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The bible is 2000 year old psychic sandpeople garbage nonsense.

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posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by jazztrance

"The bible is 2000 year old psychic sandpeople garbage nonsense."

So is the Koran.
Now make a thread titled "The Quran is 1500 year old ......"
And then I will applaud you and believe that it was a true observation and not a hate campaign against a section of people.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by NavyDoc

Ever heard of the Scrolls ? The Torah

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by NavyDoc
reply to post by Sinfulknowledge

With poor quoting, it is hard to determine where your opinion begins and the opinion of the opinion piece writer ends however, to counter, I don't think anyone says that there were not horrible things done by Christians in the past, however, considering the horrible things done by athiests like Pol Pot and Mao, I don't think it reasonable to condemn athiesm as a whole due to past bad actors.

I find it illogical that you condemn millions of peaceful American Christians based on the actions of a few radicals. Are all athiests terrorists because of the actions of Harris & Kleibold, Ted Kazinski, Baader-Meinhoff Gang, Society of Militant Godlessness

Fanatics on both sides of the isle.
edit on 26-11-2012 by NavyDoc because: (no reason given)

Can you quote exactly when i said "i condemn millions of innocent Christians"?
and remember i was responding to this "They are the kind of people that would foam at the mouth in seeing Christians being fed to the lions and killed in a number of other creative and brutal ways"
showing him both sides ;]
And the only difference between the killing that Atheism has committed, or as you would put it "Athiesm" and religious killings is contradiction, religion's all have this moral book that tells you not to kill or to only kill in the right situation, Atheism is not a religion, does not have a book or guidelines. I don't condemn religious people nor anyone else for that matter, never said all Christian's are terrorist. I was just showing the contradictions and replying to the quote above.
It is no mystery that Christianity’s history is saturated with Torquemadas and Urban IIs, people who forfeited compassion because they believed through faith that it was god’s will. In the spirit of Tu Quoque, religious people will often try to bring the atheist down to their level by pointing out that some of the prominent monsters of the 20th century were, in fact, atheists. However, they miss an important point: in the cases of people driven to malice by faith, religion was clearly the reason for which they killed. In the case of the Stalins of the world, was it atheism that drove them to evil?

I say not, for a few reasons. The first is very simple: people act based on what they do believe, not on what they don’t. Stalin also did not believe in fairies, but this lack of belief can hardly be assigned blame for any of his actions. The theist could argue that Stalin believed theists should be killed for XY and Z reasons, but then you’d have to show how a lack of belief in god led reasonably to that conclusion, and I have yet to encounter such an argument. That argument would have a lot of hurdles to get over, purely because the evidence indicates that Joseph Stalin killed for political gain rather than a hatred of religion.

Stalin was a paranoid who killed millions to consolidate his power. Totalitarianism, not atheism, was the driving force or causal link. Those who claim he was killing because of atheism conveniently ignore facts that show their claim to be bogus.

One of the facts they ignore is that he killed lots of different folks, not just Christians. This makes no sense if atheism is the causal link, but perfect sense if potential political foes is the reason. He killed factions within his own Communist party (anyone not unquestioningly loyal to him, and many hundreds of thousands who were, had to be “weeded out”). He killed Finns, Karelians, Ukrainians, 35,000 military officers shot or imprisoned, almost all of the Bolsheviks who had played prominent roles during the Russian Revolution of 1917, thousands of writers, intellectuals, and artists, 141 American Communists, at least 436,000 people were sentenced to death by NKVD troikas as part of the Kulak (relatively affluent peasants, regardless of religion) operation, and so on. The theists always include the 7 million Ukrainians who died in the famine, but the famine was engineered to break the will of the Ukrainians politically and as a source of revolt, not to wipe out whatever Christians happened to be Ukrainian.

Something those using ‘atheism’ as an excuse are typically unaware of is that the Orthodox Church in Russia was heavily involved in the politics of the time. Anyone who doesn’t recognize the power of the church in politics has only to glance at all of the anti-gay legislation in this country fomented from the pulpit. Quite simply, the Russian Orthodox Church backed the wrong horse politically, and suffered political consequences for it. In short, Stalin didn’t go after them because they were Christians, he went after them because they were a political player. Theists want to pretend that all the various elements of communist

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Pladuim
In this dimensional world we live in, how can anything exist without something creating it? So what is more probable, that this universe just magically appeared (big bang), or that the universe was created by God (big bang)?

Just a few questions I'd like answers to.


Actually, the big bang is as plausible as God when using basic logic.

If God created the universe - if something can't come from nothing - then where did God come from? If God is eternal and was not created, then something can come from nothing and the big bang is a perfectly acceptable theory.

More likely than not the problem we encounter is that we can't grasp anything beyond the very finite world we exist in. The universe was never "created" because it has always existed. There's no need for a creator to explain away things we don't understand if we had the capability to truly grasp the notion that time is a human construct.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:22 AM
totalitarianism were irrelevant to what happened, which is utter nonsense.

Another conveniently ignored fact is that between 1945 and 1959 under Stalin’s leadership the official organization of the church was greatly expanded, although individual members of the clergy were occasionally arrested and exiled. The number of open churches went from about 500 to 25,000. By 1957 about 22,000 Russian Orthodox churches had become active. How is this explicable if Stalin was motivated by some sort of perverted atheistic drive to eliminate religion?

After Nazi Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union in 1941, Joseph Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church. On September 4, 1943, Metropolitans Sergius, Alexy and Nikolay had a meeting with Stalin and received a permission to convene a council on September 8, 1943, which elected Sergius Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. This is considered by some violation of the XXX Apostolic canon, as no church hierarchy could be consecrated by secular authorities. A new patriarch was elected, theological schools were opened, and thousands of churches began to function. The Moscow Theological Academy Seminary, which had been closed since 1918, was re-opened.

What this shows is that religion was a political football for Stalin. If atheism, and not totalitarianism, were the driving force, why ever would he have revived the church from 500 units to 22,000 units?

Atheism itself isn’t a principle, cause, philosophy, or belief system which people fight, die, or kill for. Being killed by an atheist is no more being killed in the name of atheism than being killed by a person who doesn’t believe in unicorns in the name of a-unicornism. The simple fact of the matter is that people act upon what they believe: not what they do not believe. The nub is what motivates particular actions: otherwise you may as well blame Stalin’s appreciation for Impressionistic art for his actions. This is how even atheists can join you in saying that Joseph Stalin, even in not believing in god, was acting unreasonably.

Communism (or at least certain forms of it) can be blamed for communist violence; Christianity (or at least certain forms of it) can also be blamed for Christian violence. As a belief system with specific doctrines that were openly held up as justifying or sanctioning violence, religion must be held responsible for the violence committed in its name.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by jtap66

Originally posted by Pladuim
In this dimensional world we live in, how can anything exist without something creating it? So what is more probable, that this universe just magically appeared (big bang), or that the universe was created by God (big bang)?

Just a few questions I'd like answers to.


Actually, the big bang is as plausible as God when using basic logic.

If God created the universe - if something can't come from nothing - then where did God come from? If God is eternal and was not created, then something can come from nothing and the big bang is a perfectly acceptable theory.

More likely than not the problem we encounter is that we can't grasp anything beyond the very finite world we exist in. The universe was never "created" because it has always existed. There's no need for a creator to explain away things we don't understand if we had the capability to truly grasp the notion that time is a human construct.

Yes time a human construct, i guess all the particle physicist are just playing games with use

article published Nov 19 2012

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

The bible wasnt written in english for starters. These "sand people" is a racist term and I dont know why Mods havent done their job with this yet..

The Bible is like a personal journal of a few unknown characters in our past. In 3000 years people will be trying to understand why "Barack Obama" was the leader of humanity.. and maybe they will realize that people over-praised this character, he was just human after all.

What I just said > insert Jesus or "LORD" here = same # differrent time period.

We sit here and analyze a book based on its author's jouralism of events that took place in a time that is now ancient to us..
Meanwhile presently we are being lead by a man who has agreements with people who dont have humanity in a good place in their heart. The president of America is the Jesus of ancient times.. different profile.

I think its nonsense to keep looking back; this is the obstruction of religion, its based on history and not present, but has reality even changed since this book was written (Bible)? We need to focus on the present moment where we LIVE and experience, stop allowing our minds to be stuck in foundations built millenia ago...

edit on 26-11-2012 by LoveisanArt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by NavyDoc

Ever heard of the Scrolls ? The Torah

Yes, I've read the Torah. Your point is?

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Raelsatu
reply to post by chr0naut

You mind responding to my post regarding the destruction of Tyre? Or are you going to ignore it because I found a prophecy that isn't "100 percent correct"?

The final and total destruction of the spirit/system of Tyre (as Babylon the Great) are mentioned in Revelation 18 as "end times" prophecies. This would put the said destruction as something yet to happen.

According to history, the main city of Tyre fell after a siege of 13 years (in 573 B.C.) by Nebuchadnezzar. The inhabitants of Tyre escaped to the fortified island off the coast. Nebuchadnezzar did build siege walls around Tyre (Ez 26:8), plundered the goods of Tyre (Ez 26:9-12) and broke down the walls (Ez 26:4) as the prophecy said.

Several nations have come against Tyre (Ez 26:4) during its history (Egyptians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Cypriots, Greeks, European crusaders and Mameluk Saracens).

Alexander, in his siege of Tyre Island built a land bridge (mole) made out of the timbers, stones and dirt of the town. Alexander scraped the dirt off the old city down to the bedrock to build this causeway (Ez 26:4). The dirt, timber and stones were cast into the sea as per prophecy (Ez 26:12).

Alexander also established nearby Alexandria as a port/city and and since that time, Tyre has been only a small village of mostly fishermen (Ez 26:5, Ez 26:14), no longer the busiest sea port in the world.

To this day, there are ruins of the ancient city of Tyre still visible and the fortified island of Tyre only exists as a series of reefs after subsidence (Ez 26:19). These are, and were, never built over again, also as prophesied (Ez 26:14).

Even without the final destruction of Tyre, all the components of the prophecy in Ezekiel have come to pass exactly as prophesied.

For a more complete set of prophecies about Tyre please read the following link.

None of this is secret. It is all public knowledge, there for anyone to research with simple tools. I believe that it is lazy to make a post, based on a few opinion pieces that themselves are not sufficiently researched, without actually checking the facts. Google is your friend.

edit on 26/11/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

This is not a direct reply to NavyDoc. I am just jumping in here. I guess this is a reply to all those who dissed God in this thread. You see, I know for a fact that God exists. He has talked to me personally. He has taken me to the valley of vision and he has shown me that we are in the last generation of this present age. I have seen it.
I know for a fact that the Bible is a Holy work. I can tell you things in the future that are certain and undeniably
true. But people are to desposed to listen to themselves. They tend to disregard testimonies of others. I think it is an ego problem. It is beneath them to accept a reality that they themselves did not see. To bad there is not more faith. God loves faith. It pleases him. Even if it is faith in the testimony of one of his servants. He will give you eternal life for faith in his only begotten son. But without faith it is impossible to please him. We all make choices.

edit on 26-11-2012 by cantyousee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:50 PM
Here is something for the OP to consider: prove to me that YOU exist. You can't, can you? What, you're typing a meandering, not-that-well-thought-out rant against the Bible, so that's proof enough? Not at all. You could be anybody. Knock on my door, I answer it, and it's you. Proof enough? Nope. I could be dreaming. This entire existence could be a computer simulation. Prove to me you exist and I'll prove to you that God exists. The people who believe in God have no concrete proof and that is why it is called FAITH. Some people have faith, some people don't. If a person who has faith is considered an idiot, by you, than I consider YOU an idiot for not having the foresight to allow for different beliefs and opinions. Your blind disbelief has proven you to be just as ignorant as those who truly and blindly believe.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by cantyousee
reply to post by NavyDoc

This is not a direct reply to NavyDoc. I am just jumping in here. I guess this is a reply to all those who dissed God in this thread. You see, I know for a fact that God exists. He has talked to me personally. He has taken me to the valley of vision and he has shown me that we are in the last generation of this present age. I have seen it.
I know for a fact that the Bible is a Holy work. I can tell you things in the future that are certain and undeniably
true. But people are to desposed to listen to themselves. They tend to disregard testimonies of others. I think it is an ego problem. It is beneath them to accept a reality that they themselves did not see. To bad there is not more faith. God loves faith. It pleases him. Even if it is faith in the testimony of one of his servants. He will give you eternal life for faith in his only begotten son. But without faith it is impossible to please him. We all make choices.

edit on 26-11-2012 by cantyousee because: (no reason given)

So what things in the future are going to happen according to what God told you?
would love to know.
What will happen say in 30 days that way we can not question the validity of you comments?
The last generation of this age? What do you mean?
I can say god spoke to me as well and you just got to have faith in what i say, doesn't make it true.
So please blow our minds, or did he say you can not tell us? o-0

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Sinfulknowledge

That's kind of a self-circular thought process. If a Christian does something abhorrent, then it must because he is a Christian but if an athiest does something abhorrent, it must because of other motivations. If that is the way one evaluates the history, then one will always come to that conclusion. Medici Popes: doing bad things because of their religion or because they craved power and wealth? 100 years war? Religion or quest for more land? Spanish Conquest? Religion or lust for gold of the monarchy. The vast majority of the "holy wars" throughout history have the same motivation as secular wars throughout history when you get down to it: greed, power, land. The slogans may change, but the underlying motivation is usually the same.

I think you kind of miss the whole history of the Orthodox Church in the Soviet union. First of all, of course Stalin could have been (and was) a religious hating athiest. Using the predominate culture of his populace as and end to that goal does not make that any different.

From the beginning the Soviets persecuted religion because the Church was connected to the monarchy and the Kulak class.

The tactics varied over the years and became more moderate or more harsh at different times. Among common tactics included confiscating church property, ridiculing religion, harassing believers, and propagating atheism in the schools. Actions toward particular religions, however, were determined by State interests, and most organized religions were never outlawed.

Some actions against Orthodox priests and believers along with execution included torture, being sent to prison camps, labour camps or mental hospitals.[21][22][23][24] Many Orthodox (along with peoples of other faiths) were also subjected to psychological punishment or torture and mind control experimentation in order to force them give up their religious convictions (see Punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union).[22][23][25] During the first five years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks executed 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and over 1,200 Russian Orthodox priests. Many others were imprisoned or exiled.[1]

During WWII, Stalin decided to create a new, Soviet Orthodox Church that he controlled.

Joseph Stalin revived the Russian Orthodox Church to intensify patriotic support for the war effort and presented Russia as a defender of Christian civilization, because he saw the church had an ability to arouse the people in a way that the party could not and because he wanted western help

However, once that crisis was over, the SOviets went back to persecution:

A new period of persecution began in the late 1950s under Nikita Khrushchev.[96] The church had advanced its position considerably since 1941, and the government considered it to be necessary to take measures in response.

The two state organizations for overseeing religion in the country (one for the Orthodox, the other for everyone else), changed their functions between 1957 and 1964. Originally Stalin had created them in 1943 as liaison bodies between religious communities and the state, however, in the Khrushchev years their function was re-interpreted as dictatorial supervisors over the religious activities in the country.[97]

New instructions were issued in 1958 attacked the position of monasteries, by placing them under high taxation, cutting their land and working to shut them down in order to weaken the church.

From 1959 to 1964, the persecution operated on several key levels:

1.There was a massive closure of churches[52] (reducing the number from 22,000 to 7,000 by 1965.[98])
2.Closures of monasteries and convents as well reinforcement of the 1929 legislation to ban piligrimages
3.Closure of most of the still existing seminaries and bans on pastoral courses
4.Banning all services outside of church walls and recording the personal identities of all adults requesting church baptisms, weddings or funerals.[99] Non-fulfillment of these regulations by clergy would lead to disallowance of state registration for them (which meant they could no longer do any pastoral work or liturgy at all, without special state permission).
5.The deprivation of parental rights for teaching religion to their children, a ban on the presence of children at church services (beginning in 1961 with the Baptists and then extended to the Orthodox in 1963) and the administration of the Eucharist to children over the age of four.
6.The forced retirement, arrests and prison sentences to clergymen who criticized atheism[100] or the anti-religious campaign, who conducted Christian charity or who in made religion popular by personal example.[100]
7.It also disallowed the ringing of church bells and services in daytime in some rural settings from May to the end of October under the pretext of field work requirements

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by dharvell

Your logic suggest that this just might be a computer simulation, if so, why bother joining the conversation and expressing you opinion to something that is not real? Yet you have faith which would be in the realm of this computer simulation. So does that mean your god is a computer simulation? Or did God create the simulation? And we rise to the age old question, if God created it then who created God and so on and so fourth. It's perplexing o-0

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

Yes Human nature, Greed, Power, Land all of it HUMAN NATURE, the difference is religion has been doing the same thing and suggesting that they are better people because they believe in a god and anyone that doesn't will go to hell. Again atheism is not a religion, I don't doubt that there are Atheist that believe they are better but Atheism doesn't say "if you don't believe what we believe you will be punished". Again religions have a moral code they constantly ignore, example would be all the religious people in the military that have gone to war and killed innocent people. Some through no fault of there own but others intentionally. And religious people killed to force religion on other people that didn't believe what they did, like wise with people that don't believe in anything, they will find something to force on to someone else weather it be communism or democracy. It gets down to Human nature, its not god religion or any of that, its human nature to kill its human nature to love its human nature to hate its human nature to help its human nature to believe in a high power. I don't get why God was there for Sodom And Gomorrah and is no long willing to do anything for all the evil done even by his so called faithful. Religion Atheism doesn't matter, human nature is what really does it all. Its just that a lot of people believe that you will be punished for not believing and then go off and molest little boys and when caught repent and have the church hide any record of it, and by repenting they still get a spot in heaven, yet if you don't believe there is no way your getting to heaven even if other people have done way worse things then doubt.
I'm sure Jeffrey Dahmer is in heaven considering he was a born again christian.....

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

Originally posted by chr0naut

Except for the prophecies that are still to come to pass, EVERY ONE has so far been 100% accurate.
Even if this↑ were true, it would still prove nothing.

Each of the 2 key details(the before & the after), comes from the same source.

Each time it is once again re-translated & rewritten, the failed predictions would be omitted or altered.

So basically, we have 3 categories.
  • Those that have been deleted, removed, omitted, and/or altered.
  • Those that are allegedly accurate.
  • Those that are still to come.


    Originally posted by chr0naut

    Please provide at least one prophecy that has not come to pass exactly as said.
    Here ya go....

    Originally posted by windword
    reply to post by chr0naut

    Here ya go.


    Originally posted by chr0naut

    Originally posted by BrokenCircles

    Originally posted by maes2

    ...I do not regard Bible the exactly words of God !! however most of it is more like a history book.
    Ok so you're admitting that the Bible is a collection of some truths mixed along with many lies?

    ....and was written by the victors?

    You are saying that the Israel's were/are historical victors?

    Get real.

    I cannot 'get real', while you're 'putting words in my mouth'.
    I have said nothing at all about Israel.

    edit on 11/26/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

  • posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 02:33 PM

    Originally posted by Itisnowagain

    Originally posted by BrokenCircles

    Reality is nothing more than the here & now. The future has not yet arrived, and it never will. It will always be ahead of us. The bible cannot be pointing at something that cannot be known.


    Reality is not the future. Presence is reality.

    No *snip*.
    That's what I said.

    posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 03:04 PM
    reply to post by BrokenCircles

    Firstly, in most cases we have almost original documents in their original language to refer to.

    The majority of modern translations refer to these original documents, not to existing translations, so there is no case of interpretations of interpretations happening.

    The structure of the Hebrew language is such that word meanings do not change over time as other languages do. Each of the 22 letters in Hebrew is a pictogram with a fully complete concept in itself and words are made up of connected concepts which explain the meaning of the words by the sequence of the letter-concepts they contain. Hebrew is not a "noun" language (names, like in English) but is a "verb" language (actions). As such, to change the meaning of even one letter would cause a cascade of nonsense to propagate outward through all existing words, rendering them as junk. So, in this way, meanings are preserved.

    Similarly, the lifespan of the original scrolls upon which the Torah was written was, in practice, about 800 years. This would mean that from Moses to Jesus would only have been 4 copies. This gives very little time for anyone to make changes at all. The scrolls themselves were venerated and so were stored and copied with great care, as is attested by the Dead Sea Scrolls where copies that failed the integrity testing process could not even be destroyed but were instead stored as "do not use" in the caves of Qumran.

    Similarly, the other language used in scripture, Greek, is very tightly 'typed' and very widely distributed (worldwide). I.e: In Greek, there are four words that all describe the English word "love" but with very specific aspects of love, so there can be little or no confusion about the meanings of passages. In Greek, there is deep but non-sexual love (agape), a love between friends (philia), a passionate (usually sexual) love (eros) and a parental love (storge).

    The many copies of the Septuagint (Old Testament) and New Testaments, that all say exactly the same thing would refute the idea that they had somehow been changed.

    Your assertion that the concepts, details & intention behind the wording of the Bible has been changed over time, to suit particular "powers that be" is simply refuted by the evidence.

    edit on 26/11/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

    posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 03:26 PM

    Originally posted by celticdog
    reply to post by EnochWasRight

    People have been crunching those numbers for years and have come up with different things they apply to.From 1975 6000 years man has been on earth.1914 for armegeddon to your 1948 for Israel.So people work these numbers to apply to what they want and hope for.Israel's favour with god ended in 70AD.The bible only applies to people back then.Prophecies were probably fulfilled after the fact.Hey look I did this or this applies to me or just said it applies to them.There are modern examples of this of people doing the same thing and saying they have fulfilled a prophecy.I bet it was more rampant back then.

    I have witnesses that verify. The others had no witnesses.

    The clock according to Barnabas:

    Epistle of Barnabas 15:4

    Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end."

    -Adam to Abraham 2000 Years of Age 1 (FATHER)
    -Abraham to Jesus 2000 Years of Age 2 (SON)
    -Jesus to Today 2000 Years of Age 3 (HOLY SPIRIT)
    -Day of Rest (Day of the Lord) 1000 years (SALVATION)

    The clock according to Enoch:

    Enoch 1

    'Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves 12 with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is 13 for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: and 14 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever.

    A generation is one degree on the Precession of the Earth. 26000 divided by 360 = 5055. Enoch was taken at around 950 after Adam. That's 6000 years.

    The Clock according to Israel (Moses as the Witness):

    1948 they become a nation. One generation is 72.222 years. Christ said the days would be cut short or no flesh would survive. Make it 70 years, like a Hebrew generation, and you get 2018. Seven years of tribulation.

    The Clock according to Mr. Herman, where the Watcher's fell.

    Mt. Herman is 33.33 degrees from Paris Meridian. Go to Google Earth, drag a measuring line from Paris Louvre to Mt. Herman and you get 2012.9 nautical miles, or 33.33 degrees. How many degrees are there in Masonry?

    The Clock according to the Cross.

    Jesus was crucified on March 3, 33 AD at 3:00 (9th Hour). The blood moon rose on the horizon at 3:33 as he died. According to the Paris Meridian, Mt. Herman is 33.33 X 33.33 using Paris as zero point.

    The clock is ticking and December is approaching. What will the Watcher's choose to do? We always have a choice my friends.

    Book of Adam and Eve

    1 God said to Adam, "I have ordained on this earth days and years, and you and your descendants shall live and
    walk in them, until the days and years are fulfilled; when I shall send the Word that created you, and against which
    you have transgressed, the Word that made you come out of the garden, and that raised you when you were fallen.

    2 Yes, the Word that will again save you when the five and a half days are fulfilled."

    3 But when Adam heard these words from God, and of the great five and a half days, he did not understand the
    meaning of them.4 For Adam was thinking there would be only five and a half days for him until the end of the world. 5 And Adam cried, and prayed to God to explain it to him.

    6 Then God in his mercy for Adam who was made after His own image and likeness, explained to him, that these
    were 5,000 and 500 years; and how One would then come and save him and his descendants.

    edit on 26-11-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

    posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 03:51 PM

    Originally posted by SimonPeter
    reply to post by NavyDoc

    Ever heard of the Scrolls ? The Torah

    Is that the bunch of mystical garbage that recommends that you smear dog feces on yourself (but only from a white dog!) and keep menstruating women trapped in a special hut so they don't defile your precious magical powers, among other ridiculous retarded BS?

    The Torah is even more twisted and sickening than the Bible.

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