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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 03:30 AM


reply to post by onebigmonkey

I know and no one liked Nixon even as president.

Actually, Nixon won by a landslide in 1972. I guess you forgot to check your history books. It's obvious that Nixon had popularity in 1972 and that means the American people liked Nixon. It also means that you are dead wrong.

And the only time the astronauts ever went to a Nixon party was when forced to as public relations simple fact.

Ooops. I guess you are full of crap yet again. Neil Armstrong visited San Clemente for the 5th anniversary of the "moon" landings... Nixon hadn't resigned yet but he would resign in less than a month. Neil was still making public appearances in 7/19/74 and playing the Nixon's Apollo poker game.

Armstrong announced shortly after the Apollo 11 flight that he did not plan to fly in space again.[102] He was appointed Deputy Associate Administrator for aeronautics for the Office of Advanced Research and Technology, Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), but served in this position for only a year, and resigned from it and NASA as a whole in 1971

Not to mention the political ramifications of attending a Nixon party.

15 Apollo astronauts attended Nixon's party in San Clemente. Are you going to deny that?

What about the ramifications of Nixon attending an astronaut party in Las Vegas?

Nixon cancelled his Las Vegas invitations because he didn't want to appear at the Dunes Resort Hotel, with the Apollo astronauts, 10 years after the moon landings, the whole show was on TV. That's why Nixon invited the astronauts to a private gathering at his "Western White House", his ill gotten 26-acre complex in San Clemente.

edit on 1/28/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: (no reason given)

You really are a fool and thats a first i never say hat to people but in your case will make an exception. After he resigns from office which is what we were discussing anybody with any political aspirations ignored him like the plague.But the biggest part is once again you are side tracking the issue on useless banter about Nixon. Nixon's confusion between himself and the office of the Presidency, and the United States. Upon taking office, Nixon promised himself he would not let the anti-war movement and critics of the government undermine his Presidency as they had President Johnson's. Nixon believed that because he was elected President he knew what was best for the nation. Anyone who hated him, who challenged his policies, who questioned his leadership was therefore a threat to the nation. Nixon believed because he as President represented the United States, anyone challenged him was thus a threat to the nation. Nixon confused people's dislike of him and his Presidency with disloyalty to the nation; he confused personal threats to his own self-esteem with threats to the Nation's health. Nixon concluded because he was the President, anyone who challenged him was a threat to the nation and he could use the power of the government to crush his enemies.Watergate happened because he felt his enemies were attacking him this doesnt happen with a popular president. As for your answer to why he was elected i suggest you look at his final debate. People didnt believe George McGovern could handle foreign policy and the threat of communism. Only to realize their mistake within two years. Winning an election doesn't mean people like you it means you're better the the other guy.

Your infatuation with Nixon isnt healthy but the funny part is how little you know about him might i suggest reading some books instead of newspaper articles off the web.See no matter what it comes down to is Nixons only effect he had on Apollo was to stop funding it. He didnt have some magic wand he could wave he simply had to deall with what JFK started even if he didnt agree with it. He thought vietnam was far more important then the apollo program. For all the people that died in vietnam would have been better to finance space exploration.Vietnam did more to destroy US influence in the world and we still deal with it to this day.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 01:58 AM

reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

it seems now that this has become a RIchard Nixon thread and not the "disclosure of the moon landing hoax" thread i thought i was in..

The Apollo 11 crew was announced to the public on Richard Nixon's birthday January 9th, 1969. Every Apollo Defender needs to know these facts.

Pete Conrad and the Apollo 12 crew spent the night at the White House and watched "Marooned" (1968) with Richard Nixon.
Every Apollo Defender needs to know these things.

This thread has been very productive for Apollo disclosures of the moon landing hoax. It's been 170 pages and we haven't even touched on the medical mysteries and miracle cures, miracle surgeries, the secret surgeries,

or how a diagnosed case of l a b y r i n t h i t i s was renamed to the much more exotic sounding Ménière's disease.

edit on 1/29/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: are you ready for some medical miracles and mysteries?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Ok we got it Richard Nixon was a super genius or is it a drunk you keep changing your mind. So what does this prove them since u said we need to know this other than Nixon watched Marooned? He liked westerns apparently as well also said there favorite movies to watch were Patton,Dr. Zhivago,My Fair Lady, and The Sound of Music. so know thatwe got movies out of the way anything else about Nixon you would like to discuss?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Dragon, I was prepared to give you an 'A' for effort but you had started your entirely worthless post with the old ad hominem attack "You really are a fool..."

So I have to give you an "F" for fake. There was nothing new or insightful about RN or Apollo in your post. You didn't disclose anything new and we didn't learn anything that we didn't already know that's the problem with Apollo Defender nutjobs like you, it's pure regurgitation.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

anything else about Nixon you would like to discuss?

Sure. If you have RN, Wernher von Braun and Howard Hughes, maybe some help from Kubrick & Disney, definitely some help from the TV networks and the Pentagon, it's entirely plausible that Apollo was a TV show created by a production team for broadcasting to the entire world as brainwashing propaganda.

In the United States RN wasn't perceived as the Apollo president, Kennedy was. But in the rest of the world Nixon was the Conqueror of the Moon. And he sent all those astronauts on world tours which he followed behind and eventually he was passing moon rocks out to third world dictators of U.S. puppet regimes for propaganda alone.

It was a fabulous strategy. Nixon then strode into Beijing and Moscow as the Conqueror of the Moon and won the landslide election in 1972. It's all very meaningful in an esoteric sense. There's a lot of Masonic and Howard Hughes influences in the Apollo narratives that A.D.'s are badly misinformed about.

Watergate was not just about Nixon's enemies... you allude to, but do not name, those enemies, so I have to ask you about who those enemies were?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 03:00 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

anything else about Nixon you would like to discuss?

Sure. If you have RN, Wernher von Braun and Howard Hughes, maybe some help from Kubrick & Disney, definitely some help from the TV networks and the Pentagon, it's entirely plausible that Apollo was a TV show created by a production team for broadcasting to the entire world as brainwashing propaganda.

In the United States RN wasn't perceived as the Apollo president, Kennedy was. But in the rest of the world Nixon was the Conqueror of the Moon. And he sent all those astronauts on world tours which he followed behind and eventually he was passing moon rocks out to third world dictators of U.S. puppet regimes for propaganda alone.

It was a fabulous strategy. Nixon then strode into Beijing and Moscow as the Conqueror of the Moon and won the landslide election in 1972. It's all very meaningful in an esoteric sense. There's a lot of Masonic and Howard Hughes influences in the Apollo narratives that A.D.'s are badly misinformed about.

Watergate was not just about Nixon's enemies... you allude to, but do not name, those enemies, so I have to ask you about who those enemies were?

And its entirely possible pink fairies live on the moon . See but in the real world we deal with facts not guesses or innuendo. So how about you actually post something other than pictures you photoshopped.I Dont know maybe something like proof Von Braun made the statement you claim he did? See i was going to give you a star but then i realized as usual you added nothing to the discussion other than Nixon trivia.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:34 AM

reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

it's funny that John Glenn, Alan Shepard and Neil Armstrong did not want to attend the Nixon party in 1979.

The First American to orbit, First American in space (15-minutes of fame) and First American on the Moon........ stayed away from Nixon's 1979 San Clemente party. That's real history. That's real facts.

Real facts....

And real trivia meaning absolutely nothing besides the fact that Nixon was persona non grata. People stayed away from him by the droves. I was 26 in 1979 and I find the above statement to be totally meaningless and trivial when applied to this thread. Meaningless.....

In the attempt to prove that the lunar landings did not occur, you have, due to the inability to provide anything substantial, proved that the landings did occur.

Those who believe the landings didnt occur can produce no hard evidence but rather the "cult" to prove they didnt happen contantly produce circumstantial evidence. Evidence that is continually debunked as it pops up to a point that I find the whole movement absolutely laughable decades later.

Just goes to show that P.T. Barnum was absolutely correct.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by bbracken677

In the attempt to prove that the lunar landings did not occur, you have,

bbracken, I have stated many times in this thread that I do not need to prove any or all of the Apollo landings did not occur. That's not my job!

LBJ didn't need to prove the NV gunboats were real or fake. LBJ wasn't interested in the truth he was interested in controlling the historical narrative.

When NASA published the official timeline for Apollo 15 they forgot to add the TV press conference. They did that to control the historical narrative.

I can think of two reasons why NASA didn't put the TV press conference in the timeline. 1. They did not like Jim Irwin's comment during the interview. and 2. There are no floating objects in that video.

edit on 1/30/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:13 AM


bbracken, I have stated many times in this thread that I do not need to prove any or all of the Apollo landings did not occur. That's not my job!

LBJ didn't need to prove the NV gunboats were real or fake. LBJ wasn't interested in the truth he was interested in controlling the historical narrative.

are you comparing yourself with LBJ?

it seems to me you are ignoring hard facts and evidence and attempting to create and control your own alternate historical narrative..

When NASA published the official timeline for Apollo 15 they forgot to add the TV press conference. They did that to control the historical narrative.

I can think of two reasons why NASA didn't put the TV press conference in the timeline. 1. They did not like Jim Irwin's comment during the interview. and 2. There are no floating objects in that video.

apart from the whole floating astronauts and that it was compiled by a guy not in the employ of NASA who had done so in his own spare time over several years and has admitted there are mistakes and errors should be emailed to him..

is this like your attempt to ignore facts and create and control your own new historical narrative??

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

reply to post by bbracken677

bbracken, I have stated many times in this thread that I do not need to prove any or all of the Apollo landings did not occur. That's not my job!

LBJ didn't need to prove the NV gunboats were real or fake. LBJ wasn't interested in the truth he was interested in controlling the historical narrative.

It appears you are saying your job is to be like LBJ in that you want to rewrite history to suite your own agenda, rather than express the truth. By taking true facts and then placing them into your own scenario is doing just that.

One of the problems in you doing this, is you have latched onto some "facts" that are not true. They are false and have been proven as such to you many times and in many threads. But you seem to insist on including them anyway. This causes others to not take you seriously. Your conclusions are based on interpretation of events which are filled with false facts, such as:

reply to post by choos

This thread has been very productive for Apollo disclosures of the moon landing hoax. It's been 170 pages and we haven't even touched on the medical mysteries and miracle cures, miracle surgeries, the secret surgeries,

or how a diagnosed case of l a b y r i n t h i t i s was renamed to the much more exotic sounding Ménière's disease.

So, no matter how many times you present your "facts" that "Every Apollo Defender needs to know," they are still incongruent with historically proven facts. And until you can show us something that is not filled with your false facts and interpretations, you have no argument in this thread.

*All highlights are mine for continuity*
edit on 1/30/2014 by Gibborium because: for continuity

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

So you finally admit you have no intention of telling the truth about apollo. Your goal rewrite the narrative to your own beliefs. This is why you present no evidence isnt it? You made all those photoshops to fool people. Im Glad you said this it makes people think before allowing you to manipulate them. You should be ashamed of yourself however the point of this sight is to deny ignorance not manipulate its spread. But on the plus side we know what kind of person you are you spread doubt instead of fact. You show us over and over you never had an intent of disproving apollo your goal was to confuse and manipulate. I called you a troll earlier in the thread I'd say do to your own words you proved it.But i will say one thing about ATS when you show people the truth eventually the lies fade away.

So let me end this by saying like all these threads about apollo deniers once again its been shown you have no evidence. People need to realize what an accomplishment we made as a species we left our planet and took our first steps into space. It wont stop there eventually will colonize our solar system and then eventually others. It really is amazing as the old saying goes the sky is the limit.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 01:56 AM
Keep learning your history guys! Maybe you will figure it out one day but I doubt it

The Statement by President Nixon, 5 January 1972.

I have decided today that the United States should proceed at once with the development of an entirely new type of space transportation system designed to help transform the space frontier of the 1970's into familiar territory, easily accessible for human endeavor in the 1980's and '90's.

Nixon turned off the money for Apollo, he cancelled all further lunar explorations and he bought into the Shuttle program --long term-- with the help of NASA administrator and former Hughes associate James C. Fletcher. The result of that decision has kept NASA in low earth orbit for the last 42 years.

I stilldon't understand why Apollo Defenders want to take Richard Nixon out of the Apollo equation and out of the Apollo narratives. Nixon & Howard Hughes are always in the background of the historical narratives that you guys never think to ask to questions about.

After holding research and teaching positions at Harvard and Princeton Universities, he joined Hughes Aircraft in 1948 and later worked at the Guided Missile Division of the Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation. In 1958, Fletcher co-founded the Space Electronics Corporation in Glendale, California, which, after a merger, became the Space General Corporation. He was later named systems vice president of the Aerojet General Corporation in Sacramento, California. In 1964, he became president of the University of Utah, a position he held until he was named NASA Administrator in 1971.

Ramo-Wooldridge is TRW and that is Howard Hughes related. And that means NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher worked for Howard Hughes for approximately 10 years, 1948-1958.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 02:40 AM

Keep learning your history guys! Maybe you will figure it out one day but I doubt it

The Statement by President Nixon, 5 January 1972.

I have decided today that the United States should proceed at once with the development of an entirely new type of space transportation system designed to help transform the space frontier of the 1970's into familiar territory, easily accessible for human endeavor in the 1980's and '90's.

Nixon turned off the money for Apollo, he cancelled all further lunar explorations and he bought into the Shuttle program --long term-- with the help of NASA administrator and former Hughes associate James C. Fletcher. The result of that decision has kept NASA in low earth orbit for the last 42 years.

I stilldon't understand why Apollo Defenders want to take Richard Nixon out of the Apollo equation and out of the Apollo narratives. Nixon & Howard Hughes are always in the background of the historical narratives that you guys never think to ask to questions about.

After holding research and teaching positions at Harvard and Princeton Universities, he joined Hughes Aircraft in 1948 and later worked at the Guided Missile Division of the Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation. In 1958, Fletcher co-founded the Space Electronics Corporation in Glendale, California, which, after a merger, became the Space General Corporation. He was later named systems vice president of the Aerojet General Corporation in Sacramento, California. In 1964, he became president of the University of Utah, a position he held until he was named NASA Administrator in 1971.

Ramo-Wooldridge is TRW and that is Howard Hughes related. And that means NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher worked for Howard Hughes for approximately 10 years, 1948-1958.

More history you really like to state the obvious lets review. You said Nixon was cheap no surprise there everyone knew he destroyed the apollo program as welll as the Mars missions scheduled for the 1980s. NASA budget has never been more then 1 percent of GDP since Nixon. Howard Hughes by this point was insane and couldnt even bring himself to go out in public . He wasnt in control of himself much less anything else. When you store your urine in jars in a closet you are not making any secret plans by that point. Hughes couldnt even run his company which is why the mormons take it over.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

I stilldon't understand why Apollo Defenders want to take Richard Nixon out of the Apollo equation and out of the Apollo narratives.

Because the entirety of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs' development took place during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. The first crewed flight to the Moon took place during LBJ's time. The first two flights into the Van Allen Belts took place during the Gemini program, before the eyes of the world, with LBJ in office. If there was any plot to defraud the public, it would have been hatched by JFK and implemented by LBJ. Your obsession with Nixon is completely, totally, maddeningly off the mark. Nixon spent the crucial years of the space age watching TV and nursing highballs in San Clemente.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 05:26 AM

reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

I stilldon't understand why Apollo Defenders want to take Richard Nixon out of the Apollo equation and out of the Apollo narratives.

Because the entirety of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs' development took place during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. The first crewed flight to the Moon took place during LBJ's time. The first two flights into the Van Allen Belts took place during the Gemini program, before the eyes of the world, with LBJ in office. If there was any plot to defraud the public, it would have been hatched by JFK and implemented by LBJ. Your obsession with Nixon is completely, totally, maddeningly off the mark. Nixon spent the crucial years of the space age watching TV and nursing highballs in San Clemente.

And from my point of view it's not that I want to take him out of the equation, I just don't care about him. He is of no interest, just as LBJ or Kennedy are of no interest - they are politicians, all they did was take credit away from the true heroes of the era: astronauts, engineers and scientists. The ladies who made the Apollo suits are worth more than any US president of any era.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:16 PM


yes it is my claim.. it is also NASA's claim, and it is also the youtube posters claim..

you are the one who does not believe the dirt/dust falls the same amount of pixels over the same amount of frames as john young.. so why dont you prove it to yourself and to prove myself wrong??

you know where to get the video, its not difficult to get a free video editing software.. so go ahead and prove me wrong, that is what you are supposed to do when you dont believe someones claim.. you make a counter claim with EVIDENCE..

You still haven't supported your own claim.

Your claim is that dust/dirt falls at the same speed as Young falls.

Your claim is based on a video.

The author of your video supposedly measured the dust/dirt while falling, and measured the astronaut while falling. It said both dust/dirt and astronaut fell '37 pixels over 12 frames.

You have no clue whether or not it's true. You have taken no measurements yourself. The video claims it did - without any proof.

You know a claim needs proof, of course. And you know your video makes a claim with no proof.

So you can ignore/twist it all you want, nothing will change the facts.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by turbonium1

Your making no sense the proof is the video if you have a problem with it then show us its wrong. Then we can make the people on youtube aware. But i suspect you know hes right or you or someone else would have taken it up he challenges you to verify the facts in the video. Seems to me you want to claim hes wrong with zero evidence well thats not the way life works is it?

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 01:24 AM
Here is a graphic that shows all the manned space flights from 1960-2012.

I think this graphic speaks for itself quite eloquently. It shows that the Apollo missions are statistical outliers, they are aberrations with respect to all known human spaceflight data; the Apollo missions have never been independently confirmed nor has anyone ever attempted to duplicate them, therefore, it is suggested that the Apollo missions must have a super-extraordinary narrative to support the super-extraordinary claims.

The Apollo program does, in fact, have a super-extraordinary narrative. There are medical miracles! There are millionaires! There are military industrial connections going back to Operation Paperclip! There are Apollo films with no floating objects! There are 700+ boxes of missing Apollo telemetry tapes! We are let to believe that when NASA/ASU is erasing the cross-hairs from the Apollo images that they are doing us a great service!

We are let to believe that Keep Out Zones are un-enforceable, when in fact, the LRO and LADEE spacecrafts are equipped with highly advanced laser weapons. We all know who funded the research for lasers it was Howard Hughes in the early 1960's.

We all know who had robots/mobots in the late 1950's it was Howard Hughes, again. And it was Hughes who screwed the government for $365 Millions for the 7 Surveyor spacecraft, but he probably had opportunities to build at least 10.

We all know who hated Communists more than anybody it was Howard Hughes and again Richard Nixon, both of them at the height of their political/economic power during Nixon's presidency.

We all know and agree on who killed the Apollo program it was Richard Nixon who made that decision and he made that decision less than 4 years after James Webb quit NASA.

Nixon allegedly based that decision on economics but only a few months down the road he was spending $4 Billion to bomb North Vietnam back to the stone age during the Christmas bombings of Linebacker II.

Money is nothing. Political will is everything. And there has been no political will (from any leader or any nation) to return a man to the moon since Nixon. That's why Nixon belongs in this thread.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 01:29 AM


We are let to believe that Keep Out Zones are un-enforceable, when in fact, the LRO and LADEE spacecrafts are equipped with highly advanced laser weapons.


Money is nothing. Political will is everything. And there has been no political will (from any leader or any nation) to return a man to the moon since Nixon. That's why Nixon belongs in this thread.

The only reason Nixon belongs in this thread is to give you something to talk about.

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 01:43 AM
I used to be a part of the moon landing hoax community when I was much younger. That documentary on FOX did a number on me. Neil deGrasse Tyson does a great job of addressing the moon landing hoax on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. The first 20 minutes they talk about nothing. They get to the moon landing stuff soon after that. If you haven't listened to this podcast you should certainly give it a listen...tons of interesting bits. Let Neil straighten ya out.

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