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Does anyone feel someone sitting on their bed at night?

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by kaidec
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I do believe in ghost but not convinced that is what this is.

Heck, I wish I knew the answer too. I have heard the whisperings and the indiscernible chatter as well. The chatter, I have usually chosen to blame it on the neighbors. The whispers--I don't know; They even seem to have called my name and said a few words sometimes. It's pretty spooky, but hasn't happened to me often thank goodness.

My bed doesn't feel so much like someone has grabbed on and given it a shakedown. It feels more like one of those cheap, vibrating motel beds. It shakes and wakes me up. I think, "earthquake?" for a few seconds and then I ignore it and fall back to sleep.

I am intrigued that you say this happens when you are awake
I think if there are ghosts or entities trying to communicate, they'd have a better chance of reaching me in my sleep. Maybe everybody is sensitive in different ways, different moods, and different times.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Aelfrede

on the mend...still a few more tests to go through but hopeful for the best. I find my paranormal experiences are at their peak when I'm sick. I receive more visions and warnings then anything. Most of my experiences happen at night time or while half asleep - half awake. Not really in this world, if that makes any sense.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Aelfrede

i had a cheap GAUSS MASTER™ you can search
for the best price, i orderd mine from a site online,
but im sure its aginst t&c to post a link.

Same her NarcolepticBuddha , there are to many theories
out there to be certain, all of which have some basis which
could be believable. Hopefully one day (if i survive that long)
i can do long term study to try to figure it out.
edit on 17-11-2012 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:13 AM
Hi Afterthought,

glad you're enjoying the thread.

I am so sorry to hear you have just lost your beloved companion. The sadness and pain you are feeling must be overwhelming. He sounds like a beautiful dog. I'm pretty convinced that some of these bed visitors are departed loved ones. I hope you feel his presence close to you soon.

Thinking of you,


Originally posted by Afterthought
Wonderful thread and the replies about feeling animals jumping onto the bed and snuggling against the ones who loved them gave me a much needed smile. Consider yourselves very lucky to have experienced this and don't write it off as a trick of the mind.

I had to release my beloved dog from his deteriorating vessel yesterday. I can only hope that one day I feel him laying on the bed beside me. He was my baby, my best friend, and my constant companion. I can't wait until the time comes when I can see him again. At least he's out of pain now. While the vet was injecting him, I held his head in my hands and told him what a good boy he was and how much I loved him. He never looked away from my eyes until he fell asleep. He was a special dog and I'm so happy he chose me to live with as he enjoyed the remainder of his years. It's so difficult letting them go, but it really is the best thing and I hope that I have someone as strong to see me off when it's my time. May we all be so loved and cherished.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:22 AM
I think the condition of sleep paralysis is a state that can be used for amazing investigations of other states of awareness. States where what can be perceived exist in another reality, a reality close to this physical one that cannot normally be observed (by most) in a normal awakened state.

Originally posted by Tbrooks76
reply to post by Aelfrede

I dont' know I was trying to says, it happens to me to, and yet nothings ever there. Sleep paralysis seem to be the best explaintion for me.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:31 AM
I also have felt the bed jolting or shaking before. I'm usually left a bit jolted myself, with the feeling there was no normal explanation for it.

I've had the breathing in my ear too. In fact it happened a few days ago. I was lying on my left side and someone loudly exhaled in my ear, bringing me round from sleep. My feeling was something was there. Another idea is that my energy body (spirit/astral body/etheric body - whatever you want to call it!) had slipped to the left of my body and I heard my physical self breathing in my energy body's ear! Wierd thought! But I can't seem to shake the initial feeling that something else was there.

Your comment about the pushing up under the bed. I can't remember having that, but I have been pushed (like someone pushing gently with their hand) in bed. Also I get this when awake, say washing up. When it first happened I really thought someone was physically behind me in the kitchen doing it. I've got used to it now to know that it's 'something else' but it's still pretty strange when it happens.

Originally posted by kaidec
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I feel the same thing sometimes I haven't even been to sleep. It feels like a pretty strong quake sometimes. I have also felt and heard someone breathing in my ear or right in front of my face. myself and two others hear people taking all the time. It is just weird. The breathing and the bed shaking like someone has a hold of it jerking on it freaks me out the most. I have also felt one other thing, sometimes it feels like someone under the bed and I can feel something push up against the underside of the bed. I do believe in ghost but not convinced that is what this is.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:42 AM
Hi rokkiroo,

it's a shame you can't approach the imam. I will try to U2U you, it might be you can receive U2Us but just can't send them yet. Let me know on here if you get my 'test' U2U.

The mysteriously appearing cuts you are experiencing are very strange. I did a quick search on google about it and came across the below site. The first comment says that this is caused by a condition called 'Dermographism' - however I checked out the sites they gave and it is not the same thing, as is confirmed by the many comments below (on that site), all from people who are experiencing the same phenomena as you. It seems it is a mystery and may well have a paranormal explanation. Have a read of the comments, at the least it will help you feel you are not alone, as it seems many experience this:

It's really left me wondering what the hell is causing this. Anyone else with any ideas?

Btw rokkiroo, when you have sent enough posts to make your own thread (I think you need to write 20 posts) maybe you should start a thread about these strange cuts you are experiencing. You might find fellow ATS members who are currently going through the same thing, who might have some answers. Also do a search for old threads about it.

Take care,


Originally posted by rokkiroo
reply to post by Aelfrede

Hey, thanks once again for your help i really appreciate it =) I tried the U2U but it says i can only send messages to mods. My husband did'nt mention about the trip to N.Africa and cannot ask him at the moment because my husband is going through what i believe to be a question of faith-silently. However i would be greatful for any advise that you may have for me in regards to the cuts etc..oh!, i forgot to add to yesterdays post that i have had a small red mark appear from nowhere dead centre in the middle of my forehead, i am worried that somehow i may have 'the mark of the beast' i am not very educated on these spiritual/religous matters so please forgive me if i come across as 'dumb'(for want of a better word) on these subjects.
Also i would like to add that i actually do have 3 sixes in my birthdate '16-06-86. I do not believe i am evil at all i am the polar opposite and people are generally drawn to me even though i am a 'natural loner', i also am VERY intuitive and can actually read people and the situations that will occur to them, predictive i guess,so i guess the question i have be it rhetorical, 'what am i??' If you have any input on this question, theories or suggestions i would be extremly greatful for it. thanks again =)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:51 AM
Hi NarcolepticBuddha,

I hear whispers and low chatter sometimes, usually when I'm awake. The whisper will often be my name. The chatter sounds like it's coming from the next room, or just outside the room I'm in, but also sometimes outside the house. Many times I have heard the noise of a car arriving (sound of tyres on gravel) and chatter outside, and been so convinced that someone had arrived - only to find no one was there. I've even had it where (because this has happened so often) I've laughed it off as 'one of those wierd events' - but then it sounded so clear and so real that I've thought no, someone's defintely arrived this time. I could even hear their approaching chatter to the steps outside. Raced to the door, and no one was there! We live off the road down a track with no one else nearby, so can't even say it was neighbours. Very strange to say the least!


Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha

Originally posted by kaidec
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I do believe in ghost but not convinced that is what this is.

Heck, I wish I knew the answer too. I have heard the whisperings and the indiscernible chatter as well. The chatter, I have usually chosen to blame it on the neighbors. The whispers--I don't know; They even seem to have called my name and said a few words sometimes. It's pretty spooky, but hasn't happened to me often thank goodness.

My bed doesn't feel so much like someone has grabbed on and given it a shakedown. It feels more like one of those cheap, vibrating motel beds. It shakes and wakes me up. I think, "earthquake?" for a few seconds and then I ignore it and fall back to sleep.

I am intrigued that you say this happens when you are awake
I think if there are ghosts or entities trying to communicate, they'd have a better chance of reaching me in my sleep. Maybe everybody is sensitive in different ways, different moods, and different times.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:54 AM
Hi Charmeine,

glad you are on the mend.

I know what you mean about that in between state, between being asleep and being awake. Being aware at that point has great potential for out of body experiences and WILDs (wake induced lucid dreams).


Originally posted by Charmeine
reply to post by Aelfrede

on the mend...still a few more tests to go through but hopeful for the best. I find my paranormal experiences are at their peak when I'm sick. I receive more visions and warnings then anything. Most of my experiences happen at night time or while half asleep - half awake. Not really in this world, if that makes any sense.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:55 AM
Hi severdsoul,

Thanks for the feedback, will look into it.


Originally posted by severdsoul
reply to post by Aelfrede

i had a cheap GAUSS MASTER™ you can search
for the best price, i orderd mine from a site online,
but im sure its aginst t&c to post a link.

Same her NarcolepticBuddha , there are to many theories
out there to be certain, all of which have some basis which
could be believable. Hopefully one day (if i survive that long)
i can do long term study to try to figure it out.
edit on 17-11-2012 by severdsoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 01:40 PM
Although slightly off topic (actually, does link in with the topic with the example I give below), these scratches that rokkiroo has been getting, are very strange. I was looking at that link I gave earlier (the one in connection with scratches) and a lot of people are experiencing this and don't have any explanation for it. Here is one account, which sounds very similar to rokkiroo's:

'I am 42 year old white male and this is the 1st time a have mentioned these weird occurrences to any body and this will sound crazy. For years cat-like scratches have appear on my body, the scratch lines never matching the line nears to it, sum times single one’s or like I have walked in to a thorn bush. The scratch lines will differ from length and in the front of the body only form the hips up and sum times the long scratches will bleed lightly. Now the last week it appeared on my left side of my face for the first time. It loos like I have walled in to a thorn bush again and there are 7 marks with a length form 1 inches to 3 inches long. I have always made up a story for I am a active person that likes the out doors and lead a heath live stile. This is no illness and I do not at all mess with paranormal. The weird things that happens at least 4 time a year is the feeling of something the size of a cat jumping on to my bed and then lies down next to my legs or feet and this wakes me up and then the bed will shake lightly and I can still feel it at the side of my leg or feet lying there. I did have dogs and cats when I was young and know the feeling of them jumping up and lining down on bed. I could understand if it only happened when person are dreaming. These occurrences have happen at all the place I have lived. This has to stop and the only answer I have for my self is a religious belief of sum sort. Hope this makes sense to somebody out there on this planet called earth. Regards. '

You can read more here:


posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Aelfrede

It's a relief to know that there are others out there, going through very similar things.

Not sure what else to do. For about 2 months now, I have been having daily interactions with spirits. When I am laying down in bed, there is a spirit who will go and sit right next to my feet. If there is space between my legs, it'll sit right there. I am wide awake and it's in the middle of the day and here we go. Also the spirit will go and ( what seems like lay down behind me ) when I'm on my side facing into the bed. It will shake the bed ( not real hard, ) but just hard enough to let me know it's doing it. Then it will , come from underneath the bed, and I can feel it moving the mattress against my back. This sprit/entity , has grabbed my hand multiple times. It always likes to grab my feet as well. But keep in mind, this is a spirit. So the touch and the grab are what seems to be -pure energy. But you definitely know there doing it. It has tugged at my pillow, while I'm laying on it and pulled my sheets down as well. I mean there is only so much you can ignore. I don't think it wants to hurt me, but it really upsets me when I'm trying to go to sleep and has freaked me out for sure. Any idea's?

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 09:53 AM
If you're in bed when this happens, its something to do with a dreaming state/sleep paralysis/mind playing tricks on you since you're either going to sleep/waking up/etc.

If this was in the middle of the day I'd be more apt to say it could be paranormal.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:22 PM
I literally just experienced this very phenomenon about 2 nights ago. I tend to stay up much later than my girlfriend (I'm a musician, on my nights off I find out difficult to fall asleep before 2am). Well, I decided that night to turn in early (about midnight). Of course, I couldn't sleep at all, and laid there in bed wide awake while my girl slept blissfully.

About an hour later, I distinctly felt something sit on the corner of my bed next to my feet, and the bed creaked. I was freaked out, but didn't move, I guess out of fear and what not. At this point, my girl starts kicking her feet, and muttering "stop! Knock it off). She then stopped kicking her feet, and moments later the weight was lifted off the bed (again, the bed creaked as it lifted off). I laid there stunned for quite a while. I didn't really sleep at all that night.

Next morning, I explained what happened the previous night to her, and she said that similar stuff has happened here before I moved in. Freaky.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 08:23 AM
I used to have this a few times when i was younger then it stopped for years. Now i'm in my thirties, it's happened for the first time in ages.
Of course nobody believes you and say you're dreaming or something. I know what I felt, and one occasion saw. It is pretty scary seeing any kind of spiri, but knowing they're in your room is even scarier.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 09:16 PM
Not sure if anybody has offered this or not but if not than hear how I put a stop to the depressions at the foot of the bed. About 10yrs ago I was feed up with it happening so after it had happened again i physically assaulted the area of the foot of the bed, just swinging in the air like I was in a fight. Believe it or not by the second time that I did that it never happened again, 10 yrs. without it happening now. .
a reply to: Aelfrede

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 09:23 PM
Somebody else besides me huh? Thank you, I have heard the indiscernible whisperings as well. And to top it off I herd one Shhh! the other as I was waking up, although I really wasnt trully asleep. a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: Aelfrede

I want to reply to this post. My sister and I have both experienced this very thing but not at night. We are in our late 50s. She lives in North Carolina and I live in Mississippi. She said several times she would be laying in Bed wide awake watching g TV or reading and she felt and heard someone sit down on the edge of her bed.....nothing frightening. It happened once while she was talking g to me on the phone. I experienced it this past year while lying in bed alone one afternoon looking at a book and clearly felt and heard someone sit down on the edge of my bed.......again, nothing frightening. Completely surprising but peaceful for my Sister and me. Both our parents and all Grandparents are deceased. My Sister and I were curious if it could be one of them. She and I are both Bible believing Christians and this really raises our curiosity.

posted on Jan, 3 2016 @ 01:47 AM
I've been dealing with this experience for over a year now. Currently our house is being investigated and monitored for Poltergeist related activity. One of the phenomena taking place is the bed thing you described. Especially with me. GF moved out.

While sleeping the mattress indents or imprints as if a pet: dog or cat leaped unto the bed and is making its way towards you. You're right the feeling is surreal. So surreal your eyes dart open because that's not suppose to happen. Esp. if you have no pets and live alone.

I've been poked from inside the mattress in my rib cage. That's weird. I've had sheets yanked off me while sleeping and scratch sounds coming from behind the head board and from inside the pillow.

Its one reason out of many why my house is being investigated by both US and UK paranormal teams.

posted on Jan, 3 2016 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: Aelfrede

There's me my wife and her three dogs.
There isn't any room for someone to sit on my bed at night!

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