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What's wrong with being chipped?

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posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:58 PM
What's the downside to having a personally implanted RFID chip?

It seems to me there would be much benefit.

No need to carry ID
No need to know your medical history or provide the history every time you are sick
An implanted device could hold all your banking need to carry much cash.
If a person went missing and the device was equipped with GPS they could be found quickly
School transcripts, college transcripts, work history....all of this could be stored making
the hiring process when looking for a job much easier.
Criminals could be tracked, fake alibis exposed, and criminals could even be placed
at the scene of a crime by the information stored on their chip...

So what's the downside?
edit on 12-11-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:59 PM
Not considering all of the privacy issues, being chipped is the mark of the beast.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:01 PM
If our governments were decent trustworthy people I wouldn't mind being chipped BUT they are not are they.
It is ok them watching us all the time but who watches the watchmen?
Oh and add something to your post not just a title.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

I hit the wrong button and created the thread before typing up the content.

Looking into the future I'm afraid we are moving towards some system of identification that
will be pervasive. Either a chip, or a bio-metric database utilizing something like a retinal
scan (though I believe an implantable device that will be somehow tamper-proof will be
the final conclusion).

My question is honest. What are the downsides of being implanted with a tracking/information
device? Do they out-weigh the up-side?

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:13 PM
How about being cut out of the system, all cash transactions disabled, no permit to travel, no medical care, nothing.... Just because all someone has to do is press enter when you break one little rule. Fines taken from your account as soon as you go over the speed limit or stop in a restricted area, how about this is just an easier way for them to constantly rip the masses of, and treat them like stock.
edit on 12-11-2012 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by rival

Yes seeing that hackers can get your personal info easy, imagine if they could duplicate your chip and then rob a bank, the chip says it was you and you go to jail.
It will never happen unless everyone is honest and that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Like I said before who monitors the chip? and can they be trusted?

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:15 PM
"What's the downside to having a personally implanted RFID chip? "

For now I'd say the greatest danger is putting up with industry shills who seek to desensitize the public with honeyed words and silver tongues over this, the real danger comes later after the uneducated "convert". Then, with the technology in place and that close to home, they can work with the implanted technology, and any known or unknown backdoors can be linked up.

Call it a full-blown case of anti-trust against the corrupt here. Because I'm not stupid enough to trust them. It's a slippery slope, it can be hacked and manipulated, it constitutes the Mark of the Beast, it's been proven as cancer-causing, because brainwaves operate at extremely-low frequencies and Russians demonstrated how easy it is to work with that technology.

I'm sorry, were there any advantages that couldn't be filled by a plastic card?

I'll stop short of calling you a shill, OP, as it seems you are more playing advocate to prod the emotions of the other side than prove your point.

edit on 12-11-2012 by Northwarden because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Unwanted tracking, the possibility of a remote detonate kill switch for 'terrorists.'

And criminals would cut off your hand instead of just take your wallet if you end up in a rough neighborhood.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:18 PM
This has to be one of the most ridiculous questions I have seen on this website, and there are alot. That's like asking someone, "What's wrong with being raped?" or " What's wrong with being tortured?".

1. Chips can be hacked and users could put whatever they wanted on them.
2. Guaranteed the majority of the "ruling elite" sure as hell won't put a chip in themselves
3. Frequencies can be broadcasted through RFID chips to alter your behavior by affecting your brainwave patterns and your basic physiology opening the chances of more physical ailments to occur in a person.
4. I can keep going on what's wrong with it. By putting that chip in your body you are opening yourself up to be manipulated 1000000% on many levels. Not only are you openly broadcasting a radio signal from your body all the time, don't hesitate to think for a minute they don't already have the tech to manipulate these radio frequencies.

If you want the chip so bad and think its such a great thing. Go to your local hospital and get one. I suggest you double think your position on it not being a bad thing , even though most of your reasons are out of being lazy.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by rival
What's the downside to having a personally implanted RFID chip?

It seems to me there would be much benefit.

No need to carry ID
No need to know your medical history or provide the history every time you are sick
An implanted device could hold all your banking need to carry much cash.
If a person went missing and the device was equipped with GPS they could be found quickly
School transcripts, college transcripts, work history....all of this could be stored making
the hiring process when looking for a job much easier.
Criminals could be tracked, fake alibis exposed, and criminals could even be placed
at the scene of a crime by the information stored on their chip...

So what's the downside?
edit on 12-11-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

No need to carry ID - Correct! And now anyone with a simple near field communication device can find out exactly who you are, where you live, and any sort of information generally deemed private!

Medical records - Correct again! Now, let's say you have a simple allergy, peanuts, for example. This same nefarious person with a scanner can find that out about you, and do all sorts of nefarious person things! Extort money from you with peanuts? Why not? The sky is the limit when you have a hard weakness (allergy, etc).

Money - Hey no problem! I'll just scan you while walking past in the crowd and empty your savings into my offshore account. Kthanx!

GPS - Yep! Just think about those times you want to be alone, or let's say you and 40 others fit the bill for a wanted criminal... FOUND YOU! You get to be hauled in to your local PD and treated like a criminal, just because you look like a guy that did something wrong. Well, you and 40 other dudes that all have brown hair, brown eyes, and are approximately 5'10 with a light complexion.

Work History - That doesn't even make sense. I've been through a few fortune 50 companies HR processes, and several more mom and pop processes, and neither has taken long. If you're looking at it through the eyes of the HR processor, trying to make their "On-boarding" of new workers easier, I could see the positives. Then again, the other side to that coin is that I now know where you went, when you graduated, what you studied, where you've worked, how much money you were paid, how many days you didn't show up for work, all of your reviews (good and bad) and I can create a complete living profile on you. How bad is that? Have you ever been harassed?

I will stop there.

I'm a normal person. I'm not a criminal. I don't have the time to really think these things out, but just think, if the technology is out there to scan you legitimately, then it is also out there to scan you illegitimately. Having all of your personal information (what sets you apart from me) in one place, scanned in seconds, and used against you for the rest of your life is a terrible idea.

Give the real criminals some time, and I'm sure they could lay it out better than I can.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:20 PM
My first thought was to envolk the Fourth Amendment to the U S Constitution.

On second thought how about the best reason of all ---- I don't want to be tagged like a wild animal or somebody"s pet.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:21 PM
Direct cellular contact frequency flow is what is wrong with that.

Anyone who has an implant of any kind should immediately take it out.

They are not likely ET and chips that have already been implanted through fake abduction scenarios are just a precursor to what could lie ahead right in the face of the public and so anyone supporting this are to be singled out as a very serious threat to freedom.

To not be "evil" those who support it would have to be incredibly stupid. I know stupidity is rampant but that is stupidity on an unthinkable level so therefore those who support it must be evil and this should be made loud and clear.

This should NEVER be accepted.
edit on 12-11-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
If our governments were decent trustworthy people I wouldn't mind being chipped BUT they are not are they.


The trouble is no government will ever win the trust of an entire nation. There will always be suspicious people among the masses, especially those who feel they have the raw end of the deal, and you can't make everyone happy so...

But does it make sense for people who worry about TPTB holding such privileged information when the government as it is can pretty much get that information from anyone they want to at the moment anyway?

Maiming, murders, identity theft e.t.c for the sake of personal gain already happens right now. There will always be people who try to exploit any system put into place. So I do wonder if most of the disadvantages associated with being chipped aren't already in effect right now?

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by rival

number one, loss of privacy

number two, a chip can cause cancer probabilities to rise, via the body trying reject the chip not mention the rf waves constantly going in and out of the chip, which it seems like we are already expose to enough.

number 3 eventually as nano technology advances the chip could be used as a wepon against the host,

number 4 loss of privacy

number 5 chips with signals going in and out of them can be hacked and info can be changed or exploited.

number 6 say we become dependent on these chips, and yours malfunctions, the hospital cant get ur records and u cant use it to pay for food. or ur lost and since u have no signal or altered signal they will never find you

number 7 loss of privacy

number 8 there is a chip inside of you that is not natural.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:26 PM
We need biological chip, wich have a persons DNA ID.
From my perspective is not so bad.
as u see today people withoud cid are doing old illegal imoral mortal stuff.
IF we people, accept CID , its our responsability to choose a valuable and trustworthy leaders.
as we see people are not responsible today, or, at least they dont want this responsability because various selfpreservation fearful reasons.

In near brihter future, im For CID., correctly DNA CID
Maybe even today, it will fix.. a lot of stuff.
but, im for cid only in case: leaders and authorities does Not have a kill or plug off button.
edit on 12-11-2012 by wwwchronos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:30 PM
It's easy enough to steal somebody's identity as is, but what about when everybody's chipped and all that info is in one place? And, forget about the chips themselves, what about all the databases that are going to be running off that information and probably storing it? I have very serious concerns about privacy and identity theft.

I have concerns about losing a hand in the future to a thief because, right now, they just demand my wallet. When there's not wallet to be had, if they wonna steal something, they're gonna be having to cut off body parts.

I'm concerned about safety. I've read reports about cell phones being a cancer risk. How much more of a risk are these chips going to present when they're in my body and can't be turned off?

Other concerns in the area of safety include:

-What happens if I go through a powerful EMF field? The chip is going to be made of metal. Will this thing burst into flames, explode, etc?
-Have they been tested long term to insure that they don't break from wear and tear and leak hazardous things or parts?
-Have they been tested to make sure they won't break from blunt force and leak hazardous chemicals or parts?
-What if I'm allergic to one of the metals they use?

My concerns about safety are double when it comes to children. Kids are weird. They have sensitivities that an adult just doesn't have.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:30 PM
Some good replies so far, and quickly too.


Mark of the beast
Having your chip "turned off"
Suspicion of "who" is in charge of oversight of the technology
GPS enabled chips that could ticket speed limit violators in real time (my favorite so far)
Hackers obtaining your information (identity theft--personal banking theft)
Low frequency waves affecting the brain
PRIVACY ISSUES (tracking etc.)
Having your hand cut-off! (yikes, my second favorite....nope, make that my first favorite)
AND...I just plain don't want one

So far so good...

edit on 12-11-2012 by rival because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:38 PM
Watch this movie.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:38 PM
I don't get it, even in our media-blitzed culture. There's hundreds of top-selling apocolyptic movies showing us what some psychos are hoping to create, few disagree we're already living in an Orwellian nightmare, and still people continue to trust in the technology they are advocating. Dispense with the rest, and I'd say the Terminator outlook on corporate takeover and the Matrix are all you really need to look at. Machines and computers will be the ruling tools of choice. What is gained by saying this is "inevitable"? It's far from inevitable if enough people stop throwing caution to the wind and rejecting it with determination enough.

p.s. - A few years ago, anyone casting a disapproving eye at new science and technology was called a "luddite". Now so few watchdogs exist that very little go-ahead is needed. Anyone can become a mad scientist if they own a nanotech lab and have a business liscence. Think-tanks and publicly-released impact studies used to cost us many thousands and caused complaints over the cost, but now what do we have? Accountability and responsibility for products and services must have been yester-years fad too. If it's something your children are bringing to your attention via schools, chances are it's something they want to implement on the sly. Let's make sure corporations don't have final word in their education!
edit on 12-11-2012 by Northwarden because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:43 PM
Easy - we don't know all the downsides yet.

Technology has a weird way of evolving. It can easily evolve to destroy us rather than save us.

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