posted on May, 4 2003 @ 09:44 PM
Dragonrider, you go through basic with two friends, one is a hot chick and yes, you have a fling with her but BAM war breaks out and now you find
yourself in the position to save only one friend knowing the other will die, no time to act, who do you save? The woman. Posted by HKoT
First of all, perhaps I would be slightly ahead of you in this situation, as I am fully confident that I could maintain professionalism and avoid a
"fling" in a circumstance where it would be inappropriate.
In the event where I am forced to choose who to save, I would save the one that I was able to save, the one that would have the most chance of
survival. Its a classical question that is put forth to those who may potentially be given a command position. If one is wounded worse than the other,
further away, not under cover, ect, and the other one is in a better position, you save who you can, dont go after someone who may or may not survive,
and let the other die in the process. Gender would have no role in this situation (at least not if you were a professional about it).
*Note: Am I the only one picking up on the fact that HKoT seems to believe that females have next to no morals, and are only there for sexual service
of the males around?
I would ask how do you reconcile the point that instructors at very high level tactical training facilities are the ones who train the SEALS ect?
HKoT, you can be as sexist as you wish to be. However, the decision was made, long ago, and not by you. Women are in the military, and they are not
going anywhere. You can be as unhappy about it as you desire, and there will always be women in the military defending your right to gripe about it.