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What Percent of ATS Members believe that the U.S. has recovered E.T. Craft and Tech? [results]

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posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:04 AM
Thank goodness finally some sane people joining this discussion !

Originally posted by Byrd
I don't.

We haven't made any huge leaps in technology that were NOT based on other known technology. going from stone knives to guns in a matter of 20 years. In that case, I'd suspect an intervention. But that kind of leap hasn't happened.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by stanislav

neither are based on flawed logic, it's not a war, it's not about winning we just both have different opinions and are considering different things to reach it.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:09 AM
I don't know if they have recovered E.T. Craft and Tech

But i have seen a a film taken by a very clear and sharp. high speed tracking camera of UFO on a navy research base.

And a photo taken by a photo recon air craft during the Vietnam war near the Ho Chi Minh trail

I showed a UFO hovering just above the jungle in a valley clear and sharp image. this was long before CGI and showed no signs of photo lab faking.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:21 AM
How exactly do you know that it was an alien craft and if it was ours why would they hover over a war zone? Also to my knowledge we did not posses good quality cameras 50 years ago.

Originally posted by ANNED
I don't know if they have recovered E.T. Craft and Tech

But i have seen a a film taken by a very clear and sharp. high speed tracking camera of UFO on a navy research base.

And a photo taken by a photo recon air craft during the Vietnam war near the Ho Chi Minh trail

I showed a UFO hovering just above the jungle in a valley clear and sharp image. this was long before CGI and showed no signs of photo lab faking.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:28 AM

Here is another scenario so that you could understand better the picture I am trying to depict here. If you were to give the early Egyptians an iPhone, do you think they would understand what it does or what to do with it? Once the battery died? And that is just ~5000 years of evolution in which only in the last 200 years we begun to advance exponentially.
reply to post by stanislav

they would not be able to replicate a mobile phone, i agree there is no way they would do it. however if they studied its components and materials they may be able to gain knowledge and understanding of some of the materials used in it to enable them to advance in other ways. I am not saying if we stumbled across alien tech we would be able to copy it exactly a like, but we could certainly study it and gain knowledge that would lead to many advancements and concepts previously not thought off.

the reason it feels like your talking to children is because you think those who do not agree with your opinion must be lacking in knowledge, and therefore you must know everything.
edit on 29-11-2012 by lifeform11 because: typo

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:43 AM
They would find absolutely nothing useful inside an iPhone. In fact I would go as far as to say that if they tried something they would probably break it to pieces.

I can guarantee that if I was to give you an iPhone right now, you wouldn't be able to replicate one without the right knowledge, tools and magisterial.

The reason why I feel like I am talking to children here is because you all (too many) lack basic common sense and logic. Not because I am smarter and or feel smarter than you. You want shortcuts, you want to speculate all day long but you do not want to learn anything about history or science. I am sure if anyone of you actually dedicated their time to study real history and science instead of conspiracy theories, whereas anything goes you wouldn't be in the position where someone else has to criticize you for being so immature and gullible.

Originally posted by lifeform11

Here is another scenario so that you could understand better the picture I am trying to depict here. If you were to give the early Egyptians an iPhone, do you think they would understand what it does or what to do with it? Once the battery died? And that is just ~5000 years of evolution in which only in the last 200 years we begun to advance exponentially.
reply to post by stanislav

they would not be able to replicate a mobile phone, i agree there is no way they would do it. however if they studied its components and materials they may be able to gain knowledge and understanding of some of the materials used in it to enable them to advance in other ways. I am not saying if we stumbled across alien tech we would be able to copy it exactly a like, but we could certainly study it and gain knowledge that would lead to many advancements and concepts previously not thought off.

the reason it feels like your talking to children is because you think those who do not agree with your opinion must be lacking in knowledge, and therefore you must know everything.
edit on 29-11-2012 by lifeform11 because: typo

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:50 AM
A few things that kicked off the tech boom:

The advent of better communication, faster and over longer distances. Information could be shared like never before. Things like radio, telegraph and telephone. Now we have research teams half a world apart yet are able to share information practically in real time. Inconceivable even 50 years ago.

Capitalism. Technologies are money magnets. Investors stood to get very wealthy if they funded the right technologies. The more people looking to make money off of new technologies directly relates to the number of new technologies developed.

Research teams. Early inventors used to do most of the work of invention/research themselves, people like Newton or Edison. When you spread the work among a team of individuals you get faster results and have the added benefit of a 'brain trust', several avenues for new ideas instead of just one.

Higher education. The levels of education now are far beyond what they were 100 years ago. More and more people attend universities for higher education which directly impacts the number of researchers for any given field of technology.

And let's not forget that technological growth is exponential by it's very nature. Once a certain level of technology is reached it takes less and less time for the next 'development'. Especially when technologies overlap in their use and function. Consider the 'penny doubled every day' riddle. Day one = 1 cent. Day 2 = 3 cents. Day 3 = 7 cents etc. It takes almost a week to accumulate more than a dollar however by the end of 30 days you have over 10 million dollars. Such a rapid growth later in the 'equation' is exactly what we see in normal technological advancement, more or less.

ET influence is not necessary for any of these things to come to pass. Furthermore I find it a bit offensive toward humanity in general to think that we couldn't get where we are today without a 'gift from the Gods'.
edit on 29-11-2012 by Slave2Fate because: Clarity

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:50 AM
Holy Bat Crap...this would qualify as a viral thread I think...and the OP got a lot of 'splainin' to do Lucy (Split) as in split for infinity? Lmao.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Slave2Fate

Beatiful post! Thank you for sharing!

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by stanislav
They would find absolutely nothing useful inside an iPhone. In fact I would go as far as to say that if they tried something they would probably break it to pieces.

I can guarantee that if I was to give you an iPhone right now, you wouldn't be able to replicate one without the right knowledge, tools and magisterial.

The reason why I feel like I am talking to children here is because you all (too many) lack basic common sense and logic. Not because I am smarter and or feel smarter than you. You want shortcuts, you want to speculate all day long but you do not want to learn anything about history or science. I am sure if anyone of you actually dedicated their time to study real history and science instead of conspiracy theories, whereas anything goes you wouldn't be in the position where someone else has to criticize you for being so immature and gullible.

Originally posted by lifeform11

Here is another scenario so that you could understand better the picture I am trying to depict here. If you were to give the early Egyptians an iPhone, do you think they would understand what it does or what to do with it? Once the battery died? And that is just ~5000 years of evolution in which only in the last 200 years we begun to advance exponentially.
reply to post by stanislav

they would not be able to replicate a mobile phone, i agree there is no way they would do it. however if they studied its components and materials they may be able to gain knowledge and understanding of some of the materials used in it to enable them to advance in other ways. I am not saying if we stumbled across alien tech we would be able to copy it exactly a like, but we could certainly study it and gain knowledge that would lead to many advancements and concepts previously not thought off.

the reason it feels like your talking to children is because you think those who do not agree with your opinion must be lacking in knowledge, and therefore you must know everything.
edit on 29-11-2012 by lifeform11 because: typo

so what your saying is if we came across alien tech it would be completely useless. o.k. and that if Egyptians had some of our tech back then there is nothing at all they would gain from it, absolutely nothing.

well i don't agree.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Slave2Fate

Hi Slave here is your fate, naww jk but you may want to look into this as well :
' disclosureproject dot org REAL Data by real ppl

See ya.. Trinity

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:18 AM
Yes, without a doubt, the U.S. government has recovered ET technology and ETs as well.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I firmly believe that we have recovered alien technology and utilised / attempted to utilise it to further our own technological capabilities.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:18 AM
Hahahaha I am pretty sure everyone by now knows about Steven Greer. Biggest scam artist in recent history of Ufological field.

Originally posted by trinityalways
reply to post by Slave2Fate

Hi Slave here is your fate, naww jk but you may want to look into this as well :
' disclosureproject dot org REAL Data by real ppl

See ya.. Trinity

edit on 29-11-2012 by stanislav because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:20 AM
I do believe they recovered something of ET technology. But I would rather think that it was something like a satellite. If they had recovered a craft with crew members chances are the ETs would want it back.
Also, if you look at our own space programm you usually use telescopes to see where it would be interesting to go, then you do a long time observation of it, then you send a robot (= satellite) to the destination before you even think about sending a manned mission there. I cannot imagine ETs would be able to fly billions of miiles through outer space just to crash on planet earth. Seems more like a targeted mission to gather data, just as we would do it.

So why do I think it is of ET technology and not a weather balloon or swamp gas? Because of the classification, if it was indeed something harmless and there'd be no need to worry, then why would they make it a Top Secret file?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Slave2Fate

ET influence is not necessary for any of these things to come to pass. Furthermore I find it a bit offensive toward humanity in general to think that we couldn't get where we are today without a 'gift from the Gods'.

I personally think one of the greatest and most dynamic inventors of all time was Tesla... and a lot of his ideas came from some kind of flash spells. I don't recall them being described as seizures but some type of distorting episode... or so I read.

Einstein said ideas come from God.

There are actually a number of people who refuse to credit very profound ideas like this to their self.

They often accredit it as some type of gift, if not one from God.

Between us and the inventors, maybe they should have the biggest say concerning where the ideas came from.

The thing is... it's all a gift... every idea, every resource... it's all a compilation of works. This is why no one is really more deserving than others but in our world, some are more deserving FROM BIRTH.

This is wrong.

What if you were an apprentice for an inventor and the inventor thought of something great for you to build upon before his death... and years went by where you could chose to use the idea to help a young person who lived very close to you... or you could sell it without leaking any details to anyone to a company who would not tell you if they were ever actually going to use it.

If you help the child a life could be saved but your invention would spread like wildfire and only help others.... never profiting you.

Or you could sell it and buy yourself the house you wanted and there, you can say nice prayers for the boy in need.

It's already bad enough... the circumstances, Now what if I told you that this boy was reincarnated from the inventor.

Not only are you not helping him, but it wasn't even YOUR idea and you're not going to benefit him with his own idea.

How are you supposed to know such things?

Because we all come from the same mire and the gift belongs to all of us. We built it, we compiled it... but we don't even know who the hell we are.

We have been all things... down to tiny amoebas and we were lifted up by love, sacrifice and struggle.

Humans did not do all of this, they did not make this world, they did not make the animals, but they rode in on the animals backs. Do they give the animals credit for their achievements? No, but they couldn't have done it without them.

It all belongs to all of us.... and we should share it... and that includes the technology these assholes hide copyrights on.

I somewhat understand your frustration about giving a human credit, but I really think you are hyperconcentrating on those of us who feel that WAY too much credit is being given to humans and they can afford to take some piss as it just might build some character because you cannot really say that humans don't get credit for doing things on their own. The real problem is they get ALL the credit.

Your going to talk to some people who will exercise the opposite for good measure and for good reason.

Humans can't have all the credit. When humans can learn that they cannot have all the credit, maybe they will not be talked like that by some. The real question is, when are humans going to give out other credit where other credit is due... because I'm not seeing. What I actually see is stuff like faked artifacts depicting a Neil degrasse looking character in a modern day astronaut suit pretending to be an ancient alien that NASA seemed to pimp out for themselves on TV for funding by using one of the only decent researchers on alien artifacts as their whore. That's what I see. All KINDS of stuff like that.

We have ETs on this planet... I've seen one. I firmly believe there was an important mission. Where's the credit, where's the disclosure.

No, people are not going to stop talking about this and the lesson here is not the damage it does to some people's egos... The important lesson is about CRUELTY and INJUSTICE and LIES.

So, it offends you. It threatens your humanity. Trust me when I say you'll recuperate.

ETs who are pushed away from connection with the REST OF LIFE and prostituted for their knowledge on the hopes that maybe one day they'll have the same rights as humans like they are some dirty, yet very important useful secret will most likely never forget such an experience... ever... that is if they actually survive being shot down out of the sky, losing their loved ones prior to be detained in mind numbing isolation.

Sorry if that threatens your confidence as a human.

Seriously, what is YOUR problem with possibly having to give an ET credit for a thing... or two?


edit on 29-11-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:38 AM
Gonna S&F this OP, coz the topic interests me.

Do i believe either possibility?
I'm kinda on the fence.
Like Mulder, i want to believe (or was that Scully... i miss that show
Some of the stuff i have read makes sense, but i am still not convinced.
Like others here, when i see a "craft" with my own eyes, i will, without a shadow of a doubt believe.
So having said that, i don't think we have recovered craft, or back engineered any tech, but we do have some brilliant minds in both the sci-fi world (Gene Rodenberry et al), and scientists and engineers that have taken some ideas from the sci-fi world and played with them.
If Gene (or whoever it was) hadn't come up with a teleporter would some scientist or engineer have come up with it?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by stanislav
The difference between your argument and mine is logic vs faith. You can't "make fun of me" because your conclusions to witch you came about are based on flawed logic.


posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by ScorpiusMaximus

Like Mulder, i want to believe (or was that Scully... i miss that show

Deep Throat: "Mister Mulder, why are those like yourself, who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life on Earth, not entirely persuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?"

Mulder: "Because, all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely dissuasive."

edit on 29-11-2012 by WhereIsTheBatman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

First of all, 'gift from the Gods' was a metaphor for introduced alien tech, hence the single quotations.

Second, The only thing I am threatened by is the sad fact that there sure seem to be a lot of people willing to forego critical thought for something as flimsy (yes, flimsy) as ET tech being responsible for our current technological state. It's all just regurgitated drivel.

Third, I consider all of the new age fluff to be nothing more than an obfuscating smokescreen of 'feel good' BS without a lick of legitimacy. Hell, it's practically role playing any more.

Fourth, I'll gladly give credit to ET if they ever show up to hand us anything useful. Something a little more tangible than say, light and love via telepathy or some such.

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