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Does anyone feel someone sitting on their bed at night?

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Aelfrede

It's a succubus, she's trying to suck on you while you're sleeping!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by resoe26

Originally posted by jerryznv

Originally posted by resoe26

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha
My grandfather died at the beginning of the year. He used to stay downstairs watching TV until about 2AM while my grandmother was asleep upstairs. He was a heavy man.

My grandmother told me that she feels his weight shift on the bed around this time and it wakes her up--she wakes up thinking her husband is coming to lie down for bed. Of course, he's been gone over 6 months now. She swears she can feel the weight of him crawling into bed and waking her up.

I, myself, feel a bit of a shaking, rumbling sometimes in the my bed in the middle of the night that wakes me up (no jokes, please. I'm serious.) I sometimes wonder if it's a small earthquake or something. But it happens quite often. At least a couple of times a month with no reported quakes big enough to shake me awake.

Sorry to hear about your Grandfather. Condolences.
But your story makes me wonder if we really do leave earth upon death.
Or if at least, our energy stays behind.

Energy with gravity?

Interesting thought!

Is it possible that our "soul" leaves to the unknown.... But maybe the things we did on a daily basis stay. -Our energy of doing that stays behind and continues to do so until it dies out. Couldn't that explain hauntings as well?
-For instance, hauntings usually consist of a few things no? Such as doors opening and knocking. In any "haunted house" (example) these are the only things that happen. In another "haunted house" maybe lights flick on and off....
Could this just be the left over energy from the deceased that use to stay or hang out there?

You know...anything is possible I suppose!

I don't deny or necessarily accept the idea of "ghosts" or "energy" left behind!

To be open minded...I have to accept there is a possibility!

Peoples accounts of contact with "ghosts" almost leave anything open to why not someone sitting at the edge of a bed?

Sounds as plausible as anything else!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:22 AM
Hi there,

very strange about the cuts appearing out of the blue in the daytime like that! Do you ever notice movements in your peripheral vision?

From what you say it does seem like you have quite a strong affinity with animals. Its pure speculation but it makes you wonder if some animal spirit is trying to get your attention. Let's hope it's nothing more sinister! If at any point you feel it is, and feel desperate to sort it out, I can let you know a good protection method that's quite effective.

Take care,


Originally posted by rokkiroo reply to post by Aelfrede

thanks OP, the cuts usually appear when i am fully awake in the daytime, im not sure if it links into these experiences but i have started to notice that dogs and cats are drawn to me, i had a dog that i was VERY connected too but he died in 2010, i have'nt kept a pet since, there is a dog that lives opposite me and she barks at everything/anyone but when she sees me she is quiet as a mouse! i have always been a 'dog person' i dont really enjoy the company of cats as i am allergic to their fur etc..but,on more than one occasion i have been startled to see a cat sitting on the windowsill outside and peering in at me! i live in a block of flats (apartments) that is only acessed to the inside by a concierge type key fob, a few months ago me and my daughter heard meowing, i opened my door to find a cat! none of my neighbours have any cats.
I know some sceptics will read this thread and think we are crazy or on medication blah blah blah but i am a real person experiencing very odd things, i know what is real and what is not!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:22 AM
I hadn't considered that because I thought the encounter had to be sexual in nature?

Originally posted by sebHFX
reply to post by Aelfrede

It's a succubus, she's trying to suck on you while you're sleeping!

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Aelfrede

I have had more than enough to determine that what ever joins me on my bed is good
, and no longer scares me. Sometimes it just feels like some one is just being their for me, just watching.

edit on 14/11/12 by chloe2850 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:30 AM
Hi Chloe,

that's great! It would be nice to know all visitors are of a similar nature


Originally posted by chloe2850
reply to post by Aelfrede

I have had more than enough to determine that what ever joins me on my bed is good
, and no longer scares me. Sometimes it just feels like some one is just being their for me, just watching.

edit on 14/11/12 by chloe2850 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:59 AM
Yes, I have, but I think it's likely just an artifact of your nervous system that can occur when falling to sleep or awakening. Similar to pins & needles when you accidentally cut off blood flow of an arm, leg or hand then restore it.

Though I don't completely discount the possibility of inter dimensional entities or just those who have the ability to absorb all light or cause it to slip around them.

I just remembered that I have a reoccurring visitor lately. I have a heart problem and I'm not supposed to sleep on my stomach with my weight on it, but sometimes I just need to for a short period. Once I fell asleep on my stomach and I was awakened by feeling a hand grabbing at my lower legs and try to lift up. Of course I turned over and looked all around not to find anybody there and went back to sleep on my back. It happens now from time to time - sometimes I feel some thing and other times it comes into my dream and wakes me. I figured it's something trying to keep me alive, perhaps some kind of guardian angel, a local ghost or that of a passed loved one. Then again it could just be my subconscious doing what it do.
edit on 11/15/12 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:19 AM
Sure. I get that all the time. I have had that happen in all the houses I've lived in. Of course, all the houses I've lived in have been haunted so that might have something to do with it. Same for my husband .. he feels that all the time as well.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:05 AM
I will go your sitting on bed and go one better.

There have been a few times in my life where i have not only
felt someone sit on the bed, but one time it was light enough
to see, and i could actually see the depression in the bed.
Which was quite interesting.

Another was use to have it happen on the couch a lot in a place
i lived in about 10 years ago, usually evening or night, you would
feel like someone just sat down beside you.
So i ordered a EMF meter, thinking let's see what happens.

So off and on i kept checking the area of the couch, and never got
much at all of a reading, one evening i felt it, and had the meter handy
where i didnt have to get up, so i flipped it on and moved it twords the
area i felt was being sat on.. i was picking up a 3.4 on the meter,
normally the needle would not move when i ran it around the couch,
there were no electronics in that area. So for the next half hour i kept
checking the area and the reading was the same, some where around
3.5. The last time i checked, i got no reading at all again..which i
considered to be odd, because a magnetic field can not move unless the
source generating the field moves. So i hopped up and started checking
the living room out, and i found the same reading again, it was a 1 1/2 foot
ball of energy still reading around 3.5 but now it was about a foot from the
ceiling and a foot from the wall and just up and left of the end of the couch.

still cant say what it was or what causes it or how, but i have seen enough
to know there is something going on. Its not all in the mind or a

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Aelfrede

That's strange because thos was happening to my mom a month or so ago. I thought this was going to be a sleep paralysis thread as I have regular SP and sometimes feel like someone is beside my bed and know people that sometimes feel something on them. However that's not what my mom had. She described it exactly like a cat on the bed moving around and it scared her. Has to be an answer. Question OP how big of a bed and where do you sleep on it? She's on one side of a queen size, other side is empty. Weird questions but that's wher you may find correlation and answers.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:17 AM
What if you are making limb movements you are numb to but other parts of your body feel the reverberations in the bed and interpret it as something foreign could happen in a sleepy state.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Aelfrede

hey Aelfrede, yes i would be very interested in knowing some methods =) i tried to U2U you yesterday but i can only message mods atm, On top of all the stuff i have mentioned there is so much more to my own personal story that i could add, My home had to be 'exorcised' at one point, in fact every place i have ever lived has had strange phenomena happen. I hope it is an animal spirit trying to contact me and not anything sinister..

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by rokkiroo
PS: my vision has started to get very bad, in my peripheral vision i try not to use that as a focus as i am usually home alone all day and would be frightened so bad if i saw something strange, the haunting that i had here scared the life out of me ! =)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:10 PM
Hi verylowfrequency,

thanks for sharing your experience. I too sometimes wonder if it's a trick of the mind, especially the ones
when the bed jolts or shakes because that could be from a movement you've made (although I'm not sure
that's true, even about those). But the sitting on the bed is such a strong obvious thing, the heaviness of someone sitting down and the constancy of 'them' staying there with their pressure leaning against your leg, that I really don't think can be explained as easily by a trick of the mind or physiological processes.

As for your experience, it would certainly be reassuring that some benevolent entity was looking out for your well being by urging you back into the 'safer' position.


Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Yes, I have, but I think it's likely just an artifact of your nervous system that can occur when falling to sleep or awakening. Similar to pins & needles when you accidentally cut off blood flow of an arm, leg or hand then restore it.

Though I don't completely discount the possibility of inter dimensional entities or just those who have the ability to absorb all light or cause it to slip around them.

I just remembered that I have a reoccurring visitor lately. I have a heart problem and I'm not supposed to sleep on my stomach with my weight on it, but sometimes I just need to for a short period. Once I fell asleep on my stomach and I was awakened by feeling a hand grabbing at my lower legs and try to lift up. Of course I turned over and looked all around not to find anybody there and went back to sleep on my back. It happens now from time to time - sometimes I feel some thing and other times it comes into my dream and wakes me. I figured it's something trying to keep me alive, perhaps some kind of guardian angel, a local ghost or that of a passed loved one. Then again it could just be my subconscious doing what it do.
edit on 11/15/12 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:16 PM
Hi severdsoul,

wow I loved reading your experience with the EMF metre! Also very intriguing with the dip you saw
on the bed. I would find that most disconcerting if I saw that. Although part of me would find it incredibly amazing and mystifying too!

How great to get those readings from the EMF metre. It certainly seems like you were tracking some sort of entity. Is that what you concluded? Have you checked out your current accomodation with the metre? If so, what did you find? Btw, are EMF metres expensive?

Thanks for sharing your experience.



Originally posted by severdsoul
I will go your sitting on bed and go one better.

There have been a few times in my life where i have not only
felt someone sit on the bed, but one time it was light enough
to see, and i could actually see the depression in the bed.
Which was quite interesting.

Another was use to have it happen on the couch a lot in a place
i lived in about 10 years ago, usually evening or night, you would
feel like someone just sat down beside you.
So i ordered a EMF meter, thinking let's see what happens.

So off and on i kept checking the area of the couch, and never got
much at all of a reading, one evening i felt it, and had the meter handy
where i didnt have to get up, so i flipped it on and moved it twords the
area i felt was being sat on.. i was picking up a 3.4 on the meter,
normally the needle would not move when i ran it around the couch,
there were no electronics in that area. So for the next half hour i kept
checking the area and the reading was the same, some where around
3.5. The last time i checked, i got no reading at all again..which i
considered to be odd, because a magnetic field can not move unless the
source generating the field moves. So i hopped up and started checking
the living room out, and i found the same reading again, it was a 1 1/2 foot
ball of energy still reading around 3.5 but now it was about a foot from the
ceiling and a foot from the wall and just up and left of the end of the couch.

still cant say what it was or what causes it or how, but i have seen enough
to know there is something going on. Its not all in the mind or a

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:21 PM
Hi GogoVicMorrow,

thanks for your response. I sleep in a double bed with the other side empty (mostly) like your Mum. But I have had these experiences when someone else was in the bed too. Although I'd say more so when the other side is empty.



Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Aelfrede

That's strange because thos was happening to my mom a month or so ago. I thought this was going to be a sleep paralysis thread as I have regular SP and sometimes feel like someone is beside my bed and know people that sometimes feel something on them. However that's not what my mom had. She described it exactly like a cat on the bed moving around and it scared her. Has to be an answer. Question OP how big of a bed and where do you sleep on it? She's on one side of a queen size, other side is empty. Weird questions but that's wher you may find correlation and answers.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:31 PM
Hi again,

yes I consider this a possibility for experiences when it feels like the bed shakes or judders. But like I was saying a couple of posts above, this feels very real. Like someone sits down, the constant heaviness of someone staying there and also that pressure against your legs you feel if you are in bed and someone sits down at the side or end of your bed.

Also you mentioned in your last post that you have felt like someone was sitting on your bed before but that was in a SP state. I have OBEs and I have experienced this and other similar tactile stuff just before coming out and I have to say that it is the same sort of thing except one is experienced in a more waking state than the other. I actually strongly suspect they are both caused by entities that exist on a near dimension to this one.



Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
What if you are making limb movements you are numb to but other parts of your body feel the reverberations in the bed and interpret it as something foreign could happen in a sleepy state.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:38 PM
Hi rokkiroo,

how near are you to reaching the amount of posts needed before you can U2U? I could post about it here I suppose. Let me know if you are close to being able to U2U.

I would love to hear more about your experiences, if you don't mind sharing. What have you experienced in the home you're currently living in, other than what you've already mentioned? Maybe you might notice some connections?

Something to help for the time being that is quicker to explain than the other method, you could try using sound to help cleanse your home. This could be some particular music you find uplifting, or animal or bird sounds (black bird or robin songs are amazing for this, you could search for the sound online and then, if you have a lap top, play it in each room) or some beautiful flute music - these are just examples.

Take care,


Originally posted by rokkiroo
reply to post by Aelfrede

hey Aelfrede, yes i would be very interested in knowing some methods =) i tried to U2U you yesterday but i can only message mods atm, On top of all the stuff i have mentioned there is so much more to my own personal story that i could add, My home had to be 'exorcised' at one point, in fact every place i have ever lived has had strange phenomena happen. I hope it is an animal spirit trying to contact me and not anything sinister..

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:40 PM
Hi again,

what do you mean when you say your peripheral vision has started to get very bad? Do you mean bad as in poor vision, or bad as in you are seeing strange phenomenna?

Please share more about the haunting.


Originally posted by rokkiroo
reply to post by rokkiroo
PS: my vision has started to get very bad, in my peripheral vision i try not to use that as a focus as i am usually home alone all day and would be frightened so bad if i saw something strange, the haunting that i had here scared the life out of me ! =)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Aelfrede
Hi severdsoul,

wow I loved reading your experience with the EMF metre! Also very intriguing with the dip you saw
on the bed. I would find that most disconcerting if I saw that. Although part of me would find it incredibly amazing and mystifying too!

How great to get those readings from the EMF metre. It certainly seems like you were tracking some sort of entity. Is that what you concluded? Have you checked out your current accomodation with the metre? If so, what did you find? Btw, are EMF metres expensive?

Thanks for sharing your experience.



It was amazing and a little spooky at the same time.
But i figured what ever caused it had not hurt me yet
so might as well observe.

Ya, the house we are in now, has a little activity but
it's not like my old house was. Most the houses i have
lived in growing up had something unusual going on.
This one is a new house, we are the first to live in it,
so it's quiet most the time.

prices vary, from $20 if you search online to $700.
There are many places you can order them.
i'd list a few but not sure if mod's would allow it.

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