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Quantum Physics And Decemeber 21, 2012 A Different Kind Of Thread

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:36 AM
As I was reading the thread I had to stop with this....

But thought arises from the body
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

How do you know where thought arises from? You say it comes from the body but I would have to disagree and say we do not know where thought comes from.

We know that the power of collective thought does indeed cause changes in matter. If we were to observe a particle vs not observing it.... it matters. It changes.

As far as so many people believing "something" may happen on a certain date? Would each of us have to be certain a flare will ignite the planet for it to manifest or not? So many people have different ideas as to what may happen that I don't believe anything will happen in an instant on a particular date. The Maya don't believe anything will happen, why do we? This is a cycle.... one that brings great changes and a cycle is a bit longer than a day.

We are already seeing great changes and I believe this will continue on in the future. Change is constant.

As far as time wave zero....

IF (big IF) the Bounce theory is correct then the Universe almost goes back to the singularity before it pops back up into a new form of existence. The earth is a living organism so we cannot say for sure the life of the Earth and what particles may or may not influence its life span. There is a lot we do not know.

There are so many theories and honestly the facts of the matter is anything is possible. The Universe is filled with billions of possibilities. Look around.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

There are documents in relation to transcendental meditation on wikileaks..
Some very interesting things in there in regards to mind power etc

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:16 AM
I tend to believe that if you took everything out of the EQ and realise that life in all its power grows! Whatever you want to call it, place it in time, give dates it really comes down to a ending point in life.
We as humans have been here for how long? Some would say we are on the top of every living thing on this planet; some would say control everything! And yet as a whole, still continue to distroy everything in its enviorment!
Yet man has not concidered one fact, life as we think we know of it is something different! We really don't know what life is! Just what is the meaning of life? Is it really important to know this?
I would like to say that somehow we have reach our timeframe, DNA clock peak, lifes understanding. Now its time to grow up or we die off and the next chance of like has its play at the game.
Whether or not somethings coming, take 1999; somehow I think we as a whole know its time to grow up and do something better; or the hand of God wipes the slate clean and starts anew. Just using the God idea people, many ideas could be used but the point remains.
Now people just need to ask themselves are they ready to grow, since we all know it is painful, and who does not FEEL IT NOW? Or in the end we just need something better as a whole and the way its going now is not working for the whole.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

I hate to spoil your parade but I posted a thread with a pretty similar theory about 6 months ago. Later on today when I'm at my computer ill provide a link. Well said though either way.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by OGOldGreg
reply to post by TheProphetMark

I hate to spoil your parade but I posted a thread with a pretty similar theory about 6 months ago. Later on today when I'm at my computer ill provide a link. Well said though either way.

I highly doubt it. I just checked all your threads and nothing resembles what I'm talking about in this thread. Unless you posted it on another website, feel free to post the link in this thread as I would be quite interested in reading what it has to say.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
As I was reading the thread I had to stop with this....

As far as time wave zero....

IF (big IF) the Bounce theory is correct then the Universe almost goes back to the singularity before it pops back up into a new form of existence. The earth is a living organism so we cannot say for sure the life of the Earth and what particles may or may not influence its life span. There is a lot we do not know.

There are so many theories and honestly the facts of the matter is anything is possible. The Universe is filled with billions of possibilities. Look around.

I'm rather glad you brought that up. I wanted to post that idea in this thread earlier but I wasn't going to derail my own thread but at least it's about 2012 so I'll look at it as a subtopic to get people talking about such ideas as that one isn't thrown around as much on ATS as well. What you said, I've posted in the Timewave Zero Countdown to Transition thread.

Apparently Timewave Zero goes back 25 billion years all the way to the Big Bang and suddenly reaches 0 on December 21, 2012 and the question is why? It's quite obvious to draw the conclusion that the ending (point Zero) would be the opposite of the beginning (Big Bang) which is called the Big Crunch. It's a pretty interesting theory and does seem 'out of there' compared to all the other theories as people don't exactly want to imagine a Universe collapsing on top of itself.

I have a good movie recommendation for all of you ATS users, I also posted this in the Timewave thread as well and another member posted straight after me saying it was a great movie as well. Basically, this movie is a thriller so I'm not going to spoil it but at the end of the movie it shows what it would be like during a Big Crunch which made the movie even better.

Mr.Nobody Movie IMDb Link
edit on 25-11-2012 by TheProphetMark because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Uniceft17
This theory has already been tested......Has everyone forgot about Y2K, Everyone thought there was going to be a global blackout, computer systems were going to crash, the world was going to end, etc. And nothing happened......and the hype was MUCH bigger than this December 21st 2012 non-sense. Y2K approved products in stores, batteries and bottled water flying off shelves globally, and 90% of the Earth's population believed something was going to happen and then...............NOTHING.


In fact, there was a lot of talk about the "great transformation" and thought being made manifest and aliens revealing themselves -- in general, the exact same topics being promoted now.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
Your source says that objects are made of thought which isn't true.

No matter how many people pray or will something to happen it won't and it doesn't.

This is not true at all. Objects wouldn't exist if it wasn't for conciousness and us perceiving it as an solid matter object.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Byrd

I dunno about Y2K - but I do know that me ex made a rather tidy living reprogramming computers for about 6 years before the date to ensure nothing did happen.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

I have seen the power of Chi with my own eyes when I went to Kung Fu classes and even felt it though my own exercises. Makes it well documented to me. You see incredibly logical to the point of blind; No offense. maybe we can't answer everything with such intense logic?

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:02 PM
There are currently over 7 Billion people on this planet, the vast majority of whom, have never heard anything about the 2012 predictions or doomsday prophecies.

The number of people who have, probably make up no more than 20%, and of those the proportion of people actually concerned or even thinking about it on a regular basis would be much less.

Or are you implying that 1 to 10 % of the people of this world could, through prayer or worry make something happen on a global scale, when the rest are praying/worrying and concentrating on other things.

edit on 25-11-2012 by RedmoonMWC because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:02 PM
I always say to myself that is funny how i always seem to land on my feet with things such as jobs, cars etc. Perhaps i shouldnt be so surprised if i am creating the material things within my life.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

Exactly, the human mind is immensely powerful. Thus, when you have a large group of people believing certain things, or rather, the "right" people believing certain things, and in combination, it can create effects, no doubt about that.

As to the precision of the, what you call "manifestation" that is yet to be seen.

Considering the mind as being the most powerful tool on this planet, wouldn't you think the elite/tptb would want to do everything in their power to create a construct, a culture that pretty much strangle holds the minds of the masses, out of fear of what we "they" may create?

edit on 25-11-2012 by ProperlyErrant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by JDmOKI
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

I have seen the power of Chi with my own eyes when I went to Kung Fu classes and even felt it though my own exercises. Makes it well documented to me. You see incredibly logical to the point of blind; No offense. maybe we can't answer everything with such intense logic?

Yes, Chi is very real. My good friend who I speak with often about these mental complexities and potential levels of influence, recanted a dream for me one day.

He spoke about how he was in a dream, created balls of chi within his hands. He then realized he could make bigger chi by kind of "melding" or taking chi from other people.

He claimed that immediately a purple alien appeared, and very sternly told him "Do not do that."

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by Uniceft17
This theory has already been tested......Has everyone forgot about Y2K, Everyone thought there was going to be a global blackout, computer systems were going to crash, the world was going to end, etc. And nothing happened......and the hype was MUCH bigger than this December 21st 2012 non-sense. Y2K approved products in stores, batteries and bottled water flying off shelves globally, and 90% of the Earth's population believed something was going to happen and then...............NOTHING.


In fact, there was a lot of talk about the "great transformation" and thought being made manifest and aliens revealing themselves -- in general, the exact same topics being promoted now.

Cry wolf, that's all I got to say when it comes to ignoring the day something does indeed come to fruition that some one, or some group was warning about.

Just because some believe in a doomsday fulfillment of a certain time period, doesn't make all future dates nullified for concern or interest.

Besides, Y2K was based off of a stupid number fluke that was "possibly" going to be an issue. It was such an asinine notion, and so what if the electrical/computer grid went down? We'd have figured something out.

As for 2012, it's based off of extremely precise astronomical observations regarding cycles of our solar system's movements and durations; thrown together like some type of transmission of gears and cogs. It's quite a bit more astounding than "oh, we think because the numbers go to 0, there might be a problem". This one is specifically intended to be mysterious, all it shows is an INCREDIBLE mathematical and observational level that seems implausible for people at the time, or the duration of their civilization...

I don't believe anything major will necessarily happen that day, but in my life, something probably will. This era though, is hard to deny as being a major one in the change and 'progress' of our civilization, there's no doubt about it.

edit on 25-11-2012 by ProperlyErrant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

Check out the 2012 thread I'll be posting in a few minutes in the 2012 forum. Only need three more posts and then I will have permission to create threads.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:34 PM
There has been research done that shows the power of what you are talking about in action on random numbers being generated. It is highly possible that because so many people think there is going to be an enlightenment in 2012, it has caused some of the recent enlightenment in the last decade -

Even more possible, because even without science fiction, it has always been possible to affect the mind of the collective with an idea.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:42 PM
Thank You very much for starting this unique thread paying attention to "Collective Communication" having a quantum time-wave effect around this 12-21 date. As many of you know from general news our U.S. State Department caught fire. Important files and documents have been compromised. Sadly, it is like when part of the Mayan Codex was destroyed in the Dresden fire. As a particle energy researcher this is my first and possibly only post on this site. For years we have scanned this site and many other web-sites like this one but never created an account to post a public advisory. Now that we are fairly certain that activity is reaching a level of critical mass, I hope all ATS members will be kind enough to share this full disclosure. This report is being privately compiled on my only day off. Once it is reviewed it may be officially distributed to all worldwide media outlets. Please use any search engine of your choice to get all the most up-to-date facts about scheduled operations planned at international HAARP facilities.

The primary specific threat from 12-20 until 12-22 will be international HAARP activity. Due to the natural increase of solar plasma in the Aurora fields, HAARP may be ultra effective. As Wiki-leaks is probably about to expose tomorrow, "The popular attention on a specific Doomsday provides the perfect cover time frame to conduct potentially hazardous operations." China has rapidly developed its HAARP system and it has a major dispute with Japan over an oil rich South China Sea territory. Since Japan already had the 3-11 natural disaster, China could now use HAARP focused on Mt. Fuji. A volcanic explosion on 12-21 would leave little trace of military aggression since a Surprise Event is anticipated.

The risk management of this operation will be in taking a chance on setting off the rest of the Ring-of-Fire with aftershocks. Activating project Blue Beam could help mitigate civil unrest if a stealth strike causes a greater rupture than expected. When the first atomic bomb was tested at the Trinity site there was still some concern that there would be an unexpected runaway chain reaction. Please look at the Russian declaration on YouTube to use HAARP. Both Russia and China are in a better position to risk using HAARP since they have vast inland resources. For the USA risk analysis includes the option of directing a high energy impulse at the Iranian plate zone. The M 9.5 resulting S-waves could cause Mag 6 quakes to the E.U. & Saudi oil region. In this ripple the unstable Canary Island volcanic flank could collapse and send a mega-tsunami toward North America. There is no Tsunami warning system on the Eastern seaboard however there would be a 5 hour news media window of opportunity to issue evacuation warnings. P-value correlation does include unexpected aftershocks and other technological error factors involved with high frequency magnetic pulses.

Economic growth needs resources. Since the economy is more important to most citizens than their environment, regional risks are being carefully evaluated by many nations. The success of IRON DOME in the Israel-Gaza conflict last week gives us this time frame to test other weapons & defense shield technologies. The Navy is also proud of its recent advancement with Meta Materials "Shrouding At Sea". The Pacific proving ground "Sandy Island" test area has been cleared. This 12-21 date is useful for covering any stealth technology accidents. The human race is collectively voting with it's footprint to push each military toward energy competition. Your freewill to choose silence, distraction or TOTAL AWARENESS is important. Please be alert for terrorist activities and always feel free to contact the FBI with tips. Be aware of the reality we are creating by providing super powers with an actual date to make a stealth strike. Flood your elected officers with calls and e-mails. Please demand that computerized nuclear LAUNCH ON WARNING be returned to human level decision processes. Volunteer a few hours to any group trying to add safety measures to reduce nuclear risks. We need everyone to make some actual effort to reduce man-made dangers. Then let's all relax and have a happy holiday ending to 2012.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 07:11 PM
Maybe I misread the premise, but I don't think that say, most of the world is in combined thought about 'Dec 21 2012'. I mean what do you expect? I agree there is an almost unique situation where the mainstream is stealing the role of conspiracy theorists, okay perhaps unsaid here, by hyping up a Mayan story which is by all Mayan accounts and end of an era whatever the feck that means, and not 'the end of times' and whatever the feck that is supposed to mean, while mostly mainstream only uses the role of conspiracy theorists to ultimately be in mockery. Come Friday the 21st I shall likely be well pissed for one reason or another, being so near Christmas...or not
and the last thing I'll be thinking about is armageddon or a new era, and so won't be in the headcount, physically or intellectually. Point is, we don't really know that much about the Mayans first hand.

edit on 25-11-2012 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

...Here's to hoping for enlightenment, and peace...

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