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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: Ove38
Have a picture with Armstrong in it

That's not Armstrong and you know it ! I thought you had a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Why should I believe your story, about the first man on the moon ?

He said the picture had Armstrong in it. It does. How many astronauts can you see in that photo?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: Misinformation
a reply to: choos
I think ya'all are missing the point of SJupiters post in the first place,,, or just choose to ignore it.....

i thnk you missed the point of sayonara post.. it seems to me that sayonara complained about OBMonkey flipping the image was inorder to detract from the point that he made so that he can use his propaganda techniques to his full extent..

ie. have everyone talk about something mundane instead of trying to explain how it was hoaxed.. have you noticed that he has not even attempted to explain it?? he wishes to use lame and petty excuses in order to not explain hard evidence.. this isnt the first time.

i've discuss this before how this photography is suppose to be acceptted without question as evidence ,,, but wouldn't be accepted as evidence on other matters..

that argument was broken.. you see.. apollo is not supported by only one photograph..

I stand on my own,, SJupiter is not accountable for content I far as that reversed picture with a view of earth , it really is irrelevant ,,,views of earth would of been near the top of the list of elements too hoax...

you dont get it do you?? my post was more aimed for sayonara than yourself.. he is the one that has a problem with your video.
edit on 14-6-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: Ove38
Have a picture with Armstrong in it

That's not Armstrong and you know it ! I thought you had a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Why should I believe your story, about the first man on the moon ?

critical thinking says it is.. logic says it is.. why dont you provide proof that it isnt?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? Do you think they took a video camera with them? Do you understand how television cameras work? There was no video tape. There was live TV footage, and there was 16mm cine film.

Here's the original TV footage. You may need VLC player to watch it:

In case you don't have the ability to view it, here is a frame of it. That's Neil Armstrong standing on the moon.

Here is the 16mm footage of Armstrong descending to the lunar surface:

Here is the 16mm footage of Armstrong collecting the contingency sample. On the moon.

Had you perhaps been misled by the often spouted (and totally untrue) claim that the footage has been "lost"?

It's all there, available on the web for anyone to watch. As you said:

I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

We do. So why should you NOT believe the historical fact that Armstrong was on the moon? The only possible reason is because you have zero critical thinking skills and prefer to believe a fairy tale cooked up by some guy in the 70s to sell books, rather than using your brain.
edit on 14-6-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:52 AM
That thing would struggle to function in our atmosphere let alone in space lol:-)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

you know there was more than one mission that has man walking on the moon..

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

There is no missing footage. Did you watch the links above?

Do you understand how TV cameras work? There is no physical "tape" involved. The data was transmitted to Earth. It was then converted into a visible video signal, which was recorded onto tape (and Super 8 film). We still have the tape, and the film. How do you think I posted the footage?

Repeat: there is no missing footage.

And what about the 16mm film? That is a physical object that was physically present on the moon. Just ignoring that altogether are you?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: Ove38
Have a picture with Armstrong in it

That's not Armstrong and you know it ! I thought you had a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Why should I believe your story, about the first man on the moon ?

critical thinking says it is.. logic says it is.. why dont you provide proof that it isnt?

You can clearly see E. ALDRIN written on the astronauts chest, this is not a photo of the first man on the moon ! I thought you had a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon ?

How come you don't ? What's your explanation? did they forgot to take the photos ? Armstrong had no problems posing on photos on earth ! So what happened ? in your opinion
edit on 14-6-2014 by Ove38 because: text fix

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: Bumsmear
That thing would struggle to function in our atmosphere let alone in space lol:-)

It wouldn't "struggle", it would be totally unable to function in an atmosphere. It wasn't designed to do so. How are your aeronautical engineering skills, Mr Smear?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: Ove38

Oh dear... Do we really have to spell it out for you?

Who's this guy here?

How easy is it to take a selfie with a chest-mounted camera?
edit on 14-6-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

There is no missing footage.....

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: Ove38
Have a picture with Armstrong in it

That's not Armstrong and you know it ! I thought you had a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Why should I believe your story, about the first man on the moon ?

critical thinking says it is.. logic says it is.. why dont you provide proof that it isnt?

You can clearly see E. ALDRIN written on the astronauts chest, this is not a photo of the first man on the moon ! I thought you had a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon ?

How come you don't ? What's your explanation? did they forgot to take the photos ? Armstrong had no problems posing on photos on earth ! So what happened ? in your opinion

ohhhhh.. super smart.. now who took the photo?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

There is no missing footage.....

Yes, try reading that page and telling me which footage is missing.

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

you know there was more than one mission that has man walking on the moon..

So you want to move away from the fact that the first man on the moon didn't pose in front of the camera while he supposedly was there, but had no problems doing that while on earth ?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

you know there was more than one mission that has man walking on the moon..

So you want to move away from the fact that the first man on the moon didn't pose in front of the camera while he supposedly was there, but had no problems doing that while on earth ?

nope this is different.. you are acting like only the apollo 11 tapes mattered and them being "missing" is proof of some sort of hoax.. all the while you completely ignore that 12,14,15,16 and 17 landed men on the moon also..

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:14 AM


posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: Ove38

originally posted by: mrwiffler
a reply to: Ove38

There is a finite, (quite small actually) bunch of ideas held by the non-believers. It is a safe assumption that when engaging any given non-believer they are pulling ideas from that limited pool. If you have different ideas, please let us know.

Let's go back back to the beginning, the story goes that a man named Armstrong, was the first man on the moon, correct ? I am sure you have a lot of photos of this historic event: Armstrong on the moon

Could you show us all the photos taken, showing Armstrong on the moon ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

And what about the original video tapes, tv transmissions, of this historic event ? I am sure you have them ? If not, why should i believe your story about Armstrong on the moon ?

"Original video tapes"? What exactly does that mean? .....

The Apollo 11 missing tapes are missing slow-scan television (SSTV) recordings of the lunar transmissions broadcast during the Apollo 11 moonwalk, which was the first time human beings supposedly walked on the Moon.

Can you find them ?

you know there was more than one mission that has man walking on the moon..

So you want to move away from the fact that the first man on the moon didn't pose in front of the camera while he supposedly was there, but had no problems doing that while on earth ?

nope this is different.. you are acting like only the apollo 11 tapes mattered and them being "missing" is proof of some sort of hoax.. all the while you completely ignore that 12,14,15,16 and 17 landed men on the moon also..

So you want to prove that Armstrong "the first man on the moon" was really on the moon, by referring to other Apollo missions he wasn't even a part of ? Explain why we don't have photos of Armstrong posing as the first man on the moon ? or even waving to the tv audience back home ?

Knowing how stupid this was, he spent his whole life playing a shy guy that didn't want to be credited for anything, while his partner tried to fill in his role, as much as he could.
edit on 14-6-2014 by Ove38 because: text fix

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:37 AM
Yup, was pretty much a dead cert that you wouldn't get that.

There are few actual photographs of Armstrong, but there are a couple, so let's not pretend there are none.

Now, what else can we see in that image that is exactly where it is supposed to be?

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
Yup, was pretty much a dead cert that you wouldn't get that.

There are few actual photographs of Armstrong, but there are a couple, so let's not pretend there are none.

There's a lot of him posing in front of the camera on earth, the magazine were full of them. Do you have one of him posing in front of the camera on the moon ? If not, why ?

Do you buy the official story, that it was because he was shy ?
edit on 14-6-2014 by Ove38 because: text fix

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