't understand national, or even State food distribution. They don't grow it all in your own city or even state. What about shipping? It really will only take a week of no trucks delivering food to the grocery stores until many many people start to go hungry. If all power is lost, a lot of the high protein foods will spoil quickly. If the water is off, only those near water sources or who have pools and understand how to treat water, will have it. The thought of it is pretty scary.

I know I am prepared for awhile, but that will only last so long. Eventually I plan to hunt deer, small mammals and fish in order to survive. Even if you own a bee bee or better yet, pellet gun, you can hunt small mammals. Not that I own a bee bee gun or anything. Just saying. ~$heopleNation

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