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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 04:36 AM


[im not exactly sure why your video is 2seconds long.. have you got any explaination why you made the original 15second video only 2seconds long??

i bumped the frame rate upto 200fps and the clip is now 2.325 seconds long.. similar to the youtube video you posted..

200 fps represents a speed up of about 6.67x no one has has asked you to speed it up that much..

if you want the entire clip at 2.46x you need to change the frames per second to 73.7fps not 200fps like in the youtube video you posted..


The original clip I had was put in Virtualdub. Under Frame Rate Control, it noted 'current: 15 fps'. I snipped the two jumps out for my new version, with no other alteration.

My shortened clip is still at 15 fps, as I just doublechecked to make sure.

2.46x 15fps = 36.9 fps.

I've now repeated the entire process, and I get the same result.

As before, it is much faster than the Mythbusters jump.

I don't mind that you dispute my claim it is at 2.46x speed.

But I have a problem with you not even backing it up your own version!

If you doubt the video is at 2.46x speed, then show me what you get!!

Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke. As usual.

ive explained it to you already.. the difference of 0.2-0.3 is the difference between 1.5x speed and 2.46x speed..

And I've told you to back that up with a video at 2.46x speed!

I've shown you a video I believe to be at 2.46x speed, but you dismiss it, so..

Now it's your turn, right?
edit on 16-2-2014 by turbonium1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 05:45 AM



The original clip I had was put in Virtualdub. Under Frame Rate Control, it noted 'current: 15 fps'. I snipped the two jumps out for my new version, with no other alteration.

My shortened clip is still at 15 fps, as I just doublechecked to make sure.

2.46x 15fps = 36.9 fps.

I've now repeated the entire process, and I get the same result.

As before, it is much faster than the Mythbusters jump.

I don't mind that you dispute my claim it is at 2.46x speed.

But I have a problem with you not even backing it up your own version!

the clip that i have downloaded from here is at 29.97fps..

unedited the total clip is 15.549 seconds long at 29.97fps

if i speed it up 2.46x the clip becomes 6.323 seconds.. your clip is 2 seconds long..

where did you download your original clip???

also.. do i really need to back it up?? im not using my opinion here that the jump at 2.46x speed up is as fast as it would be on earth.. i am actually using maths..

does maths lie??

If you doubt the video is at 2.46x speed, then show me what you get!!

Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke. As usual.

im not completely doubting it, its just you clearly has a different version of the clip than i do..

i thought i gave you where to download the version from NASA's website but looks like you have downloaded some cut version..

And I've told you to back that up with a video at 2.46x speed!

I've shown you a video I believe to be at 2.46x speed, but you dismiss it, so..

Now it's your turn, right?

i did not dismiss your clip completely.. learn to read.. i only asked you to explain what you have done because the clip from the NASA website is 15 seconds long.. speed that up 2.46x and it will be 6 seconds long not 2 seconds like in yours..

so perhaps thats why you are not understanding me.. we have been using different videos.. i have been using this one from NASA's website:

but still i have been using maths to show you that speeding up lunar footage 2.46x will resemble earths gravity of 9.81m/s^2.. i have not been using my opinion to convince you of this..

i have been using MATHS..


if you speed up john youngs jump 2.46x and he falls 43.7cm in 0.298 seconds.. it will look like he is falling on earth..

why?? because on earth objects will fall 43.7cm in 0.298seconds..

use s=ut+0.5at^2 to work out how long it will take an object to fall 43.7cm on earth if you do not believe me..

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:37 AM

What you are describing is Defender Logic. It's a leap of faith. For example "I saw the launch therefore it's all real." Leaps of faith are not logical. Here's a good one "I saw it on TV therefore it's all real they couldn't fake it or they'd all be lying about it."

That's the kind of logic I encounter in these threads from time to time. Why are you espousing it? Let's not talk about hypothetical bus company scenarios. Let's talk about the facts.

Surveys on the moon landings always show a large majority believe the moon landings, with around 15% who think it was a hoax.

These surveys are all crap.

The vast majority of people are only aware of the official version, or they haven't studied the hoax argument whatsoever.

The majority know only one argument/story, so it's worthless.

The minority know both arguments, so they are able to understand it was a hoax.

If these surveys asked only those people who knew both arguments, which they should, it would show a vast majority say it's a hoax.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:05 AM



also.. do i really need to back it up?? im not using my opinion here that the jump at 2.46x speed up is as fast as it would be on earth.. i am actually using maths..

does maths lie??

but still i have been using maths to show you that speeding up lunar footage 2.46x will resemble earths gravity of 9.81m/s^2.. i have not been using my opinion to convince you of this..

i have been using MATHS..


Maths are often flawed. You require the video I asked you for, to confirm whether or not your maths are correct.

I did it, and you said it was incorrect. So it's all up to you, now...

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:47 AM


Maths are often flawed. You require the video I asked you for, to confirm whether or not your maths are correct.

I did it, and you said it was incorrect. So it's all up to you, now...

maths doesnt lie..

we know for a fact that earths gravity is at 9.81m/s^2

therefore we know for a fact that if we drop an object from a height of 43.7cm it will hit the ground in about 0.298 seconds..

john young drops from the height of his apex of 43.7cm on the lunar surface in about 0.734seconds.. john young is a very large object.. and is demonstrating lunar gravity, there is no conceivable reason why NASA would not make his lunar jump that is representing lunar gravity at 1.62m/s^2.. ie. john young must fall at 1.62m/s^2

dropping 43.7cm in 0.734seconds is lunar gravity of 1.62m/s^2.. there should be no reason to deny this right??

so what happens when you speed up the drop 1.5x? he hits the ground in 0.489seconds which represents an arbitrary gravity of about 3.6m/s^2.. ie. objects fall too slow, movement might "look" right but objects fall too slow..

but what happens when you speed the drop to 2.46x?? he hits the ground in 0.298seconds.. which is what would happen on earth..

so do you get it yet?? if you speed up the footage 2.46x objects will fall as they would on earth.. however it will not represent human movement..

if you are suggesting the maths is flawed then i think you are extremely deluded.. the maths has been founded, studied and used for centuries.. it didnt happen over night..

so again, im not presenting this as my opinion, this is maths..
however you saying it looks like it falls too fast at 2.46x speed is merely your opinion, but your opinion has been debunked with maths but you refuse to acknowledge it.. ignorant much?
edit on 16-2-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 06:06 PM




also.. do i really need to back it up?? im not using my opinion here that the jump at 2.46x speed up is as fast as it would be on earth.. i am actually using maths..

does maths lie??

but still i have been using maths to show you that speeding up lunar footage 2.46x will resemble earths gravity of 9.81m/s^2.. i have not been using my opinion to convince you of this..

i have been using MATHS..


Maths are often flawed. You require the video I asked you for, to confirm whether or not your maths are correct.

I did it, and you said it was incorrect. So it's all up to you, now...

. All you did is simulate a gravity fall on earth by speeding up the film it proves nothing other that the math is right. See you must be implying they filmed the landing in high speed film which we use to say watch a bullet fly to through the air. See when we play it back at a slower speed we can see the travel of the bullet. Problem is when something is filmed with high speed film its obvious when you play it back slower. The astronauts would have taken forever to move. As i said earlier you cant have it both ways. Either the gravity is correct and the astronauts move to fast. Or we play it normal the astronauts movements are good by gravity is wrong pick one.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:48 PM


The vast majority of people are only aware of the official version, or they haven't studied the hoax argument whatsoever.

The majority know only one argument/story, so it's worthless.

The minority know both arguments, so they are able to understand it was a hoax.

If these surveys asked only those people who knew both arguments, which they should, it would show a vast majority say it's a hoax.


99% of people I've met or interacted with who think that the landings were hoaxed don't have a clue about the Apollo program, have never read about or studied anything about the details of the missions, the processes involved, the people involved, the data collected. They typically just saw some youtube videos or watched that stupid Fox documentary.

It's my view that you've got it completely backwards, if anybody has taken time to examine both sides of this argument there can be only one conclusion a sane person will come to: they landed on the moon, six times, and after each of these six landings 2 men walked about on the lunar surface.

Thankfully, with regards to the Apollo program and the people who study it and are fans of that era of space flight, "the vast majority" are not deluded, and history can be preserved for generations to come. The idea that, as time passes, more people are doubtful of the authenticity of the moon landings is simply a testament to the growth of internet pseudo-sleuthery, general popular culture conspiracy muck, and the availability of previously obscure material concerning this particular conspiracy online. Add to that the veracity of people like Jarra White, and others, who deliberately attempt to mislead gullible people and steer their frail minds, via youtube especially, and it's easy to see why the moon hoax theories persist and from time to time grow in popularity.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

99% of people I've met or interacted with who think that the landings were hoaxed don't have a clue about the Apollo program, have never read about or studied anything about the details of the missions, the processes involved, the people involved, the data collected. They typically just saw some youtube videos or watched that stupid Fox documentary.

Great Job!

"99% of people I've met" = Glittering generalities, Testimonial, Card-Stacking

"have never read about or studied anything about the details of the missions" = Plain Folk

"They typically just saw some youtube videos or watched that stupid Fox documentary" = Card-Stacking, Name Calling, Band Wagon.

The only item you are missing is the 'transfer' when you should say generally stupid things about Buzz Aldrin or Jarrah White or Richard Nixon.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 03:41 AM
I think people that believe in moon hoaxes fit into 3 categories its actually funny.

Category 1
A simple moon-hoaxer. They rely on the "flag waving" theory, and the "multiple shadow" theory to support their argument. These moon-hoaxers lack any education on the moon landing, and have fallen helplessly victim to youtube videos. And not understanding photography very well. Easy to show them the truth and theyll get it.

Category 2
Then theres the advanced moon hoaxer. They have enough of an IQ to know that the flag argument and the shadow argument don't stand a chance and dont discuss photos because they know is a losing argument Instead, they provide links to youtube videos that they think offer a "new approach" on the moon landings. Such as the idea that the videos were sped up, another common one is a supposed decal of Earth on the lunar module window. And my favorite the radiation would kill the astronauts in the Van Allen belt. These people take more time to debunk because theres is simply a lack of understanding the science involved and it is more complicated.

Category 3
These moon-hoaxers are just insane.They bring up irrelevant information often nothing to do with the topic. They enlarge the conspiracy to include weapons and space aliens. And these individuals no one can convince because when there mistakes are pointed out they just create a fantasy to correct it. For example when you point out that people had to walk on the moon they come back with walking robots. These individuals thank god are rare maybe they're just isnt enough tin foil hats to go around. But the advantage you keep using logic and eventual their insanity becomes apparent to everyone.

In the end moon hoaxers are usually just never took the time to truly study the apollo program which is a shame really it was a momentous achievement for mankind. Its kinda sad really that people so underestimate are species and what we can accomplish. You see it in everything now a days like people that believe are ancestors couldn't have done this they were to stupid. Revisionist history is running rampant with the creation of the internet because anyone can post any half baked theory and someone will read it.Like time and again i hear how they thought the world was flat in the dark ages. No they didnt Only the uneducated believed that. Which sort of reminds me of the moon hoaxers there arguing the world is flat when everyone else knows it isnt. See got back to my point .

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

In the end moon hoaxers are usually just never took the time to truly study the apollo program which is a shame really it was a momentous achievement for mankind.

Please spare us from your inadequate review of history. It's pathetic. Nixon managed Apollo just like he managed his trip to China. It was all PR and TV media manipulation. You are a sucker. No humans or monkey have been outside of LEO. Your dream is gonna die and it's gonna die harder.

We all know that Nixon cancelled Apollo and then he casually spent $4 Billion on carpet bombing North Viet Nam in 1972. You are ignorant of history and you are a fraud because you posted the image of Dick Gordon in a simulator and you insisted that JPL built the Howard Hughes Surveyor when I showed you 7 sources that debunked you. Because you are an idiot and a unrepentant Apollo Scumbag I have shown you the errors of your ways.

We all know that Nixon cancelled Apollo so he invested in the shuttle in order to keep NASA in low earth orbit for the next 40 years. Now deal with the facts instead of casting aspersions.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:05 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

In the end moon hoaxers are usually just never took the time to truly study the apollo program which is a shame really it was a momentous achievement for mankind.

Please spare us from your inadequate review of history. It's pathetic. Nixon managed Apollo just like he managed his trip to China. It was all PR and TV media manipulation. You are a sucker. No humans or monkey have been outside of LEO. Your dream is gonna die and it's gonna die harder.

We all know that Nixon cancelled Apollo and then he casually spent $4 Billion on carpet bombing North Viet Nam in 1972. You are ignorant of history and you are a fraud because you posted the image of Dick Gordon in a simulator and you insisted that JPL built the Howard Hughes Surveyor when I showed you 7 sources that debunked you. Because you are an idiot and a unrepentant Apollo Scumbag I have shown you the errors of your ways.

We all know that Nixon cancelled Apollo so he invested in the shuttle in order to keep NASA in low earth orbit for the next 40 years. Now deal with the facts instead of casting aspersions.

Oh wow did i hit a nerve which category did you put yourself in? Any way I know you keep insisting JPL wasnt in charge of the project and eventual take it over completely like NASAs website stated which i showed you. See building parts and assembling the craft are two different things sorry if your delusions dont allow you to see that. as i explained that is not a photo of dick Gordon in a simulator i asked you where it came from and apparently you dont know.Its actually a picture of a monitor from the live feed they have a camera mounted right next to the misson commander. Just like they did for the apollo spacecraft bet you didnt know that did you? However we appear to be making progress with you since you just admitted that astronauts went to the moon until Nixon shut down the program restricting them to low earth orbit 40 years.Took you over 150 pages but you finally get it. See that wasnt so hard was it ?
edit on 2/20/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:06 AM


Nixon managed Apollo just like he managed his trip to China.

proof please..
edit on 20-2-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

See that wasnt so hard was it ?

It wasn't hard to see that you posted pictures Dick Gordon in a simulator because you know there aren't any pictures of Dick Gordon in cis-lunar space.

I am going to need to you to start posting some positive proof that Apollo 12 astronauts where in cis-lunar space because your rhetoric is lacking in substance and your attitude seems to be that you don't need to show any proof. But you do need to show that proof once and for all. And since I know that you dont' have any proof I am going to keep demanding it from you.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:22 AM


I am going to need to you to start posting some positive proof that Apollo 12 astronauts where in cis-lunar space
edit on 20-2-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:34 AM



Nixon managed Apollo just like he managed his trip to China.

proof please..

It's 58 minutes long.

I don't expect you to have the patience but if you do, Please take note of the comments of Dwight Chapin who described how they understood how important role the media played, especially the control of media, in Nixon's 1972 trip to China.

Nixon's 1972 trip to China was totally scripted and media managed. Everything about it was scripted. Apollo was also a scripted series of media events. The press was completely controlled in both cases. Your total ignorance of history is abundantly clear.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:36 AM


I don't expect you to have the patience but if you do, Please take note of the comments of Dwight Chapin who described how they understood how important role the media played, especially the control of media, in Nixon's 1972 trip to China.

Nixon's 1972 trip to China was totally scripted and media managed. Everything about it was scripted. Apollo was also a scripted series of media events. The press was completely controlled in both cases. Your total ignorance of history is abundantly clear.

i see i see..

so nixon never went to china is what you are trying to say right?

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:46 AM



I am going to need to you to start posting some positive proof that Apollo 12 astronauts where in cis-lunar space

various clips from Apollo 12.

I don't see Surveyor 3. Why don't you take some screencaps and show us where you think Surveyor 3 should be?

Pete Conrad allegedly made a precision landing at the crater where Surveyor 3 landed. You should be able to pin-point the Surveyor 3 in the landing film. If you cannot do that then you are probably wrong about Apollo 12.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:47 AM



I don't expect you to have the patience but if you do, Please take note of the comments of Dwight Chapin who described how they understood how important role the media played, especially the control of media, in Nixon's 1972 trip to China.

Nixon's 1972 trip to China was totally scripted and media managed. Everything about it was scripted. Apollo was also a scripted series of media events. The press was completely controlled in both cases. Your total ignorance of history is abundantly clear.

i see i see..

so nixon never went to china is what you are trying to say right?

Garbage argument. Please. Please. Please stop with the garbage arguments.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 05:04 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

See that wasnt so hard was it ?

It wasn't hard to see that you posted pictures Dick Gordon in a simulator because you know there aren't any pictures of Dick Gordon in cis-lunar space.

I am going to

need to you to start posting some positive proof that Apollo 12 astronauts where in cis-lunar space because your rhetoric is lacking in substance and your attitude seems to be that you don't need to show any proof. But you do need to show that proof once and for all. And since I know that you dont' have any proof I am going to keep demanding it from you.

See what you are not aware of is there was live feeds to the press as well even from the camera that allen bean broke. Which is the main reason apollo 12 isnt as documented as the other missions but you know this. However there is video footage from before he broke the camera.Here What the BBC recorded of the live broadcast.And you get to see an astonaut and no mobot like you crazy idea.

And remeber that video camerai was pointing out to you in the simulator and how they had them in the command modules watch this video at the end youll see your smiling faces you can skip to 6:25 if you like.

Oh and here is some lost footage for apolo 11 that was released more smiling faces while descending to the moon.

PS i was going to wait for you to make a bigger ass of yourself over the video footage i shown you but hey this is fun just proving you wrong.
edit on 2/20/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 06:34 AM




I am going to need to you to start posting some positive proof that Apollo 12 astronauts where in cis-lunar space

various clips from Apollo 12.

I don't see Surveyor 3. Why don't you take some screencaps and show us where you think Surveyor 3 should be?

Pete Conrad allegedly made a precision landing at the crater where Surveyor 3 landed. You should be able to pin-point the Surveyor 3 in the landing film. If you cannot do that then you are probably wrong about Apollo 12.

I think surveyor three should be right here next to the astronaut and oh wait what's that in the background hey looks like the LM. Wow thats strange they said they landed close. Do you ever get tired of being wrong or is it just the fact you're so oblivious that you dont realize how silly you sound?

PS it even has the roseau marks for you because we all know how important those are for you dont we.

edit on 2/20/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

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