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MSNBC Host Toure- "Tears of Joy For Me, The White House is Staying Black!"

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posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Trustfund
Even if it weren't a joke, the historical significance of it and past race relations of this country....well it is something special.

Can you imagine how much a black president means to blacks who were alive during the civil rights movement? And just all black people in general?

It was only 50 years ago black people were legally discriminated against. Most were disenfranchised until 1965.

Voting Rights Act of 1965
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Fair Housing Act 1968

I'm glad society has progressed enough to allow a two term black house.. tee hee hee, see what I did there?

edit on 10-11-2012 by Trustfund because: (no reason given)

Gun control was started to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. Now today 85% of gun crime is caused by?? So yea.. Their history is because that is how they made it. Indians, Jews, asians, etc were all slaves and slaughtered, yet are they out being hoodlums? No.


posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 06:41 PM
It seems Toure has said similar things before....

This time wasn't the first time.

Thread from August.....

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 07:07 PM
This isn't new. For almost 20 years now, it is part of the new paradigm . Only whites can be racist. Minorities can get away with any racial slurs and jokes.

The election of the first black US president should have been a unifying and progressive time for the people and the nation. I always imagined the first black president would be like Reagan in his second term, earning the vast majority of the votes. Not because of their party, but because of their record, their character and their ideas. Obama only increased divisiveness in the US and because of what he has done to the nation, many people who are not racist, end up subconciously linking their hate for the man to his race. I have seen groups of people now begin to use the term Democrat to refer to black people.

If there are any black people who lived through the civil rights and are supporting Obama because he is Black, the they are just as racist as the white leaders who, at that time, tried to oppress them. They missed the whole point of the movement.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Trustfund

Martin Luther King Jr. wanted us to judge one another by the content of ones character and not the color of one's skin, that being said, Toure is an a**hole!
edit on 10-11-2012 by polyphemus75 because: forgot an

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321
This isn't new. For almost 20 years now, it is part of the new paradigm . Only whites can be racist. Minorities can get away with any racial slurs and jokes.

That is complete BS. If you are too afraid to stand up and call someone out as being a racist, regardless of their race, thats on you.

Only whites can be racist, I can't stand when people say that. I call out my family all the time. I have a cousin who has the habit of say "oh white people" and I call her a racist for it.

Side note, it was awkward as hell moment when she said while a new addition to our family, who is white, was around.

When I worked at a department store I had a black manager tell me to follow these young black guys. I told her no and that she was being racist over our walkie talkies. She did it again when these young mexicans came in and I replied the same.

My friends, most are white, tell me racist jokes all the time. One was irritated that he couldn't get me mad. And I don't get mad because I know they're joking. If it was rooted in them and was more than a joke to them, then we'd have problems.

I am a minority and I get on other minorities for saying racist stuff, so it irritates me when people say this kind of thing.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 08:39 PM
last time i checked ollama is 64% caucasion and 36% black.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by jvm222

Oh, so now we disregard the one drop rule? Convenient.

I don't even know why I'm arguing lol. I love you all.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by TheMaverick

Toure once wrote an article for Time implying (strongly) that anyone who didn't vote for the president was racist. He is a race baiting hatemonger who plays on both justified and unjustified fears in the black community about white racism.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

Give me a break it wasn't named after the white was nicknamed that because......get's a big White House!!

referred to the building as the Executive Mansion until 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt established "the White House" as the building's official name.

The structure continued to be called the “executive mansion” until 1901, when President Theodore Roosevelt gave it its present name by engraving “White House-Washington” on his stationery.’t-get-its-name-and-other-myths-about-the-war-of-1812

edit on 10-11-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 10:19 PM
He shouldn't be making jokes like that being on the news and all. If Romney won and fox news was like "The white house is white again" there might be riots and looting. Even if fox news didn't say that there might have been riots and looting

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by timetothink

If we say anything about our whiteness, we are racist, compared to KKK etc.

Yeah you don't live in reality. White people mention their European lineage all the time.....

If this were true there wouldn't be kiss me I'm Irish shirts. Every cast member on The Jersey Shore brings up them being Italian like every episode.

A lot of non-youth white people live in some sort of racial delusion about how society is set against them.

edit on 10-11-2012 by Trustfund because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by timetothink

Why are people directing me to wiki answers and wikipedia? I've read about how the white house got its name. I'm not doubting that's one of the reasons, but considering the social make up during that time, and the history of oppression, degradation and separation, It's not hard to believe the decision to name it the white house might have some racial implications. Mainly reminding those of color who runs the show.

I don't care at this point. I would much rather have it be changed back to the Executive's Mansion, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. I'm just saying, the point of his joke was to play off the implied racial exclusivity of the name White house. I just don't see how people can believe that it was only named because of the color.

I've seen people post things about 2012, aliens, hollow earth, greys, shadow people, asteroids, ascension, NWO agenda, bugs implanting tracking devices under your skin, reptilians shape-shifting, satan worshiping masons, but for some reason you can't wrap your head around the fact that the forefathers MIGHT have some other reasons for naming the presidential residence the white house.


posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 11:10 PM
Oh no no no no.

Let's not get this wrong. There is a difference between saying white honky, white B***, or white something
N****s belong strung up behind my truck, and not in the white house.

Let that much be clear.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

No he wouldn't.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Trustfund

Ummmm.yes it does.If a white guy were to say the same about the white house staying white you would probably be the first to shoot them down.

Chris Rock is a well known racist.Just because he expresses it in a funny way(apparently he is a comedian although i see nothing funny about him)does not mean a thing.He IS a racist.
edit on 10/11/12 by Viking9019 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Regardless, I do believe it was a play on words to say he was glad Obama (who IS black) won the white house. Anything wrong with being glad Obama got the white house? Oh yeah, I forgot, this is ATS.

When the excitement is over SKIN COLOR, yes. What the # is wrong with people? Since when is this obsession with skin color and power normal?

What if he was a red-head? What if someone said "the white house is staying red"? Got a problem with that? Probably not, because you know it's not BECAUSE he's red-headed - it's just a clever way of saying you're glad your favorite candidate won. You may argue about it's cleverness, but it's just a way of saying "I'm glad the guy won" - not "I'm glad he won because he's black". Get the difference?

Red hair is trait of white people though,so yes they would be saying they are glad about the white house remaining 'white' or something along those lines.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:22 AM
Who cares if a black man is in the white house, lets call it the Zebra House and leave it has that.

Close this thread

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Trustfund

No, I am talking about the white race, not subdivisions if it.

You hear black power all the time, but god forbid someone say white power.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

I gave you another link because I foresaw the "don't believe wiki blowback".

You are being wasn't called the White House until the 1900, it was the executive mansion before that.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Q2IN2Y

The forefathers never called it that or named it that...

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