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Oh God, please don't let Romney win!

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posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by smilesmcgee
Romney said he was going to outlaw pornography.

Take that with you to the polls.

OMG we'd better get some then while we still can!

The whole thing is utterly absurd I'm telling you, either way.

It's a "double-bind" and it's on it's way to a friendly neighborhood American town or city, and individual, near you.

And when it unravells (if ever) there'll be gales of laughter enough to bring the house down and start again with new clear eyes and a mind informed by reason and the humor of true understanding.

What am I talking about? Consider it the wedge issues of wedge issues and no it doesn't have anything to do with pornography.

edit on 6-11-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by smilesmcgee
Romney said he was going to outlaw pornography.

Take that with you to the polls.

This shouldn't concern you unless you are up past your beddie bye time.

"I wanna make sure that every new computer sold in this country after I'm president has installed on it a filter to block all pornography and that parents can click that filter to make sure their kids don't see that kinda stuff coming in on their computer."

Mitt Romney Outlines Anti-Porn Stance In 2008 (VIDEO)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by elouina

I disagree with your viewpoint, but i LOVE your avatar.

I always wondered what might be lurking at the heart of the galaxy now we know. Kitty. She was there all along!

Well thank you for the Avatar compliment. Seems like the idea would make for a good Star Trek episode. BTW, that boy in the Avatar is the center of my galaxy..

And thank you a second time for disagreeing without the nasty venom that many have been expressing here lately.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by elouina
Well thank you for the Avatar compliment. Seems like the idea would make for a good Star Trek episode. BTW, that boy in the Avatar is the center of my galaxy..

And thank you a second time for disagreeing without the nasty venom that many have been expressing here lately.

You're welcome.

Re: Cat in Center of Galaxy - it's funny don't you think that only here on earth can a cat form the center of a human's galaxy, with self awareness..!

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:26 AM
Good luck tomorrow our American friends (fingers crossed).


posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:36 AM
....OH CANADA ....... shut up .....

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by Ghost375
BUT on the offchance my paranoia is wrong.....the thought of Romney as president, and the fact so many people support him, scares the # out of me.

It's pretty freaky how ill informed the average American is and the degree to which they've been propogandized by various forms of irrational sentiment. It's easy to spot from the outside looking in.

"In relation to the USA, Canada is like a nice family living above a biker bar."
~ Robin Williams, during the Bush/Cheney years

While I will agree with the statement about Americans being ill informed. I truly believe your more caught up in hype and non sense then actual understanding of our political system because if you really did know it wouldn't matter which one of these corporate slackoffs got presidency we are screwed. We had a real chance Ron Paul but sadly o-bots and mittens fans combined their love and destroyed that dream of having a intelligent and honest president in hopes we could go trillions into debt or add another endless war onto the backs of americans

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:47 AM
Don't worry mate. The election isn't as close as many MSM outlets pretend it is. The popular vote will always be a bit close no matter who is winning, but the electorial college is all that matters in elections, and its pretty heavy Obama leaning, ya..

As far as the many responses here on ATS being all anti Obama, Pro Romney...well, keep in mind, ATS is where the fringe nuts, psychotics, and skeptics wanting to smack em around go...not really a good sampling of a mainstream viewpoint on here..

There is a reason why the right is trying to remove voting though..they know their views are unpopular, even here in the they try to all but stop urban voting (cut back voting days, etc). They are now very much a fringe minority enjoying their last few days..I suspect this is the last election they can run on voter surpression as their only tactic...

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by smilesmcgee
Romney said he was going to outlaw pornography.

Take that with you to the polls.

No, that was Santorum..

But they do seem to be on the same page...the right is now the cover your naughty bits and treat adults like kids party lately...

lately. heh...well, for all my life so far. They are very, very interested in what your doing in your bedroom.
small government and all that (chuckles).
Nothing like a politician in every bedroom.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
Oh, God, please don't let Obama win. If he does, the US will be destroyed as we know it. A stifling government will rip the country of its wealth and turn it into a third world backwater. Obama is such a gutless coward that it just makes me sick.

And you don't think Romney will drive the USA into the ground?

If Romney wins tomorrow, it will be the end of your country.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:50 AM
Oh God, please make Obama and Romney both lose! How can Mitt Romney talk about creating jobs when he wants to destroy jobs by banning pornography? Something tells me this can't be on his agenda - maybe words being put into his mouth. We don't need to create more black markets, that's how things get dangerous. Maybe it's part of a scheme to make more money on prison inmates. I hear they're the new Chinese slave laborer.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:53 AM
DEAR Father in Heaven, please inspire the masses to never again choose Barack Obama in greater numbers than any other candidate on those ballots found across this land. Thou knowest we cannot withstand another four years of his work below without a severe punishment upon the land. Please be with those who still might merit thy understanding and enlightenment as they rest this evening. Inspire them from above to understand what is best for their own personal good and the good of their neighbors when they step into that booth tomorrow if they have not already voted or made the decision to do so. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
edit on 6-11-2012 by bigrex because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:00 AM
Well, isn't this a lovely party. All the socialist Utopians are on this thread whining about how horrible it would be for Romney the Capitalist to win and how wonderful it will be for Obama to have another go at turning the USA Marxist.
If Romney wins what will you do? Have a pity party?

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:02 AM
"This country will be destroyed if we have Obama has president"

You know what I say to that? Bring it on. I stood by while people said he would destroy this country and for that reason alone they voted for McCain. Know what? Vote for Romney then. I don't even.... I can't care anymore. I don't know what happened the American populace, but if Romney is what you want, then vote for him.

The funniest thing about Romney supporters is that they believe he will bring about the change that Obama didn't. Really people?! LOL I don't..... wow... Jesus Christ.

The funniest thing about Obama supporters? Look what he's accomplished in office and you still believe that he will bring about hope and change. Wow America. Wow.

I am ashamed to be an American civilian. If I could I would go back in time and die fighting in the Revolutionary War to win our freedom in the first place, than to die by a drone in an off-shore country, or die by starvation because I can't afford a meal.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:07 AM
Face it folks, it does not matter who out of these two you vote in, NEITHER will have YOUR best intentions in mind. All the promises, speeches and hand shakes will fold one by one into the same murky mire of lies that they came from.

We have the same issue here in the UK, the main 2 with the addition of the limp wrags called the Lib Dems are all the same, lies and corruption is all they care about. Each one of these MP's spends more time protecting themselves from being caught stealing money on expenses than they do as actual political work. All of these will do the usual behind the back deals and involve themselves in as many pointless political rows as they can simply to throw dirt at each other despite pretty much being one and the same..

Its time here that we took a chance on a new lot, my vote will go to UKIP the next time and I urge others to do the same. Maybe some fresh faces will actually bring about a change.

I urge the US to think about also give that idea a thought although I have to say I'm not 100% about your government make up.

The last one of your lot I can say I had time for was Reagan, I respected that man, damn clever person who wore his heart on his sleeve.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by mr10k

Ummm wait, you are for Obama and the liberal gun control agenda and you talk of the Revolutionary War? My dear, what kind of bizarre revisionist history have you been reading?

Never mind, after re reading your post I see you don't seem to like either candidate. Why you were bringing up McCain Im not sure as he is not the current GOP candidate and he barely put up a fight in 08. I kept having this feeling that the Globalists who are Repub RINOs deliberately did not try to win. The Obama event sure woke up the sleeping giant and the shellacking took place in 2010. I hope for an even bigger shellacking too.
edit on 6-11-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

i po sted a comment on here about romney, i posted the same on facebook and they removed my comment, wth is with that? talk about corruption and political silence.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

Thank goodness you don't get to decide.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:36 AM
Spoiler Alert....

Obama wins 4 more years.

edit on 6-11-2012 by tooPsychic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Hi, I'm a Canadian citizen so I'm not voting, but I think I express the international sentiment well when I say that we are very concerned about how close this race is, and how close the USA is from potentially bringing back the Bush/Cheney era crazies like Condi Rice (who sat beside Romney during the GOP convention), deregulation, military-inductrial buildup and all manner of crony-capitalism. During the Bush Jr. years, is was like losing an old friend, and now we've seen that friend returning, however slowly the comeback has been. I am aware of the Romney campaign torture memo and it just sent shivers down my spine that one of their first priorities is to bring back the kind of thing that the devil, if there is one is known to specialize in (torture).

We, the citizens of the world want a moderate, friendly and benevolent America, not a domineering one, and we're a little freaked out over just how close this race is, and to be honest, we're at a bit of a loss as to how it could even be that close to begin with.

Romney's a Mormon who ran a "rigged game" at his company Bain Capital, and while that's considered by some to be good business it really doesn't add up to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things. Regarding his Mormonism and what I've learned about it, that too just creeps me right out the idea of that church being tied right into the highest office in the land.

It's scary - so I'm asking for God to inform the minds of the American people to choose yes what is probably the "lessor of two evils", but by God how stupid can the American people be to think that Romney has the best interests of the average American Joe at heart. He's a big business, ruling elite, crony-capitalist in a stuffed suit, who will cowtow to the lowest demoninators in terms of ruling elite special interest and he's on record stating that a two state solution to the M.E. problem is utterly impossible and hopeless while siding exclusively with Israel. And to top it all off, he's not even that smart from what I can tell.

Please oh God help keep the world safe from the kind of America we witnessed during the Bush/Cheney years, and please keep our individual and collective mutual best interests safe from the pilfering of the rich and greedy. Amen.

edit on 5-11-2012 by NewAgeMan because: typo

I am appalled at your posting. From someone who sits in a country of dysfunction and sociailism, and you think that Romney is the greater of two evils for America. You obviously don't have a clue. WE DO NOT WANT SOCIALISM in AMERICA ! WE DO NOT NEED NANNY GOVERNMENT to take care of us. We are not LAZY and without DREAMS like Canadians and others in Socialized countries are.

Romney is the Lesser of Two Evils. I would not want either Romney or Obama in the White House, however, we don't have a choice when faced with 4 more years of Social Engineering by Obama, Romney is the more likely choice to bring America back to center and away from the Socialism self destruction that Obama has brought us to from the left.

Our internal politics is none of your business. Fix what's wrong with your own country before you try taking on our problems. It's rather obvious that you Canadians can't get over your own problems, that which you need to address and deal with.

Leave US alone.

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