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Racial Tensions in Multicultural Britain.

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posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Sinny

Originally posted by GrandStrategy

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by 3chainz

I was on about the Muslim peado gangs who target white children,fill them with drugs and prostitute them out to other Muslims including their family.
This has been a problem for years but was covered up by your nice liberal labour government and liberal media.
There were at least three cases recently of gangs of Muslims being convicted of this.Each gang had around a dozen members,how many customers did they have?
This is the tip of the iceberg.

But they're not Muslim gangs! No more than Jimmy Savvile and his mates are a "Christian gang"

Well, if you looked at the statistics you'd find Pakistani's are the number 1 gang rape instigaters.

In that documentary I canny find (?!) Pakistani's and Muslims were interviewed and said they target white girls because they deserve it, and attacking Asian women is forbidden due to family connections.

Tis rampant.

They target white girls because they're easiest and also if they started picking up Pakistani girls they'd get kicked to f**k. It's as simple as that. The white community has turned soft, that's why it's white girls who are victims of these rape gangs.

But to say it's just white or pakistani is a betrayal of the facts. They won't go near the Poles, Lithuanian or Scottish round here, because they know what will happen if they do.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:00 AM
NO ONE should breed like rabbits, simply NO ONE, especially if they are completely reliant on benefits.

Why do I say no one, surely the rich can breed and feed due to their money, WRONG.

Bringing a child into the world is a wonderful experience but after two do you really have the capacity to give the same attention, what's it like when you get to 6 kids, there's NO way to keep that bond so close and of course after so many kids the problem of tiredness, unhappiness and the early start of cruelty can start to happen.

Yes we have girls of all different colours having children out of stupidity in most cases, around this estate its a who's who of the single mums, in some cases its become a family tradition to get the two children out asap and make your stake for council housing.

My point is simply to not bring in families who will NEVER give anything back to the system, there's no way in hell a mother with 8 kids is going to ever work and the husband who MAY be from a remote village in some third world country will NEVER be able to get employment to pay for these kids. We HAVE to start picking the people who will give something BACK.

Personally I'd love to make the state only give benefits after you have put in for 5yrs OR have a sponsor who will take responsibility. I so wonder how many economic visitors we would have then.

Yes we do have criminals from all walks of life and colour here, I've never said otherwise, I have however said that we do not need to import them and when we do we should have the right to deport asap.

What I see is many people be they black or white looking at the state of the high streets where in some area's they are almost entirely one culture and being shocked about it. We have always had what people would call minority shops on the high street and I'm glad we do but when a whole area becomes one culture only its wrong.

Diversity should never be stifled, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Pakistani Christians and many ordinary Muslims have integrated seamlessly in the past, its ONLY the radical Islam that refuses to, Sharia or else isn't what you do to the country that gave you safe haven and money, The wish to remove our culture for theirs is simply objectionable, but its the threats of violence I dislike the most, people threatening me because of religion just annoys me, you expect a criminal to threaten you but not over religion.

I'm sorry but walking down the road to placards of utter hatred when YOU get arrested if you dare speak back isn't what I want, I've never seen any other religion do what the Radicals have done bar the Catholics and Protestants from my homeland of Northern Ireland.

I personally do not like the hassle we get as a mixed marriage but it used to be just elderly Asians that gave us a dirty look, now we have to put up with radicalised Muslims spitting on the ground as we walk past, cursing in Arabic, cursing in English about my wife.

We only have this from the Radicals, every other race or religion just treats us like ordinary people..

So to those that believe our culture will remain intact, well I hope so but it won't be for the want of trying by the radicals. Do I see Sikhs patrolling the streets looking to threaten non sikhs, no, never seen any of that. Have I seen Muslim bash mobs trying to stop people walking with a beer in their hand, yes. I've lived in some of the poorest parts of London over the years, East Ham, Ilford, Hackney, Walthamstow, Northolt, Clapham / Brixton, never did I get the same sort of treatment we get from the radicals. I walked through Brixton at night, did a black gang pick on the lone whiteman, no, not once, yes there were some dodgy people out at times but never was I victimised about my colour or religion, for the most part every one got on with every one else, a happy and wonderful mix.

To those that live in your sleepy hamlets or half decent area's, I'm glad for you and I wish you well, for those of us that live in area's with high Radical immigrants and home grown converts, we know the difference that has been made. The sudden surrounding by a gang, the snide / rude comments, the threats ALL based upon Sharia or Muslim wantings from these radicals.

These DO happen...And maybe its coming to your sleepy hamlet one day, maybe you will wake up to people with placards screaming at you that its their land now and you are unwelcome.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

You know what I hope will go extinct? Race. We need to all be banging each other and mutt this one out. It strengthens our species genetically, and culturally. The "pure bred" racists don't stand a chance to last three generations out. Either we all become mutts, or fight to the death of us all. So play your part and bang a different shade.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Sinny

Originally posted by GrandStrategy

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by 3chainz

I was on about the Muslim peado gangs who target white children,fill them with drugs and prostitute them out to other Muslims including their family.
This has been a problem for years but was covered up by your nice liberal labour government and liberal media.
There were at least three cases recently of gangs of Muslims being convicted of this.Each gang had around a dozen members,how many customers did they have?
This is the tip of the iceberg.

But they're not Muslim gangs! No more than Jimmy Savvile and his mates are a "Christian gang"

Well, if you looked at the statistics you'd find Pakistani's are the number 1 gang rape instigaters.

In that documentary I canny find (?!) Pakistani's and Muslims were interviewed and said they target white girls because they deserve it, and attacking Asian women is forbidden due to family connections.

Tis rampant.

That's no doubt due to the fact you have these over populated areas of Asian decent in underclass areas. No different from the other densely populated areas of other ethnic races in struggling areas where gang/criminals become an issue.

Unfortunately the Muslim areas have a lower view of women, hence the higher attacks on them.

Looking at the greater picture of Racial Tensions in Multicultural Britain, this is no different from the countless waves Britian has had decade after decade. Eventually they integrate.

Its also I minority, most of Britain don't have these issues. I regularly go into Birmingham and also studied in Stoke for 4 years and never ran into one issue with the Asian communities or the apparent issues of BNP in the area. Minorities.
edit on 2-11-2012 by tdk84 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2012 by tdk84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by thePharaoh

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
Utter nonsense spoken with the true PC do gooder c**p spreader.

Do you even know what the radicals want, they want to move here and DOMINATE, they don't want to live along side of us, they want to either convert or kill and then install Sharia. This is their systematic want and sadly by numbers it WILL happen. The first steps are happening in Belgium where they now have Islamic seats in the government.

Unless the British people stand up to the government and FORCE them to change our heavily flawed immigration and benefit system then we will sink under the strain. We are the dominant culture at the moment BUT not for long. liar.....what you claim is false!!
i have the quran in english..LOOK

surah al- kafiroon

Say: O disbelievers!
I worship not that which you worship.
Nor will you worship whom I worship.
And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping.
Nor will you worship that which I worship.

reading this...and looking at your propaganda......
so your not talinkg about muslims...we can SEE what they believe.....but your trying to instill fear, and prey on peoples fear, pride etcetc...which in one word = propaganda


Dear oh dear....Have you not read what I said in my first post, my in laws are Muslim, whilst I'm not I have made sure I don't offend them by learning about Islam and that's where you fail straight away.

I am no liar thank you, you are simply judging me wrongly.

Yes the Koran states that and that what NORMAL MUSLIMS follow and I have NO problem with them, how could I, my wife is one. What I am saying is that these Radicals are using MAN MADE verses to vent their hatred, they use radical scholars to preach the hatred, its NOT in the Koran, its man made.

Sharia is not a Koran based ideology, its a man made one, the Koran does not say yo cover your woman entirely, it says that women should show modesty in dress and coverage, at no point does it say to wear a bag, that is man made and this is where ALL religions fail. the allowance of man made laws to enforce control.

So no, I'm not a liar thank you very much, I'm actually well versed in your religion, I wish you had been before you called me a liar.
edit on 2-11-2012 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by 3chainz
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

When you move to a foreign country, you must be ready to behave accordingly to that country's culture. You speak of "how they dress" as if its a nonsense issue, but its just a sample. I

It's kinda sad that you care so much about what kind of clothes people are wear.

Get a life, really.

One more thing... your sentence about "being afraid of a minority just make more babies" and whatever, was extremely rude and its just fuel to the fire - that kind of attitude usually escalates to something more serious. I'm truly amazed that nobody here said "well instead of babies, we can always get more bullets".

So you're advocating cold blood murder and genocide because you fear to become a minority? Like I said, if you don't want to, have more babies.

Ban the Burka

Is the way I see it.

I cant wear caps?

You cant wear a letter box.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by GrandStrategy

Originally posted by Sinny

Originally posted by GrandStrategy

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by 3chainz

I was on about the Muslim peado gangs who target white children,fill them with drugs and prostitute them out to other Muslims including their family.
This has been a problem for years but was covered up by your nice liberal labour government and liberal media.
There were at least three cases recently of gangs of Muslims being convicted of this.Each gang had around a dozen members,how many customers did they have?
This is the tip of the iceberg.

But they're not Muslim gangs! No more than Jimmy Savvile and his mates are a "Christian gang"

Well, if you looked at the statistics you'd find Pakistani's are the number 1 gang rape instigaters.

In that documentary I canny find (?!) Pakistani's and Muslims were interviewed and said they target white girls because they deserve it, and attacking Asian women is forbidden due to family connections.

Tis rampant.

They target white girls because they're easiest and also if they started picking up Pakistani girls they'd get kicked to f**k. It's as simple as that. The white community has turned soft, that's why it's white girls who are victims of these rape gangs.

But to say it's just white or pakistani is a betrayal of the facts. They won't go near the Poles, Lithuanian or Scottish round here, because they know what will happen if they do.


Im lucky enough to have come from the suberbs of Birmingham ruled by old school Irish/English and Scottish - So we're a white majority - They dare not come these ends in hoards - Sadley tho - Those old schools are a dying breed

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:21 AM
There's a part of Glasgow that I dare not venture into anymore. I crossed the road into the Muslim part, all the shop names in Urdu, to get a drink. Next thing I knew me and my friend were being chased by a gang of young Asians. We ran into a shop though and the shop keeper was a decent guy and hid us.

I have nothing against Muslims but tensions are rising. There are many decent Muslims out there but a lot of them are disrespectful towards our society. Don't like it? Leave.

Edit: Might I add, we were 15/16 at the time and pretty scrawny looking.
edit on 2-11-2012 by ToeKnee because: Missed out some info

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Oh, and don't forget the fact half of them can barely string a sentence together in English!!

90% of people on my back to work program are Asian immigrants - I've had 5 ring up today to cancel -

" name - my name - Mohammed Alladihataa - ermm - me had a - appointment? Err - to - today? Me no make it - me - er - sick - cough cough~"

Does my bloomin head in!!

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by 23432

You are a tad bit alarmist , aren't you ?

If Vahabi & Salafi muslims want to move here and open mosques so that they can preach their version of Islam , so be it , human beings are free to worship in UK . Plus this is not the first time Arab money is around , is it ? Edgware road , hello ?

All that would happen as a result is that the mass people would see first hand what type of alien ideas that this people are preaching .
The massess would reject them in full .
The end of .
I don't see the radicals taking over anything in my nick of the woods .
What happened in Belgium ?
I have no idea but I sincerely doubt that the Muslims are now in charge of Belgium .

Alarmist maybe, but better than ignoring all the facts, the real facts, not the NF EDL facts.

I never said that Belgium was under control, I'm just saying that they have an Islam party now with seats, we should not be encouraging Religion to mix with Politics especially when the religion is question is very quick to riot when something is not as they want, there's no public debates, its just riot and damage.

The fact is that the Radical Islamic's in Saudi DO want to destroy our cultures, don't trust me, look on Saudi TV, its said daily. Many Muslims left these countries to escape this nonsense..

As for the Saudi money, yes many countries put money in to us, mostly to make money back but Saudi is pumping billions in to Mosques around the world and as we have found out most if not all of these mosques have radical teaching and the promotion of Sharia law to be made the only law in that land, NOT a law that is only applicable to Muslims as some claim but as a law that is bound to us all, an ideal that says that Non muslims are then worth nothing.

All this is out there, its not propaganda, as said, ask the radicals, they will happily confirm EVERYTHING I've said 10 times over.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by GrandStrategy

But they're not Muslim gangs! No more than Jimmy Savvile and his mates are a "Christian gang"

Correct but they are gangs that are of Muslim make up for the most part. Its just a shame that Muslims get involved in this nasty little crime.

But as said, paedophilia has no religion although there are some religions that seem to dwell in it a little too much.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by 3chainz
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

When you move to a foreign country, you must be ready to behave accordingly to that country's culture. You speak of "how they dress" as if its a nonsense issue, but its just a sample. I

It's kinda sad that you care so much about what kind of clothes people are wear.

Get a life, really.

One more thing... your sentence about "being afraid of a minority just make more babies" and whatever, was extremely rude and its just fuel to the fire - that kind of attitude usually escalates to something more serious. I'm truly amazed that nobody here said "well instead of babies, we can always get more bullets".

So you're advocating cold blood murder and genocide because you fear to become a minority? Like I said, if you don't want to, have more babies.

Seriously mate... from 8 paragraphs including 664 words, you quote one and a half paragraph, which also are the least important of everything I've wrote and also the ones that better suit your petty and sad attitude? Seriously?

Talk about an agenda there... well played, cowardly, but well played. We dont want you to acknowledge the facts that completely burst your "victim-bubble" now do we?

But I'll bite - Where do I talk about "cold blood murder" or "genocide"? And where did I say I fear to become a minority? I said your sentence was offensive. "If you dont want to become a minority [IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY] have more babies"... What is this?

You know... you sound like a leech and a usurper. Why would you want to have something that is NOT rightfully yours? Why you rather impose your culture to the host country instead of trying to fit in?

So your plan is to procreate like rabbits and take over by sheer numbers? I call that aggressive, hostile and offensive. So to put an end to your aggressive take over, I can be aggressive also, and instead of babies, theres always more bullets than rabbits.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:33 AM
Maybe folks shouldn't classify them by their race. Grouping people together by race only causes racism. I know what these "muslims" are doing is bad (rape, gang bs), but are there not groups of whites who have done these things? are there not groups of blacks who do these things?

-We need to start judging people by thier character. Nothing more. (I think Martin Luther King Jr. was very correct on this assertion)

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by luciddream
reply to post by deepankarm

lol India would probably be the only country that has been fighting Muslims ever since they came into existence.

1400 yrs later, they are still trying to break India.

Some merged and taken up indian culture, and others are bombing places. If it didn't end ater 1400 yrs, It would never end.

Of course this is not the entire muslims, because i do know lot of Shia muslims who are good people as well as some Sunni(bit on the extreme but not even close to the wahabies)
as a matter of fact, there is a curfew going on in my locality and a section of muslims is saying that they wont let us celebrate diwali.
reason? a muslim harassed a hindu girl and the hindus got angry, beat the crap out of the man.
when i am in NYC, i laugh at the stupidity of the liberals here and general western world.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by glen200376

Racial problems in the UK?

I don't think so pal, typical bloody Scot........always moaning and trying to start a fight about something.......

oh, wait, hang on a minute..............
You missed out the always pissed bit to go with the moaning and fighting!

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by deepankarm

You can't tell some people,even on ATS we have the resident Muslim apologists.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Oh, and don't forget the fact half of them can barely string a sentence together in English!!
reply to post by Sinny

and you are fluent in arabic,urdu and others right???
my english is still poor but hey i got PhD from MIT and i provide employment to 627 people who are quite fluent in englishhhh.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:43 AM
Hate it when a thread gets derailed by two egos clashing

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by deepankarm

Oh, and don't forget the fact half of them can barely string a sentence together in English!!
reply to post by Sinny

and you are fluent in arabic,urdu and others right???
my english is still poor but hey i got PhD from MIT and i provide employment to 627 people who are quite fluent in englishhhh.

No I'm not - Which is why I wouldn't consider living and breeding in those countries!!

Jehhheesus Christ - Clutching at straws here! lol

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by resoe26

There is also white thiefs, burglars. But the issue is they are most focused to one crime and its a rape, there is not many thiefs or burglars among muslims.

Google, the world’s most popular Internet search engine, has found in a survey that mostly Muslim states seek access to sex-related websites and Pakistan tops the list.

The Muslim country, which has banned content on at least 17 websites to block offensive and blasphemous material, is the world's leader in online searches for pornographic material . . . Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content. Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for "horse sex" since 2004, "donkey sex" since 2007, "rape pictures" between 2004 and 2009, "rape sex" since 2004, "child sex" between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, "animal sex" since 2004 and "dog sex" since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms. The country also is tops -- or has been No. 1 -- in searches for "sex," "camel sex," "rape video," "child sex video" and some other searches that can't be printed here.[7]

edit on 2-11-2012 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

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