reply to post by boncho
Hey Boncho, I also enjoy a full wardrobe.
I love John Mabry Clothiers thin, dark grey pinstriped navy three piece, and all the stripes run right, unlike all the cheap cut "suits" one sees on
politicians and television presenters, with bad stipe width, color, and spacing, but worst of all, the right side of the jacket has stripes running
off at a strangely comical angle. A clothier of good reputation would never use that piece of material, he'd insist on taking an extra bit of
material to make it perfect, but looking at the stripes in...gasp...WHITE, on navy or even silver. One shouldn't notice the stripes, well not like a
dayglo racing stripe on a brown 83 oldsmobile 4 door at least.
My undergarments are generally fitted to me, as most are silk, some with another fabric in the fibers for stretch as in my socks.
I didn't know it was uncommon for men to wear silks here, but the first time my doctor saw my undershirt she said...."Oh. I like that! Where did you
buy a silk undershirt?" My answer was of course, same place I got the briefs. Yes she wanted to see, she's a good kid, far too beautiful to be
inspecting my package packing, but I let her peek anyway. "Those are sheer too, are they comfortable?" Certainly dear, want to try them on? Darn it.
I showed her mine....cheat!
I love her laugh. she told me her husband would probably have some objection to such light material, and they felt all silky like like women wear.
I told her that I discovered them in England, and ordered from my clothier, they are the most comfortable thing you can wear when dressed...or not.
Cotton is fine for under bluejeans, but I don't like underwear lines anymore than ladies.
I find that between my cold weather silks and my warm weather ones I am able to stay warm in the worst of conditions, so yes, the silks even go
hunting, in fact L.L. Bean Outfitters has cold weather silks for hunters, it's a relatively inexpensive way to be both warm and dry.
My other underthings are also bought in "better" places, but Fruit of The Loom isn't bad, just cheap, and for most guys good enough. I wear Bike
and Jockey. I'm older, and (not bragging) well blessed, I find I need the support briefs offer, lest my testicles descend to knee length by evening,
with the attendant discomfort of being tuned to a middle C.
I didn't think a few thousand was too much to pay for what you like, and as you said, quality wears forever.
My silks, as fine as they are never seem to wear out.
As for flatulence coverage, well, I don't think my family does that. We are terribly refined (who'd uh thunk it?) Our customary manners and our
perhaps quaint way of living has served us well...perhaps too well, we don't "burp" either. Well, we don't after we've been through primary
Enough to live well and leave our children in good stead, that is after all even more important.
Good day Boncho.