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Abortion - Free Will and Responsibility of Women, NOT Mankind

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posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Bone75

I'd also like you to stop putting all the sexual immorality off on men. Women are just as horny as we are... if not more.

No this about power. The power to subigate and the power to control
Women have battery power for their 'needs'.
Why can't young 'men' use the same subtitute until 'true love' kicks in?
edit on 7-11-2012 by VforVendettea because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Quadrivium

So now when I come into these type threads I post my story - - my real experience. "Hey! I made this decision. I actually experienced it. Where does your position come from? If its a belief system - - then it's your belief system etc etc".

No disrespect intended,
I have real experience in this area as well.
As someone who should not have made it. I can tell you that, because I now have the voice, abortion is WRONG.
You can justify it anyway you choose but that does not make it right.
I did not have a voice in my mothers womb but now I do.

So you yourself did not experience the circumstances to make the decision to have an abortion or not. Got it.

I'm really not interested in your story.

That's just the thing Annee, My story is probably a lot like what your baby's would have been, given the chance.
You told your story.......
I told OURS.

EDIT to add: Why did you leave off the rest of my post when you quoted it? Just curious.
edit on 7-11-2012 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Quadrivium

That's just the thing Annee, My story is probably a lot like what your baby's would have been, given the chance.

It doesn't matter. I made a choice.

You want more story. My first pregnancy ended in a 4 month spontaneous abortion. I was 21 years old. I lost it sitting on the toilet. I looked down and there is was. A tiny little fetus. It did not live. I did not give it a name. I do not miss it - - because it never really was a viable being.

Then there is my oldest grandson (18). His mother broke up with her boyfriend. Five months later she had a pain in her side and went to the doctor. She was pregnant - - had 24 hours to decide to keep it or lose it. She chose to keep him. He had to be sewn in. He made it to 7 months and weighed 3 pounds.

I adore my grandson. But if he wasn't born - - I would not miss him.

So - - I do not need to hear your story. I have plenty of my own.

Great - - you're here - you lived - you're viable. If you didn't you would have no opinion - - because you wouldn't exist.

If you are ever in circumstances you feel you have to make this decision - - then I'll be interested in your story.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by Annee

Great - - you're here - you lived - you're viable. If you didn't you would have no opinion - - because you wouldn't exist.

That is exactly the point I am making Annee, what gives anyone the right to keep another person from existing?
Looking at your grandson now, can you imagine him being aborted?

I am sorry for your lose Annee, You say it has no effect but.........well............... I am sorry for your lose, Annee.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Quadrivium

That is exactly the point I am making Annee, what gives anyone the right to keep another person from existing?
Looking at your grandson now, can you imagine him being aborted?

I am sorry for your lose Annee, You say it has no effect but.........well............... I am sorry for your lose, Annee.

I am not trying to be harsh. You are not the first person who's brought that up to me in an abortion discussion.

It is your experience. It matters to you.

But in no way do I relate to it as affecting my thoughts on abortion and the difficult decision - - - under difficult circumstances.

Don't you think any woman faced with making this decision - - has already gone through every scenario in her head?

Do you think I just locked myself in a cave avoiding contact with the outside world?

Do you think I didn't go shopping and see mothers with their babies in strollers etc.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Quadrivium

That is exactly the point I am making Annee, what gives anyone the right to keep another person from existing?
Looking at your grandson now, can you imagine him being aborted?

I am sorry for your lose Annee, You say it has no effect but.........well............... I am sorry for your lose, Annee.

I am not trying to be harsh. You are not the first person who's brought that up to me in an abortion discussion.

It is your experience. It matters to you.

But in no way do I relate to it as affecting my thoughts on abortion and the difficult decision - - - under difficult circumstances.

Don't you think any woman faced with making this decision - - has already gone through every scenario in her head?

Do you think I just locked myself in a cave avoiding contact with the outside world?

Do you think I didn't go shopping and see mothers with their babies in strollers etc.

To be honest Annee, I don't know what you think. I do not understand it
. I can not imagine what makes a person feel that they have the right to take another life away. No matter how abortion is justified it is still taking someones life away.
We all go through hard things in the lives we live. It's how you deal with them that decides the kind of person you will be.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium

To be honest Annee, I don't know what you think. I do not understand it
. I can not imagine what makes a person feel that they have the right to take another life away. No matter how abortion is justified it is still taking someones life away.

YOU think/believe its taking another life. I don't.

I do have beliefs. I believe soul consciousness is our natural state and separate from the physical. That the soul consciousness chooses to enter the physical "host" body.

This is a belief I was raised with - - I did not invent it to justify abortion.

There is not ONE unselfish reason to bring another child into this world. There are multitudes of unselfish reason not to.

I had 2 daughters age 4 and 7. My husband was jealous of his children and they were beginning to show signs of distress because of it. I had a debilitating physical condition doctors couldn't figure out. I was a stay at home mother with little work experience and no higher education.

1. Stay married and let my children suffer?
2. Have a new baby while trying to find work and safe childcare for my already existing children?
3. Go through 9 months of pregnancy while going through an emotional divorce with children already suffering from a father who didn't want them? Then put baby out for "pot luck" adoption?

Oh - - and did I mention the oldest daughter was ADD?

Unselfish decision. 2 living children took priority.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by VforVendettea

Originally posted by Bone75

I'd also like you to stop putting all the sexual immorality off on men. Women are just as horny as we are... if not more.

No this about power. The power to subigate and the power to control
Women have battery power for their 'needs'.
Why can't young 'men' use the same subtitute until 'true love' kicks in?
edit on 7-11-2012 by VforVendettea because: (no reason given)

Fine you win...

Fleshlights For Everyone

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Quadrivium

To be honest Annee, I don't know what you think. I do not understand it
. I can not imagine what makes a person feel that they have the right to take another life away. No matter how abortion is justified it is still taking someones life away.

YOU think/believe its taking another life. I don't.

I do have beliefs. I believe soul consciousness is our natural state and separate from the physical. That the soul consciousness chooses to enter the physical "host" body.

This is a belief I was raised with - - I did not invent it to justify abortion.

There is not ONE unselfish reason to bring another child into this world. There are multitudes of unselfish reason not to.

I had 2 daughters age 4 and 7. My husband was jealous of his children and they were beginning to show signs of distress because of it. I had a debilitating physical condition doctors couldn't figure out. I was a stay at home mother with little work experience and no higher education.

1. Stay married and let my children suffer?
2. Have a new baby while trying to find work and safe childcare for my already existing children?
3. Go through 9 months of pregnancy while going through an emotional divorce with children already suffering from a father who didn't want them? Then put baby out for "pot luck" adoption?

Oh - - and did I mention the oldest daughter was ADD?

Unselfish decision. 2 living children took priority.

Again Annee no disrespect but why do you keep saying "My Beliefs"? Even if I believed as you, it would be still be wrong.
Maybe you think that you didn't take a human life? That I only believe it was a human life?....... This could not be further from the truth. Because of what you did, a person never got to live their life. You took that chance away.
Again I am not trying to be insensitive, you seem very open with your story and your views as am I.
I am sorry for the situation you were in, but this was not the child fault. He/She did not ask to be in that situation either.
(This will sound insensitive but I feel we are having an open discussion........)
You say "Unselfish decision. 2 living children took priority". You actually had three "living" children.
You chose the easy way out, took the life of one to make your life easier.
The child had no say in who you married.
The child is not the one that kept you from higher education.
The child is not responsible for any of your actions.
Yet the child suffered because of them.
Life is all about the situations, that MANY TIMES, we put ourselves in and the choices we make while in these self inflicted situations.
You can chalk all this up to my belief but you would be wrong.
This is not biblical belief talking this is Science.
Life begins at conception or shortly after.
You may not care about "my story" Annee but I care about yours and those like yours.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:18 PM
double post
edit on 7-11-2012 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Again Annee no disrespect but why do you keep saying "My Beliefs"? Even if I believed as you, it would be still be wrong.


Yes. YOUR Beliefs.

It is wrong for you because that is what you believe.

DO NOT tell me what is right or wrong for me.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Again Annee no disrespect but why do you keep saying "My Beliefs"? Even if I believed as you, it would be still be wrong.


Yes. YOUR Beliefs.

It is wrong for you because that is what you believe.

DO NOT tell me what is right or wrong for me.

No Annee, it is not my beliefs alone. IT is SCIENCE.
It is YOUR BELIEF that you are right that has absolutely no basis.
You believe you can justify it just by telling yourself you are right and anybody who disagrees is wrong. It does not work that way.
I feel for you but denial will not help you heal or make what happened right. It is and always will be wrong.

Resolving the question of when human life begins is critical for advancing a reasoned
public policy debate over abortion and human embryo research. This article
considers the current scientific evidence in human embryology and addresses two
central questions concerning the beginning of life: 1) in the course of sperm-egg
interaction, when is a new cell formed that is distinct from either sperm or egg?
and 2) is this new cell a new human organism—i.e., a new human being? Based
on universally accepted scientific criteria, a new cell, the human zygote, comes into
existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion, an event that occurs in less than a
second. Upon formation, the zygote immediately initiates a complex sequence of
events that establish the molecular conditions required for continued embryonic
development. The behavior of the zygote is radically unlike that of either sperm
or egg separately and is characteristic of a human organism. Thus, the scientific
evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the
life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined “moment of
conception.” This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and
independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life
or of human embryos.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Again Annee no disrespect but why do you keep saying "My Beliefs"? Even if I believed as you, it would be still be wrong.


Yes. YOUR Beliefs.

It is wrong for you because that is what you believe.

DO NOT tell me what is right or wrong for me.

No Annee, it is not my beliefs alone. IT is SCIENCE.


Science? Scientists are as varied in their opinions as much as any other group of people.

I do not play "ping pong" posting. We are done.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Quadrivium

Says only you and other people with no LOGICAL arguments to back up their beliefs.

The child didnt suffer.. the child doesnt exist.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by Quadrivium

Says only you and other people with no LOGICAL arguments to back up their beliefs.

The child didnt suffer.. the child doesnt exist.

Oh please, The child does not exist through her actions, not his/her own. If you look in the above post you will see that what I stated is not based solely on "beliefs" but science.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Quadrivium

Again Annee no disrespect but why do you keep saying "My Beliefs"? Even if I believed as you, it would be still be wrong.


Yes. YOUR Beliefs.

It is wrong for you because that is what you believe.

DO NOT tell me what is right or wrong for me.

No Annee, it is not my beliefs alone. IT is SCIENCE.


Science? Scientists are as varied in their opinions as much as any other group of people.

I do not play "ping pong" posting. We are done.

Law? Yes it is. This is still an excuse.
Say, have you kept up with the woman from Roe vs Wade? She is actually fighting very hard to get it overturned now. She realizes it is wrong as well.

Annee, I am one who was almost aborted, your child does not have a voice but I do.
I forgive you.
Now we are done.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Quadrivium

Every moment a woman spends UNIMPREGNATED she is killing a theoretical child...

Your logic is so messed up.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by Quadrivium

Every moment a woman spends UNIMPREGNATED she is killing a theoretical child...

And you say my logic is messed up!
If you do not understand something, SHHHH..

And old saying I learned as a child.....
"It is better to be silent and appear stupid,
than to speak and remove all doubt."

A "theoretical" child is not the same as A child.
If you have an abortion you take away a life, simple.
Justify it however you want but it is a fact.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
And you say my logic is messed up!

Your logic is messed up. You seem to have this idea that fertilized eggs are human beings, and you seem to believe that you can grant them the same rights. It's outside of reality.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by Quadrivium
And you say my logic is messed up!

Your logic is messed up. You seem to have this idea that fertilized eggs are human beings, and you seem to believe that you can grant them the same rights. It's outside of reality.

Heloo SG,
I have been away for awhile, hope you have been well.
Please show me which part of my logic you find "messed up" and do so with out putting words in my mouth as you are often apt to do.
While you're at it, can you please keep your quotes in context? As I remember it was a pain to keep correcting you.
edit on 8-11-2012 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

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