posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:04 PM
I'm just turning 54 and I've heard a high pitched "whining" type of tone from the old CRT televisions all my life. It used to get so bad I could
only watch tv for an hour or so without having an anxiety attack.
I suffer from tinnitus now and it's the exact same sound. It's maddening, if anyone else here has it, you'd know what I mean. AND I've talked with
others over the years and probably 3 or 4 out of ten people I asked could hear the same thing from their tv's.
Now when I think about it, that's probably one of the things that started me on the "conspiracy" trail of thought. Like "they're doing it on
purpose to drive us mad" type of thoughts.
I'm taking care of my elderly mother for a little while (so the tv's on all day from sun up until 11pm every day) and now I think they're doing it
with endless commercials, horrible writing, blatantly lame and predictable story lines, BAD sitcom humor, corporate shills like Dr. Oz, endless and
tired old potty humor, phony "reality" shows, advertising for more and more dangerous prescription meds, attorneys, alcohol, made for tv shows
glorifying war, little lizards trying to sell me car insurance... The mind bending list goes on and on and on. In suspiciously direct correlation to
the number of anti-depressant and anti anxiety medications being hawked on the "tube".
I lived in an awesome cabin with a loft and fireplace in a tropical jungle on the coast outside Santa Barbara, CA for a long time and I had the tv on
late one night, I usually only watched rented movies, and some dumb show was on and I shot my tv with my Taurus 9mm. Two rounds dead center. Back to
nothing but music, and I felt great. And the tv with a hole in it looked great as a modern sculpture in my garden.