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NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Station, Advocates for President Obama

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+23 more 
posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:18 PM
This is an interesting story and I hope it's as rare as it is obscene.

HOUSTON, TX - Friday afternoon at an early polling place located at 6719 W. Montgomery Road in Houston, NAACP members were seen advocating for President Barack Obama according to volunteer poll watchers on location at the time.

According to Eve Rockford, a poll watcher trained by voter integrity group True the Vote, three NAACP members showed up to the 139 precinct location with 50 cases of bottled water and began handing bottles out to people standing in line. While wearing NAACP labeled clothing, members were "stirring the crowd" and talking to voters about flying to Ohio to promote President Barack Obama.

This is, without question, a violation of United States Federal Law. It's not mere regulation, rule or ordinance. It is federal law. The Federal law HAS NO MISDEMEANOR defined as such. Every Federal Crime is a Felony. I hope people keep that firmly in mind this election.

At this point, NAACP members were instructed to turn their clothing inside out, which they refused to do and said they weren’t going to stop their actions inside the polling place. Their behavior and actions to move people to the front of the line continued for the rest of the evening. Texas State Representative Sylvester Turner, a former Texas NAACP leader, was also seen outside the building talking with voters.

“The NAACP basically ran this poll location and the judges did nothing about it,” Rockford said.

It sounds to me like those running that polling place need to be suspended from any such duties for the rest of this election period, if not permanently. This is an election where riots are threatened. Pastors and Comedians alike are making threatening statements on national television (however they'd like to play it off later). It's more important now than EVER before that there be *NO* polling place funny business tolerated.

To borrow a line from our Orwellian Aunt Janet.....If you SEE something, SAY something. MORE importantly...If you see something FILM IT! ! Pics or it didn't happen has never been more critical than now.

Don't ignore it and don't let it be someone else's problem. Republican or Democrat. It doesn't matter. This is YOUR nation as much as the other guy's. Help keep it that way and help keep ^^^THIS criminal activity from happening any more this cycle. It's only our nation as long as we stand to keep it.

(Hops off soapbox)

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:22 PM
This enrages me! This takes me back to 2008 Philadelphia and the New Black Panthers. Odumbass won't do anything about nor will his flunky Holder. Where in the hell are the state police???

This should be sent directly to the Secretary of State for investigation. This CANNOT be permitted to continue - ANYWHERE!

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:32 PM
That address is the acres homes service center.

The Houston Chron site lists precinct 139 near the River Oaks area, which is an old, affluent area of Houston.

Think the 139 is wrong.

edit on 11/3/2012 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:34 PM
Why is all this crap happening in Texas? First the Texas authorities have threatened to arrest international election observers and now this? Are we becoming lawless or something?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:35 PM
I DOUBT very much so that this would be going on in Houston Texas. I recall the last time I saw a Black Panther assembly in Texas, every single family came out of their house (old ladies and all) to chase them away. They had the Black Panthers running for their lives. The FEAR in the eyes of the Black Panthers was UNBELIEVABLE as they ran to their vans to escape!!

We are talking about Texas here!!! They want NO PART OF TEXAS!! C'mon now!!

edit on 3-11-2012 by YourWIFI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:41 PM
I am pretty sure the block of votes for Texas will go to Romney. Even Bush got them.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel
I am pretty sure the block of votes for Texas will go to Romney. Even Bush got them.

Yes,thats a done deal in Texas. With no surprise, they will lean RED this election. There is no chance of a Democrat winning in Texas EVER. EVER!!

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by YourWIFI

That other site I mod based a short distance from where this happened. Just outside Houston to the West. Folks living in the area first carried this story to that site and so I carried it here. I'm confident it happened when the local residents of that area are confident enough to share the story among a crowd as critical as this one, in it's own way.

Anyway, the fact this nasty business came at the hands of the NAACP doesn't mean much to the point of sharing it. It could just as easily have been radical pro-Romney people in Iowa, Idaho or the High Desert of California. It doesn't matter which side. This gives a solid and reported example of what it looks like this year...and it's as ugly as ever.

Whichever side is INSIDE 100 feet of the polling place (That is the distance, that is the law) is violating federal law. If someone so much as says "Romney is Great!" out of the blue...and with NOTHING MORE SAID...They just broke Federal Law if they're inside the polling place when saying it. It's that strict and that clear.

Report it... Film it...then come here and REPORT it.
I'd love to see nothing at all happen. If it does though, I hope every single instance from anyone out there is recorded so they may be held to account after the election for whatever they did to tamper with it.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Sadly these stories will occur on both sides because people are becoming more zealous in their worship of an office that was not meant to have so much power. Hint: We are not electing a King who is going to decree laws of the land that will magically change the being of the nation. Yet this is what people think they are doing when selecting their electors that will in turn elect a president.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:00 PM
Regardless of what political affiliation one has this crap is wrong. I hope these people are charged and put away then maybe a precedent can be set in our day and age.

There is no excuse for this.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by YourWIFI

You're right, of course. Texas is going Red as a Cherry fresh from the tree. That's not the point though...

In terms of that, I will say that I'll stand with Libs in crying 'WAIT A MINUTE!' if a state like New York goes Red for Romney as quick as I'll scream it if Texas went Blue.
There are lines...I don't think even the Politicals would dare attempt. I mean, the laugh test has to matter to someone, right? You couldn't sell those outcomes in a fictional novel.

At the same time....if I had been in line to vote and just an average Joe...not looking to be my regular self and make a scene (innocent grin).. I'd feel pretty put off by seeing people moved on up the line by people the officials 'seem' to be allowing there as staff or some form of volunteer. That's how these people would appear to me...if I wasn't a member to sites like this anyway. Race and Politics entirely aside......Just the cherry picking of people to give attention to in a POLLING place, by people with 'apparent' authority to be there is enough, IMO.

If fairness of the process doesn't come before outcome..regardless of how that goes...what is the value of the outcome at all? If normal people give up caring about fairness at even the level of appearances.......we truly have lost everything.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
If fairness of the process doesn't come before outcome..regardless of how that goes...what is the value of the outcome at all? If normal people give up caring about fairness at even the level of appearances.......we truly have lost everything.

That's the foundation of the whole thing. I really like that statement.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:29 PM
There has been no advancement for colored people under Obama.

The NAACP is promoting a fraud.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:33 PM
pre-emptive excuses popping up already.

But really, Texas? You really can't say that Obama is going to steal Texas, that is just silly.

So much fake outrage all over the place, Conservatives have to be some of the most angry people, they lose their stuff at the drop of a hat.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Taiyed
pre-emptive excuses popping up already.

But really, Texas? You really can't say that Obama is going to steal Texas, that is just silly.

So much fake outrage all over the place, Conservatives have to be some of the most angry people, they lose their stuff at the drop of a hat.

I gave the benefit of the doubt in the other thread because you were coming off level headed, but are you going to deny any and all reports that go against your partisanship? Hell I will gladly lock arms for the idiot Republicans that do the same (such as the lady in Nevada who is alleged to have tried to vote twice; of course it is merely alleged) Or is that a preemptive strike from the Democratic party? I am confused.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Taiyed

Taiyed, the White Establishment in the old South couldn't possibly have believed letting a few local black folk vote would change their whole world either. That wasn't the point of the subtle ..and sometimes very overt and deadly...intimidation against people who could by law have voted.

Now, this is nowhere near that level of force ..(knocks on wood).. but there is no degree to defining things like this in Houston. No one is suggesting these were people from the National NAACP or, that the national structure even knew let alone would have approved of any of this. I'm sure they wouldn't have, if asked...for all it matters.

This seems to have been a local group and I'll just bet they had as much reason for their actions for local elections and issues as the overriding Presidential question that everything revolves around this time. It doesn't and shouldn't matter. Nor should which side is doing it matter. This may very well happen by Right wing extremists or well meaning idiots by the time this is all over. Either way, It's something I will equally condemn.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Taiyed
pre-emptive excuses popping up already.

But really, Texas? You really can't say that Obama is going to steal Texas, that is just silly.

So much fake outrage all over the place, Conservatives have to be some of the most angry people, they lose their stuff at the drop of a hat.

Not to mention for the blatent spins on news stories. I do not support either candidate. However I am devoted to the truth. I have yet to see an anti Obama thread without distorted lies. If this story is true wouldn't the Houston Chronicle report it? The link is from a conservative blog. All other sites reporting this story are conservative blogs as well. I remember when ATS was about finding the truth and denying ignorance. On both sides no one investigates anymore they just regurguitate whatever their side tells them. This site is losing credibility due to political trolls.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

According to Eve Rockford, a poll watcher trained by voter integrity group True the Vote,

Truth the Vote? That's that Tea Party affiliated organization, the same organization that lobbied the purging of some 2,100 registered voters in Ohio, most of whom were college students and and minorities? And where their claims were found invalid?

Truth the Vote?, the organization that attempted to remove registered voters like Lori Manroe merely because her apartment was registered as a commercial property? Or the african american family accused of registering multipled people at a property claimed to have been vacant, but it wasn't?

The only voter fraud and voter intimidation going on here are by those on the rightwing in this country who can't win an honest election anymore, so they attempt to purge legal voters behind the disguise of "voter protection."

"According to Eve from Truth the Vote" they say, you say?

This is, without question, a violation of United States Federal Law.

How on earth do you know this even actually happened?, since this is claim coming from a member of a controversial and politically motivated organization. You don't know anything, you're just willfully being fed more claims and accusations from right slanted websites coming up to election day. It's funny you're trying to get uptight about something you personally don't know about, something you heard from somebody else?
edit on 4-11-2012 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Wow someone has enough nerve to actually research something instead of believing everything they hear or read.
Kudos to you!!!!

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Your flaming partisanship isn't terribly appreciated but you do highlight the whole problem right now. The complete and total blind hate for the other political side just prevents intelligent Americans from agreeing on even the most basic of things. In this case, the need for keeping all forms of voter pressure or intimidation away from the polling place. Now, I'd be insincere if I just now, at this point of my thread, claimed I intended to be *NONPARTISAN* about my approach to this. So, it's fortunate that I started my thread that way, right from the OP. You may have missed it...

Republican or Democrat. It doesn't matter. This is YOUR nation as much as the other guy's.

and my next message, I even went out of my way to use an example that couldn't be mistaken for how I'm trying to be American, not simply conservative about caring to see the elections are free of games or pressure toward anyone, from either side.

Whichever side is INSIDE 100 feet of the polling place (That is the distance, that is the law) is violating federal law. If someone so much as says "Romney is Great!" out of the blue...and with NOTHING MORE SAID...They just broke Federal Law if they're inside the polling place when saying it. It's that strict and that clear.

and finally..I really meant this when I said it.

In terms of that, I will say that I'll stand with Libs in crying 'WAIT A MINUTE!' if a state like New York goes Red for Romney as quick as I'll scream it if Texas went Blue.

I meant every word of it. In a few days, this will all be done and the election will be over. Americans will still be Americans and hopefully, can go back to being Americans FIRST and right or left second.

Right now, the blatant "democrats are evil .. republicans are more evil! ' crap is just about worn thin beyond all belief. Enough.

I KNOW 100% who I am voting for. If you are voting at KNOW 100% who you are voting for. There really is no point to that side of it's just fighting and picking fights for the pure sake of it and that's counter-productive to everyone.

Now I would hope people are concerned first that the whole thing goes smoothly and as it's supposed to. Irregardless of outcome or which one of the two men wins.

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