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Please Help. Demonic Attacks Within my Family.

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posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:09 PM
I'll try and make this as short as possible but there is a lot to go on. This is in reference to a prior post I made about my brother and his night terrors being a possible paranormal incident and not some kind of sleep disorder.

First of all, I grew up in a Pentecostal preacher's family so I didn't have the normal childhood that a lot of people had. We moved from one town to the other, in many cases other states. We were always far from family except for a few times when my dad would pastor a church near them.

We had moved to Brownsville, Texas when I was eight or nine. Brownsville is a few miles from the Mexican border so I had always heard of Mexican magic, or voodoo. They called it something but of course I can't quite remember what they called it.

There was a time in Brownsville, around 1997 or so a huge revival happened in our church. People from all over the country in the religion were coming to our church. People were being slained in the spirit, speaking in tongue and God was moving. Of course this day and age I do not consider myself a Christian, I am a Pagan but I can say that something was indeed moving in that church, but I wonder if it was a good thing. I remember during that time there was a woman who was possessed by a demon, I had heard my dad talking to my mother about it. During one church service I remember watching the so-called demon possessed person and I noticed she was shaking violently. My father stopped the service and asked everyone to step out. The board members helped everyone out of the sanctuary and into the fellowship hall.

The story goes, as I was told many years later was that my father and a few other people in the church began praying for the woman. My dad began to perform an exorcism, his third or fourth time with this girl. However, this night the demon left...or did it? My dad says the woman threw up something he had never seen before, he said it was like a black blob. Mind you I didn't witness this myself just going by what I was told.

Of course from this moment on things would get worse for our family. Of course this wasn't the first time my parents had encountered this demon. Many years before when I was a baby a group of teenagers came to my parents church where they were youth pastors. My dad knew the leader of this gang was possessed, he said it was just a feeling you get when looking at them. The leader of the gang was talking to my dad saying things like "We know who you are" and he spouted out my father's social security card, birthdate, where he was born, childhood friends, everything you could think of. This was in 1984 or so, prior to the internet so getting this information wasn't impossible but it wasn't easy, especially for a teenager. Now it seems the demon has returned and I believe it has never left.

After the incident with the demon possessed girl our house started to seem darker. We would hear walking upstairs when there was no one there, banging on the walls and an overwhelming creepiness about that house that had never been there before. My Grandmother swears to this day that when she visited one time she saw a figure standing outside her window that seemed to vanish into thin air. I remember one time being in my parents room watching TV on the floor, my back against the bed and my hand resting on the floor. I remember feeling a hand on top of mine and I got up and screamed for my mother telling her of what had happened.

It was also around this time that a woman in the church named Ketha was beginning to cause problems. Unfortunately I cannot remember exactly what the issue was but I believe it had to do with the youth pastor at the time. He was apparently having an affair with one of his youth and my dad had found out but no one seemed to believe my dad. Well, my dad made the youth pastor resign and I know it upset Ketha because her and her family were really close to the youth pastor.

We had a dog named Pepper, in fact she was my dog and my best friend at the time. Pepper and I would do everything together as boys with their dogs do. I remember one day I woke up for Sunday morning church and was getting ready when I noticed Pepper was acting funny, depressed even like she knew something was about to happen. I noticed her go into the corner of my bedroom and squat down, she always seemed to use the bathrooom in the house. I went into my bathroom to get toilet paper to clean it up and that's when I noticed it wasn't bowls that she had expelled, it was blood. I ran down and showed it to my mother and my mother said that we would take Pepper to the vet when we got back from church but my mother wanted the dog outside so as not to make any more mess. I put Pepper out in the back yard on her chain and we left for church.

A friend of mine came home with me that day and we were to play video games until night church. I walked around the back of the house to check on Pepper. My dog was laying on her side and I went over to her and began petting her but she was stiff. I tried to wake her up even though I knew she was dead. My friend and I ran to my parents, I was in tears and I told them about Pepper.

We buried Pepper that evening on church property behind a small mound towards the back. It was one of the hardest moments in my childhood, I know that sounds silly but it was. Months later when I checked the burial site a red fern had grown there, like in the famous story. That was my dog. At the time I didn't know what truly happened. Around ten years later I was told the whole story:

My dad told me that a week prior to Pepper's death he and my mother had walked into the house after a night of church. My brother and I had gone to our separate rooms and my mother went to go take a bath when she noticed a long thick strand of hair on the bathtub. My mother has said that it was not human hair and that she and my dad said it looked like a horse hair. Not too long after this incident my parents had found after coming home from church again that all the pictures in the house were turned upside down and other assorted items. They kept this from my brother and I for all these years.

More information I had dug up was that this woman Ketha had confronted my mother and father after a fight they had had and she told my mother, "I am giving you the evil eye." My mother being the strong woman she is replied, "Oooo I'm so scared". Another woman in the church had told my mother that the evil eye is a curse and come to find out the horse hair and the upside down pictures are all apart of the curse.

Throughout the years I would notice strange things going on, even from town to town. Sometimes nothing would happen but then it would seem something big would happen, all the while everyone denying it. To make a long story short, my mother now firmly believes that a curse has been put on this family and that there is a demon, perhaps the demon that has been around with us for many years, is living with them.

My brother seeing a hooded figure as part of his night terrors, the banging in the house, the constant feeling of being watched, my mother's name being called out. It's time to end this once and for all for my family and I need as much advice as I can possibly get.

Thanks in advance!

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Are you sure these phenomenon could not come from a human? (sorry if you already said so in your OP, but I had to partially skim it due to lack of internet time).

EDIT: okay, now I read it fully.
edit on 5-11-2012 by swan001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by swan001

There is a lot more to the story, but it's a lot of information to go on.

I do believe that there is a demon and I believe it has attached itself to my brother. For several years now he has turned into a darker person and no one wants to be around him, even my family. My brother hears things in his bedroom, see's a hooded figure in his room staring over him when he's asleep. He claims its Night Terrors but I can't quite shake the feeling that these night terrors are nothing more than demonic attacks. People are seeing figures during these night terrors and with my brother it has been going on for years yet he's only started seeing this figure in the past year or so.

My family has had bad luck one thing after another and lately it's gotten worse and it seems as if the demon is attaching itself to my brother. It's so hard to really explain in words really. I wish I could say come over and stay a night or two and experience it for yourself. I'm leaving tomorrow to go back home, I'm here on vacation but I want to get rid of this thing once and for all. It's hard seeing my mother crying every day over this and its even harder to see my family falling apart. It's hurting me watching them suffer.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Hm. Do you live near an antennae.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

You're going to get a lot of people telling you that if you invoke the name of Jesus, or say the Archangel Michael's prayer of protection, that this will solve everything. Respect to everyone's belief.

But from what I understand and have been able to conclude from reading a lot of this type of case, this stuff can happen even in the church, and even despite praying a lot.. And it doesn't always cooperate with our ideas of how to get rid of it. If you father was actually dealing with someone from the church who had some kind of attachment, and somehow they managed to remove it - yeah, it might just hang around someone if it sees an openness. From what you describe, it's hard to say what is going on. Everything isn't a demon, though.

Your dog sounds like somebody poisoned him or gave him ground glass. I'd think that long before I'd think anything paranormal.

You can take or leave this advice because you'll get a lot of different people telling you all sorts of different things. But I'd recommend that you read Robert Bruce's book, "Practical Psychic Self- Defense Handbook"

Bottom line is he has had to deal with all sorts of oppression and even possession because he opens himself up to it by astral projection. He is also quite psychic, and is kind of like a magnet for this type of attack.

He has learned how to protect himself, and has a kind of smorgasboard of techniques that work. I'd rather listen to somebody who has dealt sucsessfuly with this type of stuff than someone who has only theories.

I have only theories. Read the book!

Good luck!

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by swan001

Not that I know of. There is a cell tower within view, but its not really near the house.

My mother and I just did an EVP session, she has been wanting to do it since I have been here and now that my brother and dad are out of the house for a little while we were able too. And we did capture a growl of some sort, I will put it on video and put it up ASAP.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 04:05 PM
Sounds like it is time to call in a professional demonologist, like this guy... o8gT_rYDgDA&usg=AFQjCNEDjmebIsNeLpvCQ9yTdr4ovAiHew

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 06:30 PM
I'm not sure how to embed, but here is the EVP recording of the demonic growl we got today. There was no contamination and it was completely silent, all electronic devices and the air conditioner was turned off. I can't 100% say it's a demon, but it is a bit weird especially the question my mother asks before the growl.

Also, I would like to say that when it came to my dog Pepper, I don't believe her death was paranormal. In my haste to writing I forgot to say that I believe that Ketha, the one who used the evil eye may have possibly poisoned my dog. I can't say she did it, but it is a bit odd considering she was a healthy dog. I don't point fingers and it's just a speculation.

Here's the video:

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 06:39 AM

Also, I would like to say that when it came to my dog Pepper, I don't believe her death was paranormal. In my haste to writing I forgot to say that I believe that Ketha, the one who used the evil eye may have possibly poisoned my dog. I can't say she did it, but it is a bit odd considering she was a healthy dog. I don't point fingers and it's just a speculation.

I wouldn't be so sure. There was a show on Animal Planet called "The Haunting" , where something was making all the horses in these people's barn sick. Their favorite horse died. And then all the kittens in the house died too.
Negative spirits can make animals sick to the point of dying.
I'm sorry about your dog. So sad.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

You should try intimidating the demons (or whatever it may be) away. Don't be afraid to call the police, or a detective, they have the tech to determine poison origins and footprints and all that.

I hear demons hate salt. I personally have a weapon at arm's reach, just in case I need to determine if an "apparition" breaking in my house is really meta-physical or not...

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

I used to see things as a young lad (about 5), but I was surrounded with electrical and EM fields. Since I moved out, it stopped.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

I've been going through the same thing either a deep depression or a rage. I hear the noises in my room at night, can't seem to get along with anyone and I feel a dark presence and the occasional sleep paralysis.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

I think I'll just let this verse speak for it'self.

Jeremiah 17:5 - Cursed Is The One Who Trusts In Man More Than God.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Wonders

Er... Mate? Why did you added me as a Foe??

This morning I log in and, in my inbox, I have an auto message which tells me someone named "Wonders" added me as a "foe"...

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 11:04 AM
If you want help, I can help you find a legitimate paranormal group in your area.

I don't have enough posts yet to send P2P's, but you can e mail me if you don't wanna post your info here.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:28 AM
Wow it seems you have a kind of infestation. It may have latched on to your family in order to destroy it. You should contact a good demonologist or paranormal society that is reputable. DO NOT address it or hold an EVP session. You must stay positive as a counterweight. Try to exude goodness. I feel sorry for your mom's sorrow but any parent would breakdown when they see their family collapsing, it is a parent's worst nightmare besides the death of a child.

Try to focus on something good. Do not talk to it. Do not tempt it for that is what it is waiting for you to do. Be strong. Keep your house clean and keep alcohol away from your brother.

I wish I could tell you that reciting the prayer of St. Michael, reciting the Quran, burning sage or salt would do the trick but it doesn't, I'm sorry. It is a bandaid on a severed arm. If it is what I think it might be then it will latch on until taken off and latch on someone else.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by swan001
reply to post by Wonders

Er... Mate? Why did you added me as a Foe??

This morning I log in and, in my inbox, I have an auto message which tells me someone named "Wonders" added me as a "foe"...

A "foe?" Wow, that is sick. That is one of the reasons why I left religion: it becomes simply a high-school clique that has resulted in divine snobbery and god-complexes. "We're saved you're not, nanny nanny boohoo!"

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by swan001
reply to post by Wonders

Er... Mate? Why did you added me as a Foe??

This morning I log in and, in my inbox, I have an auto message which tells me someone named "Wonders" added me as a "foe"...

probably pushed the wrong button lol
the "make a rival" button is right between
"view your posts" and "add has a friend"

admins should change the position of this useless button

like at the bottom(hell) with a clear red line between all other buttons lol
edit on 11/8/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:38 AM
The girl throwing up the blob is important. Not many people know this but demons hide and live in the elixer field of the stomach. think of it like a parasite that draws the energy from the host, and they dont give up their home easily. They cling to the sides of the stomach and try to hold on to their host. Most of the time they just fill the persons head with so much stuff voices visions and whatnot just so they can keep the host off balance and weak. Its mostly about survival for them and not pure evil if there is such a thing.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:20 AM
I don't know what your faith is BUT- Demons Can NOT Tolerate the Name of JESUS !!! You Can Do Some Cleansing of your own I did this Myself: Take a Cup of water and the Cross of Jesus dip the Cross in the water while the Cross of Jesus is in the water Pray that Jesus Bless this water and Cast out ALL EVIL in My Home Say This several Times, Then Take that water and throw some Drops of it around your Home and at the same time Say Out LOUD IN A DEMANDING VOICE " BY THE POWER & AUTHORITY OF LORD JESUS CHRIST LEAVE MY HOME NOW I REBUKE AND REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANY EVIL SPIRITS IN MY HOME, BY THE POWER & AUTHORITY OF LORD JESUS CHRIST YOU MUST DEPART NOW AND NEVER COME BACK EVER BY THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST" say this the whole time you spread the Holy Water around your home over & over LOUD!!! in most cases they Run !!!! Good Luck and Lord Jesus be with All of you. You have Nothing to loose by doing this.....

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