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New petition on Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede

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posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

I am well versed in the pro's and cons of renouncing since it is something I have been looking at for the better part of the past 2 or 3 years. Instead of going through the official process and paying the criminals, its much easier to liquidate, leave, and simply stay gone while giving the feds the middle finger when they whine about "owed" taxes. I'm in my early 30's, I havent taken part in the American banking system in over a decade, and I make every effort to live as far removed from "the system" as I possibly can.

That being said, this nation is in desperate need of real, actual change. A balkanization definitely wouldnt be a bad thing. This nation is a pitiful, pathetic shadow of what it once was, and sadly it will never be that way again.

America is becoming a nation of parasites, those people deserve each and every ounce pain headed their way.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by muse7

"There are better ways of protesting than throwing a temper tantrum like a 14 year old threatening his parents that he's going to run away."

Is that how you see it? The federal government isn't our parent - it's our housekeeper and security guard. They are our servants - at least, that's what they're supposed to be. This is less like running away, and more like firing ineffective employees.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Wildtimes I love you in a platonic way! Nope if the Socialist Government of America where to gain a full fledged footing into the United States yeah I would not run. I would Stand and fight. Will I renounce HELL NO! why because im half native american (i know were hard to find) and half european to america mutt. Ima stand and fight. But in the mean time people need to regard this secession as a VOICE and magically its being heard. all over the news...cnn...people say nothing about renouncing.
I love my country but i dont like watching it fall into the wrong hands and trust me i tried I even forced my husband to vote and he just gave up after bush. no I didnt vote obama and no I didnt vote for romney. I like a girl told me I voted for the man that didnt have a snowballs hell in chance of winning. but i signed that petition from my state why to be a voice! I know how expensive it is and honestly its like being born into a cult, but its my cult and I will fight to the death to live free and not in fear (although I dont fear my government though I fear what the people will do to it ).

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:59 AM
Should have put a winnner up against Obama! You gotta stop crying about it.

Romney-Ryan??? Come on man! This was a loser from the start.

Sorry, but the majority does not want hear how they will lose Medicare and shoulder the tax cuts for the top 2%! Oh, and there are millions and millions in this country with no health insurance. They did not want to hear how Obamacare would be trashed with no replacement!

Maybe the most important of all was talk of entitlement cuts! You dont put military spending before entitlement spending in this country. It is political suicide!

Short of that you would have won it!

Dr. Paul would have beat Obama by a landslide, but you guys didn't want a real leader to run! Instead you split your own party by defrauding the man out of the nomination! Romney came off as Bush 2.0 and Bush would never be rel-elected!
edit on 13-11-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

It isn't just about the election, though admittedly it is the final straw. Secession talks have been around for a few years now, really since the economy tanked... just not on a national stage. The fact that people re-elected Obama, who has totally decimated the constitution over the last four years, was just fuel for the fire.

--Re-signed the Patriot Act
--Signed NDAA
--130 executive orders

He has completely went around Congress on his way to taking our country further from its purpose. So yes, people aren't happy with his re-election and rightfully so. It wouldn't be the first time an election led to secession, but wasn't the main factor.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:09 PM
Where is this petition, I'll sign it. I believe we should strive to change things appropriately and not having crazies running around trying to convince people to secede from the United States. These kind of people try to intimidate you into signing stuff that can cause our country great harm. My big concern is why the rationality of people is compromised in the first place. I am seeing all sorts of irrational behavior around here in the last couple of years. Lots more car accidents where someone wasn't thinking or paying proper attention. It is not only the thinking of the illegal drug users and drinkers that is compromised, it is a lot of other people.

When the Economy crashed it was not an excuse to start getting irrational. Just because your lifestyle takes a turn doesn't mean people had to get insane and blame others for their overextending themselves.
edit on 13-11-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:09 PM
How about a petition slapping everyone who signed a petittion stripping the citizenship of everyone who signed a petition for secession.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by braane1

This trend started under a GOP white house!

This is what is really going on, and your dear Bush started it! Now we must stay the cource because the dollar is at stake!
Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. As the price to buy a particular currency falls so too does the real price of exports from the country. Imports become more expensive too, so domestic industry, and thus employment, receives a boost in demand both at home and abroad. However, the price increase in imports can harm citizens' purchasing power. The policy can also trigger retaliatory action by other countries which in turn can lead to a general decline in international trade, harming all countries.

Here is the reason for the increasing police state!
According to economist Richard N. Cooper, writing in 1971, a substantial devaluation is one of the most "traumatic" policies a government can adopt – it almost always results in cries of outrage and calls for the government to be replaced

Bush didnt just wage war in the middle east he took on China et all in a currency war! BUSH, BUSH, BUSH and BUSH!!!!!!!

From one of the most free and prosperous nations in history we stand on the verge of a police state and financial collapse!

I really fail to see how electing Bush 2.0 I mean Romney would have solved anything! You guys have 4 more years to wrap your head around imlementing real change! Stop looking to the two party system to save you! Elect real leaders, not plastic men!

Dr. Ron Paul 2016!!!!!

P.S. Turn off FOX, CNN et all!
edit on 13-11-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I'll sign that petition also.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:13 PM
Personally I don't believe any of these states will secede.

That being said, these petitions just might get the attention of the individual state legislatures and let them know they are not really representing the views and concerns of their constituents.

They might even wake some people up to the abuse of power in our government, and the things that have been done and are being done by our government in our name.

At a minimum it will let the states know their actions are being watched at least as closely as the latest football scores.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:16 PM
Wow so many threads about petitions that have been started lately. Is there a certain process to start one that is legally acceptable? I do not take these serious by any means but they are a fun distraction. Once one of these petitions reaches say half the population of the state I will actually start considering them as something that isn’t a joke. I thought for a petition to be legal they needed the signatures to be signed in person I don’t think people typing in names on a computer from home is considered binding by any means.

I have to say this is great fun though and I want to get in on this nutjobery.

I want to start a petition that states the next time Donald Trump starts any more birther nonsense that by law he will be taken down to the nearest pair of clippers and that poor ferret that has been stuck to his head must be set free. I wonder if he will look like gold finger from the bond movie with his head shaved.

Anyone who knows how to start a petition like that? Please U2U me and I will get to work.

edit on 13-11-2012 by Grimpachi because:

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Just start getting signatures, but if this one passed the Supreme Court would likely rule that it violate his rights! You might could get him as soon as it became law though!

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:19 PM
I'm totally for the right to secede. This is an incredibly violent country, and the Federal government will have no problem with having another country to use their military on. Sadly, secession would be extremely violent, in my view.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:19 PM

edit on 13-11-2012 by trysts because: dbl post

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:23 PM
I see it as more of a peaceful protest and a statement that people are not happy with how things are progressing. As Americans, we do have the right to protest, voice our opinions and disagree.

Regardless of who would have won the election, half the nation would be upset. Because no president, and no politician is going to put their career on the line and do what is right for the people. They are going to support their parties, their buddies, their special interest.

Each election in recent years has gotten more nasty, evoked more feelings then the previous one. And its because Americans are hurting. We have nothing to believe in anymore.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by rockintitz

How about just strip the SSN, Birth cert, Drivers licence and all that jazz from the petitioners.
Heck I would sign for that alone.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:27 PM
Anouther waste of effort! State supreme courts will knock this down if it made the ballot!

You want real change? Stop voting for the two party system! Stop believing one side of the same old coin is better than the other!
edit on 13-11-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by muse7
I'm sure there are many right wing paradises where these nuts can go live! Where there are no social safety nets, no health care and where they can get into daily gunfights

There are many immigrants waiting to be part of this great union, we won't miss these crybabies

Like always, leftwingers with not one inch of grey matter in all of them put together...

SAFETY NETS doesn't equal socialism or leftwing... SAFETY NETS were put in place a LOOONG time before you were even born, and before there were ANY leftwingers in power in the U.S...

Learn some U.S. history, and btw, you have to be an idiot to write BS about guns and then have an avatar with what appears to be a criminal with a fully automatic weapon...

And one more thing... it is people like YOU who want to CHANGE the nation into a leftwinger/socialist paradise, if anyone should leave are those like YOU...

Don't let the door hit you on the way out...

edit on 13-11-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

edit on 13-11-2012 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by rockintitz

So this is what the future holds for naysayers. Wonderful... first amendment continues to be belittled.

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