posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:28 PM
I have never posted on ATS (although I've been reading this website on a daily basis for about five years), but felt compelled to on this topic.
The only time I've ever seen something I cannot explain, it was this. I was raised in along the Missouri/Arkansas border in the United States. We
lived way out in the country, in a small town called Peel along Bull Shoals Lake. My father and I would lay outside sometimes in a sleeping bag in
our field on clear nights and look at the stars. We did this quite frequently, especially on moonless, cool nights when it was so dark you could see
the band of the Milky Way. We would look for satellites, shooting stars, and such and just enjoy the beauty of it.
One night, off to the north, something came into view from the eastern horizon. It was a circular disc that seemed to glow orange. There were no
windows that we could see, nor no other defining features. It moved completely silently. I would guess it was about two miles from where we were,
but I have no real frame of reference for size. From it a slanted beam of light, almost like a spotlight, shined down onto the ground. The light
didn't sway back or forth like a search light. It shined down at a consist angle the entire time we could see the object.
The orange circle went from horizon to horizon completely silently, in probably about one minute. That's the only thing like that I've ever seen,
and it has been seared into my mind ever since, causing a festering curiosity in the topic of UFOs for my entire life (I'm now 33, this occurred in
1989). My father and I talk about it occasionally. We have no idea what it was, but it seems very similar to the sightings described in this post.