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What's wrong with being chipped?

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posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by GameKeeper
Ill take a bullet or beheading over a chip any day of the week.. this is how they steal your soul. it is the true mark of the beast. the architect of the universe didnt intend for us to be implanted with anything!!! this thread is a joke, right????

No this thread wasn't a joke, or a troll. It was an honest question. Perhaps slightly trollish in that I
may have alluded to being "pro-chip".....I am not.

Obviously, on this site, chip implants are vehemently opposed. But we, as a group, are
a curious microcosm of aware and informed individuals. Society at large is not as savvy as we are,
and it is society's inherent naivety and gullibility that the danger lies.

You see, I believe personal information and tracking technologies are just around the corner.
And with all new technologies that can be used to control us, we are at first wary and
vigilant. But a slow erosion of our vigilance takes place and people begin to see these new
technoligies as something to be desired.

If I were to tell you thirty years ago that most people in the US, Britain, Europe, and the rest of the
civilized world would be *willingly* carrying devices that track their every movement in real time;
that these devices would be equipped with cameras and microphones that could be turned on
remotely by government (without warrant) to spy on these same citizen's surroundings and
conversations (and even intimate personal encounters) would probably tell me that I am crazy.

But such is the case today with smart phones. And this intrusion in more pervasive than even having
government spy upon you. In the US it is perfectly legal to purchase online spy
programs that can be used to hack ANYONE's smart phone by simply dialing a number on that
phone and linking it to the spy programs internet website. From that point forward any information
that passes thru this phone is available to the person who purchased the spy program--including
detailed information on the phone's contacts, e-mail, texts, conversations, and even provides remote
access of the phone's camera and microphone.

And we have EMBRACED this technology. To be honest, most of us couldn't imagine living
without it.

And how was this technology packaged and sold to us?......By appeal to personal convenience.

And this is the same way that personal chip technology will be packaged and sold to us.

So remember to remain vigilant when you are tempted to take the chip for convenience, remember
what you said years ago about how you would resist, and keep that promise to yourself...

I for one will never be chipped willingly....And I won't forget my vow to myself or to you

edit on 13-11-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 06:54 PM
They'll never chip me, unless I'm dead...and since I plan on being cremated...good luck with that. I don't care if they say it's good or bad. You can count me out.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 09:51 PM
Have any of you watched the digital series, "H Plus", on Youtube?

edit on 13-11-2012 by Q33323 because: General edit

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by rival

I'm not reading through three pages of answers so sorry if mine has been said.

Hackers. Hackers will hack into anything given the challenge. If they can hack into government databases, just think what they could do with your information. Identity theft would be my major concern.

It's an electronic device. What if it malfunctions? What if something goes wrong? And the rumours of it causing cancer?

Nope, no thanks. I came into this world naturally, I'll leave it naturally too.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by rival

for starters;
bio-weapon "OFF" SWITCH
for enders (double entendre).

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by joyride0187
Not considering all of the privacy issues, being chipped is the mark of the beast.

Other than it's a popular internet meme, why do you think that? Seriously.

Put down the Texe Marrs, back away, and consider why this is true.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Charmeine

FWIW, the Bible talks about the "mark" causing grotesque boils (and probably cancer) and then it would probably be easy to hack....just walking by someone with the correct equipment.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Bonified Ween
This has to be one of the most ridiculous questions I have seen on this website, and there are alot. That's like asking someone, "What's wrong with being raped?" or " What's wrong with being tortured?".

A bit over the top, don't you think?

1. Chips can be hacked and users could put whatever they wanted on them.

Hey, think of it as an extension of tats and piercings then. Put in a chip and put whatever you want on it. So, then what do you foresee? Nothing. No one cares.

2. Guaranteed the majority of the "ruling elite" sure as hell won't put a chip in themselves

Hey, most of them can't shop for themselves either, but it doesn't affect me much.

3. Frequencies can be broadcasted through RFID chips to alter your behavior by affecting your brainwave patterns and your basic physiology opening the chances of more physical ailments to occur in a person.

Tripe. Balderdash. Piffle.

4. I can keep going on what's wrong with it. By putting that chip in your body you are opening yourself up to be manipulated 1000000% on many levels. Not only are you openly broadcasting a radio signal from your body all the time, don't hesitate to think for a minute they don't already have the tech to manipulate these radio frequencies.

They don't broadcast. Hell, they don't even transmit radio waves. And the phrase "manipulate these radio frequencies" doesn't make sense, technically, although it's a popular meme on ATS.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
It's easy enough to steal somebody's identity as is, but what about when everybody's chipped and all that info is in one place? And, forget about the chips themselves, what about all the databases that are going to be running off that information and probably storing it? I have very serious concerns about privacy and identity theft.

The part never contains anything but a unique id. No info per se.

I'm concerned about safety. I've read reports about cell phones being a cancer risk. How much more of a risk are these chips going to present when they're in my body and can't be turned off?

They're never on. They don't transmit. They have no power source.

-What happens if I go through a powerful EMF field? The chip is going to be made of metal. Will this thing burst into flames, explode, etc?

MRI machines could cause you an issue. Any EMF field (per se) that would cause physical damage to the run-of-the-mill h-field implant would kill you outright. A big time-varying h-field might be an issue.

-Have they been tested long term to insure that they don't break from wear and tear and leak hazardous things or parts?
-Have they been tested to make sure they won't break from blunt force and leak hazardous chemicals or parts?
-What if I'm allergic to one of the metals they use?

Everything breaks. Yank it, put in another. There's no hazardous chemicals in one. They're enclosed in glass, then what's supposedly a neutral plastic sleeve. You ought never come in contact with the innards.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 10:48 PM
I do agree with those that say hard criminals should be required to wear a chip at all times. To be used as a tracking device - especially the repeat offenders, murders, pedophiles, rapists, etc. Like a permanent mark on your record. But nope, sorry. Not for this chick.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Charmeine
I do agree with those that say hard criminals should be required to wear a chip at all times. To be used as a tracking device -

Except that they don't do this, any more than a bar code tattoo. No tracking for you.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:28 PM
Doesn't your brain run on tiny electrical impulses? What happens when you put a micro chip in a computer and turn on the power? The chip runs the computer. Since no one knows how advanced the technology in the people chip might be, after they get so many people to have one they could flip a switch or send a signal down from a satellite and take you over. Kind of far fetched, but who knows?

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by korath
Doesn't your brain run on tiny electrical impulses?

No. It produces tiny electrical impulses as part of its operation, the way a car produces engine noise.

What happens when you put a micro chip in a computer and turn on the power? The chip runs the computer.

Well, if you do it right, your computer works the way it should. After all, they're made up of "microchips" although no-one in the design business would call them that. Microchip is a company name the way Kleenex is. No chips, no computer.

Since no one knows how advanced the technology in the people chip might be, after they get so many people to have one they could flip a switch or send a signal down from a satellite and take you over. Kind of far fetched, but who knows?

I do. The statement "no one knows" is illogical on its face. SOMEONE knows - the things were designed and produced after all. But in truth, there's not a lot to them. And they're not implanted in your brain.Not that they'd do anything in particular if you did. It would just be a pain in the butt to put them there, and it's a lot more dangerous than just implanting them subcutaneously.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 11:48 PM
Problems with being chipped? For one thing, the reason why people are scared, is because the UN wants everybody "chipped." You can get your own personal chip for yourself, and that's fine, but don't make everyone else have the mark of the beast on their arm.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 12:17 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

The issue is both the privacy concerns and for the religious the concern over the 'Mark'.

As far as both of these issues go though, the whole thing is moot.
There is something better that they have cooked up through the Real ID Act, that may also be the 'Mark'. Many people simply do not understand what is secretly going on with their drivers licenses and ID cards right now.

The government has instituted the Real ID act, which is not only a National ID system, but an International ID system. It uses the same Biometric standards set by the UN for the Epassport, including the use of the Biometric International Civil Aviation Organization Facial Recognition Photography:

Machine readable Documents
4. Biometric identification
4.1 “Biometric identification” is a generic term used to describe automated means of recognizing a living
person through the measurement of distinguishing physiological or behavioural traits.
4.2 A “biometric template” is a machine-encoded representation of the trait created by a computer
software algorithm and enables comparisons (matches) to be performed to score the degree of confidence that
separately recorded traits identify (or do not identify) the same person. Typically, a biometric template is of
relatively small data size; however, each manufacturer of a biometric system uses a unique template format,
and templates are not interchangeable between systems.
4.3 Doc 9303 considers only three types of biometric identification systems. These are the physiological
ones of:
• facial recognition (mandatory)
• fingerprint (optional)
• iris recognition (optional)
An international standard, ISO/IEC 19794 composed of several parts, provides specifications for these types
of biometric identification. Issuing States shall conform to these specifications.

REAL ID- MORE Than Just Drivers License Control and Expanding Rapidly
The goal of our government and the government of other countries is total worldwide biometric enrollment.  On page 68 of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Real ID Act 2005 released in March, 2007, by the Department of Homeland Security appears a footnote that reads as follows:
“17 The relevant ICAO standard is ICAO 9303 Part 1 Vol 2, specifically ISO/IEC 19794-5 – Information technology – Biometric data interchange
formats – Part 5: Face image data, which is incorporated into ICAO 9303”.
The ICAO is the International Civil Aviation Organization, an agency of the United Nations.
There is only one reason for international standards and the reliance of international organizations to implement U.S. law and that is to facilitate global information sharing.

So if you don't understand what this means, simply put, they will never need to 'Mark” you with a chip, they can use your facial recognition photo to track you anytime you pass a camera. An implanted RFID chip is only readable over a short distance, say 10 feet max, where Facial Recognition is usable from hundreds of feet, in crowds, and even in moving cars.

Here, in Florida, the Sheriffs office has already started installing these camera’s on the crossbars of streetlights all around town.
Agency’s Use Of Driver Licenses In Facial Recognition Is First In The Nation

So, Floridians have had to give up our state rights under Article One Section 12 of the Florida state constitution, as well as our rights under the US Constitution, that we are to be “secure in our documents” without a warrant, just to get a drivers license. We are also tracked like criminals constantly, and they have even gone so far as to install “Pre-Crime” cameras in downtown Tampa because of the RNC:
Pre-Crime Cameras For RNC In Tampa
Coupled with Facial Recognition, we are becoming an Orwellian Society, which is pretty much what John was warning us about in Revelation...

For those who are religious, the Real ID, or “Gold Star” Compliant Drivers License already fits ALL the criteria of being the 'Mark of the Beast'. The quote in the Bible that mentions the 'Mark' being 'IN' the 'Hand or Forehead' does not necessarily literally mean “IN”. The word used for “IN” has something along the lines of 28 possible translations, including the fact that it might mean that you're biometric hand/forehead is IN the mark (database) itself.

Also the DHS calls its “Gold Star” a 'Mark', not a logo, seal, or symbol.
Funny eh?

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
So if you don't understand what this means, simply put, they will never need to 'Mark” you with a chip, they can use your facial recognition photo to track you anytime you pass a camera. An implanted RFID chip is only readable over a short distance, say 10 feet max, where Facial Recognition is usable from hundreds of feet, in crowds, and even in moving cars.

Actually, 10 feet for an implant is nearing the limits of physics for reading it set by the near field. OTOH, as the return signal falls off with the sixth power of the distance and you've got an insurmountable SINAD issue with the way they are read, about 40" is the best you can get, unless you contrive to make the car drive through a loop, in which case you can do a tweak better. The drivers' license parts are a different thing altogether, and can be read from about 30 feet with ease, if you have a RealID with the e-field part.

However, you made my point exactly. Facial or iris recognition will start rolling out soon, and the whole implant thing's moot, at least until people figure out that they can wear scleral lenses with iris prints on and face appliances.

For those who are religious, the Real ID, or “Gold Star” Compliant Drivers License already fits ALL the criteria of being the 'Mark of the Beast'. The quote in the Bible that mentions the 'Mark' being 'IN' the 'Hand or Forehead' does not necessarily literally mean “IN”. The word used for “IN” has something along the lines of 28 possible translations, including the fact that it might mean that you're biometric hand/forehead is IN the mark (database) itself.

"Mark" or charagma, has a lot of meanings, too, among them "vow", "contract", or "commitment".

And the hand/forehead thing referred to by John of Patmos comes from here:

And it shall be for a sign for you upon your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand did the LORD bring you out of Egypt.
—Exodus 13:9

And it shall be for a sign upon your hand, and as totafot between your eyes; for with a mighty hand did the LORD bring us forth out of Egypt.
—Exodus 13:16

And you shall bind them as a sign upon your arm, and they shall be as totafot between your eyes.
—Deuteronomy 6:8

You shall put these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall tie them for a sign upon your arm, and they shall be as totafot between your eyes.
—Deuteronomy 11:18

in which are described what are known as tefillin. A purpose of tefillin is to demonstrate you carry God's word in your deeds and thoughts. The mark would then more likely consist of your willing vow to do the work of the anti-Christ than any physical mark or little gold star on your drivers' license.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:41 AM
The second some celebrity gets this done and goes public about it... You will see the sheeple lining up to get theirs too. (Jersey Shore followers being first)
SAD... Just SAD

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 11:23 AM
There are somethings in Nature and the Universe that should not be done. This goes against freewill, privacy and about a dozen of other things as well. End line is just no simply no and NO !!

I would rather starve to death then become a digital slave. Is financial slavery not enough for you people ? Honestly come on !!

This is our right to be born free each and everyone of us. We should not do what the government tells us to do a great man once said "A government of the people, by the people, with the people" This is goes against everything that a government should be.

Your father and family specified not to receive such a thing unto your body. We all know the main areas where it will be implanted is the forehead or the right hand. This is exactly like signing a contract, making a commitment and saying yes to being branded. Heck if people are that blind to ignore everything that is happening around them, then we got a serious need for outside interference on this planet before it is too late.
edit on 14-11-2012 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by rival
What's the downside to having a personally implanted RFID chip?

It seems to me there would be much benefit.

No need to carry ID
No need to know your medical history or provide the history every time you are sick
An implanted device could hold all your banking need to carry much cash.
If a person went missing and the device was equipped with GPS they could be found quickly
School transcripts, college transcripts, work history....all of this could be stored making
the hiring process when looking for a job much easier.
Criminals could be tracked, fake alibis exposed, and criminals could even be placed
at the scene of a crime by the information stored on their chip...

So what's the downside?
edit on 12-11-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

Nothing, it is the perfect convenience. It makes perfect sense, it will be effective, it will be welcomed and ushered in! People will be clamoring to receive them. There was a club in Europe that gave away 1000s of chips for the mere convenience of getting VIP access into the club without waiting in line.

This is why the chip was prophesized, and why it is so important to continue to educate our children about its dangers. By the time the chip is implemented, it will be a no-brainer, everybody will want one.

The downside of course is serving the beast, which most of us already do, we just don't wear his ring yet. Take the chip and officially become property of the beast, things will be so much easier on you.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by rival
What's the downside to having a personally implanted RFID chip?

It seems to me there would be much benefit.

No need to carry ID
No need to know your medical history or provide the history every time you are sick
An implanted device could hold all your banking need to carry much cash.
If a person went missing and the device was equipped with GPS they could be found quickly
School transcripts, college transcripts, work history....all of this could be stored making
the hiring process when looking for a job much easier.
Criminals could be tracked, fake alibis exposed, and criminals could even be placed
at the scene of a crime by the information stored on their chip...

So what's the downside?
edit on 12-11-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

Rival, all BS aside here a realistic scenario for the implementation of the RFID chip.

You call up Pizza Hut and order a pizza. Pay for it VIA chip. Next month you health insurance premium is doubled six months because they saw your pizza purchase and have now decided you pose a higher risk for heart attack. So in order too make you stop eating pizza, they double your insurance for six months.

So, now, let's say your having financial problems cause your health insurance doubled. So you don't pay your car insurance, again VIA your chip. So, next week you get onto the highway to go to work and your car chip (which works in concert with your RFID chip) now triggers a police response because your RFID chip says you missed your car ins payment 7 days ago and you should not be driving. So now the police are behind you within a mile of you getting on the highway that now taxes you per mile Via your car and RFID chip instantly every time you access an on ramp. So anyway, there behind you. And they cut off your car/RFID chip so you stall and pull over. Now, the police arrest you, book you, and seize all monies on your RFID chip instantly because you forfeited your right to use the chip because you committed a misdemeanor.

Do you get the picture? It's ALL about government and is business control.

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