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NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Station, Advocates for President Obama

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posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by YourWIFI
I DOUBT very much so that this would be going on in Houston Texas. I recall the last time I saw a Black Panther assembly in Texas, every single family came out of their house (old ladies and all) to chase them away. They had the Black Panthers running for their lives. The FEAR in the eyes of the Black Panthers was UNBELIEVABLE as they ran to their vans to escape!!

We are talking about Texas here!!! They want NO PART OF TEXAS!! C'mon now!!

edit on 3-11-2012 by YourWIFI because: (no reason given)

Have you been to Houston? Do you realize how many blacks are in Houston?

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Taiyed

Ever heard the term "takes one to know one?"

I honestly don't know what to think here. The NAACP commiting a felony offense, allegedly, is not going to make a lot of people happy. It's going to be seen as a racially charged stunt. Because all republicans are racists.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:24 PM
Excellent thread Wrabbit!

If I were still living in Houston I would be there doing some smack down on those hoodlims.

Voter intimidation is so very wrong and so is interfering in the election process. Book'em Dano!

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 04:01 PM
This is repulsive...although I am (sadly) not surprised at this lack of character from Obama supporters. He's a crooked Chicago-style politician, so his campaign followers will often follow his lead, as well.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

This must be the type of REVENGE that Obummer has been speaking about in the last couple of days on the Champaign Trail. Does he really think he has a snow balls chance in hell in winning this election, either on the popular vote or by the electoral vote ?

I don't see that happening at all. Particularly when the VOTE comes down to business and JOBS. He's a big loser.
I could never see or understand why the SOCIALISTS in America want a SOCIALIST system of government. Its not government, they won't have a say in what goes on within it. But, I guess that doesn't matter to them.

FREEDOM ! The word yelled out by Braveheart in England when King George was being a irresponsible, overbearing tyrant. The word our Constitution and Bill of Rights rallied around. The word that expresses the feeling of being able to own your own property, do your own thing as long as it harms no one else or causes damage to someone else's property or livelihood.

And to think that WE would trade it all in for a FALSE sense of SECURITY where WE end up losing both.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Taiyed
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Your flaming partisanship isn't terribly appreciated

This is where you lose all respect and credibility.

You are by far one of the most partisan people on this forum, it's laughable that you accuse someone else of it.

Hardly, and get some time and posts under your belt before throwing those kinds of accusations around.



and essentially in this thread, the Obama supporters just throw out the "only 3 of them", why make a deal out of this......wonder if 3 Tea Party members did something similar - these same Democrat supporters would go bat# crazy.
edit on 4-11-2012 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by elouina
You know, I would take the wine while my family filmed it. And I would not only broadcast it on YouTube, I would turn it in as evidence. This is absolutely appalling! In fact I am going to look on YouTube for video right this second. I hope they took plenty of pictures also. Hey what about the security cameras? I bet this gets investigated and some people will be going to jail. And rightly so

Found that video yet?

Didn't think so.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
This enrages me! This takes me back to 2008 Philadelphia and the New Black Panthers. Odumbass won't do anything about nor will his flunky Holder. Where in the hell are the state police???

This should be sent directly to the Secretary of State for investigation. This CANNOT be permitted to continue - ANYWHERE!

This is terrible, the Philly thing was terrible, the voter suppression in Ohio in 2008 in heavily Dem areas was terrible.

Personally, I think any form of tampering is terrible. I also think people who are vocally criticizing only one side of it are little more than partisan hacks and not all that concerned with preserving the integrity of the vote.

It is an outrage whichever side it happens on, and those involved should renounce their, we can juat have two sides bicker and name call instead of banding our pro-Democracy voices together as one to put an end to such practices.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by FreebirdGirl

Originally posted by elouina
You know, I would take the wine while my family filmed it. And I would not only broadcast it on YouTube, I would turn it in as evidence. This is absolutely appalling! In fact I am going to look on YouTube for video right this second. I hope they took plenty of pictures also. Hey what about the security cameras? I bet this gets investigated and some people will be going to jail. And rightly so

Found that video yet?

Didn't think so.

Well, I forgot all about this. But, I also later recalled that taking video is illegal at polling places. I need to see if this is also the case at Houston when I get home later. But if there is something to be found, I will find it. I have something extra special at home that helps me out with these kinds of things. So thanx for the reminder.
Oh and there was an official report filed on this also.

edit on 4-11-2012 by elouina because: (no reason given)

Edited to add... Yup, illegal. But I also checked to see if it was possible for a watcher to record audio visuals. This is also illegal. So I guess at this point I need to check if any one broke the law and didn't get caught. This may prove to be difficult since it is well, illegal...
. And anyone caught with this video would be prosecuted. Still not home yet but I had a free moment to do something quick. So there you go, the video proof that the Impatient insist upon is flat out illegal.. And If I find something (not likely) I could end up sending someone to jail. My opinion? I will not even look for this since it would present a moral dilema.

TX Election Law JH2

edit on 4-11-2012 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 08:04 PM
Totally out of hand for sure.

I have an idea about elections. How about no more campaigning. No more TV, radio or print ads. We make all forms of campaigning illegal. And no more political parties.

Instead, we totally localize the entire political system. All candidates must be nominated from their own local district, parish, township ect. A plain poster showing only their name, picture and ideas/plans to be posted in public places. Everyone can see who they are and what they plan to do. The people vote and the winner is based only on popular vote. As the leadership goes up the chain to the national level, candidates are again voted on from the pool of elected delegates at the base local level. A person can only hold two positions; their local position and one position higher.

All elected delegates are to be required by law to live in the same area as the people who elected them. They are paid no money. All their basics, and I mean bare basics, for their life are paid for by the people. They also are required by law to visit the common people by way of walking down the same streets as the people who elected them. They cannot refused to talk to anyone or listen to anyone. Every six months they must address the people who elected them directly in person to give progress reports.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by YourWIFI

If that polling place was in Acres Homes, then it is quite possible that this incident occurred. Acres Homes is the former home of rapper Chamillionaire. Just put Acres Homes into a You Tube search for some cultural enlightenment.

I can't believe the NAACP thought there would be a need to sway the voters in that area. I wouldn't doubt that everyone in the area will vote for Obama, or at least SAY they did!

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

A question that keeps eating at me is exactly how much advancing do "colored people" need that they need an organization devoted to just that? And does this racist organization receive any tax dollars?

Perhaps it would be better to avoid politics and stick to "advancing" their target demographic via education and social support.

It just floors me that we have organizations that still exist, and wield some kind of power, that are openly dedicated to advancing a specific race. We would all be horrified to hear someone talking about "Advancing the white race". Maybe they just rebrand their organization? I dunno....but it seems racially divisive by nature, in my opinion.

ETA: how about "National Association For The Advancement Of Humanity"? Doesn't that seem to be a better mission objective?
edit on 4-11-2012 by bigfatfurrytexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

question that keeps eating at me is exactly how much advancing do "colored people" need that they need an organization devoted to just that?

For real, I mean they were only enslaved for hundreds of years, then systematically discriminated and segregated, and I mean they have had voting rights for a full 50 years.

What is their deal?


posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Taiyed
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

question that keeps eating at me is exactly how much advancing do "colored people" need that they need an organization devoted to just that?

For real, I mean they were only enslaved for hundreds of years, then systematically discriminated and segregated, and I mean they have had voting rights for a full 50 years.

What is their deal?


Every race on earth has been enslaved.

The one thing that has not changed is how we have this fascination with parsing ourselves into smaller groups. Perhaps it is time to change THAT approach and see if it helps things? Because actions like what we see in the OP sure don't help the situation.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 10:23 PM

This is, without question, a violation of United States Federal Law. It's not mere regulation, rule or ordinance. It is federal law. The Federal law HAS NO MISDEMEANOR defined as such. Every Federal Crime is a Felony. I hope people keep that firmly in mind this election.


posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

It's hearsay that they were encouraging people to vote for Obama or to fly to Ohio. Show some video tape and audio please, before I buy this. In this day and age of cell phones, this could easily be recorded if it were true. Video showing the claims of moving people up in line would be nice too, rather just some claim, in text, of it.

Don't get the the comment about people from "downtown" telling the election worker or monitor to stand down. How about provide just what higher authority this was "downtown".

As for the NAACP members having to turn their NAACP shirts inside out, why should they? That is not demonstrating any political position with respect to the election.

But if these other charges/claims are true, provide some evidence of it. Otherwise it is just hearsay.

Some in this thread claim that taking video in polling places in Texas and possibly elsewhere is illegal. Then I guess it would be up to people to contact authorities and file charges, and then the authorities take witness testimony. Until this happens, I'm not taking this story very seriously.

Do love how this is currently the most flagged story on the ATS homepage. Wonder why that is.....

edit on 4-11-2012 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
This is an interesting story and I hope it's as rare as it is obscene.

HOUSTON, TX - Friday afternoon at an early polling place located at 6719 W. Montgomery Road in Houston, NAACP members were seen advocating for President Barack Obama according to volunteer poll watchers on location at the time.

According to Eve Rockford, a poll watcher trained by voter integrity group True the Vote, three NAACP members showed up to the 139 precinct location with 50 cases of bottled water and began handing bottles out to people standing in line. While wearing NAACP labeled clothing, members were "stirring the crowd" and talking to voters about flying to Ohio to promote President Barack Obama.

This is, without question, a violation of United States Federal Law. It's not mere regulation, rule or ordinance. It is federal law. The Federal law HAS NO MISDEMEANOR defined as such. Every Federal Crime is a Felony. I hope people keep that firmly in mind this election.

At this point, NAACP members were instructed to turn their clothing inside out, which they refused to do and said they weren’t going to stop their actions inside the polling place. Their behavior and actions to move people to the front of the line continued for the rest of the evening. Texas State Representative Sylvester Turner, a former Texas NAACP leader, was also seen outside the building talking with voters.

“The NAACP basically ran this poll location and the judges did nothing about it,” Rockford said.

It sounds to me like those running that polling place need to be suspended from any such duties for the rest of this election period, if not permanently. This is an election where riots are threatened. Pastors and Comedians alike are making threatening statements on national television (however they'd like to play it off later). It's more important now than EVER before that there be *NO* polling place funny business tolerated.

To borrow a line from our Orwellian Aunt Janet.....If you SEE something, SAY something. MORE importantly...If you see something FILM IT! ! Pics or it didn't happen has never been more critical than now.

Don't ignore it and don't let it be someone else's problem. Republican or Democrat. It doesn't matter. This is YOUR nation as much as the other guy's. Help keep it that way and help keep ^^^THIS criminal activity from happening any more this cycle. It's only our nation as long as we stand to keep it.

(Hops off soapbox)

Poll watchers trained by voter intimidation group True the Vote complaining about the NAACP??? Really??? Sounds like the NAACP was there to keep tabs on True the Vote.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Taiyed
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

question that keeps eating at me is exactly how much advancing do "colored people" need that they need an organization devoted to just that?

For real, I mean they were only enslaved for hundreds of years, then systematically discriminated and segregated, and I mean they have had voting rights for a full 50 years.

What is their deal?


I dont want to hear ancestors were killed by the thousands, enslaved, the US gov tried to eradicate them from the face of the earth at one time, wiping out whole tribes, tainting blankets with small pocks, and when that didnt work, they shipped em off to god forsaken places off their land onto reservations, so they could fulfill their manifest destiny......

And you dont see massive amounts of hugely profiting special interest organizations out there SCREAMING and CRYING about how bad the Native Americans were treated , and filing lawsuit after lawsuit........

Trying to "Get back at the man" and "Advance our American Indian Rights" forcing ideology down the throat of every US citizen........

Trying to scare them into doing crap by calling them a RACIST......

Sure we have some organizations that help us .......but jesus , we dont have people like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton and the NAACP out profiteering off of perceived "slights" that are all but non existent....

This organization does nothing but curry conflict and preach about how oppressed black people are, so they can continue to make money.......

If it wasnt for them stirring up race relations they would be out of a damn job......

Give me a break...........everytime I hear about this crap that you just spewed , I pick up at a picture of my great grandfather, and im filled with pride that my ancestry has conducted themselves the way they have........and havent spent decades trying to get special treatment playing the victim card......

The Day people stop buying into the tripe that is the NAACP , is the day they stop being victims......

Get outa here with that bullcrap
edit on 4-11-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 12:00 AM
America doesn't need the NAACP's racist vote. This black supremacist group can f**k off. Their vote is based on skin color, not on character or what he ACTUALLY has in mind. They don't have America's best interest in mind, they have Obama's skin color in mind! They vote for him by default because he's black.
edit on 5-11-2012 by Shaxuul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

This shows me more then any other event how much BS Liberals and Minority groups are allowed to get away with .. I dont like either party LIERS all the way but my GOSH America HOW HOW can you let this happen , it violates everything that this country stands for ..WHAT HAVE WE BECOME .......

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