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Please Help. Demonic Attacks Within my Family.

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:21 AM
Tell him .. Jesus loves You my brother !
and give him a hug full of love

thats the only cure i know ... LOVE

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Clearly you are dealing with a demonic entity (or entities) and this needs to be taken very seriously. Normally in a case like this I would recommend taking a stand and dealing with it (and this will most likely have to be done in any event), but I would also urge you to urge your whole family to move. It sounds to me like you are living in a place of Black Magicians (those who call upon the powers of the demonic for their own interests.) They can disguise themselves as Christians, Wicca, gangs, gentlemen—you name it. It’s all a façade.

The area you live in (not just the town you live in) has likely been performing Black Magic for many years. There are probably a number of portals (opened through ritual) which allow demonic entities to enter our world. You could get one attached to you by curse or even just by walking by the wrong place at the wrong time. This is why I advise leaving, as dealing with the demonic problem/s you have now will not solve it in the end. Modern day wisdom will not be helpful in dealing with a problem of this magnitude. The scientific community will just write off this phenomenon as “mass hysteria” and it is unlikely that the Catholic Church (best known for confronting the demonic) would risk public ridicule or embarrassment by trying to exorcise an entire town (or area) and confront the Black Magicians responsible.

You can have an exorcism performed (which aren’t just for a possessed victim but for a house or family affected by a demonic entity), but this might cause panic or dislike towards you by those behind this. Again, logic points to leaving.

There are different ways that an exorcism can be done, but the Roman Catholic Church are best-known for this. You would need to speak to a priest, who would then (likely) perform a blessing upon your home. This would either drive the demonic off or it will come back angrier and with more force, this requiring an actual exorcism (to forcibly drive it/them away.) In order for this to be performed, evidence must be gathered. The priest (or minister) who first visits your home might experience phenomena, and this might be enough. Or, if the demonic hides, then you may be forced to call upon paranormal investigators to help gather tangible evidence to prove your case. This will likely take time (weeks or months) but it is a serious likelihood, under the circumstances.

There are non-Christian methods of driving out the demonic. If you could find real a (real) shaman, he should be able to help you much more quickly than an exorcist. Shamans are psychics as well as practitioners, therefore they do not require much evidence (they can determine it for themselves.) Also, a powerful psychic or Wicca experienced in dealing with the demonic might also help you. To connect to such persons, you might try researching online for paranormal investigators or psychics in your area (whom you feel you can trust.) It will likely take time. But again, the best solution for you may be to leave your area first, and then deal with the demonic (if they follow you) later.

Typically the demonic work as follows: infestation, oppression and possession. The goal is to possess and drain their victim’s energy (sometimes also claiming to want their soul.) Infestation is often invited in some way (usually accidentally (even a Ouija Board can cause this.) In your case, it sounds like a curse. Second is oppression, and this is the stage you are at now: they will try to weaken your psychic defenses (your will and spirit) through any number of tactics: fear, mistrust, paranoia, anger or just general negative energy. They will typically affect families sub-consciously, trying to turn you against each other. Rifts in families weakens everyone, effecting some worse than others. The weakest will be preyed on the most, and are most likely to be possessed (when or if it came to the stage.)

Again, this will come down to dealing with these forces. Be sure to get professional help, or if do take it on alone (which I would not advise), be sure to a lot of research first. These things can get very powerful when they are energized. Right now they are fighting for control (which they do not yet have) and must be fought. The further this goes, the harder it gets. Beware of your own thoughts and feelings and make sure your family stays together (in trust and love (don’t let them drive you apart.) Be true to your heart and don’t be quick to judge someone you love if they seem ‘out of character’. You’ll have to be strong and take action on this.
edit on 8-11-2012 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2012 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by seen2much

Well, I have some friends who are christians, those who are my friend are all right. One of them is even a physicist.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
Tell him .. Jesus loves You my brother !
and give him a hug full of love

thats the only cure i know ... LOVE

Hm. A bit different from what I had in mind for the demon.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper2

Good advice. Yet, what does one do if they (which often happens) follow you?

Staying strong and positive is crucial.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 04:18 PM
I decided to do a little digging into Brownsville, Texas. I have researched a lot of towns and cities known for occult rituals, mass murders or serial killings, and rarely do I find much without a great deal of research. The first thing I did (as with any other such locale) was to Google: "Brownsville Texas occult" and the very first link was for Brownsville Occult supplies. I felt this to be telling. Brownsville has other Pagan stores as well. Of course, many places do (and don't think that I'm anti-Pagan, because I'm not,) but I found this noteworthy under the circumstances.

There is a lot of demonic oppression claimed in Brownsville

I am thinking, maybe this man might help you. He seems experienced in this stuff and it doesn't sound like he's trying to cover it up, as he is featured in this news report.

About a month ago, a mummified body was found by Brownsville police.

Paranormal activity reported at the University of Texas (in Brownsville)

A mass grave revealed 116 bodies in Mexico, to the other side of the border from Brownsville.

Eight people have been arrested for allegedly killing two 10-year-old boys and a 55-year-old woman in ritual sacrifices by the cult of La Santa Muerte, or Saint Death, prosecutors in northern Mexico said Friday, according to an Associated News report...The slayings recalled the notorious "narco-satanicos" killings of the 1980s, when 15 bodies, many of them with signs of ritual sacrifice, were unearthed at a ranch outside the border city of Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas.

I’ve read about claims that there was a mass murder of occult members once in Brownsville. Some people claim to remember it from the 1980’s, but I am unable to find any mainstream sources online to substantiate it. However, the above report may be referencing this incident (or a similar one.) Another claim I keep finding is that an African-American woman in Brownsville had accused George W. Bush of rape and was months later found dead of apparent suicide. But again, I haven't found any mainstream sources to support this.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by seen2much

Unlike ghosts, demonic entities usually follow you. Whether you stay or leave a home which is demonically haunted, it will likely come down to a spiritual struggle (a cleansing or exorcism.)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

I used to keep a rounded metal clothes hanger with sea salt placed in the middle in a small container under my bed to keep away bad spirits at night. You stop getting nightmares. I also believe in exorcisms. It should be done in this case.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:18 PM
I am a Christian and so the things I say reflect my belief Jesus is much more powerful than demons. Learn to pray without ceasing. Reading the Bible is excellent. Christian music is good. Grow in faith. Family prayer is awesome. I am Catholic and have suffered demonic oppression as well. I had people who are trained in the deliverance ministry pray over me four times. Bless you house with holy water. You can get it from a Catholic priest. Blessed salts are good as well. Just call a catholic church, talk with a priest and ask for advice. If you prefer speak to another denomination's minister.

God is letting this happen so you can grow closer to Him. This rarely happens to people who have a strong relationship with God. Consider it a blessing.

When you sense its presence say "In Jesus name I rebuke you." Don't be surprised if it/they return. Do not fear them, they thrive on your fear. Trust God.

Personally, I believe spiritual warfare doesn't end as long as you live on planet Earth.

I will pray for you right now.

Giving some the evil eye is like a curse, btw.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Well you don't have to fear demons. Especially if you're a Christian. It's like a person fearing a mouse. They have no power over a Christian. They scamper or hide away in fear when a Christian walks in the room. it's not like the movies where they make them look like powerful entities. Humans were made in status above angels. demons are fallen angels. Unless the demon is an arch angel which it wouldn't be then it's nothing to fear. Just use prayer and command it to leave the house in Jesus name and it should be fine.

edit on 8-11-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:21 PM
Spirits of of this nature thrive on fear and hate love. This is the reason the name of Jesus scares them off so easily, because the person behind it represents the highest nature of love in the universe.
Direct unconditional love at it and it might leave.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 05:18 PM
Try reading up on demonic oppression (google search engine)

Removing Demonic Oppression

What is demonic oppression?

Demonic Oppression

Escaping Demonic Oppression

Religious Demonology

Keep looking for answers until you find your solution.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by EllaMarina
Spirits of of this nature thrive on fear and hate love. This is the reason the name of Jesus scares them off so easily, because the person behind it represents the highest nature of love in the universe.
Direct unconditional love at it and it might leave.

I would never suggest unconditional love on a being that is pure hate. I have interiorly felt this hatred. Nothing less pleasant than a head full of demonic hatred. Best way to describe it is off the charts. Fortunately, it only lasted for an brief instant. Praying makes their time with you unpleasant for them. Prayer is torture for them.

I do hope you come to know how awesome God and find His gift of peace.

I just found this website that has great information including the Art Bell interview with Exorcist Malachi Martin.

Take some good advice from St. Teresa of Avila:

Seeing, then, that our Lord is so powerful, — as I see and know He is, — and that the evil spirits are His slaves, of which there can be no doubt, because it is of faith, — and I a servant of this our Lord and King, — what harm can Satan do unto me? Why have I not strength enough to fight against all hell? I took up the cross in my hand, — I was changed in a moment into another person, and it seemed as if God had really given me courage enough not to be afraid of encountering all the evil spirits.

edit on 11/9/2012 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Thanks for all the replies. I have read them and I am doing my own research into this. Lately things seem to have calmed down paranormal wise, but with the bad luck on the family it continues. There is a lot of darkness following my family and I will do anything it takes to get rid of this demon or whatever it is.

It has been far too long and it's time it leaves.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 01:29 PM
I know this topic is a few months old, but if this is still happening, contact me and I can help you try to find someone in your area that may be able to help.
My e mail should be on my profile.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 02:19 PM
I have a question. When you say Pentecostal, do you mean trinitarian Pentecostal or oneness Pentecostal?

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 02:37 PM
Hi, I hope things have calmed down for you. I've been reading alot recently about the sacrament of exorcism due to some personal experiences that I've had, apparently, that black blob that you reffered to that girl throwing up is common and what famous religious exorcists see when a person is possessed as a result of someone putting a curse on that person. It is the hardest and lengthiest type of possession to liberate. Have you considered finding someone who can perform the actual sacrament of exorcism for your family, on your house and wherever else its needed, the ancient formula is used by the RC and Anglican church. I think you said that you come from a Pentecostal background ( sorry If I got this wrong skimmed some of your post), I understand that only prayers of deliverance are used there to liberate someone from possession, rather than the actual traditional ritual. It might be worth a try, you could phone local Bishops from one of these denominations, they would help you out I believe as they take this very seriously. Good Luck with things.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by JustSlowlyBackAway

I just wanted to make a comment on some advice in one of your replies about: Robert Bruce's book, "Practical Psychic Self- Defense Handbook"... I own this book, and LOVE it, but it did NOTHING as far as protection from the demons I've encountered. The advice in it is really great, but it's not a fix all. Also, I hear that demons like to attack people of faith, and real die hard believers of God. I don't believe prayer or an exorcism can help your situation. We can't win every battle, sad but true. I'm still burning sage through my house, wearing amulets, displaying the cross, praying, using holy water, running salt along doors, positioning crystals throughout my home, doing banishing rituals and protection rituals... I grew up Catholic, and I'm sorry, but no prayer, priest, pastor, minister, bishop, or pope is going to save me from what I've encountered... and I've lost faith in the God I was taught to trust. I'm still looking for help, and nothing has worked. These things follow me everywhere I go. You never get used to it... and it scares me, everytime. Be strong, as they feed off your fear and anxiety, and use it as energy.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:39 PM
Hey what's up man? I came across this post today randomly I guess, but I'm glad I did, because if you read this, and give it a chance, I can promise you with no doubt that I have the true answer. I have much experience in this last about a year. Let me start off by stating what I have witnessed before this last year of me experiencing what I have, my introduction so to speak. I went to a 15 month bootcamp when I was 15. and it had church services we had to go to as well, and on one in particular I witnessed this: two kids, Mocked the idea of God, one was goth, and the other a juggalo, prayed for by three grown men, One pastor Dave, prayed for these two kids in Jesus Name, evil spirits come out ...(I dont remember exactly what was said, I am still shocked when I think about what happened, but okay, when this was said, I heard some voices that were no Human, like a deep deep demonic voice, I cant explain it, these two small kids were throwing three or 4 grown men off of them with ease, I mean hurdling them off them. Eventually it calmed down, they continued to pray for these kids, and then when the church service was over, I asked the one kid "what the Hell was up with that?" He said he really din't remember what happened, and he was just out of it. Next morning we got out of bed 5am, and the one kid called a sergeant over to him. and said his back hurt, dude had claw marks all down his back, (mind you, we were on watch 24/7, even at night, it was a open bay, one room with bunk beds), even the bathroom stalls had no doors. There is no way this kid could have done this, or had someone do it to him. I am now 25, I got out of prison at 24, God has been revealing himself to me since 2011, and I have been resisting, and doing my own thing until recently, because he has pretty much forced the truth upon me, I have on more than a few occasions had an evil spirit come out of me, It happened first when I could not stop smoking weed, I had to have it, I thought about it all day, I looked it up on the computer, talked about it 24/7, I was addicted to say the least. I was praying one night, and I had a word pop in my head, "spirit of addiction", I knew something was wrong, because weed controlled me. I said "Lord in Jesus Name if I have a spirit of addiction make it go", I kid you not, something came out of me, I felt it, it tried to enter back into my chest twice, but could not, I had 80$ left in account, and I was so scared because of this evil presence I felt, that I went to send my money to my disabled aunt. As I was trying to control the mouse, something put its grip around my neck and tried to choke me, and I was struggling to use the mouse, (like someone arm wrestling against me)an opposing force, I struggled to send the money, and that night I felt # walking around in my bed with me, an errie evil energy walking on my chest, it was terrifying to me. This has been months, and God has shaped me up, demons attack me all day, and night now, since I have been truely seeking Jesus, and seeking to be born again of the Holy Spirit. Seem the name Jesus is the only way to overpower these spirits, but one must be born again of God's spirit to use the Name Jesus. This is rare nowadays, because the church does not teach this, they teach if you believe you have the Holy Spirit, or if your baptized...I thought this as true, but God has let these demons attack me to teach me that is b.s, I have had demons attack to the point where I lay down to sleep, and they are crawling all over me, making me itch voilently, touching by testicles, # crawling in my ear,making my covers move, I used to be scared until I realized they are attacking me, because when I am born again of the Holy Spirit I will be a threat to them, and they will loose all power over me, and I will be able to cast them out, and command them. I have been seeking to be born again three months, and I am close, I have felt the Holy Ghost hit me like extacy, I mean literally feel like I dropped a strong pill, It's real man, I mean its the best high I have ever had, but it comes and goes, to be born again one must literally cut off all stumuli, wordly things, and pray on your face, and ask to be reborn. This is the only way to break the curse, as it is written "cursed is he who does not remain in all things written in the Law of Moses" Jesus died so we could be made sons of God, and until we recieve the spirit of God, we are not sons, and are prey for the devil. You know demons are real, they are a race of gaints called the nephilim that God destroyed during the flood, they need a Human Host to live in, and fill their desires. They are disembodied spirits, For instance when someone uses a medium, and thinks they are speaking to their dead family, it is these demons who acts as that, they followed that person around their whole life, and know personal info etc, just like the social security example with your dad. email me:[email protected]

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:47 PM
Also the Pagan religion, all that is another reason why they are able to attack you, these demons are the what the pagan religion is based off, the Nephilim, were created from fallen angels having sex with Human Women as written in genesis 6, they created an offspring of giants, and every ancient civilization has them recorded, as well as drawings, and they acted as God's and people thought they were Gods. God wiped them out with the flood, and one reason Jesus died is to destroy the works of the devil, They are subject to God, and Jesus because they are one in spirit, and when you receive the spirit of God, your words are as they came out of God's mouth, because he lives in you, besides that your defenseless, Holy Water, all that other # is b.s. Almost every religion is based off these false God's, Giants, google them, there are giant bones found, all sorts of suppressed evidence, because it does not fit with evolution. Give this a chance, it may sound far fetched, but the truth usually does. You must be born again, all the curses from the old testament, are active until one is born again of God, It makes no sense to me, but it seems God set it up like this, so we would have no option but to seek him out, and receive his gift which is the Holy Spirit. I know I have a curse on my family also, because these demons attack me 24/7 , touch on my balls, touch my face, stick stuff in my ear, I rarely get sleep, because when I lay down they attack me. This is all real, There is one God, and one savior, Jesus is the only way homie, I have learned this the hard way. Hit me up, I would love to explain more, email me please

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