I feel like venting...
90% of the voters are uninformed and don’t care to be it’s simple human nature!!! Hype rules humanity.
If you think Papa John’s is the only company that going to do this you’re sadly mistaking. There are a few more companies that said the same
thing, and many many more keeping their mouth shut, but are thinking the exact same thing. It was what was warned about, but who cares about those
warning. If believe Papa John is the exception and not the norm, I have a brokenly bridge up for sale.
You see humans have a problem. We are a selfish stupid people. We are all guilty of being follower of some dumb popular opinion from time to time.
The devil is in the details and people can’t see the forest for the trees, we have a short attention span, and tend to forget the lessons we have
learnt. individuals may be smart but as a whole we are dumb. Here is an analogy, most people will turn on their TV with a remote, and never once will
ask themselves how does thing work. So why want they ask themselves that question, simple. They don’t care, they only care that it works. This
seemingly simple little act of making your TV turn on has always been taken for granted. Nobody thinks or cares about the complexity of a remote, and
of course why should you? This attitude would be fine if all you did in life was turn on a TV, but what if you the guy designing it, don’t think you
need to understand a remote?
We the people are designing our government, yet we carry the same I don’t care attitude to our voting. Obamacare is good example of this, most
people hear “healthcare for everybody” and they are happy, like pushing that button on the TV remote, you’re just happy and don’t understand
or care how it’s going to work. You never asked the question how is this going to work and what’s the cause and effect of it. You hear free
healthcare get stuck on that idea as a possibility, follow the hype, and nobody can tell you different. Who cares how works, I want free
Now let take a minute to separate the fantasy world from reality and let’s break this down as to what real companies are going to do.
Let’s say it cost a company 2000 dollars a year per employee, and you run mid to small size company with 200 employees. That 400,000 dollars a year
of loss profit. Now if you run a company with 200 employees it’s not a stretch to say you could be doing pretty well and could be making 4 million a
year. 400,000 would almost 1/8 of you income (not including all the taxes that upcoming too). Now believe it or not most rich like their money and
aren’t take 1/8 income loss. If I was rich I would like my money and be annoyed to have a 1/8 loss every year. You can morally object to that and
say companies need to the right thing, but that fantasyland. It’s not going to change the fact rich people like their money. So what happens when a
company has a loss of profit, they want to make the money back…duh!
So how you do that, well they will get rid of staff, and put more staff on part time to avoid the cost of full time benefits. Look how bad it is now
trying to find a full time job, you think obamacare is going make any easier…ha! So what’s the next they are going to do, oh raise price of
product to offset profit loss. You can’t get rid of all the staff so pass the loss off to the consumer.
Then it becomes a vicious circle, more people is going to be unemployed and need more from the government, and then government puts the squeeze on
companies, and in turn the companies put the squeeze on us, and the economy goes down, down, down. Making everybody suffer, so enjoy your free
healthcare for the short term.
This is NAFTA all over, people got convinced by the hype it was right thing to do (by both parties), and anybody that disagreed was dumb. Despite all
the warning NAFTA passed and look what it did. It’s predicted as of date by some economist, that NAFTA cost 1.4 million jobs in the US, and NAFTA
only opened trade with Mexico and Canada.
We follow hype all the time and never care about reality, we just like the fantasy that is portrayed to us. It happens in everyday life, even with
something like an iphone. People will line up in fronts stores and wait on the latest version, without the 1st review of it. Who cares if the maps
sucks, or if antenna does work, I just want follow the hype and get a new iphone. Then people realized they been had, they will spend hours trying to
justify to themselves and other they weren’t.
Now the kicker to all this, if you think the rich are greedy evil people….well yeah, but when they are doing well, we all end up doing well. We the
rich get richer we all get richer. Big business doesn’t build new plants when they are losing money…. But when they are making money it trickles
down. If a plant rolls into town, and they need engineers, then contractors, and suppliers, these people need home builders, they all need doctors,
stores, fast food joints, and so on and so on. Do you all remember a little thing called the industrial revolution?
Yet here we are today the doing exact opposite of made our country thrive, and loving it because we by into the hype…..It’s the right thing.
edit on 13-11-2012 by Tbrooks76 because: (no reason given)