posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 08:50 AM
I had a 5 second brief sighting in April 2009 at 6:30 am after putting my son on the school bus and waiting for the dog to do her business. I saw two
orbs in the outer/ upper atmostsphere... no way to know the size. They took off in an arc away from the earth fast. I felt a telepathic pull to look
at them, as soon as they moved I had realization moment of TV is trying to wake us all up. I went in the house and told my hsband and wrote it
He doesn't want to believe me to this day and doesn't want me to mention it ever again. This is the typical earth person's reaction. Then I sort of
forgot it all until I started to feel the questions and fear of the unknown surface over the following months. Until this happened I would say no
aliens, at least not anywhere near Earth or our solar system. I was thinking more along dinasaurs elsewhere. I think we are monitored by some ?.
I would say there have been lots of UFO crashes here, and we are not told a thing. Society would probably have massive fear and panic. Older people,
children, the uneducated, the extreme religious people would have the hardest time truely acknowledging such things. The whole topic is unacceptable
to society to mention in casual conversation, yet we all pay lots of money to see the alien movies.
I don't believe we have the aliens vast technology. I have a relative who married a MIT Graduate Degree Rocket Scientist. He did intern with NASA ten
years ago. I just don't get the immpression that we are doing extraordinary things when cancer is so prevalent, people are starving, unemployed, and
we have plastic islands of garbage in the oceans. We have had an amazing surge in electronic technological evolution since the 1960s. I have witnessed
this. When I was young there were not many computers, microwave ovens, laser surgery, VCR and DVD players, Playstations, DSL, X box, ipods, cell
phones, TV remote controls, radar scanners, boat sonar scanners, hand held calculaters, cable and satelite television, the internet (Which is so
great. I can't imagine doing without this.), high tech dentistry, etc... It has been amazing what technology that has arrived in the last 40
I think we are visited and monitored. We are barbarians who are pollutive, irresponsible, selfish, violent, war mongers. We need to work at getting
our issues under control.