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Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by gnosticagnostic
Ah. Thank you for putting that straight. There would be a major reduction in abortions if Plan B and the Morning After Pill were made easily available to all women. The Church has no issue when thousands of fertilized Human Egg Cells are killed after a select few are used to impregnate a woman at a Fertility they should not have issue with a method that will not allow a Fertilized egg to implant itself in the uterine wall.
If they do object then this would be the HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY! Split Infinity
Eventually we will be abortion live breathing infants legally where it is illegal to leave your baby in a garbage can. One is legal one isn't. Outcome is still the same for the baby.
I may agree with you completely, depending on what some words mean. I would think we would allow people to tell others of their beliefs, that seems like First Amendment time. As far as legally goes, well the idea of voting comes into play here. People vote for all sorts of things, legalizing prostitution and drugs, banning or allowing guns, whether gay marriages should be recognized or not. I would think we should still allow that sort of thing. But I agree with you that forcing people to accept one religion or another is not only wrong, it is stupid.
Chuck...although I believe that people have a right to believe as they wish...I do not agree with others pushing their beliefs either verbally or legally upon others.
In my own defense, may I say I was responding to a poster who was accepting the idea of a "true morality?" I was simply building on that. But I still believe the underlying principles of morality are universal, or nearly so.
What some may believe are Moral Imperatives or their concepts of Morality being so cut and dry...are NEVER SHARED by others with a total different concept upon what is acceptable.
I always thought the Church opposed contraception, with the desire to not prevent fertilized eggs from becoming implanted. They also don't want to see them destroyed. I'm missing the hypocrisy. What do you have in mind?
I am aware of this. Do you not see this as Hypocrisy? The two events have the same outcome...that being the Deaths of Fertilized Eggs. Split Infinity
But maybe I'm looking at something different from what you meant.
The Catholic Church opposes all kinds of in vitro fertilisation because, as with contraception, it separates the procreative purpose of the marriage act from its unitive purpose:
This particular doctrine, often expounded by the magisterium of the Church, is based on the inseparable connection, established by God, which man on his own initiative may not break, between the unitive significance and the procreative significance which are both inherent to the marriage act.