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Does that even make sense to you? That a god would have to sacrifice himself so that he can save people? Why can't he just forgive without bloodshed? Why did he make up such silly rules? My kids don't have to cut a chicken's head off for me to forgive them.
Originally posted by MarkJS
You're close... It's Just (as in justice).. for a person to die for their own sins.
Like I said..that's what makes God special... He cared so much for you... that He Died For You... so you would not have to. That would be above just.... and into the God-kind-of-love category. That is why it's so ignore (T)His sacrifice.
Tell me about this relationship.
Originally posted by randyvs
Off the top of my head. I will say how a person naturally should feel for their Creator. The giver of life. That is evidenced by how the person walks thru this life. A deep prayer everyday involving the Father in every way. Seeking his wisdom never going astray.
Originally posted by randyvs
Because we are not the highest intelligence in existence. That's just easy as pie to see. And makes me wonder about people who can make such a claim. Something is missing inside them.
It's called love.
Originally posted by Hydroman
Does that even make sense to you? That a god would have to sacrifice himself so that he can save people? Why can't he just forgive without bloodshed? Why did he make up such silly rules? My kids don't have to cut a chicken's head off for me to forgive them.
Originally posted by MarkJS
You're close... It's Just (as in justice).. for a person to die for their own sins.
Like I said..that's what makes God special... He cared so much for you... that He Died For You... so you would not have to. That would be above just.... and into the God-kind-of-love category. That is why it's so ignore (T)His sacrifice.
The transfer of the Title was the beginning of the Pope having earthly political power over Europe to do such things as run the Inquisitions and set the calendar. To this day we use a calendar that was set by a Pope. This is hidden very well from Catholics themselves by the Church, and there are apologists all around the net who try and muddy up this little fact, especially the exact date that it happened (this somewhat relates to the 1260 year prophecy that I mentioned above, and the protestant counter-reformation). Look it up in a History book yourself if you're not sure the information you are getting is correct.
Are you suggesting that non-believers cannot love? Or don't have the capacity? Do believers have a monopoly on love?
I have forgiven debts owed to me as well. They didn't even have to ask for the debt forgiveness. My brother-in-law owes a few hundred dollars to my wife and I. We don't hound him for it. Matter of fact, I'm not worried about it.
Originally posted by GeneralMishka
Remember sin is debt
The Christian position is, there is a DEBT that must be paid. Your children will eventually die whether you forgive them or not. Your forgiveness doesnt satisfy that debt. Christ dying on the Cross forgives our debt and gives us everlasting life
Originally posted by adjensen
I'm not aware of any church teaching that hides the fact that the Gregorian Calendar is named for Pope Gregory, who ordered that the Julian calendar be reformed because its inaccuracies were piling up over the centuries. Most people just don't care, and I don't know why they would.
The main duty of the Pontifices was to maintain the pax deorum or "peace of the gods."[18][19][20]
The immense authority of the sacred college of pontiffs was centered on the Pontifex Maximus, the other pontifices forming his consilium or advising body. His functions were partly sacrificial or ritualistic, but these were the least important. His real power lay in the administration of jus divinum or divine law;[21] the information collected by the pontifices related to the Roman religious tradition was bound in a corpus which summarized dogma and other concepts. The chief departments of jus divinum may be described as follows:
1. The regulation of all expiatory ceremonials needed as a result of pestilence, lightning, etc.
2. The consecration of all temples and other sacred places and objects dedicated to the gods.
3. The regulation of the calendar; both astronomically and in detailed application to the public life of the state.
4. The administration of the law relating to burials and burying-places, and the worship of the Manes or dead ancestors.
5. The superintendence of all marriages by conferratio, i.e. originally of all legal patrician marriages.
6. The administration of the law of adoption and of testamentary succession.
7. The regulation of the public morals, and fining and punishing offending parties.
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time
Westminster Confession of Faith
VI. There is no other head of the Church but the Lord Jesus Christ: nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God.
Originally posted by adjensen
We're getting a bit far offtopic, and can probably take up the differences between Protestant and Catholic theologies and whether Luther "fixed" Christianity or just created a new one in another thread, but I need to comment on this:
Originally posted by adjensen
In addition, saying that Nero was once the head of the Catholic church simply because he had a title that is similar to one used by the Pope today (and, no, "Pontifex Maximus" is not an official title of the Pope or any other church official, as published in the Annuario Pontificio,) is on a par with saying that Hugo Chávez is the natural successor to George Washington, as they are both referred to as "President."
Originally posted by adjensen
A bit more on topic, though, I'd like to say that I'm distressed by this hatred of Catholics, whether based on actual historical facts, or not.
Originally posted by adjensen
and it is generally founded in ignorance of history and what the church actually teaches.
Originally posted by adjensen
generally founded in ignorance of history and what the church actually teaches.
Revelation 13
"Antichrist will govern the Roman empire, yet without the name of Roman emperor." His spiritual title prevented his taking the name, while he exerciseth all the power.
The three first beasts in Daniel are like "a leopard," "a bear," and "a lion." In all parts, except his feet and mouth, this beast was like a leopard or female panther; which is fierce as a lion or bear, but is also swift and subtle. Such is the Papacy, which has partly by subtilty, partly by force, gained power over so many nations. The extremely various usages, manners, and ways of the Pope, may likewise be compared to the spots of the leopard.
A mouth speaking great things and blasphemy — The same is said of the little horn on the fourth beast in Daniel. Nothing greater, nothing more blasphemous, can be conceived, than what the Popes have said of themselves, especially before the Reformation.
A mouth speaking great things and blasphemy — The same is said of the little horn on the fourth beast in Daniel. Nothing greater, nothing more blasphemous, can be conceived, than what the Popes have said of themselves, especially before the Reformation.
And I saw another wild beast — So he is once termed to show his fierceness and strength, but in all other places, "the false prophet." He comes to confirm the kingdom of the first beast.
Coming up — After the other had long exercised his authority.
Out of the earth — Out of Asia. But he is not yet come, though he cannot be far off for he is to appear at the end of the forty-two months of the first beast.
And he had two horns like a lamb — A mild, innocent appearance.
But he spake like a dragon — Venomous, fiery, dreadful. So do those who are zealous for the beast.
Originally posted by adjensen
I believe that it truly grieves God when his followers quibble with each other (never mind killing each other, as in the Reformation or Northern Ireland civil war) and find it hard to believe that a loving God, who sacrificed his only son for all of us, would really care what day we worship him on, whether we believe Christ is present in the Eucharist, or whether we believe that works are reflective of salvation, rather than a part of it.
Killing of Christians under the Inquisition and Papal Decrees that go directly against what is Biblically written make up the other aspects of this prophetic quote.
The early protestant reformers ALL realized this, not just Luther (though he was one of the first, maybe the first). Its even in the Westminster Confession of Faith that was agreed to between pretty much all the protestant faiths
No, you're getting it backwards. The Pope, who was the bishop of Rome, accepted the Title of Pontifex Maximus for political reasons, and took on the powers of the Pontifex Maximus. This is why he is called the Holy Pontiff, the word pontiff obviously coming from Pontifex. So the popes became part of the line of Emperors.
Hopefully you are beginning to understand that there is a legitimate reason why folks say that the RCC is related to the 'Beast”, the Antichrist, and isn't considered a Christian faith. All the original Protestant Churches agreed to the Westminster Confession of Faith, they all are supposed to believe and be teaching Historicism.
God clearly tells us that there will be an apostate church, and warns us about it. You bet he cares if some church, claiming him as its God, twists his word into things that it was never meant to say.
reply to post by Anundeniabletruth
TextAre you aware that humans are not the only creatures of this planet who can be gay? I would argue that just because they cannot make child does not mean that it is not "natural." We have scientific evidence to support that people are born that way. Where is your irrefutable evidence to support otherwise? The bible does not qualify because it has been refuted time and time again.
Originally posted by adjensen
You're aware that less than 5,000 people were killed during the Inquisitions, right?
Albigenses Massacre
The doors of the church of St Mary Magdalene were broken down and the refugees dragged out and slaughtered. Reportedly, 7,000 people died there. Elsewhere in the town many more thousands were mutilated and killed. Prisoners were blinded, dragged behind horses, and used for target practice.[31] What remained of the city was razed by fire. Arnaud wrote to Pope Innocent III, "Today your Holiness, twenty thousand heretics were put to the sword, regardless of rank, age, or sex."
The Spanish monarch and his confederates acknowledged that they must have lost 400,000 men, in that tremendous conflict, and immediately after it-but the Papists boasted, that including the women and children, they had massacred more than two millions of the human family, in that solitary croisade against the southwest part of France.
-- Bourne, George, The American Textbook of Popery, Griffith & Simon, Philadelphia, 1846, pp. 402-403
Originally posted by adjensen
And that the Protestants killed at least that many Anabaptists in and around the events that culminated in the Anabaptist Kingdom of Münster?
Franz von Waldeck
Franz von Waldeck's attitude towards the Reformation was ambiguous. In 1533, by treaty, he conceded full religious freedom to the city of Münster. When the Lutheran movement failed due to acts of radical Anabaptist sect, he reasserted control over the city with help from the Holy Roman Empire. Soon after the surrender Münster, which was re-Catholicised, Franz turned his influence to simply furthering the teachings of Luther. His reformation efforts in 1541 met with unified resistance in the Bishopric of Münster. In 1543 in Osnabrück, together with Lübeck Superintendent Herman Bonnus, Franz planned to introduce the Reformation. In Minden, where the Lutheran doctrine had been widely accepted even before he took office, Franz attempted in 1535 to reach out to the balance of the city beyond just the cathedral chapter. These efforts at aiding the Reformation were closely linked to his desire to have his relationship with Anna Polmann legalized and to have the three dioceses of Münster, Osnabrück, and Minden secularized, in order to create a secular territory for his heirs.
Originally posted by adjensen
If "pretty much all" means Reformed, a variety of English schism faiths and Church of Scotland, maybe. The Lutherans did not affirm this document, nor did any other European radical reformers, and the Church of England has repudiated it.
"Nevertheless, since few know this glory of baptism and the blessedness of Christian liberty, and cannot know them because of the tyranny of the pope, I for one will walk away from it all and redeem my conscience by bringing this charge against the pope and all his papists: Unless they will abolish their laws and traditions, and restore to Christ's churches their liberty and have it taught among them, they are guilty of all the souls that perish under this miserable captivity, and the papacy is truly the kingdom of Babylon, yes, the kingdom of the real Antichrist! For who is " the man of sin" and "the son of perdition" but he that with his doctrines and his laws increases sins and the perdition of souls in the Church, while he sits in the Church as if he were God? All this the papal tyranny has fulfilled, and more than fulfilled, these many centuries. It has extinguished faith, obscured the sacraments and oppressed the Gospel." -Martin Luther
Originally posted by adjensen
reply to post by defcon5
The Albigensian Crusade wasn't part of the Inquisition, coming over four hundred years prior, which was my point.
Catharism (/ˈkæθərɪzəm/; from Greek: καθαρός, katharos, pure)[1] was a name given to a Christian religious movement with dualistic and gnostic elements that appeared in the Languedoc region of France and other parts of Europe in the 11th century and flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. The movement was extinguished in the early decades of the thirteenth century by the Albigensian Crusade, when the Cathars were persecuted and massacred and the Inquisition was set up to finish the job.