posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by PurpleChiten
If your implication is that you've somehow 'handed it to me' you're deluding yourself. Do you not remember the militia movement in the 90s? That
was racially motivated right? No - that was a response to the governments heavy handed tactics with Waco and Ruby Ridge. It was a much smaller
response to perceived government encroachment.
Today, with the Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act, the agencies under Homeland Security, Fast and Furious, imperialistic military
adventures, increasing taxes, encroachment of the Federal Government upon states rights, the complete disregard for Constitutionally mandated
obligations (Congress passing a budget), the Presidents execution of a 16 year old American citizen in Yemen, handing US prisoners off to foreign
countries for torture etc etc etc, people are finally becoming aware of the injustices bestowed upon them and, though it may not be serious, have
posted a gesture of their disdain online.
And with all of these different reasons to mix and match and choose from, you attribute it to the most base thing - racism. I will not deny that you
could find someone on that list who is racist. But I would contend that the vast majority are going to cite a more cerebral reason than your
pessimistic outlook upon your fellow citizens.