reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES
I would say the start up of "Project MKUltra". This has been going on for quite awhile. Can only be achieved using digital TV. The sounds are cophased
as to only why you here on stereo. The Nazi's were using this type of sound programing. After the war the German scientists rounded up under "Project
Paperclip" and all of there info on everything UFO's etc. Its a proven fact that can happen.
Here is a Web page: As from the author. You can cause anything useing sound frequencys
Brainwave Frequency List
The following listing was compiled by Michael Trigg s . The original color-coded list is kept at
This is a listing of frequencies that various parties have claimed can affect the human mind or body in some way. The following sorts of frequencies
are included :
Brainwave Frequencies - These are frequencies associated with various mental states. Using brainwave entrainment, you can coax your brainwaves to a
certain frequency, and in doing so, achieve the mental state associated with that frequency.
"Healing" Frequencies - These are frequencies that various parties claim could be used to heal illnesses of different kinds, or stimulate some region
of the body (chakras). The medium used to do this varies - some of these parties used devices that generated EM fields which were applied to a precise
part of the body, while others used vibration and sound. (I don't have any experience with using EM fields - most of my personal toying about with
this stuff uses a sound medium.)
Natural Phenomena Frequencies - This includes natural frequencies that occur in nature [Schumann's Resonance, for instance], as well as sound tones
calculated from the revolution/orbit of the various planets. The sources of these frequencies claimed that they could affect humans in a variety of
The original page that I began building this compiled information from is
[Note: All the text below has been changed to black for inclusion on the Electroherbalism website. See his original listing at to view the "colorized" version]. The information in green is from this original page. The information I've added is
in violet. My personal comments are in light blue. Hyperlinked words have glossary definitions that you can access by clicking on them. To find the
original source for any of this information [or where I got it, at least], check the letters in brackets at the end of the entry and refer to the
bibliography . This is also where I'll give any indications about what medium the source for the information used (sound, light, EM fields, or
vibrations). By default, assume it to be sound.
If you want to redistribute this, please include the Bibliography page as well -- the original sources deserve their reference. Also, please leave my
introduction at the top as it is, along with my name, email, and URL.
Disclaimer : I wouldn't take everything you read on this list for granted. Some of it is verifiable by science -- and, there's probably a lot of
new-agey crap as well. Although the mere fact some of it sounds new-agey in itself doesn't mean there isn't some truth to it. (The powers that be
might have just been too imaginative naming it.)
Disclaimer #2 : Anything you do with the frequencies below is your personal risk - if you manage to burn out a couple of brain cells or harm yourself
in some other way, I do not take any responsibility nor will I be held liable. (Just protecting my butt here.)
Michael Triggs
edit on 2-11-2012 by The only 1 who knows the because: changed words
edit on 2-11-2012 by The only 1 who knows the because:
edit on 2-11-2012 by The only 1 who knows the because: updated