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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: SayonaraJupiter

where are the high powered light in the reflection sayonara??? and to quote from yourself

originally posted by: SayonaraJupiter
Notice there are some severe reflections going on with the presenters eye glasses, means they had lighting on the set. It's a pretty nice setup! The camera can do so many tricks but it can't eliminate the fact of the high-powered lights on the set... his eye glasses don't lie.

changing your mind again?
edit on 9-6-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: SayonaraJupiter

originally posted by: onebigmonkey

In it they showed this image

What's that in your visor Eugene?

Well, it's the South Massif behind Jack Schmitt and according to Stellarium it's exactly where Earth would be at the start of EVA 3 on December 13 1972, when the photograph was taken:

How about that. Yet another Apollo photograph with a tiny detail that exactly matches what should be there.

Which one is reversed?

Come on SJ, surely your razor-sharp detective skills could have told you that?

The flag patch is on the astronaut's... anyone?... anyone?... Bueller?... left arm so clearly the photo on the NASA site is the correct orientation.

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 01:39 AM
For extra verisimilitude, here is the view from the LM just before the start of EVA-3.

Notice the position of the rover next to a relatively undisturbed piece of ground between it and the flag.

Here is an LRO view of the same scene.

The red X shows where the rover was parked, as deducted by looking for that same patch of undisturbed ground, the flag and the corner of the LM (where the quad thruster is).

The blue x shows roughly where Schmitt would have been standing.

He's using Gene's camera. and he's changed location slightly from where he took this pan

which I include mostly to show again the relative positions of the flag, rover and LM.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: SayonaraJupiter

Which one do you think?

I flipped it to show the the South Massif view as it actually is, not as it is reflected in Cernan's visor.

I also altered the levels and sharpened it.

While I did that I was sitting on my sofa facing west.

So you reversed the image without telling us you did it. You tell us that you reversed the image AFTER you been caught out on it. Sucks to be you. You lost credibility with that sneaky little trick.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: SayonaraJupiter

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: SayonaraJupiter

Which one do you think?

I flipped it to show the the South Massif view as it actually is, not as it is reflected in Cernan's visor.

I also altered the levels and sharpened it.

While I did that I was sitting on my sofa facing west.

So you reversed the image without telling us you did it. You tell us that you reversed the image AFTER you been caught out on it. Sucks to be you. You lost credibility with that sneaky little trick.

Ok maybe you are unaware but mirror images have to be flipped. Wow really a trick? Mirrors confuse you i take it?????????? I cant figure out how you couldnt notice i knew he flipped it see how are you going to show points with a reversed image. Personal attacks doesnt change the fact what the image shows us go after the ball and not the player.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 01:31 AM

originally posted by: SayonaraJupiter

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: SayonaraJupiter

Which one do you think?

I flipped it to show the the South Massif view as it actually is, not as it is reflected in Cernan's visor.

I also altered the levels and sharpened it.

While I did that I was sitting on my sofa facing west.

So you reversed the image without telling us you did it. You tell us that you reversed the image AFTER you been caught out on it. Sucks to be you. You lost credibility with that sneaky little trick.

You clearly didn't need to be told, what's your problem? I provided a link to the original, it is easy to work out.

I'm not jumping through hoops to pander to idiots. Is that Earth or not? Prove it isn't.
edit on 10-6-2014 by onebigmonkey because: parsing

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: SayonaraJupiter

originally posted by: onebigmonkey
a reply to: SayonaraJupiter

Which one do you think?

I flipped it to show the the South Massif view as it actually is, not as it is reflected in Cernan's visor.

I also altered the levels and sharpened it.

While I did that I was sitting on my sofa facing west.

So you reversed the image without telling us you did it. You tell us that you reversed the image AFTER you been caught out on it. Sucks to be you. You lost credibility with that sneaky little trick.

What, does that also mean NIXON was never the president talk about clutching at straws!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

Ok maybe you are unaware but mirror images have to be flipped. Wow really a trick? Mirrors confuse you i take it??????????

That's possible after all another hoax believer on here was totally confused by shadows!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 03:38 AM
He got caught posting a reversed image without saying that he reversed it or for what reason.

It makes perfect sense that he should be crucified for it. He's a blasphemer and a heretic.

Reversing images of Apollo is a SIN!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: SayonaraJupiter
He got caught posting a reversed image without saying that he reversed it or for what reason.

This implies I was trying to hide something. Nonsense. Only a moron would claim this was some sort of deliberate chicanery. I stand by my post and utterly reject your blatant and obvious attempts to transfer the discussion to another strawman.

It makes perfect sense that he should be crucified for it. He's a blasphemer and a heretic.

Reversing images of Apollo is a SIN!!!

Have you been self-medicating again?
edit on 10-6-2014 by onebigmonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: SayonaraJupiter
He got caught posting a reversed image without saying that he reversed it or for what reason.

It makes perfect sense that he should be crucified for it. He's a blasphemer and a heretic.

Reversing images of Apollo is a SIN!!!

remember all them "illustrations" you used to post oh great hypocrite??

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 09:10 AM
NASA got feed the "simulation" most the people there dont have a "Need to Know", they dont even control the actual spacecraft communications... many spacecraft vanish unexplained and others suddenly come back to life.....coincidence..I think not

edit on 10-6-2014 by Misinformation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Misinformation

Yeah they just thought they were building those rockets.


posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: Misinformation
NASA got feed the "simulation" most the people there dont have a "Need to Know", they dont even control the actual spacecraft communications... many spacecraft vanish unexplained and others suddenly come back to life.....coincidence..I think not

Which spacecraft have "vanished unexplained"?

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 05:19 PM

a reply to: Rob48
Which spacecraft have "vanished unexplained"?

like I told ya before,,,I'm scared.....This is a very dangerous rabbit hole to crawl into ,,,If I was too point out the obvious lies & suspicious failures of satellites it could be hazardous to my health...besides it really deserves its own thread the list is so long..

the apollo propagandist have become too emotionally attached & fail to look at it objectively ..
I may have too bow out of this thread for my own protection & in order to prevent any unintended consequences that knowledge of the moon hoax could have ,,,

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Misinformation

Have you looked at this thing called the internet recently? There are plenty of people posting all manner of wild accusations about things much more serious than a few failed satellites or Apollo being a "hoax". So far they don't seem to have been killed off.

This thread is now on page 260 and I don't think we've had anyone murdered yet (although plenty of hoax arguments have come to grisly ends).

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Misinformation

a reply to: Rob48
Which spacecraft have "vanished unexplained"?

like I told ya before,,,I'm scared.....This is a very dangerous rabbit hole to crawl into ,,,If I was too point out the obvious lies & suspicious failures of satellites it could be hazardous to my health...besides it really deserves its own thread the list is so long..

the apollo propagandist have become too emotionally attached & fail to look at it objectively ..
I may have too bow out of this thread for my own protection & in order to prevent any unintended consequences that knowledge of the moon hoax could have ,,,

and accusing Nixon and howard hughes for being the masterminds of the manned apollo hoax and 9/11 tragedy is perfectly safe?

so talking about missing satellites will have you "disappear" but talking about the manned lunar mission hoax will not?

thats funny, says alot about how accurate the manned lunar mission hoax theories are.

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:16 PM

and accusing Nixon and howard hughes for being the masterminds of the manned apollo hoax and 9/11 tragedy is perfectly safe?

I'd never said either was the "mastermind" behide 911,,,, that is a total misrepresentation & an attempt to discredit
I'm going to assume that you just misinterpreted it instead and would not resort too such a fallacy...

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: Misinformation

a reply to: Rob48
Which spacecraft have "vanished unexplained"?

like I told ya before,,,I'm scared.....This is a very dangerous rabbit hole to crawl into ,,,If I was too point out the obvious lies & suspicious failures of satellites it could be hazardous to my health...besides it really deserves its own thread the list is so long..

the apollo propagandist have become too emotionally attached & fail to look at it objectively ..
I may have too bow out of this thread for my own protection & in order to prevent any unintended consequences that knowledge of the moon hoax could have ,,,

So i guess in interpretation of your statements you have no evidence to support your statement of missing satellites? See seems to me saying its to dangerous if you truly believed that you wouldnt have brought it up, so by this we can infer instead you have nothing to back up what you said.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: Misinformation

and accusing Nixon and howard hughes for being the masterminds of the manned apollo hoax and 9/11 tragedy is perfectly safe?

I'd never said either was the "mastermind" behide 911,,,, that is a total misrepresentation & an attempt to discredit
I'm going to assume that you just misinterpreted it instead and would not resort too such a fallacy...

you missed the point didnt you..

why do you feel so safe discussing the apollo manned lunar mission hoax?? and even trying to link it to 9/11?? why do you feel so safe discussing these two things so freely on the internet when you are so scared of the consequences of exposing missing satellites?

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