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Many Have A Horrible Understand of The Israeli/Palestine Conlict Here! Don't You Know What WAR Is

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posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 09:16 AM


Contain "strong" graphic images

[align=center][color=grey]The idea that images have an emotional, very persuasive power compared to the rationality of the written and spoken word is becoming more apparent as the digital age moves forward and image campaigns use visuals to grab the attention of viewers/readers rather than words.[/align]

The Brutal Zionist Role in the Holocaust


Jews & Palestinians

After the downfall of Nazi Germany, the German people "washed their hands" of any complicity in the Jewish extermination camps by pleading ignorance. Lower rank German soldiers excused themselves by saying that they were only following military orders. Today, in the Holy Land, the Zionist Jews, with the support of the majority of Israel's population are themselves perpetuating a holocaust against the Palestinian people. After the bodies are counted and the atrocities documented, how will the Jews excuse themselves for committing these crimes against humanity?

Jewish girl tries to criticise Dr. Norman Finkelstein
edit on 20-11-2012 by SOLIDSNAKE101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Gaza was not under blockade when rockets from Gaza started to fall on Israel. There are no Israeli settlements in Gaza,despite the fact that there were Jewish settlements in Gaza prior to 1947. There are no Israeli military forces in Gaza.
And yet rockets are falling on Israel.
West Bank is home to the same Palestinians that live in Gaza. West Bank is not blockaded. Why?
Because there are no rockets from West Bank. Really simple.

edit on 18-11-2012 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

First off, your name very apropros. Gaza has been under blockade for years. To say that it was not under blockade when the Palestinians started launching rockets is just plainly incorrect.

Nor is the Westbank home to the same Palestinians that live in Gaza. Gazans live in Gaza and they are not allowed, in general, to go to the West Bank. Israel punishes Gaza because it is run by Hamas, which is more militant than Fatah in the West Bank and calls the Hamas government terrorists. This was said before rockets were regularly flying from Gaza into Israel.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
And yet rockets are falling on Israel.

And yet? Really?

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
West Bank is home to the same Palestinians that live in Gaza. West Bank is not blockaded. Why?
Because there are no rockets from West Bank. Really simple.

Let me fix your sentence for you
West Bank is not blockaded therefore there are no rockets flying from West Bank.

See how easy that was?

Secondly Israel does not want peace otherwise they would never have said you can't go to the UN for statehood because they would have access to a court system.

I'm confused as to your fixing of his sentence. (really, I'm not trying to be sarcastic) did you intend to change thr meaning completely? If so then I get it, but if you were trying to fix grammar, you didn't do it right.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

So because Israel EXISTS, you launch rockets? Yeah that makes sense... Gaza is full of terrirists that use human sheilds to try and martyr their conflict.... Cowardly.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Kharron

Originally posted by TiredofControlFreaks
reply to post by grobi77

Israel exists because no country in the world gave them a place on this earth to stand. Jews have been discriminated against and killed for no other reason then their religion for 2000 years.

I'm sure there are many groups of people who don't have a country. Just off the top of my head I can think of Gypsies. They've been around for millennia; if anyone deserves a country they do, right? There's about 12 million Gypsies in the world, compared to about 13.5 million Jews, so they deserve the same rights, right?

Wanna give them Texas? We don't really have to ask Texans, we'll just settle Gypsies there, and if they get the British OK on it, what more is there to discuss? What's the worst that can happen? It's not like the Texans will fight back.


Presumably you are an American? Is that correct? In that case (unless you are of the indigineous American race) why don't you ask people your ancestors stole their land off?

I love how many people are so judgemental on this issue when their own ancestors did the same thing without any justification. Israel is clearly in an area where the Israelis were based over 2,000 years ago - did they leave that area by choice or was it originally stolen from them...... or have they always had the right to live there even if their neighbours would rather they didn't exist?

As for Texas, why don't you give it back to the Mexicans?
edit on 20-11-2012 by something wicked because: typo

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by rockhndr
The biggest comment I keep seeing is "Israel has a right to defend itself"....How can they claim to be defending themselves, when they are occupying the very lands they are defending themselves from????

and mainstream, of course, leaves out the very small detail of the 13 yr. old Palestinian boy, who was shot by IDF, while playing football with friends...this happened Wednesday....these people, human beings, just like you and me...are tired of it, and I for one don't blame them...

edit on 18-11-2012 by rockhndr because: (no reason given)

Very good point.

The violence of Israel toward Gaza is in no way moving toward peace. Their blatant disregard for civilian life during their airstrikes is only going to get more people angry. If you blow up an apartment complex and kill a man's bet your ass he is going to war with the people who sent that strike.

Hamas commits crimes...surely...but Israel commits war crimes many more times that: l

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 02:04 PM
Peace to the Palestinians... I wish them the best and I hope the world can notice the tragedy that is Israel at this point.
edit on 20-11-2012 by NoJoker13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
And yet rockets are falling on Israel.

And yet? Really?

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
West Bank is home to the same Palestinians that live in Gaza. West Bank is not blockaded. Why?
Because there are no rockets from West Bank. Really simple.

Let me fix your sentence for you
West Bank is not blockaded therefore there are no rockets flying from West Bank.

See how easy that was?

Secondly Israel does not want peace otherwise they would never have said you can't go to the UN for statehood because they would have access to a court system.

When the mandate was made that created Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel the Arabs in the region were given 80% of the land. They have 3 countries all members of the United Nations. Those living in the region are called Palestinians while there has never been a nation called Palestine. Those Arabs and Jews in the region have lived there for thousands of years, and the deal was unanimously agreed to by 51 countries in the League of Nations.

This is not about land. It is about Arab hatred of Jews. They don't need another vote in the United Nations. They could move into their already existing countries whenever they want, but they would rather have pawns to point to making Israel looks bad. These criminal Arabs have launched two wars against Israel, committed thousands of acts of terrorism and yet, somehow the world feels sorry for them.

I am not saying Israel has not done some terrible things. Every military in existence does terrible things. The only goal that will make the Arabs happy is if all the Jews are dead. There will never be peace in the region because the Arabs do not want peace. They have been offered peace many times, and yet they refuse. They do not deserve another state!

Arabs don't want peace

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Facts about the region that are no longer or never were taught in schools. Few people know the true history and think the awful Jews just took Arab land. It's not true.

What are the facts?

Some clarifying definitions are in order. The Arabs living in “Palestine” — which is Jordan, Israel and the areas administered by Israel — like to refer to themselves as “Palestinians,” and to the Jews living there as “Jews.” But all inhabitants of Palestine obviously are Palestinians — either Arab or Jewish Palestinians. By only referring to themselves, but not to the Jews, as “Palestinians,” the Arabs attempt to convey legitimacy on themselves and illegitimacy on the Jews, despite the uninterrupted presence of Jews in all part of Palestine since Biblical times.

In 1948, the Palestinian State of Jordan, in an act of naked aggression, invaded the just-born state of Israel. It managed to occupy Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”) and the eastern part of Jerusalem. For the next 19 years, and until 1967 when the territory came under Israeli administration after the Six-day War, Judea/Samaria was part of the Kingdom of Jordan. During that entire time, nothing was ever heard of “Palestinian” peoplehood [sic]. The thought of creating a second “Palestinian” state in the “West Bank,” in addition to the Palestinian state of Jordan, did not occur to anyone — certainly not to the “Palestinians,” not to any of the 22 Arab countries, and not to the rest of the world.

By the relentless drumbeat of Arab propaganda, the impression has taken hold that the “Palestinians” in Judea/Samaria are a distinct and unique people. But that just isn’t so. The concept of separate “Palestinian” peoplehood [sic] is a new one. It did not exist before 1967. The reality is that the so-called “Palestinians” in this area are exactly the same people — undifferentiated in dialect, dress, social customs or anything else — from the Palestinian Arabs in Jordan. A second Palestinian peoplehood [sic] is a myth. It was created for the purpose of laying claim to Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”) in the first instance, and for its use as a launching pad for the destruction of Israel proper thereafter.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 03:12 PM
You are ABSOLUTELY right Op!

Those Jews are SAVAGES! And they are behaving just like Nazis!

Look what they are doing to these poor defenseless Arabs...

Executing them like dogs and then dragging their bodies thru the street!


Kind of humorous that the REALITY of it is 100% opposite of ALL the nonsense you're spouting.

Which is the Arabs are simply jihadists... And the Jews want to live in peace...

And nothing more than to be able to pray at the site of their First Temple...

A right they are denied.

Consider yourself exposed.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Gaza was not under blockade when rockets from Gaza started to fall on Israel. There are no Israeli settlements in Gaza,despite the fact that there were Jewish settlements in Gaza prior to 1947. There are no Israeli military forces in Gaza.
And yet rockets are falling on Israel.
West Bank is home to the same Palestinians that live in Gaza. West Bank is not blockaded. Why?
Because there are no rockets from West Bank. Really simple.

edit on 18-11-2012 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

First off, your name very apropros. Gaza has been under blockade for years. To say that it was not under blockade when the Palestinians started launching rockets is just plainly incorrect.

Nor is the Westbank home to the same Palestinians that live in Gaza. Gazans live in Gaza and they are not allowed, in general, to go to the West Bank. Israel punishes Gaza because it is run by Hamas, which is more militant than Fatah in the West Bank and calls the Hamas government terrorists. This was said before rockets were regularly flying from Gaza into Israel.

My name aside ,

Israel maintained its military blockade of Gaza, imposed in 2007, and closed the Karni crossing in March, leaving Kerem Shalom as the only entry point for goods, despite its lack of capacity.
Rockets were fired at Israel prior to 2007.
edit on 20-11-2012 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 07:35 PM
is isreal 100% right? probably not. they have done their fair share of dirty deeds.

but to even try and compare that to the savagery of the muslim nations around them is just lame.

and to compare them to the nazis? seriously?

how people completely ignore the fact that hamas is a terrorist organization that has stated as its goal to destroy isreal and the jews is beyond me.

regardless of the history of the region, how do people simply ignore that? why is that just OK?

and then there is this, how about the palastenians just go into surrounding lands and leave isreal alone? do the arabs not have enough land to spare compared to isreal?

this war is about 1 group of people who want to be left alone in their small part of the world, and another group of people whos very existence is apparently to destroy the group 1 (see hamas charter link again).

you pick your side, fine. im picking the side that when they took over the land, they gave up what they considered to be the holiest spot on the planet to the people they conquered and let them worship there. you can pick the side that blows up ancient buddahs and now wants to blow up the pyramids all you want.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Exitt

Please explain your response. This is the reality of the situation. Have you seen any hint from the Isrealies that they are willing to move anywhere????

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Kharron

Thank you for the facts on the Roma - I am always interested in other cultures.

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by orangutang


You are slightly mistaken about Nakba. Nakba is when Jews living in Arab states were expelled, without compensation for their property I might add. I believe that there was just under a million jews expelled from Arab Countries.

I believe that about 100,000 people were living in the area where Isreal was created. As I said, it was a useless piece of scrub desert, until the jews greened it. Now it is extremely valuable.

All I am saying is this......

Jews have a right to exist on this planet. Country after country denied them this right. They created their own country in a useless desert. Now they stand. They will fight and they will die to the last man to keep it.

They have made their stand very very clear. The six day war send out a very loud message. Didn't you get it?

About 100,000 arabs were displaced. The arab world refused to take them in order to create an excuse for war. But, and I am speaking very very practically here, there will be no peace until the arabs give up all land claims in Isreal.

Something under a million arab jews were also displaced. Are they now living in camps or have they successfully immigrated and gone on with their lives??? Why can't the arabs do the same thing?

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by TiredofControlFreaks


I apologise - there was also an arab nakba (the explusion of arabs from Isreal)

I guess that when it comes to Nakba - it was a two-way street.

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 07:37 AM
In all honesty Im all for the middle east sorting out there issues, best case scenario we as in the UK don't get involved and then at the end of the problems help them rebuild there way of thinking, its like two blokes in a bar and its not gonna get better until they settle there differences , in this case one is a clear winner but i feel that they have brought a lot of it on themselves , this might not go well , but i think that all the country's with problems of any sort should be cut off and left to figure it out among themselves and then have to apply back into the good graces of the world where religion wont deride whether thousands of people die.....;. Just sayin

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 07:49 AM
Because of the interests, Palestinians have been oppressed. They are not the enemies. They are caught in the middle... imho.

The conflict is over the trading route and much more.

Money kills.

This video below is very informative and I encourage anyone who is interested or maybe confused to watch this short video.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by SOLIDSNAKE101

Well Finkelstein is right in a way in that video, but having heart and feeling pity for people who are brutally murdered is a 2 ways street. In Germany in 1940 the jews didn't take up arms and fight back, Palestinians do and they train their kids to kill jews and teach them songs in school about exterminating jew apes.

The cycle ain't gonna end until people quit teaching their kids to hate. I see hate against other ethnicities all the time here in the southern U.S. and racism and hatecrimes because parents teach their kids their own hate and so that cycle will never end until people step out and stop it and when someone puts down another person tell them to STFU.

If you want peace and equality you have to be proactive like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and demonstrate but do it peacefully, because violence begets violence which is exactly what we're seeing in this conflict between Israel and Gaza when hamas fires rockets into Israel, Israel responds by destroying the rocket site. My own ancestors fought back when the whites were undergoing Manifest Destiny in the U.S. in the 1800's, and they were exterminated for it and forced off their ancestral lands on the Trail of Tears, even if the majority did not fight, those few warbands who did brought down death on my kin and that is always the way it goes. Even if there are peaceful muslim, no one sees that, they only see how the extremists misrepresent that faith and that is what sticks in people's memories.
edit on 21-11-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

In Germany in 1940 the jews didn't take up arms and fight back

You seem to be very uneducated, son.
Jewish Brigade World War Two

They are proud, ain't they?

lack of morals in drunken society

Bad education.

Godbless israel!

edit on 21-11-2012 by SOLIDSNAKE101 because: (no reason given)

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