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MSNBC Host Toure- "Tears of Joy For Me, The White House is Staying Black!"

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posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by TheMaverick

43 of 44 Presidents have been white, you'll have to excuse black people for feeling excited.
a white president is status qou, a black president is not

it doesn't make this man racist, and if a white person says it, it does come off bad, most of U.S culture and marketing is geared at white people......

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by TrustfundYou're part of the problem, you are part of the PC brigade where people can't even make racial jokes without being called racist.

so you're condoning racist jokes .. well as long as they are against whites .. I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune if 'torres' or whatever his name is, was white and saying 'I'm pretty pissed off that the white house is staying black ' ..

I'm all for good comedy but there's obviously a double standard here .. whites apparently are fair game to be mocked .. say anything remotely critical of blacks and you're screwed .. you know very well anyone making a 'racist' joke involving black people would get crucified .. making racist jokes against whites seems to be socially acceptable which I get .. I don't really care about what he said .. it does seem to be a 'joke' .. but if what he said is ok .. then making a 'light hearted racist' joke about blacks or anyone else should be ok as well .. and you know that's not the case .. can't have it both ways .. either everyone is deemed off limits or none are

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by CoolStoryMan
reply to post by TheMaverick

43 of 44 Presidents have been white, you'll have to excuse black people for feeling excited.
a white president is status qou, a black president is not

it doesn't make this man racist, and if a white person says it, it does come off bad, most of U.S culture and marketing is geared at white people......

I don't live in jim crow times .. no one around me is 'oppressed' .. nor did I or anyone alive have anything to do with that .. we're all equal in today's world .. PLENTY of people who are NOT white succeed in today's world .. and plenty of whites do not .. you'll have to excuse me for having a problem with this little double standard where the 'torres' of the world are allowed to openly mock whites without repercussion but whites are muted and even scorned to the point of having their life altered for saying anything critical of anyone .. if you believe this guy is ok with saying what he says .. then you have to be ok with whites doing the same .. period

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:18 AM
Before I weigh in on this...

Why is the controversial part of this video out of sync with the lips? during the "staying black still call it the white house etc...does not match the lip movements.

Not saying its definately doctored..just erm...actually, I am inclined to think this is not genuine.

And yes, if this is genuine, then its racist..joke or not, turnabout is not fair play if your seeking equality in todays age..
In saying that, I am not wildly offended (due to the "joke" overtone), but more to the point, I am highly skeptical of this video being real.

time to find the raw footage verses something on the internet that looks highly, highly suspicious

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 03:31 AM
The host is racist. This comment shows he didn't vote for Barack because he is such a great leader. As they say, it is what it is. Liberals, why deny?

To be fair though, he probably does buy into the whole "tax the rich" to pay for the poor welfare state thing.
edit on 12-11-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by soaringhawk
Race should have nothing to do with being the President. Anyone that voted for Obama because he's MIXED,are themselves racist! Any white person that voted out of some white guilt, or wanting "CHANGE" are stupid and ignorant! You vote for a person based on what it is they believe, whether they are a true American or not. Obama is not a true American. Obama is a puppet among many puppets!

He is also very NWO and a member of the CFR. He even spoke of a "world order" in his 08 campaign or thereabouts. I would guess he is Illuminati as well. Hand picked by Kissinger and Soros.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Trustfund

I'm white. Your statement makes an allusion that if I disagree with you then I must be either racist or ignorant should I disagree with you. How about you take your statements and shove them up your fourth point of contact! You don't get to define my existence nor my perception. You are not only socially and intellectually ignorant but your ability to have a logical discussion is questionable as you can conceive of a situation where you may be wrong. Please tell me that you have procreated!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

And I hope that you can appreciate that half of the country voted as they believed without the spectre of racism. They didn't want him in office as they didn't believe in his viewpoints...not his skin color

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

You are an idiot. You believe there is no such thing as reverse racism! The very fact that you can't believe that to be a true statement shows that you are a racist!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Trustfund

That would be because you are an idiot! Instead of talking about the merits of their perception, you talk ad hominem. You are a piece of poo-poo!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

And I really hope that the people like you who voted for him will come back and publicly denounce him when he has signed so many Executive Orders proclaiming what America should be, in direct violation to the Constitution! And BTW....please call me on this!! I would be more than happy in enumerating how many times he has bypassed the Congress!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Sissel

And retarded people like you will keep perpetuating racism!!! There are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, etc... people who are racists. But in MSM...the only people who are racists are White!!! And you won't agree that this is a true statement. That is why you are ignored by everyone you talk to!!! You have no clue onto reality!!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by milominderbinder
Grow up. The white man has robbed, killed, tortured, oppressed, and enslaved his way to supremacy in this country. Quit whining about the "reverse racism" crap already. Crybaby.

I never robbed, killed, tortured, oppressed and/or enslaved anyone. Neither did my parents. Nor their parents. Nor their parents before them. Nor their parents before them. etc. etc. VERY few people in this country owned slaves when it was legal hundreds of years ago. And so called 'reverse racism' (racism against someone for being white) exists. Your comment is a prime example. Educate yourself and YOU grow up.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by TheMaverick

Ummm there's a reason a white man wouldn't...

When those numbers switch sides the African Americans will have to watch what they say. Till then this argument is mute.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

No you've never done that but I have seen you push your views of religion around like YOUR right and there is no other way but yours, which could be seen as bigotry at the very least. Something that is also a symptom of white America, although blacks are also guilty of this but not such a large number.
edit on 12-11-2012 by NoJoker13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
reply to post by kaylaluv

Umm, I think it was a joke.

Ok then, would a white man get away with that kind of joke ?

Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck with away with all sorts of racist and misogynistic rhetoric, including jokes.

As for whether this specific joke could have been made by a white guy had Romney become president? Probably. I'd imagine that Steven Colbert would make one to that effect.

But back to your OP -- why the fake outrage over this joke made by some lower-level pundit minion at MSNBC? And if your outrage wasn't fake, then it would seem like you're the type of person who can't tell a joke from an earnest assertion. Didn't the fact that the guy was smiling and laughing while he said it, and then made a qualifying explanation after it tell you anything. How about when the other person, a woman, almost made some silly statement and qualified it in the same way?

Furthermore, have you ever watched/listened to any black/African-American comedians? Say, Richard Prior or Chris Rock? They use the n-word just a bit -- and yeah, they get away with it. It is just like if a Jewish comedian makes some jokes about Jews based on racial stereotypes. Maybe you didn't get the memo, but minorities can make jokes about themselves, but others aren't allowed to. And what's more -- they can often get away with making jokes about the white majority if they are good-natured in tone.

That you're making such a big deal over this -- an ATS post, for heaven's sake -- suggests that you have some issues.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by milominderbinder
Grow up. The white man has robbed, killed, tortured, oppressed, and enslaved his way to supremacy in this country. Quit whining about the "reverse racism" crap already. Crybaby.

I never robbed, killed, tortured, oppressed and/or enslaved anyone. Neither did my parents. Nor their parents. Nor their parents before them. Nor their parents before them. etc. etc. VERY few people in this country owned slaves when it was legal hundreds of years ago. And so called 'reverse racism' (racism against someone for being white) exists. Your comment is a prime example. Educate yourself and YOU grow up.

So your family didn't take advantage of the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people of North America? You do realize that just by living here, you all did take advantage of this.

Then there's the cheaper produce/food prices you and family members have paid because farms hire itinerant workers, many of whom are illegal aliens, so they can be taken advantage. And please don't go down the road of: "but they're illegal, so they have no rights." They're human beings, so they do have some rights, as do their children. And low wages, i.e. below minimum wage, and unsafe working conditions they often have to put up with are morally wrong as well as illegal themselves.

So yes, most of American society has risen at the expense of minorities. It doesn't matter that you don't have ancestors who were slave plantation owners. Moreover, as part of the white/Caucasian majority (here I am assuming you are part of this group), you haven't had to experience the various inequities of life that most minority groups in this country have had to suffer. Even after slavery was abolished, there was the era of Jim Crow laws and other forms of civic oppression including extra-judicial hangings and not having the same acces to the law that the majority had. These things have only changed over the last fifty years, and it's still a work in progress.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Sissel

Originally posted by Trustfund

No, he was voted in by a whole lot of white people...and black and latino. Something other parties have problems with....diversity.

Exactly. Given this is 2012, people need to get over themselves!

However, having lived in the deep south for the 2008 election, I do know for a fact, that quite of bit of the black folk there voted for him just based on his skin color.

And having lived in the South, don't you think that just a FEW white folk vote for people just because of the color of their skin? Yet you only make this statement of yours about black folk. Don't you see this double standard you hold?

Seriously, my fellow white folk who want to cry and whine about reverse racism, GET OVER YOURSELVES AND IT. The fact that you make such specious claims just shows how you really have no concept of the history and politics of race in this country. During Katrina, there were African Americans who were kept, at gun point, from leaving the hardest hit areas and fleeing to some parishes. There were also African Americans who were shot in the back by the Blackwater private security goons who were imported as well as by some local law enforcement officers. Racism is still a problem in this country, and to get bent out of shape by black folk making some relatively good-natured jokes about it says a lot more about you than about them. White indignity doesn't play too well outside of redneck circles.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by milominderbinder
Grow up. The white man has robbed, killed, tortured, oppressed, and enslaved his way to supremacy in this country. Quit whining about the "reverse racism" crap already. Crybaby.

I never robbed, killed, tortured, oppressed and/or enslaved anyone. Neither did my parents. Nor their parents. Nor their parents before them. Nor their parents before them. etc. etc. VERY few people in this country owned slaves when it was legal hundreds of years ago. And so called 'reverse racism' (racism against someone for being white) exists. Your comment is a prime example. Educate yourself and YOU grow up. know who else CERTAINLY didn't rob, kill, torture, oppress, and enslave their way to supremacy in this country? MINORITIES!!! Fox News makes a blatantly racist comment roughly every 8 seconds or so...and you guys are whining about THIS?

No. I'm sorry..."reverse racism" is a myth and a non-issue perpetuated by a bunch of whining, pathetic, crybabies, who quite frankly are an embarrassment to white people everywhere. As a guy descended from Norwegians, Swedes, and Danes...I know I certainly find it embarrassing anyways.

Grow up and quit whining. It's pathetic.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive

Originally posted by Sissel

Originally posted by Trustfund

No, he was voted in by a whole lot of white people...and black and latino. Something other parties have problems with....diversity.

Exactly. Given this is 2012, people need to get over themselves!

However, having lived in the deep south for the 2008 election, I do know for a fact, that quite of bit of the black folk there voted for him just based on his skin color.

And having lived in the South, don't you think that just a FEW white folk vote for people just because of the color of their skin? Yet you only make this statement of yours about black folk. Don't you see this double standard you hold?

Seriously, my fellow white folk who want to cry and whine about reverse racism, GET OVER YOURSELVES AND IT. The fact that you make such specious claims just shows how you really have no concept of the history and politics of race in this country. During Katrina, there were African Americans who were kept, at gun point, from leaving the hardest hit areas and fleeing to some parishes. There were also African Americans who were shot in the back by the Blackwater private security goons who were imported as well as by some local law enforcement officers. Racism is still a problem in this country, and to get bent out of shape by black folk making some relatively good-natured jokes about it says a lot more about you than about them. White indignity doesn't play too well outside of redneck circles.

^^^^^ EXACTLY!!! The rest of us just call it plain-old fashioned DUMB!!

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