Hey what's up man? I came across this post today randomly I guess, but I'm glad I did, because if you read this, and give it a chance, I can promise
you with no doubt that I have the true answer. I have much experience in this last about a year. Let me start off by stating what I have witnessed
before this last year of me experiencing what I have, my introduction so to speak. I went to a 15 month bootcamp when I was 15. and it had church
services we had to go to as well, and on one in particular I witnessed this: two kids, Mocked the idea of God, one was goth, and the other a juggalo,
prayed for by three grown men, One pastor Dave, prayed for these two kids in Jesus Name, evil spirits come out ...(I dont remember exactly what was
said, I am still shocked when I think about what happened, but okay, when this was said, I heard some voices that were no Human, like a deep deep
demonic voice, I cant explain it, these two small kids were throwing three or 4 grown men off of them with ease, I mean hurdling them off them.
Eventually it calmed down, they continued to pray for these kids, and then when the church service was over, I asked the one kid "what the Hell was
up with that?" He said he really din't remember what happened, and he was just out of it. Next morning we got out of bed 5am, and the one kid called
a sergeant over to him. and said his back hurt, dude had claw marks all down his back, (mind you, we were on watch 24/7, even at night, it was a open
bay, one room with bunk beds), even the bathroom stalls had no doors. There is no way this kid could have done this, or had someone do it to him. I am
now 25, I got out of prison at 24, God has been revealing himself to me since 2011, and I have been resisting, and doing my own thing until recently,
because he has pretty much forced the truth upon me, I have on more than a few occasions had an evil spirit come out of me, It happened first when I
could not stop smoking weed, I had to have it, I thought about it all day, I looked it up on the computer, talked about it 24/7, I was addicted to say
the least. I was praying one night, and I had a word pop in my head, "spirit of addiction", I knew something was wrong, because weed controlled me.
I said "Lord in Jesus Name if I have a spirit of addiction make it go", I kid you not, something came out of me, I felt it, it tried to enter back
into my chest twice, but could not, I had 80$ left in account, and I was so scared because of this evil presence I felt, that I went to send my money
to my disabled aunt. As I was trying to control the mouse, something put its grip around my neck and tried to choke me, and I was struggling to use
the mouse, (like someone arm wrestling against me)an opposing force, I struggled to send the money, and that night I felt # walking around in my bed
with me, an errie evil energy walking on my chest, it was terrifying to me. This has been months, and God has shaped me up, demons attack me all day,
and night now, since I have been truely seeking Jesus, and seeking to be born again of the Holy Spirit. Seem the name Jesus is the only way to
overpower these spirits, but one must be born again of God's spirit to use the Name Jesus. This is rare nowadays, because the church does not teach
this, they teach if you believe you have the Holy Spirit, or if your baptized...I thought this as true, but God has let these demons attack me to
teach me that is b.s, I have had demons attack to the point where I lay down to sleep, and they are crawling all over me, making me itch voilently,
touching by testicles, # crawling in my ear,making my covers move, I used to be scared until I realized they are attacking me, because when I am born
again of the Holy Spirit I will be a threat to them, and they will loose all power over me, and I will be able to cast them out, and command them. I
have been seeking to be born again three months, and I am close, I have felt the Holy Ghost hit me like extacy, I mean literally feel like I dropped a
strong pill, It's real man, I mean its the best high I have ever had, but it comes and goes, to be born again one must literally cut off all
stumuli, wordly things, and pray on your face, and ask to be reborn. This is the only way to break the curse, as it is written "cursed is he who does
not remain in all things written in the Law of Moses" Jesus died so we could be made sons of God, and until we recieve the spirit of God, we are not
sons, and are prey for the devil. You know demons are real, they are a race of gaints called the nephilim that God destroyed during the flood, they
need a Human Host to live in, and fill their desires. They are disembodied spirits, For instance when someone uses a medium, and thinks they are
speaking to their dead family, it is these demons who acts as that, they followed that person around their whole life, and know personal info etc,
just like the social security example with your dad. email me:
[email protected]